
Science Unit 6 Physics 2014-2015 KS4 Medium term overview
Module Title:
Module Length:
BTEC First Award in Applications of Applied Science
Unit 6: Applications of Physical science
30 guided learning hours
Overall aims of the scheme:
Learning aim A:
Investigate motion
Learning aim B:
Investigate forces
Learning aim C: I
Investigate light and sound waves
Learning aim D:
Investigate electricity
Core activities:
Learning aim A:
Learners state what speed is and how we calculate it.
Learners use a stopwatch and tape measure to measure
distance travelled during a period of time. They use their results
to plot distance–time graphs
Learners use the graphs that they have plotted to make
qualitative judgement of speed: stationary; moving at a constant
Speed; moving with increasing or decreasing speed.
Inclusion: gifted and talented, SEN, EAL
 SEN:
1. key word definitions;
2. Differentiated work sheets
3. Support through verbal interaction
4. Working towards level 2 but can
evidence level 1 work
 G&T:
1. Differentiated skill sheets
2. Work towards merit/distinction grades
3. Take the lead in practical activities
 EAL:
Learners define distance, displacement, speed and velocity.
Learners watch a video of cars accelerating. Use the video as
Stimulus material to discuss acceleration and how it is
Learners use light gates and a data logger to measure the
Acceleration of a trolley as it travels down a ramp. Learners plot
Their results graphically.
Learners find out about three techniques for catching speeding
Drivers and determine which one would be the most effective.
Learners sketch two graphs, one to show uniform motion and
one to show non-uniform motion.
Learners watch a video clip of roller coasters. Class discussion
on the energy changes involved in a roller coaster ride.
By CHu
Syllabus References:
Edexcel exam board
ICT Links:
a) Developing skills in Independent research
b) Developing skills in specific research criteria
c) Understanding what plagiarism is
Developing skills in referencing research
resources- web sites correctly
Research: to define distance, displacement, speed
and velocity
Research: about three techniques for catching
speeding drivers
Research types of roller coaster and the
conservation of energy. They use a model of a
roller coaster
Research the causes and provide examples of
friction acting on objects
Literacy and Learning
Learning through talk:
Comparing three techniques for catching speeding
Drivers and determine which one would be the
most effective.
Discussion on Show a video clip of Formula 1 cars
with ‘glowing’ brake discs. Lead a discussion on
energy transformations happening to a car when
braking and the factors that affect stopping
Lead a discussion on the uses of thermistors.
Lead a discussion on the uses of LDRs.
Discussion on watch a video of cars accelerating
Discussion on the watched video clip of roller
1. Use of visual aids- PP slides, images,
practical work
2. Emphasis on key words use and
3. Availability of a dictionary
4. Use of Google translate
 PP:
1. Regular assessment of student
2. Encouragement in class activities
 LAC:
1. Use of Collins differentiated work
tasks available
 Boys underachievement:
1. Encourage full interaction in activities
2. Identify roles in group work
3. Peer supporting activities
Assessment for Learning Opportunities:
1. Students have targets which they know
and understand
2. Students know regularly at what level they
are working in relation to these targets
3. Students know how they can improve their
working at level so as to achieve their targets
4. The students have access to level/grade
descriptors, e.g. in their books or on
classroom walls, and they understand them,
and there is reference to them within lessons
1. Show a video clip of Formula 1 cars with ‘glowing’ brake
discs. Lead a discussion on energy transformations happening
to a car when braking and the factors that affect stopping
distance. Link back to kinetic energy to understand why braking
distance increases with the square of speed.
2Learners calculate kinetic energy and changes in gravitational
potential energy in a roller coaster.
3. Learners represent the movement of a roller coaster and a
Formula 1 car on energy transformation diagrams.
Learners suggest what the term ‘conservation of energy’
means. Once a definition has been agreed, learners then give
some examples of where this happens.
1. Learners calculate the theoretical maximum speed of a trolley
down a ramp by measuring the gravitational energy at start and
comparing to final kinetic energy. Discuss with learners why
there is a difference between the measured and theoretical
speed of the trolley.
