MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Medical Academy ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE: MODERN APPROACHES DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF INTEGRATED (Guidelines) Tashkent,2013 Establishment of the developer Department of Nervous Diseases TMA Compiled by: Saidvaliev FS - Ph.D., assistant professor of nervous diseases TMA Muratov, FH - Ph.D., assistant professor of nervous diseases TMA Daminova H.M., Shamsieva U.A. ., assistant of nervous diseases TMA Umarov, RR, - Members of the department of nervous diseases TMA Reviewers: Rizamuhamedova MZ - Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy TMA Mirdzhuraev EM. - Professor of Nervous Diseases TMA In the methodological recommendations given current understanding of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, the possible mechanisms of their development shows variations of the clinical course of various types of strokes, their diagnosis and differential diagnosis.Modern approaches the treatment of stroke, in particular, is presented in detail decongestant therapy. Guidelines are intended for physicians, neurologists, general practitioners, internists, senior students and teachers of medical colleges and universities. Background, epidemiology, basic etiological factors of stroke According to international epidemiological studies, strokes are the leading place in the structure, both mortality and disability of the population and are a serious health and socio-economic problem for society [11, 14, 17, 23, 26, 48, 78, 93, 111, 119 ].Statistical studies in several countries of the CIS, including Uzbekistan, evidence of rejuvenation strokes and increase the proportion of young women and an increase in new cases of stroke in rural residents [14, 15, 16]. The incidence of stroke in Russia is 2.5 - 3 cases per 1000 population per year, the mortality rate - one case per 1000 population per year. Mortality in acute stroke in Russia reaches 35%, increasing by 12-15% by the end of the first year after stroke.Post-stroke disability ranks first among all causes of disability and is 3.2 per 10,000 population. Returns to work 20% of stroke, despite the fact that one third of becoming ill with a stroke - people of working age. Approximately half of cases of stroke die within the first year and 80% of survivors are disabled. Despite the fact that crucial in reducing mortality and disability due to stroke belongs to primary prevention, a significant effect in this regard, optimization of the system provides care to patients with stroke, the introduction of therapeutic and diagnostic standards for these patients, including rehabilitation measures and the prevention of recurrent stroke. The European regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) believes that the creation of a modern system of care for patients with stroke will reduce the mortality rate during the first month of the disease to the level of 20% and to ensure independence in daily living 3 months after the onset of the disease at least 70% of survivors. Development and implementation of common principles of management of patients with acute ischemic should help to optimize the diagnostic approach and the choice of therapeutic measures to ensure the best outcome. In the analysis of stroke to date, its most common causes are hypertension, atherosclerosis and vasculitis of vessels. From a clinical point of view, these three processes often occur simultaneously. Defining the role of each of these factors in the occurrence of stroke is of great theoretical and practical importance. Despite the diversity of etiological pathology of the main extra-and intracranial vessels in rheumatism, hypertension and atherosclerosis, they often lead to the development of severe complications such as acute ischemic stroke [1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 17, 18, 42, 42, 49, 62, 65, 97, 116, 159]. The complexity and multi-factor of ischemic stroke necessitates a comprehensive study of some aspects of their pathogenesis. At present, it is clear that pathological organic lesions of the vascular wall accompanied by hemodynamic disturbances in the main extracranial vessels of the brain [27, 40, 42, 49, 54, 63, 65, 82, 91, 94, 110, 128, 142, 144, 146, 176, 187, 193, 194, 197]. The structure of cerebrovascular disease is currently dominated by ischemic brain damage. The problem of ischemic stroke is not new, however, high levels of mortality and disability, as well as a tendency to increase the incidence maintain its relevance over the decades [12, 16, 18, 26, 36, 48, 67, 90, 99, 116, 120, 121, 130, 183].Incidence, mortality and disability associated with stroke, is one of the first places in the world [14, 17, 23, 24, 26, 46, 63, 67, 88, 90, 93, 99, 100, 116, 119, 120, 121, 127, 130, 205]. Stroke - the most common cause of disability in the West, the source of the enormous costs in the health system ranks third in the list of causes of death [196, 198]. In Europe, each year one million AI [152]. Every year in the U.S., about 3 million people are diagnosed with stroke, 450,000 suffer from the newly established stroke and about 150,000 die of stroke [185]. High mortality rates observed in Northern Europe [46, 206] and the lowest in North America [175]. For women, first place in the mortality rate is the South-West Pacific, and the lowest mortality rates in North America and Central Europe [170]. Conducted at the international congresses of the European initiative group for stroke and the NINDS (National Institute of Neurologic Disease and Stroke trial) looked at various aspects of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of stroke [17, 23, 26, 76, 204, 206]. In recent years there has been a trend toward increased incidence of vascular diseases of the brain. Many of the conditions of modern life (urbanization, acceleration and complexity of work processes, the rhythm of life in general, hypokinesia, significant psycho-emotional stress) led to "rejuvenation" of stroke. The progressive increase in the number of cerebral stroke and "rejuvenation" is a consequence of increasing the proportion of hypertension, atherosclerosis and rheumatic lesions of the brain vessels, which play a key pathogenetic role in the development of acute disorders of cerebral circulation. The most significant independent risk factor for ischemic stroke has rightly recognized as hypertension [19, 60, 62, 63, 64, 80, 86, 89, 91, 105, 123, 127, 157, 166, 189]. Most researchers have noted an increase in relative risk of stroke by about a factor of 4 when the systolic blood pressure of 160 mm. mercury. of Art. and diastolic 95 mm. mercury. of Art. [62]. Installed directly proportional relationship between the level of blood pressure and risk of stroke. This dependence is observed not only among patients with arterial hypertension (hypertension), but also among people with normal blood pressure (normotensive). The lower blood pressure, the lower the risk of stroke. Increased blood pressure is often seen in the early days of ischemic stroke is not only in patients with hypertension, but also normotensive. The reasons for the transient increase in blood pressure during the first days of stroke are assumed as follows: violation of autoregulation of cerebral blood circulation, stress reaction to hospital admission, increased intracranial pressure, increased levels of norepinephrine in the blood serum.The rise in blood pressure may be an adaptive response aimed at increasing cerebral blood flow in the area of cerebral ischemia. Increased blood pressure at admission is regarded as a favorable prognostic sign of ischemic stroke, although the persistence of high blood pressure for 1 day is not associated with a favorable outcome of stroke.Most researchers do not recommend the use of antihypertensive drugs for 7-10 days after ischemic stroke, but if, before the occurrence of stroke patients regularly took antihypertensive drugs, they are included in the therapy and after its development.Preservation of high blood pressure based on the fact that his decline in the early days of a stroke can lead to a reduction of cerebral blood flow and an increase in heart attacks. The exception is a significant increase in blood pressure when the systolic blood pressure rises to 220 mm Hg. of Art. and higher, and diastolic blood pressure - up to 120 mm Hg. of Art. and above. To date, no randomized clinical trials have proven the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy in acute ischemic stroke [63]. The systematic treatment of hypertension was observed reduction of all types of stroke by 38% of fatal cases of stroke by 40% [195] and reduced stroke by 40% was observed even among patients older than 80 years [203]. There are several major factors influence the risk of hypertension in acute cerebrovascular disorders: the formation of hypertensive microangiopathy, exacerbation of atherothrombotic arterial disease of large and small calibres, the destabilization of atherosclerotic plaques and the occurrence of emboli, anevrizmatizatsiya (thinning) of the vascular wall. Often these disorders develop in parallel [63, 64, 69, 80, 89, 127, 166, 188]. Violations of the walls of the great vessels of the head in hypertension include the development of endothelial dysfunction, thickening of the intima - media, especially the carotid arteries, and as a consequence of the progression of atherosclerosis and the formation of atherothrombosis [62, 166, 194, 187]. In the arterial vessels of the brain. AG runs the processes of hypertrophy and remodeling, leading to a decrease in their internal diameter [127]. There is a range of destructive, adaptive and reparative reactions involving vessels of any size - as large extra-and intracranial and smaller (up to 500 microns in diameter) of arteries and vessels of the microvasculature [123]. It is important that hypertension contributes to the progression of atherosclerotic processes in large arteries, the formation of pathological deformation and twisting, as well as the progression of various diseases of the heart, which in turn contributes to the deepening of cerebral ischemia [27, 30, 80, 87, 108]. Atherosclerotic vascular lesions of the brain is the most common cause of ischemic stroke [1, 5, 6, 25, 33, 49, 54, 55, 57, 65, 74, 82, 115, 128, 130, 142, 144, 179 , 194, 198]. Atherosclerosis is a multifocal disease [65]. Lesions of precerebral arteries in patients with ischemic brain disease is common. The most dangerous localization of atherosclerotic plaques is their location in the heart and blood vessels of the brain [25], especially in the carotid arteries. In 87% of affected two or more arteries. In two thirds of observations suffer from three or more vessels of vascular pools in the brain. In 70% of patients show complete occlusion of at least one of precerebral arteries, and 90% of hemodynamically significant stenosis. Atherosclerotic changes are mainly in the initial segments of the extracranial parts of the arteries supplying the brain. Intracranial lesions detected in at least four times. Occlusion and stenosis most often affect the carotid arteries (54-57% of cases) and the carotid, in general (20% more than basilar). In the common carotid multilevel (echeloned or tandem), the defeat of one of the vascular pool.The characteristic location of atheromatous process - the most common cause of carotid artery blockage - is the initial part of the internal carotid artery. Much less frequently (4-5 times) thrombosing artery in the cranial cavity of the siphon [42, 50, 73, 144]. Often atherosclerotic stenosis, and sometimes complete blockage occur in the initial part of the common carotid or innominate artery in aortic arch. Blockage of arteries in the pyramid of the temporal bone or at other sites is very rare [193]. Blockage of the internal carotid artery bifurcation is often combined with stenosis or complete obliteration of the external carotid artery. In these cases, atherosclerotic plaque and thrombus, and captures the distal part of the common carotid artery immediately below the bifurcation. Because of unknown reasons even atherosclerotic lesions of the internal carotid artery in the neck predominate in males (3 - 3 ½ times more likely than women) [33, 39, 72, 74, 94, 140, 142, 149, 160, 167, 176, 179, 181, 186, 187, 192, 194, 199].Clinical manifestations of atherosclerotic occlusive process in the carotid artery usually recorded between 50 and 70 years, but often occur in a younger age, which is not typical for vascular lesions of the brain. This will explain the earlier appearance of atherosclerotic changes in the initial part of the internal carotid artery compared with the intracranial vessels. In patients with cerebral infarction younger than 45 years in most cases, it was discovered lesion (atherosclerotic) extracranial carotid or of the vertebral arteries. Changes in the brain, their prevalence and severity depended on the place of carotid artery occlusion. What thrombosing distal carotid artery, ie, the more limited possibilities of collateral circulation, the greater the suffering brain. When the carotid artery occlusion in the neck there are cases when the brain of patients (who died of any other reason) does not show any change up to 15% of all cases of carotid artery occlusion in the neck remain latent, due to the development of high-grade collateral circulation [126, 199 , 209]. A considerable place among the risk factors for ischemic stroke is cardiac pathology, in which the frequency of atrial fibrillation in the lead. It is one of the most important precursor of ischemic stroke, the more that the probability of occurrence and distribution of its increase with age - every 10 years after 55 years abroad incidence of atrial fibrillation is doubled [9, 38, 44, 45, 106]. According to a study in 1996, the prevalence of atrial fibrillation among the U.S. population is growing and in persons over 65 years is 5%. It is believed that the aging U.S. population and rising incidence of atrial fibrillation increases the incidence of and mortality from stroke [175]. It is known that more than half of cardioembolic stroke occurs on the background of existing atrial fibrillation [38, 106, 118, 119, 129, 137, 156]. Independent risk factor for the development of AI is considered diabetes. According to a study Framingham, patients with impaired glucose tolerance have double the risk of AI, regardless of its relationship with hypertension [138, 172, 191]. It is known that persons suffering from diabetes, have a thick wall of the carotid arteries as a result of early atherosclerosis [139, 151, 190]. According to others, diabetes mellitus, when the AI plays a significant role in the defeat of the small vessels of the brain, and therefore in the event of multiple lacunar infarcts of the brain, including ischemic lesions deep localization of [193]. . A number of studies in assessing the significance of raising the level of fibrinogen revealed the close relationship between coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis of major arteries, which makes high levels of fibrinogen in the blood marker of cardiovascular disease and risk factor for ischemic stroke [73, 82, 95, 142, 156, 157, 160, 168, 169, 191]. It should be noted that the level of C-reactive protein is a sensitive indicator, indicating the presence of systemic inflammation and can be regarded as a significant prognostic factor, which allows to predict the primary and re-occlusion of the vessels of the heart and brain [179, 210]. It was revealed that the level of C-reactive protein as a marker of high risk for stroke convincingly shown in several prospective studies [207]. It was revealed that the independent risk factors for coronary heart disease is increased coagulant activity of factor 7 and the low plasma fibrinolytic activity, but the sound data on their relationship with stroke so far [168]. According to G. Wannamethee et al., Confirms that even a slight decline in kidney function are at risk of stroke [41, 127, 166, 209]. There is a high degree of correlation of risk for ischemic stroke, and alcohol abuse [150, 164, 167, 192]. However, there are studies in which it is proved that moderate alcohol consumption has a protective effect on cardio - vascular system, and the complete abandonment of use may have adverse effects [164]. According to most researchers smoking increases the risk of stroke in 2 times. Found that smoking cessation leads to a significant reduction in risk of death from stroke in the next 2-4 years [145, 165, 167]. Dyslipidemia and hypercholesterolemia, are known to be an important risk factor for coronary artery lesions, while in terms of communication with ischemic stroke, there are different opinions. Some consider this relationship unproven, although according to other sources, there is a clear positive correlation between total and HDL-cholesterol and the protective role of HDL-cholesterol on extracranial carotid atherosclerosis affected [40, 72, 94, 142]. One of the reasons that lead to brain stroke, a rheumatic disease with the development of revmovaskulita cerebral vessels. Rheumatic fever, affecting mostly young adults, causes a high percentage of disability, early disability and advancing causes great damage to the patient, his family and society. [2, 3, 28, 34, 68, 76, 77, 79, 84, 117, 124, 148, 171, 174]. The leading place in the pathologic picture neyrorevmatizma take changes of connective tissue structures - mesenchymal structures of the brain. The defeat of the walls of cerebral vessels leads to secondary changes in the brain parenchyma. Along with structural changes play a significant role neurodynamic changes in various functional systems of the brain, developing a second brain parenchymal hypoxia, due to changes in vascular wall and heart failure [3, 34]. When neyrorevmatizme is inflammatory, vascular and degenerative changes in the nervous tissue. One of the most common forms of cerebral rheumatism is vascular. The pathologic process involves the entire vascular network, revmovaskulity cerebral vessels often lead to acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation (there and hemorrhagic thrombo-arteritis with lesions of various sizes of brain tissue) [148, 171, 174]. It is known that endothelial cells of arteries, destroy and transform the biogenic amines, produce and secrete a polysaccharide glycocalyx, basement membrane, a number of substances that play an important role in thrombus formation (plasminogen activator, VIII factor and factor Villibranda, antirombin III, thromboxane B2, and prostacyclin, a warningadhesion of activated platelets to the endothelium and vascular wall provides tromborezistentnost) [38]. Aggregates of platelets and fibrin is formed mainly in the areas of endothelial damage, especially in the joints of the cells. There is reason to believe that the inflammatory changes of the endothelium by local disturbances of coagulation properties of the vascular wall are the main links of thrombotic complications in rheumatic disease, especially as the vascular lesions are considered for this affliction is almost mandatory [37, 38, 39, 45, 112, 158]. Slowing of blood flow plays an important role in the thromboembolic process in rheumatism. Violation of myocardial contractility detect even the absence of clinical signs of heart failure. According to the authors, in patients with rheumatic heart disease there is a connection between heart failure and the possibility of thromboembolic complications [9, 34, 45, 58, 117]. At the same time, according to other researchers, the direct relationship between the degree of hemodynamic disorders and the likelihood of thrombosis and embolism is not observed [19, 37]. It is also necessary to emphasize that hemodynamic changes and vascular lesions are usually linked: with increasing degree of heart failure, damage to arteries increases [3].In addition, the slowing of blood flow associated with intracardiac thrombus formation processes due to stasis of blood in the cavities of the heart (usually in the left atrium with mitral stenosis) [45]. Definition, classification, pathogenetic mechanisms and risk factors for stroke By a stroke include acute cerebral circulatory disorders, characterized by a sudden (within minutes, at least - hours), the appearance of focal neurological symptoms (motor, speech, sensory, koordinatornyh, visual disturbances, etc.) and / or of brain disorders (altered consciousness, headache, vomiting, etc.) that persist for more than 24 hours or leading to death of the patient in a shorter period of time due to the causes of cerebrovascular origin. Stroke is divided into hemorrhagic and ischemic (cerebral infarction). By the nature of the flow and produce a small stroke, which impaired the function is fully restored within the first 3 weeks of illness. However, such relatively mild cases observed in only 10-15% of stroke patients. Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) are characterized by sudden onset of focal neurological symptoms that develop in patients with vascular disease (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, rheumatism, etc.) and continue for several minutes, at least - hours but not more than a day and end with full restoration of disturbed features. Transient focal neurologic deficits with symptoms that have developed as a result of short-term local ischemia of the brain, are also designated as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). TIA is a special form of acute hypertensive encephalopathy. Most acute hypertensive encephalopathy occurs in patients with malignant hypertension and clinically severe headache, nausea, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, convulsive syndrome in some cases accompanied by focal neurological symptoms. Occurrence of stroke, TIA or small indicating a high risk of recurrent and, as a rule, more severe stroke (as the pathogenetic mechanisms of these states are very similar) and requires the prevention of recurrent stroke. According to conventional classification are the following types of hemorrhages in the brain: parenchymal, - lateral and medial, parenchymal, subarachnoid, parenchymal, ventricular, subarachnoid, ventricular, subdural. Ischemic stroke is divided into the following subtypes (Shtulman DR, Levin DC, 2001): atherothrombotic, cardioembolic, hemodynamic, lacunar, hemorheologic mikrooklyuziya Bleeding in the brain often caused by rupture of microaneurysms arising from the defeat of the walls of small arteries under the influence of prolonged hypertension. Are less likely to cause vascular malformation, hemorrhagic diathesis, vasculitis, brain tumors, the use of anticoagulants, thrombolytics. For these states is characterized by pronounced focal, cerebral symptoms, disorders of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Subarachnoid hemorrhage in most cases due to rupture of intracranial aneurysms, localized in the circle of Willis. The reason may also be trauma, intracranial arteries bundle, bleeding diathesis, thrombosis of cerebral veins. At the same time in the clinic is dominated by pronounced cerebral and meningeal symptoms without focal symptoms. Parenchymal hemorrhage often occur when arteriologialinoze may occur in the blood supply to both carotid and vertebrobasilar arteries (but more often in zones of the middle cerebral artery blood flow) and are accompanied by cerebral, meningeal symptoms and local neurological deficit. Depending on the location relative to the internal capsule, parenchymal hemorrhage subdivided into medial (inwards from the internal capsule) and lateral (outwards from the internal capsule). Ventricular hemorrhage characterized by the growth of catastrophic disturbances of vital functions: for a few seconds or minutes until the mind is disturbed deep coma, there are marked disturbances of respiration, cardiovascular activity, impaired thermoregulation (sharp pyrexia - more than 41.5 O-42OS .) In most cases the disease ends in a quick death of the patient. Ischemic stroke: A. Atherothrombotic stroke is associated with atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral or precerebral vessels. Atherosclerotic plaque forms in arteries of large and medium-sized, often in their division into smaller branches. This growing atheroma narrows the vessel and promotes the formation of a blood clot causing the blockage of the vessel, but a good collateral blood flow for a long time may even compensate for significant occlusion. Therefore, the immediate cause of ischemia, emboli are most often formed as a result of separation from the clot fragment thereof. In addition, due to hemodynamic disturbances affected remote areas, usually located on the border of two vascular blood supply to the basin. Two. Cardioembolic stroke. The source most often are the thrombotic mass in the left atrium, left ventricle, occurring during atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy, parietal thrombus in myocardial infarction. Also at high risk of embolism in bacterial endocarditis, atrial myxoma, with open heart surgery using a heart-lung machine. Embolus, blockage of the artery, are often subjected to fibrinolysis, which leads to the restoration of blood flow. However, due to impaired capillary permeability in the zone of reperfusion there diapedetic hemorrhage, which increases the risk of hemorrhagic transformation Three. Hemodynamic stroke occurs on the background of stenotic lesions rough arteries in a sharp drop in blood pressure. This causes ischemia of the most remote, the watershed areas. The same condition can occur as a result of hypoxia associated with circulatory arrest. 