2. Learners investigate the conservation of energy. They use a
model of a roller coaster with cardboard and marbles. Learners
should draw energy transformation diagrams as part of their
investigation. They can then calculate the KE and the GPE of
the marbles.
3. Learners use their conservation of energy examples and
draw energy transformation diagrams for them.
Learning aim B:
Learners watch a video clip of a tug-of-war, to demonstrate
balanced and unbalanced forces.
1. Set up a frictionless track and ask learners to apply forces to
a glider on the track. Learners investigate the effect of balanced
and unbalanced forces on the motion of the glider.
2. Learners look at the effect of balanced and unbalanced
forces on objects.
By CHu
Discuss and collaborate on examples of friction
acting on objects. They should give at least two
examples where friction is a nuisance
and at least two examples where it is useful
Small/large group activities – practical
investigations- developing team work
Use of roles within groups
Learning from text:
Use research and put information into own words
Use of text books for research- students to gather
appropriate information they required
Use of library books
Use of Applications Of science text books
Learning through writing:
Presenting work as: reports, leaflets, newspaper
articles, posters
Numeracy Links:
 Use the equation: distance (m) = speed
(m/s) × time (s).
 Use the equation: displacement (m) =
velocity (m/s) × time (s)
 Use the equation: acceleration (m/s2) =
change in velocity (m/s) / time taken (s).
 Equation: KE = ½ × mass × (speed)2.
 Calculate change in gravitational potential
energy using the following equation: PE =
mass × acceleration due to gravity ×
5. There are exemplars of good work
available of different types which we can
show to students and which, in particular,
illustrate level/grade requirements
6. Schemes of work/lesson plans all make
specific reference to AFL
7. Learning objectives are differentiated and
8. Lesson observations show that each
teacher is in “AFL mode”, i.e. always
discussing their work with students and
helping them see how they can improve in
terms of level/grade descriptors and
achieving targets.
9. There is evidence that teachers have the
skill of asking the students the type of
questions, both individually and to the whole
class, that enables them to understand how
they can progress, and where relevant lead
them to see how they can move on to achieve
higher levels/grades.
10. There is evidence that both peer and self
assessment relating to the learning objectives
are occurring in lessons as appropriate
11. There is the evidence of AFL comments
in the marking of students’ work.
12. AFL is also being used to adjust
schemes of work, lesson plans and overall
teaching in the light of analysis of the
ascertained responses of students
Student Leadership Opportunities:
Group work roles- manager/ leader during
practical activities
Organising a small group for a presentation
to the class on
3. Learners give two examples of situations demonstrating
4. Learners should calculate the force on the objects
1. Demonstrate a water-powered rocket. Discuss the forces
acting on the rocket at various stages of flight with learners. 2.
Learners produce a presentation explaining the forces that act
on a rocket during stages of flight.
3. Learners carry out an investigation into the shape of a car.
They then make a cardboard model of their car and measure
how fast it is blown back by a stream of air from a blower.
4. Discuss the forces on a skydiver in free fall and once the
parachute has opened. Research the terminal velocity for both
stages. You could show a video to illustrate this further.
Learners provide examples of friction acting on objects. They
should give at least two examples where friction is a nuisance
and at least two examples where it is useful.
Learners draw a labelled force diagram and identify whether
forces are balanced or unbalanced in a variety of applications.
Diagrams should show all the forces involved and give
approximate sizes
Learners list three situations involving friction and plan an
experiment to investigate the effect of weight on friction. They
then carry out and evaluate their investigation.
Learners define the key words associated with forces. Learners
use each one in a sentence.
Geography: looking at different areas within the
country, then different environments the changing
weather patterns linked to road safety
Making a cardboard model of their car and
measure how fast it is blown back by a stream of
air from a blower.
draw a labelled force diagrams
History local environment –- past present and
future of the environment how it has changed over
time, linked to the environment of vehicles on
roads, road safety in counties- statistics
WrL / Enterprise:
1. Learners carry out an investigation of tensile forces by finding
the extension of a spring when different weights are applied.