4. Lacunar infarcts are associated with the pathology of small cerebral vessels, usually penetrating branches of major cerebral arteries supplying the deep parts of the brain.The most common reason for them - hypertensive microangiopathy, embolism, atherosclerotic place of origin of these branches. Five. Hemorheologic mikrooklyuziya - the cause of a change in the rheology of blood, leading to occlusion of the microvasculature. To more accurately identify the type of stroke is recommended during the first hours of stroke to ultrasound, angiography, ECG monitoring and blood pressure, the study of hemorheological properties of blood. Using modern methods of diagnosis, it is possible in a timely manner to establish the type of stroke, and, therefore, begin to pathogenetic treatment. Greater effect with early intensive therapy is associated with the existence of ischemic penumbra zone around the so-called "nuclear zone". It is shown that the metabolism of oxygen in the most affected in the central area of ischemia and to a lesser extent, in the demarcation zone. The area of the brain with the most pronounced decrease in blood flow (10 ml per 100 g) becomes irreversibly damaged very quickly within 6-8 minutes from the time of stroke. This is the nuclear area. Within hours, the central point is surrounded by ischemic blood flow, but the living tissue (with a decrease in cerebral blood flow to 20 ml per 100 g) - the so-called zone of ischemic penumbra and penumbra. (EI Gusev, Skvortsov, VI et al 1999 .) In the penumbra in general preserved energy metabolism, and there are only functional but not structural changes. Due to the penumbra zone of a gradual extension of infarct size. The duration of the penumbra of each individual patient and determine the boundaries of the so-called therapeutic window within which the most effective therapeutic measures. The formation of most of the myocardial ends after 3-6 hours of the onset of clinical symptoms of stroke.However, using the most sensitive histochemical methods revealed that doformirovanie heart attack lasts for 48-72 hours. Thus, treatment of stroke should be started as early as possible, preferably within the first 3:00 of the disease and it must be the most intense and pathogenetically directed in the first 3-5 days. It is extremely important role in ischemic stroke are disorders of metabolic processes in the brain. Ischemia due to decreased cerebral blood flow leads to an acute shortage of macroergs (creatine phosphate, adenosine triphosphate). Inhibited glucose utilization by way of aerobic and anaerobic activated, progressive lactic acidosis, which disrupt the function of the enzyme system that controls ion transport. This pathological process leads to a passive outflow of potassium ions from neurons and intense influx of calcium ions are sodium and chlorine, as well as intracellular accumulation of free fatty acids and water. This also contributes to the release of excitatory neurotransmitters during ischemia - glutamate and aspartate [121]. Depending on the degree of ischemia activates the cycle of arachidonic acid with the secondary accumulation of its products - prostaglandins, thromboxane, which have a negative impact on the system of aggregation of blood elements, in particular contribute to the intense platelet aggregation [37]. Disorganization of membrane permeability leading to edema of the brain, reducing the level of perfusion, which subsequently leads to dislocation syndrome with the development of a secondary stem syndrome. Edema - the most common immediate cause of death in patients with cerebral infarction [33, 39, 90, 92, 137] To systematize the complex reactions of ischemic cascade may be offered a conditional and a simplified scheme of its successive stages: 1 reduction in cerebral blood flow, 2 - the local inflammatory response of the brain, 3 - glutamate excitotoxicity, and 4-intracellular accumulation of calcium, 5 - activation of intracellular enzymes, 6 -increased synthesis of NO and the development of oxidative stress, 7 - early response gene expression, 8 - swelling of the brain mzga, 9 long-term effects of ischemia, 10 - apoptosis. Risk factors for acute cerebrovascular Currently, the most important risk factors for stroke are: • Age. For example, in 80 years, the risk of ischemic stroke is 30 times higher than that in 50 years. • Hypertension. The risk of stroke in patients with blood pressure over 160/95 mm Hg. of Art. increased approximately 4fold compared with people with normal blood pressure, and when blood pressure over 200/115 mm Hg. of Art. - 10 times. • Diseases of the heart. The most significant predictor of ischemic stroke is atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). In persons older than 65 years its prevalence is 5-6%. The risk of ischemic stroke is on the increase in 3-4 times. He is also increased in the presence of coronary artery disease (2 times), left ventricular hypertrophy on ECG (3 times), and heart failure (3-4 times). • TIA is a significant predictor of both cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction. The risk of ischemic stroke is in patients with TIA and about 4-5% per year. • Diabetes mellitus. Patients with this disease often have abnormalities of lipid metabolism, hypertension, and various manifestations of atherosclerosis. At the same time no evidence that the use of hypoglycemic agents in patients with diabetes reduces their risk of ischemic stroke. • Smoking. Increases the risk of stroke in half. It accelerates the development of atherosclerosis of the carotid and coronary arteries. Smoking cessation results in 2-4 years to reduce the risk of stroke. • Oral contraceptives. Preparations containing estrogen for more than 50 mg significantly increased risk of ischemic stroke. Particularly unfavorable combination of their acceptance of smoking and elevated blood pressure. • Asymptomatic carotid stenosis. The risk of stroke about 2% per year. It significantly increases in stenosis of the vessel for more than 70% when a TIA and 13% a year.Occlusive lesions of carotid arteries also serve as a marker of systemic and, in particular, of coronary atherosclerosis. Such patients often die not from stroke and from CHD. Many people in the population has multiple risk factors, each of which can be expressed in moderation. For example, a subject is revealed "mild" hypertension, myocardial hypertrophy, moderate, light diabetes. All areas of prevention focused on control of risk factors and their correction as the specific people, and in the general population. Individual risk of stroke, which may be essential in such cases is determined by special scales made on the basis of long-term monitoring of a large contingent of people. One of the best known is the Framingham scale. It allows us to estimate individual risk of stroke (in percentage) for the next 10 years and compare it with srednepopulyatsionnym risk for the same period. Diagnosis of stroke Computed tomography Without the use of contrasting materials to immediately rule out hemorrhage as a cause of focal cerebral blood flow, may reveal swelling of surrounding tissues and, less reliably, hemorrhagic infarction. Allows you to determine the presence, extent and localization of supratentorial infarcts, even the size of 0.51 cm This method can not detect the majority of heart attacks during the first 48 hours and often can not detect damage to the cortex or brain stem. Magnetic resonance imaging A more informative method for diagnosis negemorragicheskih strokes. A heart attack can be detected within a few hours after the occurrence, including the localization in the cortex and the posterior cranial fossa. In addition, you may find gaps of less than 0.5 cm hemorrhagic component is determined by brain infarction, we can get an idea of blood flow in many of intracranial arteries. Angiography Angiography - is the primary method for diagnosis of vascular lesions. However, all methods of radiation diagnosis, it is accompanied by the greatest number of complications associated with the introduction of a catheter into the vessel, summing it to the right place, the introduction of contrast medium and the removal of the catheter.Appointing angiography with therapeutic or diagnostic purposes, it is necessary to assess the need for this procedure and the degree of risk in pursuing it. Appointment of a large amount of fluid before and after the study provides a better tolerability of the contrast medium. It is usually inserted through the femoral artery, and then pressed against the artery to prevent bleeding. After angiography should carefully check the puncture site and the pulse in the distal artery, so as not to miss a femoral hematoma or emboli. With it you can: 1) modified to detect ulcerative atherosclerotic plaques, severe stenosis of the vessel wall thrombus formation; 2) visualize atherosclerosis, carotid siphon, or a bundle of intracranial vessels; 3) to visualize the collateral circulation provided by the circle of Willis vessels (arterial circle of the brain); 4) reveal occlusion of cerebral vascular emboli. Remains the best method for detecting the basilar artery atherosclerotic disease, but due to the high risk of complications and the provocation of a new vertebral angiography stroke should be used only when using MRangiografii can not confirm the clinical diagnosis of basilar artery lesions. Confirmation of this diagnosis affects the patient's treatment. In recent years, CT and MRI in many cases replaced by this procedure. At present, it carried out to study the small intracranial vessels (eg, vasculitis, arteriovenous malformations, aneurysms), as well as endovascular interventions. Complications. For angiograms of the aortic arch, carotid and vertebral artery catheter was inserted through the femoral artery. The most severe complication of cerebral angiography - a stroke caused by embolism of cerebral arteries. Its source may be a blood clot that has formed at the end of the catheter and a blood clot or piece of atherosclerotic plaque, displaced catheter, a guide or a jet of contrast medium. The severity and duration of neurological disorders depend on the size of emboli, its composition (fresh blood clot more easily divided), location, condition of collateral blood flow. This complication occurs more often when there is insufficient experience of the personnel, atherosclerosis, spasm of cerebral vessels, decreases cardiac output and blood oxygen capacity and in elderly patients, and possibly migraine. The probability of transient cerebral ischemia and stroke is 4%, persistent neurological disorders - 1%.Death occurs in less than 0.1% of cases. If you violate the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, whether due to illness or under the influence of vysokoosmolyarnyh contrast agents, the latter may cause a neurotoxic reaction. Apparently this is due to the fact that vysokoosmolyarnye substance as opposed to low osmolarity affect the membrane potentials. In the fusiform aneurysm of the basilar artery during angiography may develop a reversible lesion of the brain stem fixation and acute amnesia. This is due to slow passage of contrast medium and longer exposure to the brain. In rare cases, the introduction of contrast material under high pressure is possible cerebral artery aneurysm rupture with subarachnoid hemorrhage. The method of duplex scanning or DS combines ultrasound, which allows to direct visual assessment of the vessel and the use of Doppler techniques for the detailed assessment of the lumen and blood flow. During the procedure, in real time is the construction of the spatial two-or three-dimensional images of the lumen. The method of duplex scanning to evaluate the state of vascular walls and lumen, and the dynamics of their environment as a whole, it is possible to visualize organs, tissues, blood vessels at the same time obtaining the Doppler spectrum of blood flow. The method of duplex scanning is invaluable for deep-seated need to examine the major blood vessels or detect obstruction of peripheral thrombosis. The method of duplex scanning can identify: Stenotic and occlusive vascular pathology of the brain The presence of thrombosis and stenosis Lack of perforatnyh veins Congenital anomalies of the veins and arteries Physiological disorders of blood flow in vessels Spare capacity of the cerebral circulation The structure of the walls of any vessel, the lumen patency and Turn the vessel into the tissues (bends, deformation, malformation, etc.) Abnormal formation of the brain and their effects on blood vessels Duplex scanning is indispensable for postoperative control after vascular bypass operations and, monitoring of patients after stroke. The method of duplex scanning (DSSG) combines the ability to see the major brain structures (including walls of blood vessels and surrounding tissues) and blood flow in arteries and veins of the head and neck. Currently, the most modern method the most accurate diagnosis of disorders of cerebral circulation. Duplex scanning of the brain vessels includes two research basins: extracranial vessels (neck) and transcranial (intracerebral) vessels. With duplex scanning may not only detect pathology of cerebral circulation (eg, atherosclerosis, congenital malformations, tortuosity, and constriction and spasm of blood vessels), but the primary screening diagnosis in early childhood tumors, cysts, hematomas, foci of stroke, blood supply to the assessment data structures. At the same stress tests can accurately assess the functional status of cerebral circulation. The method has no contraindications and requires no special preparation of the patient for the study. USDG cerebral Non-invasive and reliable method of diagnosis is the Doppler method. With this method it is possible to study the speed and volume blood flow, to study the degree of regulation of cerebral circulation disorders. According angiogpaficheskih patomopfologicheskih and research in the pathogenesis of ischemic diseases of the brain in half the cases the main ROLE igpaet popazhenie ekstpakpanialnyh departments magistpalnyh aptepy head. For an accurate determination of the location and extent Prevalence okklyuzipuyuschego ppotsessa need tsepebpalnaya angiogpafiya. However, it represents SOME pisk for the patient, special tpebuet dopogostoyaschey appapatupy and can not be put into practice everywhere, so it is highly relevant is pazpabotka safe and readily available diagnostic vascular lesions of the head. One such method is the use of Doppler ultrasound to effect Dopplepa allowing register the change in speed of the pulsating flow in the vessels kpovi chepez nepovpezhdennuyu skin. For the detection of carotid okklyuzipiyuschih popazheny aptepy the cord combined study kpovotoka in the total, internal, external carotid and branches of the ophthalmic aptepiyah aptepii. The most frequently found in atherosclerotic lesions of the internal carotid artery. Symptoms of stenosis of the ICA 1) Reduced BFV in general or internal carotid artery by 30% or more compared with the contralateral arteries. 2) Reduction of diastolic blood flow in the common carotid artery. 3) Reduced BFV in the supratrochlear artery by 40% or more compared to the other. 4) The appearance of retrograde blood flow in the supratrochlear artery compression for 2-4 seconds homolateral common carotid artery. 5) Reduced BFV in the supratrochlear artery with compression of the front or the superficial temporal artery in the face on the side of the study. 6) Change the retrograde blood flow in the supratrochlear artery Antegrade direction in response to compression of the superficial temporal artery of the same name. Signs of the internal carotid artery occlusion 1) Blood flow in the internal carotid arteries are not registered or are now experiencing severe (more than 30%) of BFV asymmetry in the common carotid arteries. 2) The supratrochlear artery is determined by the retrograde blood flow. 3) Blood flow in the supratrochlear artery is not defined. 4) Record the physiological (antegrade) blood flow in the supratrochlear artery, is not reduced by clamping for 2-4 seconds ipsilateral (homolateral) of the common carotid artery. Doppler sonography examination, conducted in acute ischemic stroke, helps to clarify the level of destruction of the vascular system (arteries of the head, base of the brain arteries, the small intracranial arteries), to assess the functional status of cerebral blood flow (conservation of the main stream, the presence of hyperperfusion, hypoperfusion, obstructed perfusion preservation of autoregulation ) and to predict the outcome of the disease. As a result of Doppler examination of patients with acute ischemic stroke in the carotid arterial hypertension, cerebral arteriosclerosis, diabetes and rheumatic fever has been allocated seven major variants of blood flow in acute ischemic stroke: a - the main symmetrical blood flow in middle cerebral artery (MCA) 2 - thrombosis of the MCA or its major branches, 3 asymmetry of blood flow in the MCA with a decrease in BFV on the side of a heart attack and preservation of the main stream type, 4 - hyperperfusion in the MCA on the side of a heart attack, 5 - residual blood flow in the proximal MCA in the presence of hemodynamically significant lesion located ICA, 6 - stenosis of the intracranial arteries, 7 - Difficult perfusion on the background of increased intracranial pressure. Save symmetric or asymmetric main types of blood flow was observed predominantly in small cortical and lacunar infarcts in the background of high systemic blood pressure with good recovery of neurological deficit. When combined within atherosclerotic hypertension and diabetes observed difficulty in the carotid perfusion.Vasospasm of cerebral vessels was observed mainly in the cardioembolic ischemic stroke of rheumatic etiology. Brief clinical characteristics of ischemic stroke Transient ischemic attack (TIA). Manifested focal neurological impairment, which completely disappears within 24 hours Can be divided into three etiologic categories: 1) TIA associated with slow blood flow in large vessels; 2) the embolic TIA, and 3) lacunar, or caused a violation of penetrating the blood flow in vessels. TIA associated with a slowing of blood flow, usually short-term (minutes to hours), are prone to relapse, and stereotyped. Any obstructive process in non-or intracranial arteries can cause a TIA due to slowing of blood flow, if the collateral blood flow in the ischemic area as disturbed. Embolic TIAs are characterized by longer duration of focal neurological symptoms (hours). Lacunar TIAs occur because of temporary cerebral ischemia resulting from stenosis of intracerebral penetrating vessels, usually in secondary lipogialinoze against hypertension or with atherosclerotic stenosis. It is believed that recurrent stereotypic TIAs or lacunar or TIA are associated with the violation of the blood flow in small vessels. Other causes of transient neurologic disease (convulsive manifestations or migraine) should be excluded on the basis of medical history and appropriate examination. Completed stroke. A condition in which a few days the patient is not marked increase in neurologic symptoms. Ischemic stroke. Neurological impairment caused by circulatory disturbance of the brain region for intravascular occlusion or slow flow. He suffers from brain region that receives blood supply from the affected vessel. Ischemic stroke can be caused by: 1) a large vessel thrombosis, caused by slow blood flow; 2) arterioarterialnoy embolism, cardiogenic or unknown origin; 3) the formation of gaps due to occlusion of small intracerebral penetrating vessels. The major subtypes of ischemic stroke are as follows: atherothrombotic (34%), cardioembolic (22%), hemodynamic (15%), lacunar (20%) and stroke by type of hemorheological mikrooklyuzii (9%). Cerebral infarction can occur in various parts of the brain and its localization in the main blood supply to the circuit corresponds to the large vessels. The most common (75%), heart attacks occur in the middle cerebral artery, at least - heart attacks and vertebrobasilar (20%), while in the pool anterior cerebral artery are observed only 5% of cases. Clinic for ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke usually develops within a few seconds or minutes (sometimes for hours or days) and appears to motor, speech, and (or) other focal neurologic disturbances. Disorders of consciousness, vomiting, intense headache in most cases is not observed, except for heart attacks in the brain stem, cerebellum, or large hemispheric infarcts. Ischemic stroke often occurs during sleep or after sleep, but it can also occur during exercise, taking a hot bath, drinking alcohol, emotional stress, or without any precipitating factors. The progressive course of stroke or stroke in the development (gradual or step-like increase of neurological disorders in a few hours or days) was observed in 20% of patients with ischemic stroke in the carotid and 40% of patients with ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar basin. It is usually caused by an increase in the size of intra-arterial thrombus, recurrent embolism, the growth of brain edema, hemorrhagic transformation of infarction or increasing its size by reducing systemic blood pressure. In cases where the neurological disorders are stable or gradually regress, stroke is considered as completed. High blood pressure is observed in 70-80% of patients in the early days of a stroke. High blood pressure often seen in the early days of ischemic stroke is not only in patients with hypertension, but also in individuals who have not seen the rise of blood pressure to stroke. In the future, most of it is marked spontaneous decline. Transient increase in blood pressure may be caused by brain edema and increased intracranial pressure, and stress caused by the development of severe illness and emergency admissions, a violation of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow, increasing levels of norepinephrine in the blood serum. The rise in blood pressure may be an adaptive response aimed at increasing cerebral blood flow in the area of cerebral ischemia.Increased blood pressure during hospitalization is regarded as a favorable prognostic sign of the outcome of ischemic stroke, although the persistence of high blood pressure during the day is not associated with a favorable outcome of stroke. Stroke in the carotid system, there are 5-6 times more frequently than in the vertebrobasilar basin. They usually develop motor and (or) sensitive violations on one side and (or), aphasia (with lesions of the dominant hemisphere), anosognosia and impaired body schema (in the subdominant hemisphere lesions). Sometimes it is also observed homonymous hemianopsia. The syndrome of total defeat in the carotid region consists of contralateral hemiplegia, unilateral anesthesia, paresis of the facial muscles and tongue, hemianopsia, aphasia, or anosognosia. Sometimes there is paresis of horizontal gaze toward diverting eyeballs towards the hearth. The development of this syndrome is usually caused by occlusion of the main trunk of the middle cerebral artery (usually embolus) or internal carotid artery (thrombus often sometimes with spread it in the middle cerebral artery).Hemiplegia, unilateral anesthesia, paresis of the facial muscles and tongue may occur with occlusion of the deep branch of the middle cerebral artery supplying the internal capsule and basal ganglia. Syndromes of the partial destruction of the carotid system, often caused by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery branches (mainly embolus) or internal carotid artery (usually a clot) or narrowing of their (usually atherosclerotic): hemiparesis with a predominance in the hand or arm monoparez, paresis of the facial muscles and tongue of central type , or gemigipesteziya monogipesteziya hands verhnekvadrantnaya hemianopsia, etc. Any damage to the dominant hemisphere can be observed in isolation (or in combination with motor and sensory disturbances in the extremities) disorders of higher mental functions - motor aphasia, sensory aphasia, total aphasia, alexia, agraphia, acalculia and etc. The combination of symptoms brain and monocular blindness (retinal ischemia) on the one hand pathognomonic for occlusive lesions of the internal carotid artery. Less common symptoms of anterior cerebral artery lesions, which usually occur contralateral hemiparesis with a predominance in the leg or foot monoparezom. Sensory disorders at the same time are rare and usually mild. Sometimes there wrong behavior, agitation and urinary incontinence. Strokes in the vertebrobasilar system may appear homonymous hemianopsia, oculomotor disturbances, bilateral impaired movement or sensation in extremities, cerebellar ataxia and nystagmus, alternating classical syndrome - damage to one or more cranial nerves on the one hand, combined motor and (or) sensitive to disturbances in the extremities On the other hand. There are also violations of higher brain functions such as sensory aphasia and agnosia. Vertigo only in conjunction with nausea, vomiting, horizontal or rotatory nystagmus, in rare cases it may be a manifestation of stroke in the vertebrobasilar system, but more often due to another cause (eg, vestibular neyronitom). Wallenberg's Syndrome, Zakharchenko - one of the most common variants of stroke in the vertebrobasilar system. It is caused by the defeat of dorsal-lateral medulla and cerebellum and in the classic version includes dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hypoesthesia person, cerebellar ataxia and Horner's syndrome