2. Learners investigate tensile forces using a piece of elastic
and a force meter. They will then be able to describe the
relationship between length of the elastic and tensile force.
By CHu
change in height.
Calculating using the equation:
Force (N) = mass (kg) ×acceleration (m/s2).
 Use the equation: work done (J) = force (N)
× distance (m).
 Using the equation: speed = frequency ×
 Use the equation: resistance (Ω) = voltage
(V) / current (A).
 Calculating averages from practical results
 Construct graphs lined/ bar/ curves from
Cross-Curricular Links:
Extension/Enrichment Opportunities:
Working at the higher distinction grades, to
evaluate, synthesise learning
3. Show learners photos showing compressive and tensile
forces in action. Ask them to identify where these forces are
1, Learners produce a concept map of words associated with
2,Learners use a frictionless track to investigate the effect of
varying forces acting on a trolley and show that acceleration is
proportional to force and inversely proportional to mass.
3. Learners revisit their work on describing the forces involved
in the movement of a rocket. They describe the forces acting at
different stages of the rocket launch from take-off to landing.
4. Learners revisit their concept map and amend it to their
current understanding, linking terms and introducing new ideas.
1. Learners define GPE and work done. They then give
examples and units of each. More able workers link this to:
weight = mass × gravitational field strength.
2. Learners pull objects along different surfaces with a newton
meter and lift objects. They link the work done in each case to
force × distance, and for vertical work done, to GPE = weight ×
change in height.
3. Learners use force diagrams to describe work done in two
different applications.
4. Learners review their progress by describing work done,
force, gravitational potential energy and weight. More able
learners could explain what links these things together.
Learning aim C:
1. Show learners an image of a periscope and ask them what
they are used for and how they work.
2. Demonstrate a pencil in a glass of water and ask learners to
suggest why the pencil appears bent.
3. Learners explain what reflection and refraction are.
1. Learners research applications of light, including using
mirrors in telescopes, car rear-view mirrors and periscopes.
2. Reinforce the concept of refraction. Learners model a ray of
By CHu
light by walking into a model of a glass block.
3. Lead a discussion on the function of the lens in the eye and
how glasses are used to correct vision problems (limited to
short-sightedness and long-sightedness).
1. Ask learners to describe how light travels through a reflecting
telescope to the eye.
2. Learners list the equipment needed to build a periscope.
They then plan to build a periscope and, once their plans are
checked, construct a periscope. Learners draw associated ray
diagrams to show how they work.
3.Learners draw up a list of the similarities and differences
between images formed by
4. Learners investigate what happens when light is incident on
convex and concave lenses. Learners draw ray diagrams to
scale for their experimental set-ups, labelling the object, focal
point and image.
Learners draw diagrams to show what reflection and refraction
5. Learners research how the eye focuses light and how
glasses correct simple vision problems. Learners present their
results as a poster or presentation.
6. Learners write five true/false statements about lenses. Their
peers must say which statements are true and which are false.
1. Demonstrate an optical fibre and discuss with learners some
uses of optical fibres, including endoscopes for keyhole surgery.
2. Learners investigate what happens when a ray of white light
is incident on triangular and semi-circular prisms, and write a
report on their findings.
3. Learners produce a leaflet to explain how prisms are used in
bicycle reflectors.
4. Learners find out how prisms are used in binoculars and
draw a diagram to illustrate their findings.
5. Learners draw ray diagrams to show the use of prisms in
binoculars and safety reflectors
Demonstrate a bell in a vacuum jar to illustrate the need for a
By CHu
medium for sound to propagate.
1. Demonstrate compressions and rarefactions using a long
‘slinky’ spring. This can be extended to use the patterns of
compressions and rarefactions to calculate wavelength,
frequency and speed of the wave using the equation: speed =
frequency × wavelength.
2. Learners measure the speed of sound by knocking together
two pieces of wood and recording the time for an echo to be
heard from a flat wall of measured distance.
3. Learners spend one minute talking about sound. They must
not hesitate or repeat anything during the minute.