on the affected side, hypoesthesia of limbs and trunk on the opposite side, nystagmus, impaired swallowing (dysphagia) hoarseness (dysphonia). However, there are more variants of the syndrome with no or minor lesions of the medulla oblongata, which are manifested primarily dizziness, ataxia, and nystagmus. In most cases, Wallenberg's syndrome, caused by blockage of Zakharchenko (thrombus or embolus) or lower vertebral posterior cerebellar artery. Rapid disturbance of consciousness, oculomotor disturbances, tetraplegia characteristic of basilar artery occlusion, which usually ends in death. Different syndromes can occur when blockage (thrombus or embolus) branches of the basilar artery: a peripheral paresis of the facial muscles and contralateral hemiplegia syndrome (Miyyara-Gyublera-Zhyuble), oculomotor nerve palsy with contralateral hemiplegia (Weber syndrome) or gemiataksiey syndrome (Benedict), gaze palsy up and convergence palsy (Parinaud's syndrome) and other homonymous hemianopsia alone or in combination with unilateral anesthesia on the same side, as well as visual (cortical), agnosia, and often caused metamorfopsii occlusion (thrombus or embolus), posterior cerebral artery, which in lesions of the dominant hemisphere can lead to sensory aphasia and alexia. Hemianesthesia with giperpatiey, ataxia, with a gradual accession of pain in the affected limbs are characteristic of thalamic lesions, which may arise as a result of the defeat of both the vertebrobasilar and carotid systems. BASIC Pathogenetic (NV Atherothrombotic A. Home - CRITERIA SUBTYPE Vereshchagin often stroke intermittent, (including step-like, OF Ischemic et with DIAGNOSIS Stroke 2000) al., the a arterio-arterial gradual increase in embolism) symptoms for hours or days. Often debut during sleep. Two. The presence of atherosclerotic lesions of extra-and / or intracranial arteries (Expressed constrictive, occlusive process, atherosclerotic plaque with a rough surface, with the adjacent thrombus), respectively, patchy lesion in the brain. Three. Often preceded by ipsilateral transient ischemic attack. 4. The size of the lesion can vary from small to extensive. Cardioembolic stroke A. Home usually sudden onset of neurological symptoms in awake, active patient. Neurological deficit as expressed in the opening the disease. Two. Localization primarily vascularized area of the middle cerebral artery. Heart attack most medium or large cortico-subcortical. Characterized by the presence hemorrhagic component (by CT of the head). Three. Anamnestic indication and CT signs of multiple focal lesions of the brain (in including the "silent" cortical infarcts) in different basins, which are not areas the adjacent blood supply. 4. The presence of cardiac disease the source of embolism. Five. The absence of gross atherosclerotic lesions of the vessel proximal to the obstruction of intracranial arteries. The symptom of "vanishing occlusion" with dynamic angiographic examination. 6. In history Thromboembolism other organs. Hemodynamic stroke A. Home sudden or step-like current active patient and at rest. Two. Localization of the hearth - a zone adjacent blood supply, including cortical infarcts, foci of in the paraventricular white matter and semiovalnyh centers. Infarct size from small to great. Three. The presence of pathology of extra-and / or intracranial arteries: Atherosclerotic lesions (multiple, combined, en echelon stenosis), Deformation of the artery (angular bends, looping) - Abnormalities of the vascular system of the brain (the circle of Willis uncoupling, hypoplasia of the arteries). 4. Hemodynamic factors: - Lowering blood pressure (physiological - during sleep, as well as orthostatic, iatrogenic hypotension, hypovolemia) Drop in cardiac output (stroke volume decrease due to myocardial ischemia, a significant slowing of heart rate). Lacunar stroke A. Prior hypertension. Two. Home often intermittent, symptom increases within hours or days. BP is usually increased. Three. Localization of a heart attack - the subcortical nucleus accumbens white matter semiovalnogo center, internal capsule, the base of the bridge of the brain. The size of the hearth - a small, up to 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter, and may not be visualized on CT of the head. 4. The presence of characteristic neurological syndromes (pure motor, pure sensitive lacunar syndrome, atactic hemiparesis, dysarthria, and monoparez; Isolated monoparez hands, feet, face and other syndromes). Lack of brain and meningeal symptoms, and disorders of higher cortical functions in the localization dominant hemisphere. The course often by the type of small strokes. Stroke type hemorheologic mikrookklyuzii A. The minimum severity of vascular disease (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, vasculitis, vasculopathy). Two. Having pronounced hemorheological changes, disturbances in the hemostatic system and the fibrinolysis. Three. Marked dissociation between clinical (mild neurological deficits, the small size of the hearth) and significant hemorheological disorders. 4. Course of the disease according to the type of small strokes. Acute hypertensive encephalopathy A. More often develops in patients with malignant hypertension. Two. Clinical manifestations: sudden headache, nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness, convulsions. Three. In ophthalmoscopy reveals papilledema, angioretinopatiyu. 4. CT of the head - the expansion of the ventricular system, reduced the density of white substances. Five. The intracranial presence of elevated hypertension, CSF pressure according at to lumbar liquor puncture and signs ehoentsefaloskopii. The course and outcome of stroke is determined by the location and volume of cerebral infarction, the severity of brain edema, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases and / or development of complications during stroke (pneumonia, bedsores, urosepsis, etc.). In the first 30 days after stroke kills about 20% of patients. Mortality is higher in the atherothrombotic and cardioembolic stroke, and is only 2% for lacunary stroke. The cause of death in half the cases - brain edema and compression of the trunk, in other cases - pneumonia, heart disease, pulmonary embolism, renal failure, or septicemia. A significant proportion (40%) of deaths occur in the first 2 days after illness and is associated with extensive edema was hardly a heart attack and brain. Of the survivors of about 60-70% of patients have disabling neurological disorder by the end of the month after stroke. In cases where neurological disorders regress during the first three weeks (2-21 days), the disease saw as a small stroke. 6 months after stroke, disabling neurological disorders remains at 40% of surviving patients at the end of the year - 30% of patients. The more significant neurological deficit at the end of the first month of the disease, the less likely a full recovery. Recovery of motor function is most important in the first 3 months after stroke, when the function is often restored foot better than the function of the hand. The complete absence of hand movements by the end of the first month of the disease is a poor prognostic sign. After a year of stroke recovery of lost neurological function is unlikely, although the improvement of speech in patients with aphasia may persist for several years after a stroke. In general, patients with lacunar stroke indicated a better recovery than in other types of stroke. Survival of patients after ischemic stroke is approximately 65% by the end of the first year of the disease, 50% 5 years after stroke, 25% - 10 years after a stroke.To bad prognostic sign of survival in the first 5 years after stroke include older age of the patient, prior myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, previous stroke, congestive heart failure. Repeated ischemic stroke occurs in approximately 30% of patients during the period of 5 years after the first stroke. The frequency of cerebral infarction is about 5% per year. However, the most common cause of death after stroke - heart disease. Treatment of stroke Modern principles of treatment of ischemic stroke The main directions of AI treatment are based on current understanding of the pathogenesis of acute cerebral ischemia and the choice of adequate drug therapy is a complex task. Significance in the choice of therapeutic tactics is the concept of heterogeneity of ischemic stroke. Given that acute cerebral ischemia leads to a chain of pathologic processes that cause changes in neuronal structures, astrocytes, microglial activation and ultimately disruption of trophic brain is most justified the simultaneous implementation of integrated activities that enhance the perfusion of the brain (improvement in cerebral blood flow and blood rheology) with neuroprotective therapy [20, 21, 48, 92, 103, 114, 125]. It is proved that one of the most important criteria for predicting the outcome of stroke is reduced and rapid stabilization of blood pressure. Many drugs used to lower and stabilize blood pressure do not always meet the requirements of pathogenic, are assigned to these drugs (reserpine, gemiton, magnesium sulfate) [36, 59, 60, 90]. In a clinical study has been proven ineffective IMAGES magnesium sulphate in ischemic stroke [60]. At the same time, the FAST-MAG study shows the safety of magnesium sulfate in pre-hospital treatment of AI [92]. It should be noted, according to the latest version of the international recommendations for the management of acute stroke period, leaders of the European Stroke Initiative (EVSI) and the American Stroke Association, the only medical intervention for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke is thrombolytic therapy with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rTAP) [59]. The analysis carried out by a group of six international experts confirmed the initial findings of a high level of the index of probability of good outcome of ischemic stroke in the application rTAP [135, 158]. It should be noted that patients who developed AI rTAP effective when administered within the first 3 hours after onset of symptoms [114, 182]. Treatment includes OZI base and differentiated treatment. Basic therapy is carried out immediately after receipt of the patient in a hospital and does not depend on the nature of the OZI includes activities aimed at the normalization of respiratory function and oxygenation, maintenance of systemic hemodynamics, control and regulation of hemostasis, control of cerebral edema, prevention and treatment of infectious complications. Measures for the prevention of infectious complications include breathing exercises, suctioning the upper airway, exercise, massage, turning the patient every two hours, the organization of adequate nutrition, in some cases the use of antibacterial agents. Differentiated therapy is used only after the nature of the stroke, confirmed by the methods neyroviazualizatsii. In ischemic stroke, it includes: thrombolytics, antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, vasoactive drugs, antihypertensive agents, and hemodilution, except this differential treatment depends on the pathogenic subtypes of ischemic stroke. Patients with hemorrhagic stroke, along with surgical treatment is prescribed neuroprotectors, anti-therapy, antihypertensive drugs and drugs that reduce vascular permeability. Prophylactic use of antibiotics used to prevent infectious complications, is part of the basic treatment of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. The most common antibiotic therapy is prescribed to prevent nosocomial pneumonia in this group of patients. From the data in the literature is known about the high frequency of use of antibacterial drugs OZI patients, for example, the results of large-scale epidemiological study in St. Petersburg showed that antibiotic therapy received 40.6% of patients with ischemic stroke and 56.7% with hemorrhagic. In the literature there is no single point of view on the appropriateness of prophylactic antibiotics for OZI. Some authors believe that antibiotics should be of a preventive nature, especially in severe stroke, swallowing disturbances, coma, or in patients receiving high doses of glucocorticoids [5, 16, 17]. Other authors do not recommend the use of antibiotics for the prevention and assign them to offer only the development of infectious complications, including pneumonia [27]. Undifferentiated treatment. Patients with acute stroke should be immediately taken to the hospital. The optimal timing are the first 1-3 hours after the onset of the disease, although the treatment is effective and reasonable in the later period. At this stage, the most desirable is the hospitalization of the patient in a multidisciplinary hospital with modern diagnostic equipment, including CT or MRI, tomography and angiography, which also has angionevrologicheskoe Department of ICU and emergency department with a specially selected unit (beds), and trained personnel to conduct these patients. An indispensable condition is the presence in the neurosurgery department of a hospital or a team of neurosurgeons, because about one-third of patients in need of advice or the provision of this type of specialized care. Being in such clinics significantly improves the outcome of stroke and efficacy of rehabilitation. Emergency measures at admission: A. Providing the necessary level of oxygenation by clearing the airways, putting duct or even on the testimony of transfer of the patient to mechanical ventilation. Two. Maintenance includes hemodynamic monitoring of blood pressure and heart deyatelnosti.Arterialnoe pressure is not recommended immediately to reduce by more than 10% because of stroke is disturbed autoregulation of cerebral blood flow and cerebral perfusion pressure may drop sharply in the fall in blood pressure, leading to secondary hypoxia in brain tissue. Antihypertensive therapy is conducted with care in small doses of calcium antagonists, beta-blockers (obzidan, atenolol, etc.) or blockers of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (renitek, etc.) do not cause significant changes in the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. Three. In cortico-subcortical centers, and break the blood into the ventricular system is often observed bouts of seizures. Relief of them also is necessary before the neurological examination, as they are difficult to deplete the brain's neurons. For this purpose, use relanium, injected intravenously. In severe cases, use of sodium thiopental.Further, such patients should immediately start prophylactic long-acting anticonvulsants (finlepsin, etc.). 4. Correction of local inflammatory reactions of the brain and damages the blood-brain barrier. Experimental studies on models of ischemic stroke have shown the importance of "long-term effects of ischemia" in the mechanisms of formation of cerebral infarction and in post-stroke progression of atherosclerosis and vascular entsefalopatii.Zapusk and deployment process of delayed neuronal death induced by activated microglia, which in conditions of ischemia begins to secrete potentially neurotoxic mediators inincluding proinflammatory cytokines, and initiate the cytotoxic effects of astrocytes.Proinflammatory cytokines - interleukin (IL), 1,6,8, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) effect on the endothelium of blood vessels, increasing its aggregation properties trigger the migration of leukocytes (initially polymorphonuclear neutrophil nuclei, and then macrophages) from the vasculature in the ischemic tissue the brain. This leads to the development of local inflammation in the ischemic focus, microcirculatory disturbances and damage to the blood-brain barrier. Astrocytes under the influence of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6) increase the synthesis of proteins ostrofaznyh class 1 (Creactive protein and compliment factors) that act as protease inhibitors, growth factors. Experimentally shown that the severity of inflammatory responses is determined not only by increased production of inflammatory cytokines, including neytrofinov (IL-10, IL-4, transforming growth factor - TRF-, etc.). The experimental and clinical studies (Saidvaliev FS, 2005) have shown that the local inflammatory response to brain dysfunction and the structure of the blood-brain barrier are not unique to ischemic brain damage, and bleeding, and in the latter case, their intensity is several times higher than that for cerebral ischemia. In this regard, was conducted clinical and experimental study of the influence of a number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the course of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes with histology (when the experiment), instrumental (CT scan in the dynamics), biophysical (calcium-dependent blood coagulation, blood viscosity) and biochemical (content interleukins and C-reactive protein in the cerebrospinal fluid) verification. Experimental and clinical application dikloberla (diclofenac sodium) in acute ischemic stroke demonstrated the most effective result. Given that diclofenac significantly alters the coagulating properties, with hemorrhages in the brain of its effectiveness in the experiment was lower than during ischemia. Experimental study showed that the most efficient and effective drug for intracerebral hemorrhage is nimesil (nimesulide). Five. Correction of endothelial dysfunction and hemostatic disorders. In recent years, experimental studies conclusively prove the existence of reciprocal relationships between endothelial factors and intravascular coagulation, as well as their relationship to electrolyte homeostasis. In the acute stage of ischemic stroke, the active influx of calcium ions in smooth muscle cells of blood vessels leads to hypertension and vascular spasm, and also leads to destabilization of vascular endothelial function with a pronounced procoagulant formation of prostaglandins. Depending on the degree of ischemia activates the arachidonic acid cycle with the accumulation of secondary products, which have a negative effect on vascular tone. It is proved that the level of vascular tone in health and disease, and determined by the balance of constrictor factors dilatatornyh endothelial nature. The clinical study (NU Abdullaev, 2005) have shown that the genesis of hypertensive ischemic strokes are characterized by an increase in von Willebrand factor activity in serum, increased platelet aggregation, reduced fibrinolytic activity of blood and antiagregatsionnoy activity of the vascular wall. For the correction of endothelial dysfunction, normalization of cerebral hemodynamics and prevention of vasospasm to the combined use of calcium channel blockers and inhibitors of the enzyme angiotenzinprevrvschayuschego. 6. In ischemic stroke is recommended to perform panarteriografii arteries of the head or arteriography on the affected side of the brain. In identifying the occluded arteries supplying the brain, the question of thrombolytic therapy. In addition, regardless of the nature of stroke in the acute period necessary to carry out the following activities: Continuous monitoring of key parameters of homeostasis - Control of swallowing (dysphagia in the presence of a nasogastric tube is placed to prevent aspiration pneumonia and to ensure adequate nutrition patient) - Monitoring of bladder, bowel, care for the skin. Necessary to conduct the first hours of passive exercises and massage of hands and feet as an indispensable and the most effective prevention of the condition of one of the main causes of mortality in stroke - pulmonary embolism (PE), as well as pressure sores and contractures early post-stroke. - It is important to prevent secondary hemorrhage in the necrotic tissue, which is usually observed in the 1-10th day, and often is a consequence of uncontrolled blood pressure and reperfusion (mainly thrombolytic) therapy conducted without contraindications to it. The basis for specific therapy in ischemic stroke are the two strategic areas: reperfusion and neuronal patronage, aimed at the protection of weak or barely functioning, but still viable neurons, which are located around the hearth infarction (area of "ischemic penumbra"). Reperfusion can be achieved through thrombolysis, vasodilation, increased perfusion pressure and improved blood rheology. Thrombolytic therapy The main cerebral thrombolytic recognized urokinase, streptokinase, and their derivatives, as well as tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). Their use is recommended only after a CT scan and angiography within the first 3 hours (!) From the onset of stroke in a dose of 0.9 mg / kg body weight intravenously, with small foci on the CT scan and blood pressure no higher than 190/100 mm Hg. Article., the absence of a history of stroke, ulcers, etc. Thrombolytic therapy restores blood flow and is currently the most effective treatment for ischemic stroke. Vasodilators Drugs such as cavinton, instenon, nicergoline are widely used in clinical practice, but their effectiveness is still being studied. The increase in cerebral perfusion pressure and improved blood rheology One of the most popular methods used for this purpose - hemodilution. It is based on two principles impact on the microcirculation of ischemic brain: blood viscosity reduction and optimization of circulatory volume. It is advisable to carry out low molecular weight dextran hypervolemic hemodilution (reopolyglukine, reomakrodeks, etc.) only if the hematocrit level of the patient exceeds 40 units, in providing its volume reduced to 33-35 units. Also, to improve the hemorheological properties of blood are used trental (200 mg kapelno2 times a day), and albumin. Antiplatelet Aspirin is an effective proven treatment for the acute period of cerebral infarctions.Perhaps its application in two ways - by 150-300 mg or low doses of 1 mg / kg body weight daily. The feasibility of using antiplatelet agents in the acute phase of an action, including ticlopidine, and dipyridamole (CURANTIL), is still being studied. Anticoagulants of direct action Direct anticoagulant recommended for use in progressive stroke, carotid bundle, or vertebral arteries, the early secondary prevention of cardiogenic embolism. Heparin prevents the expansion of infarction, which is due to the ongoing thrombosis or embolization of distal branches. Recommended dose regimen of 5-10 thousand units daily every 4-6 hours for 4-6 days under the control of blood clotting time.Contraindications to heparin: a rapid uncontrolled rise in blood pressure, coma, septic embolism, renal and hepatic failure, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, bleeding diathesis. Neuroprotection At the present time is allocated a range of drugs, possessing neuroprotective properties postsynaptic glutamate antagonists, inhibitors of presynaptic glutamate (lubelozol), calcium channel blockers (nimodipine, kaltsibindin, Norvasc), antioxidants (emoksipin, L-tocopherol), nootropics (piracetam, Cerebrolysin) and others. The feasibility of their use proved in experimental conditions. Surgical treatments for heart attacks cerebellum on a background of acute obstructive hydrocephalus, as well as drainage of the ventricles of the brain are currently used with high efficiency. The feasibility of other surgical interventions in acute ischemic stroke requires additional evidence. The role of cerebral edema in the development of secondary ischemic stroke with Pathological processes of the role of edema and swelling of the brain lies in the fact that they increase and (or) cause compression and displacement of brain structures, creating intracranial hypertension, blood circulation, metabolic processes and the functioning of the brain during the difficult period of post-traumatic stress and increase mortality in survivors. Oseltamivir important issues that prevent the development of edema and swelling of the brain, are the following: provision of adequate cerebral blood flow and gas exchange, the elimination of water and salt, and acid-base state, the normalization of the permeability of blood vessels. The classic definition of I. Klatzo, Brain edema is an abnormal accumulation of fluid associated with an increase in the volume of the brain [70]. According to N.Kvitnitskomu-Ryzhov, excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain tissue is treated as edema - swelling of the brain. When swelling occurs accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces, and swelling of the brain is an independent process, which is based on the strong binding of water to intracellular biocolloids [11]. Thus, cerebral edema should be considered as an extracellular and intracellular hydration swelling of both. Most often there is a combination of edema and swelling of the brain. In the foreign literature to highlight the cytotoxic and vasogenic edema of the brain, which can to some extent, be identified, respectively, with swelling and edema of the brain. In the pathogenesis of edema-swelling of the brain are also involved and other factors: systemic arterial pressure, central venous pressure (CVP), cerebrovascular resistance, blood volume in the vessels of the brain, the rheological properties of blood and the osmotic pressure, changes in gematentsefalicheskom barrier (BBB). Processes that cause reperfusion injury, are also activated pool of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, release of proinflammatory cytokines and the formation of prostanoids in aggregate form in the zone of myocardial inflammation [5,12,41,97]. At present we know two basic mechanisms of cell death described by K. Vogt (1842) and