1. Give learners sets of three words associated with sound and
ask them to work out which is the odd one out. They must give
a reason for their answer.
2. Learners research applications of sound, including ultrasound
imaging, ultrasound treatment for kidney stones and sonar.
They can present their findings as a presentation or poster.
3. Give learners a true or false activity on sound and its
Learning aim D:
1. Discuss with learners how to use ammeters to measure
current in series and parallel circuits, and how to use voltmeters
to measure voltage in series and parallel circuits. Lead the
discussion on to how to calculate resistance.
2. Learners match circuit symbols to components.
1. Learners build circuits in series and parallel and take
readings of voltage and current in the circuit. Learners should
draw each circuit, mark on the measured values and then
calculate the resistance of the components in the circuit.
2. Learners take readings of voltage and current in circuits to
calculate the resistance of light bulbs at different voltages.
3. Learners take readings of voltage and current in a circuit with
a resistor and draw a graph of current as a function of voltage.
At constant temperature a straight line of best fit is given,
proving Ohm’s law is obeyed.
By CHu
4. Learners list three things that they knew about electricity
before the lesson, three things that they learnt during the
lesson, and three things they would still like to know about
current and voltage.
1. Ask learners to list five facts about LDRs. Combine all facts
from the class and ask learners to rank them in order of
importance. Learners build a circuit to investigate the
relationship between the light level and the resistance of an
2. Learners build a circuit to investigate the relationship
between the temperature and the resistance of a thermistor.
1. Lead a discussion on the uses of thermistors.
2. Lead a discussion on the uses of LDRs.
1. Learners produce a flowchart to suggest how a security light
2. Learners list some uses of thermistors. Ask them why
thermistors work in each situation
By CHu
Learning Objectives
2A.P1 Produce accurate graphs
to represent uniform and nonuniform motion using primary
1. Research the terms; velocity, motion, acceleration, uniform
motion, non-uniform motion, and displacement
To obtain primary data you need to investigate uniform motion.
Complete a full laboratory reports, include graphs
2. I) Set up a runway with a slight slope and place a toy car or
trolley on it.
II) Give the car a short, gentle push and watch how it moves.
III) Adjust the height of the runway so that when the car
starts moving it continues at a steady speed. This means it
does Not slow down and stop, nor does it speed up.
To measure the distance travelled and time taken by a toy car
or trolley rolling along this runway at a steady speed:
2A.P2 Calculate speed and
velocity for simple experiments.
calculate speed and velocity by; measuring the distance
travelled and time taken by using a marble rolling along this
runway at an increasing speed:
1. I) Raise the runway slightly.
II) Make measurements of the distance travelled by the
marble and the time taken at a number of points along the
III) Record your results in a suitable table with appropriate
column headings and units.
IV) Plot a distance–time graph for the marble’s journey along
the runway.
V) Describe what the graph shows.
VI) Use the graph to calculate the marble’s acceleration and
show your working.
Produce a leaflet for the department. Clearly outline the
characteristic graph shapes you have found. It should help to
identify vehicles which are: a) stationary
b) moving with a constant speed
c) moving with increasing speed
d) moving with decreasing speed
3. I) Make measurements of the distance travelled by the toy
car and the time taken at a number of points from the starting
2A.M1 Interpret graphs to
identify objects that are
stationary, moving at a constant
speed and moving with
increasing or decreasing speed.
2A.P1 Produce accurate graphs
to represent uniform and nonuniform motion using primary
By CHu
Evidence of graphs using primary data from simple
uniform motion experiments (ref content A.6)
Evidence to show measurements of distance for
simple experiments, along with the units recorded
during the investigation
Use data to explain and interpret what happens with
vehicles in motion
2A.P2 Calculate speed and
velocity for simple experiments.
II) Record results in a suitable table with appropriate column
headings and units.
III) Plot a distance–time graph for the car’s journey along the
IV) Describe what the graph shows.
V) Use the graph to calculate the car’s speed and show your
measure the distance travelled and time taken by a toy car or
trolley rolling along this runway at a decreasing speed:
2. I) Lower the runway slightly, so that when the car starts
moving it slows down.