R. Vihrova (1859) - necrosis, and the process of active cell death programirovannoy - apoptosis, founded in 1972 by British scientists JFR Kerr, A. Wyllie and A.R. Currie [69]. The term 'apoptosis' is derived from Greek and means "separation", "falling of leaves from a tree." Moreover, it should be noted that the very seasonal shedding of leaves (as well as the ripe fruit), it is by running a program of apoptosis, and the very existence of this mechanism of v plants indicates the evolutionary antiquity of apoptosis [15]. The pathological process that is characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid within the cells of the brain called the swelling. OGM - an increase of the brain due to accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces. Swelling of the brain is a pathological condition polietiologicheskoe at which the accumulation of extracellular and / or intracellular fluid, which leads to an increase in brain volume and progression of its functional failure. Depending on the pathophysiological mechanisms are five types of brain edema (OGM): A. Vasogenic - the most common form of edema. Occurs when the blood-brain barrier dysfunctions, resulting in a rise in hydration glia. The main reasons for this type of edema are the metabolic transport systems endothelium, arterial hypertension, hyperthermia, hypercapnia, neovascularization of the tumor bed. Two. Gidrotsefalichesky - OGM arising in the blockade of CSF outflow tracts. The main reasons are: inflammation and bleeding in the brain ventricular system, three-dimensional intracranial processes that cause the deformation of the brain. Three. Osmotic - OGM arising in violation of the intracellular osmotic gradient and intravascular sectors with the intact blood-brain barrier. The main reasons are: hyperproduction of vasopressin, intravenous solutions gipoosmolyarnymi load, inadequate dialysis, drowning in fresh water, hypervolemia, polydipsia. 4. Ischemic (reperfusion) OGM due to intracellular accumulation of fluid due to gipoergoza, blockade of Na + K +-pump and transmineralizatsii. The main reason for this type of edema is hypoxia of any origin, and postischemic reperfusion, ammoniemia, hypoglycemia. Five. Cytotoxic - an intracellular OGM arising in the blockade of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The main causes: viral infections, carbon monoxide poisoning, cyanide, decomposition products of hemoglobin (the lysis of hematoma). In fact, there is usually a combination of several types of brain edema. So, for example, head injury in the first hours after the injury prevails Vasogenic OGM, which later joins ischemic and cytotoxic. Cerebral edema is often a secondary manifestation of underlying disease. It was established that involved in the pathogenesis of OGM circulatory, vascular and tissue factors. Circulatory factor can be divided into two units. Thus, the increase in blood pressure and increased cerebral arteries leads to a significant increase in pressure in the capillaries. There is a filtration of water from them into the intercellular space, resulting in damage to the tissue elements. The second element is the element of damage to the tissue with a tendency to accumulate water as a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain. Go to the pathogenesis of vascular factor in OGM is a violation of vascular permeability, which leads to penetration of the protein and plasma components of blood in the tissue spaces of the brain. As a result of increased osmolarity of extracellular fluid and there is a damage of cell membranes. Damage to cell membranes and cytoplasm of neurons - is a factor in the pathogenesis of tissue OGM. In the current literature on the pathogenetic mechanism of OGM is divided into Vasogenic, cytotoxic, osmotic and interstitial. The most common Vasogenic OGM, it is the result of dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In its pathogenesis: Exit the plasma into the extracellular space, increase in the volume of white matter of the brain. After swelling of the brain injury may be formed during the first day as a reaction to the impact of mechanical energy. Develops around tumors, abscesses, areas of inflammation, surgery, areas of ischemia. This is a perifocal edema. It can also cause self-compression of the brain. Cytotoxic OGM mainly develops as a result of hypoxia, ischemia and intoxication. It is a consequence of the intracellular metabolic astroglia. There is a disorder of osmoregulation membranes of brain cells, which depends on sodium-potassium pump.Localized predominantly in the gray matter of the brain. Occurs in viral infections, toxic-hypoxic encephalopathy, ischemic stroke, poisoning by carbon monoxide, cyanide, decomposition products of hemoglobin. Osmotic OGM hyperosmolarity arises as a result of brain tissue without affecting the functionality of the BBB. It happens with metabolic encephalopathy, drowning in fresh water, hypervolemia, polydipsia, inadequate hemodialysis. Interstitial OGM develops around the lateral ventricles due to soaking water through their walls in the brain tissue. Depending on the extent of the process of OGM is divided into local, or local, and generalized, which may cover one or two hemispheres. Select the most characteristic symptoms of OGM. The main one - cerebral, arising due to increased intracranial pressure. The patient is enhanced paroxysmal headache Expander nature, against which develops vomiting, change the cardiovascular system.There is psychomotor agitation, impaired consciousness, followed by progression of symptoms. A frequent sign - stagnant nipples optic nerves. When OGM cerebral syndrome usually has a progressive-remittiruyusche character. The second release syndrome, diffuse rostrokaudalnogo increase of neurological symptoms, the clinic which depends on the gradual involvement in the pathological process of brain structures. By the third dislocation syndrome include brain structures. As a result, the growth OGM and dislocations characteristic focal symptoms develop. The main stem symptoms can be identified with a lesion of the oculomotor nerve. In the case of compression of the posterior cerebral artery can appear homonymous hemianopsia. In severe dislocation of the brain develop decerebrate rigidity, bradycardia, dysphagia, etc. There are often sudden vomiting, neck stiffness, possible respiratory arrest. As shown by the results of many studies, one of the important links in the pathogenesis of secondary neuronal damage plays an important role in brain edema by cerebral ischemia. Cerebral edema increases ischemia associated secondary inflammatory reaction of the brain, promotes products hyperproduction of nitric oxide, excitatory amino acids, which contribute to disease. This in turn requires the inclusion in the complex therapy of ischemic stroke decongestants drugs in the early stages of the disease. As a result of randomized, placebo-controlled and blind studies have proven the absence of a positive impact on the disease and stroke mortality in the steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (dexamethasone) (Norris JV, 1986; Desai P., 1998; Ogun SA, 2001; Feigin JV, 2003) leading neurological clinic USA, Europe, Japan and other countries abandoned the use of corticosteroids, before a long time and is widely used in the treatment of this pathology, in particular as anti-edema therapy. The use of loop diuretics is limited because of the increased risk of hemodynamic disturbances as a result of blood clots. Osmodiuretiki have rebound syndrome (in violation of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow), steal syndrome (with critical dehydration intact areas of the brain), increasing the possibility of secondary brain damage. In this context, the question becomes relevant selection of adequate, safe and effective anti-edema therapy for stroke. One of these drugs may be recognized as L-lysine aescinat. The drug L-lysine aescinat ® is designed to provide medical care and prevention oteua brain in various pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system lesions in the brain and spinal cord, in cases of severe violations of the venous circulation, as well as in some other cases, associated with elevated exudative and inflammatory processes. L-Lysine aescinat and has a strong and rapid anti-edema effect, eliminates or significantly reduces swelling, swelling of the brain and spinal cord and meninges, eliminates compression and dislocation structures of the brain, reduces intracranial hypertension. The drug improves the elasticity of the veins, increases the tone of venous vessels, normalizes blood rheology, stimulates the antithrombotic activity of serum, improves microcirculation, dose-dependent decrease vascular permeability and tissue permeability barrier plazmolimfaticheskogo, reduces the activity of lysosomal enzymes and prevents the formation of exudative reaction to prostaglandins, has a mild diuretic effect, positive effect on tissue trophism. Use of the drug also causes immunomodulating effect, eliminated stress hyperglycemia in patients with brain damage and normal blood levels of carbohydrates, thus preventing the development or eliminating the effects of brain tissue acidosis, and exacerbation of cerebral injury.Pronounced immunomodulating activity of L-lysine aescinat ® prevents the risk of inflammatory complications or reduce it. In order to study the effect of complex therapy with decongestants drugs on the clinical course of the study of secondary hemodynamic effects of acute ischemic stroke, a comparative clinical study of Doppler sonography effective ¬ efficiency of the drug L-lysine aescinat. The effectiveness of L-lysine is associated with membrane-aescinat effect of the drug, which in turn is due to sosudotoniziruyuschim action and the ability to increase oncotic pressure within the capillaries, leading to the attraction of fluid from the intercellular sector and the elimination of hypovolemia. Venotonic effect is significant in improving venous circulation and the prevention of venous reflux. The effects of the drug due to both anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and effect and the end result is associated with a positive influence on the permeability and fragility of blood vessels.The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with effects on the adrenal cortex, believe that escin stimulates the release of glucocorticoids. In studies conducted in GNTSLS, it was confirmed that escin, as well as its hydrolysis product, inhibits the growth of granulation tissue, ie, has an inhibiting effect on the proliferative phase of inflammation Clinical trials were conducted on the basis of intensive neurology clinic TMA-1. Type of test: an open, longitudinal study with two parallel groups. The 1st control group received conventional therapy of ischemic stroke without the inclusion of L-lysine aescinat. This group is made up of 20 patients. Group 2 comparison (also 20 patients) received L-lysine aescinat at a dosage of 10.0 ml of twice-daily intravenous infusion and traditional treatment of ischemic stroke.Duration of treatment 10 days. The selection of patients for the study: Criteria for inclusion in the trial: A. patients with ischemic stroke of moderate and severe degrees of severity. Two. patients not receiving other decongestants drugs. Three. patients without active peptic ulcer disease and gastrointestinal disorders, without the liver and kidney, with no tendency to bleeding. 4. patients without a history of allergic burdened. The criteria are not included in the test: A. patients with ischemic stroke is very severe degrees of severity. Two. Patients receiving other decongestant medicines. Three. patients with active gastrointestinal ulcer, a violation of the excretory function of kidneys, liver failure and prone to bleeding. 4. Patients with a history of allergoanamnezom. Mapping scheme of the drug: L-Lysine aescinat administered as an intravenous injection of 10.0 ml of 0.1% solution twice a day. In patients receiving L-lysine aescinat not use other decongestant medicines. To objectify the study included patients with approximately the same degree of severity of disease. Serious side effects of L-lysine aescinat in patients with ischemic stroke requiring discontinuation of the drug were observed. Assessed the severity and extent of neurological deficit Scandinavian scale and the scale of NIHSS, Computer-tomography study and research arterialnotgo and venous components of cerebral hemodynamics by transcranial Doppler data (Logidop-4, Germany). Age of patients ranged from 34 to 68 years. The median age was 62,2 1,1 years. All patients received IM at the clinic in the most acute period of disease. We studied patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke clinical lesion was characterized by a predominance of carotid focal symptoms: central paresis of nerves VII and XII, the presence of mono-, - hemiparesis or hemiplegia, the emergence of pathological reflexes, and reflexes of oral automatism, combined with sensory disturbances in the form of surface or total mono-and hemianesthesia. Defeat of the dominant hemisphere was accompanied by aphasic, Gnostic, praksicheskimi disorders. Cerebral symptoms were observed in patients with severe stroke: impaired consciousness, and the dislocation secondary stem syndrome. For the objectification of patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke assessed their neurological status by means of two complementary scales - Scandinavian and NIHSS (American Stroke Scale), which showed that NIHSS score mean clinical score was 19,3 ± 1,4 balls, and on Scandinavian scale - 30,0 ± 2,2 points, in both cases indicates moderate disease course. Assessment of the severity and extent of neurological deficit in the patients examined ischemic stroke c clinical scales showed that on the third day of the disease indicated a significant improvement in patients (a positive shift of the NIHSS score of 30.8%, and the Scandinavian scale at 22.4% .) Patients who were not taking L-Lysine aescinat, by the third day of the disease has a positive trend statistically significant (Table 26). Comparative analysis showed that on the tenth day of illness a positive trend to a decrease in neurological deficit was significantly higher in patients treated with L-lysine aescinat (Table 1).. So, by that time the disease clinical score on a scale of NSAIDs on the NIHSS decreased 29.51%, and the Scandinavian scale increased by 24% (p <0,05) compared with patients treated with no L-lysine aescinat. Table 1. Evaluation of neurological status in the course of the disease in patients with ischemic stroke in clinical scales. Patients with intracerebral hemorrhage Prior to treatment (N = 20) Without treatment, L-lysine aescinat (N = 20) treatment with L-lysine aescinat (n = 20) 3-day (N = 20) 10-day (N = 20) 3-day (N = 20) 10-day (N = 20) Scale NIHSS, score 19,3 ± 1,4 17,5 ± 1,6 p1> 0,05 14,7 ± 1,5 p1 <0.05 12,1 ± 1,2 p1 <0.001 p2 <0.05 10,4 p1 p2 ± Ckandinavskaya 31,6 p1> p1 38,7 p1 p2 scale 0,05 score 30,0 ± 37,5 ± ± ± 46,5 p1 p2 Note: 1,3 <0.001 <0.05 ± p1 p2 - reliability relative to the reliability with 2,2 2,4 2,9 <0.05 2,5 <0.01 <0.05 3,1 <0.001 <0.05 the respect patient prior to patients to without treatment; treatment L-Lysine aescinat. The clinical observations have shown that in patients not treated with L-lysine aescinat even in the case of positive neurological dynamics and reduce gipodensnoy zone according to the CT scan, there is the safety zone, or an increase of perifocal edema. The study of cerebral hemodynamics was performed assessing the effects of the drug L-lysine aescinat on the arterial (MCA, ACA, PCA, and OA) and venous components (IJV). Analysis of the results (Table 2) showed that the hemispheric stroke significantly prevalent signs of asymmetry of blood flow with hypoperfusion in the affected pool (p <0,05). Local changes in blood flow velocity with signs of turbulence, as well as a moderate increase in BFV of ACA, significantly increasing in the contralateral CCA compression, and a significant increase in BFV of PCA in the homolateral CCA compression with a decrease in response to MCA in response to a compression test, was observed in 45.71%. In 26.15% of cases of stroke on a background of hypertension reported a moderate increase with the increase of BFV index of peripheral resistance and vascular tone (Table 2). In 32% of this group is a source of collateral circulation pool contralateral common carotid artery. In these patients, blood flow velocity in the supratrochlear artery with compression of the common carotid artery of the same name has not changed, indicating that filling of the distal internal carotid artery blood flow from another source and confirm the presence of collateral circulation to the intracranial level. In a minority of patients (5%) were the source of artery blood flow vertebro-basilar basin.The value of antegrade blood flow direction in the supratrochlear artery did not change with sequential compression of both common carotid arteries. Table 2. Dopplerographic intracranial hemodynamic parameters examined Surveyed groups Artery Parameters GS, cm / s PI RI The control group (n = 30), left MCA 86,4 ± 8,2 0,85 ± 0,12 0,55 ± 0,11 Right 84,2 ± 8,4 0,82 ± 0,11 0,53 ± 0,11 Left ACA 73,6 ± 4,3 0,84 ± 0,13 0,53 ± 0,15 Right 72,6 ± 4,2 0,87 ± 0,13 0,52 ± 0,15 ZMA left 63,2 ± 7,5 0,84 ± 0,12 0,55 ± 0,16 Right 60,4 ± 7,8 0,80 ± 0,14 0,52 ± 0,18 The OA 56,8 ± 4,6 0,80 ± 0,12 0,49 ± 0,15 Treatment with L-lysine aescinat before treatment (numerator) and after treatment (the denominator), the left MCA 63,4 ± 6,4 * 85,5 ± 5,5 1,19 ± 0,12 * 1,02 ± 0,14 0,96 ± 0,15 * 0,72 ± 0,08 Right 60,9 ± 6,2 * 83,3 ± 5,3 1,14 ± 0,13 * 0,88 ± 0,06 0,95 ± 0,18 * 0,76 ± 0,06 Left ACA 58,4 ± 6,5 * 72,6 ± 5,2 1,27 ± 0,15 * 0,85 ± 0,08 0,94 ± 0,13 * 0,71 ± 0,05 Right 57,3 ± 6,3 74,2 ± 6,3 1,26 ± 0,14 * 1,04 ± 0,13 0,92 ± 0,13 * 0,73 ± 0,09 ZMA left 48,8 ± 4,5 55,4 ± 6,8 1,22 ± 0,13 * 1,01 ± 0,15 0,97 ± 0,12 * 0,85 ± 0,12 Right 49,6 ± 4,7 56,9 ± 7,1 1,20 ± 0,12 * 1,02 ± 0,14 0,96 ± 0,12 * 0,87 ± 0,13 The OA 41,8 ± 3,5 * 46,8 ± 4,8 1,17 ± 0,14 * 1,07 ± 0,12 0,90 ± 0,13 * 0,82 ± 0,13 Without treatment, L-lysine aescinat (N = 30) before treatment (numerator) and after treatment (the denominator), the left MCA 62,5 ± 5,2 * 71,5 ± 4,31 1,17 ± 0,13 * 1,12 ± 0,13 0,99 ± 0,14 * 0,95 ± 0,071 Right 61,6 ± 5,4 * 69,3 ± 4,41 1,15 ± 0,12 * 1,13 ± 0,101 0,94 ± 0,15 * 0,92 ± 0,051 Left ACA 57,3 ± 6,3 * 58,4 ± 4,71 1,25 ± 0,14 * 1,12 ± 0,111 0,92 ± 0,14 * 0,87 ± 0,051 Right 59,2 ± 6,2 64,6 ± 6,3 1,24 ± 0,15 * 1,14 ± 0,12 0,93 ± 0,15 * 0,81 ± 0,13 ZMA left 45,7 ± 4,3 50,1 ± 5,4 1,23 ± 0,12 * 1,00 ± 0,17 0,94 ± 0,13 * 0,88 ± 0,15 Right 47,2 ± 4,5 52,3 ± 5,1 1,21 ± 0,13 * 1,01 ± 0,16 0,95 ± 0,14 * 0,89 ± 0,13 The OA 40,3 ± 3,7 * 36,7 ± 4,5 1,16 ± 0,13 * 1,09 ± 0,14 0,91 ± 0,12 * 0,87 ± 0,14 Note: there were significant indicators relative to the norm: * - (P <0.05); ** - (P <0.01), the reliability indices with respect to the treatment with L-lysine aescinat: 1 - (P <0.05), 2 - (P <0.01 .) The study of the venous component of cerebral blood flow shows signs of difficulty of venous outflow from the cranial cavity, associated with general haemodynamic changes on the background of stroke. The patients showed signs of decline and the average linear velocity of blood flow (more than 26%) with a decrease in peripheral indices (p <0.001), impaired phase character of the curve, indicating that overflow with obstruction of venous outflow of blood (Table 3). Table 3. IJV blood flow to the examinees. Parameters control group (n = 30) treatment with L-lysine aescinat (n = 20) before treatment without treatment with L-lysine aescinat (N = 20) GS, cm / s right 27,8 ± 1,05 20,5 ± 1,02 *** 28,3 ± 1,05 21,5 ± 1,03 *** 24,2 ± 1,042 left to 25,3 ± 1,01 22,6 ± 0,98 *** 27,5 ± 1,08 22,4 ± 0,99 *** 24,3 ± 1,061 PI right 0,75 ± 0,04 0,55 ± 0,03 *** 0,72 ± 0,01 0,57 ± 0,02 *** 0,67 ± 0,021 left to 0,76 ± 0,02 0,52 ± 0,04 *** 0,75 ± 0,02 0,56 ± 0,03 *** 0,67 ± 0,031 RI right 0,47 ± 0,03 0,35 ± 0,02 *** 0,51 ± 0,01 0,33 ± 0,02 *** 0,45 ± 0,022 left to 0,45 ± 0,02 0,33 ± 0,01 *** 0,53 ± 0,01 0,35 ± 0,01 *** 0,40 ± 0,031 Note: there were significant indicators relative to the norm: * - (P <0.05); ** - (P <0.01) *** - (P <0.001), the reliability indices with respect to the treatment with L-lysine aescinat: 1 (P <0.05 ) 2 (P <0.01), 3 (P <0.001) Dynamic study of cerebral hemodynamics showed that inclusion in the treatment of ischemic stroke L-lysine aescinat is a statistically significant improvement in arterial and venous components of cerebral blood flow. Thus, in patients treated with L-lysine significantly increased aescinat linear velocity of blood flow with a decrease in vascular tone and peripheral resistance (Table 2), indicating an improvement of arterial perfusion in the brain tissue. Along with the improvement in blood components of cerebral hemodynamics, and improved venous outflow, which was reflected in a significant increase in the linear and the mean blood flow velocity with an increase in venous tone - indices PI and RI (Table 3), which is associated with the drug venotonic properties of L-lysine aescinat. Thus, this study showed that the use of anti-edema of the drug L-lysine aescinat effectively reduces the swelling of the brain which plays an important role in the processes of early and late neuronal lesions during the acute ischemic stroke. The use of L-lysine aescinat accompanied by significant improvement of the clinical course of disease, a rapid decrease in the zone of perifocal edema, as evidenced by a decrease in neurological deficit according to the clinical scales and CT studies. The use of L-lysine improves the effective aescinat intracerebral blood flow by improving venous return, which in turn improves arterial perfusion of the brain. Prevention of recurrent ischemic Due to the large variety of causes underlying the stroke, it is necessary in the first days of the disease, along with these treatments take measures to prevent recurrence of stroke. In cardioembolic stroke due to atrial fibrillation, cardiac therapy, besides the recommended appointment of indirect anticoagulants. If there are contraindications to their use, the use of aspirin. It is believed that in order to reduce the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, initial treatment should begin with aspirin and held until such time as will permit the main deficits caused by stroke, or if it is a heavy stroke, after about two weeks after it began. In arterio-arterial embolism, occlusive disease of major arteries of the head is effective use of aspirin, ticlopidine, dipyridamole. Treatment and prevention of secondary and recurrent haemorrhage in the brain is primarily based on a carefully selected anti-hypertensive therapy, and prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke - on the monitoring of ECG and blood pressure. In some cases, for the prevention of ischemic strokes are choosing surgical methods, especially when stenosis or occlusion of the gross of the carotid and vertebral arteries embologenic, heterogeneous atherosclerotic plaques (endarterioektomiya, revascularization. Conclusion Given the high incidence of CVD in the population, should give priority to solving this problem using the scientific expertise of physicians around the world. Undoubtedly, such an approach to the problem will yield positive results. Knowing the major risk factors for stroke, which not only contribute to the development of the disease, but also influence its course and prognosis must be carefully approach the choice of drugs to treat such patients. Based on the results of numerous studies on the use of the drug L-lysine aescinat, as well as your own accumulated material for clinical testing of their effectiveness, we can recommend the drug as safe and effective for the treatment of cerebral edema in ischemic stroke. APPENDIX. Classification of stroke according to ICD X G45 Transient cerebral transient ischemic attacks (attacks) and related syndromes G45.0 The syndrome of vertebrobasilar arterial system G45.1 carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric) G45.2 Multiple and bilateral symptoms of cerebral arteries G45.3 Transient blindness Transient global amnesia G45.4 G45.8 Other transient cerebral ischemic attacks and related syndromes G45.9 Transient cerebral ischemic attack, unspecified G46 * Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases (I60 I67 +) G46.0 * middle cerebral artery syndrome (I66.0 +) G46.1 * anterior cerebral artery syndrome (I66.1 +) G46.2 * posterior cerebral artery syndrome (I66.2 +) G46.3 The syndrome of stroke in the brain stem (I60 I67 +) Syndrome: Benedict Claude Fovillya Miyyara Zhyuble Wallenberg Weber G46.4 * cerebellar stroke syndrome (I60 I67 +) G46.5 * Pure motor lacunar syndrome (I60 I67 +) G46.6 * Pure sensitive lacunar syndrome (I60 I67 +) G46.7 * Other lacunar syndromes (I60 I67 +) G46.8 * Other vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases (I60 I67 +) Cerebrovascular disease (I60-I69) I60 Subarachnoid hemorrhage I60.0 Subarachnoid hemorrhage from carotid sinus and bifurcation internal carotid artery I60.1 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery I60.2 subarachnoid hemorrhage from anterior communicating artery I60.3 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery I60.4 Subarachnoid hemorrhage from basilar artery I60.5 Subarachnoid hemorrhage from vertebral artery I60.6 Subarachnoid hemorrhage from other intracranial arteries References: Гематоэнцефаличесикй барьер. 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