II) Make measurements of the distance travelled by the toy car
and the time taken at a number of points along the track.
III) Record your results in a suitable table with appropriate
column headings and units.
IV) Plot a distance–time graph for the car’s journey along the
V) Describe what the graph shows
VI) Use the graph to calculate the car’s deceleration and show
your working.
2A.M1 Interpret graphs to
identify objects that are
stationary, moving at a constant
speed and moving with
increasing or decreasing speed
2. Using data obtained from your tutor for a vehicle starting
from rest:
a) Plot a speed–time graph for the data and calculate the
gradient (acceleration)
b) Find the distance travelled by the vehicle by calculating the
area under the graph
2A.D1 Calculate the gradient for
distance–time graphs and the
gradient and area under speed–
time graphs.
2A.P3 Describe the
conservation of energy for simple
experiments, including energy
transformation diagrams.
Research three techniques for catching speeding drivers and
determine which one would be the most effective.
sketch two graphs, one to show uniform motion and one to
show non-uniform motion.
This information will be used by your employer in a public
information leaflet. To explain changes in mass, velocity or
steepness of the road (height) and changes the kinetic energy
of a vehicle and how this affects its stopping distance.
1. Research and write a clear definition to explain what
By CHu
Relating learning to real-life scenarios to show skills
in evaluating
2A.M2 Calculate kinetic energy
and changes in gravitational
potential energy.
Explain how changes in energy
will affect transportation and
stopping distances
2B.P4 Describe the effects of
balanced and unbalanced forces
on objects.
conservation of energy means.
2. Use the example of a car moving down a steep hill with no
brakes, describe how energy is conserved
3. Draw an energy transformation diagram of the above.
4. Imagine the same car brakes sharply. Draw an energy
transformation diagram for this and describe how it is different
from the first situation.
1. I) Research the masses of two different makes or models of
II) Calculate the kinetic energy of each vehicle at two different
speeds, showing step-by-step workings.
2. I) Research and describe how for no change in engine force
or frictional forces, a change in the car’s gravitational potential
energy can change the car’s kinetic energy.
II) Use the example of what happens when the hand brake on
a parked car is release
III) For one of the vehicles you researched, calculate the
change in gravitational potential energy when it rolls down a
slope through a vertical height change of 2.5 m, showing stepby-step workings.
Use sample calculations to explain changes in mass, velocity
or height changes the kinetic energy of a vehicle and hence
It’s stopping distance.
2. Explain why there is not a linear relationship between
speed and braking distance.
Identifying forces that act on stationary and moving cars.
1. Research and define the following terms; friction force,
reaction force, balanced and unbalanced forces resultant force,
Air resistance/drag present work in a table
Present the following evidence as a poster:
2. Use labelled free-body diagrams to identify and describe
these forces acting on objects
3. Describe and explain how friction and normal reaction
forces are produced on stationary and moving cars.
4. Identify forces that are ‘balanced’ and ‘unbalanced’ included
in examples of the forces acting on a car during steady
Speed acceleration and deceleration. Indicate on your
diagrams how each condition affects the car.
By CHu
1. Evidence showing carrying out simple energy
conservation experiments
2. Evidence of drawing energy transformation
Developing research skills to gain data to compare
different vehicles and the forces applied on the
different scenarios
Use numeracy skills to calculate changes in motion
when different forces are applied
Provide evidence to identify at least two examples
of balanced and two examples of unbalanced
forces on objects
2B.M3 Calculate the force on
objects, in relation to their mass
and acceleration for an
Research to find examples of the mass of at least three
different vehicles.
2. The typical braking force for a car is 7100 N. Use your
research in task 2 to calculate the deceleration of each the
vehicles for this braking force.
3. Make a table of your vehicle list, their masses, forces
involved during braking, calculated acceleration, and explain
2B.D3 Explain the various forces
involved, and their approximate
sizes, in a variety of applications.
Draw labelled free-body force diagrams to show a car braking
normally, braking when the tyres or brakes are worn, and
braking when the road is icy.
2. Evaluate how the calculated acceleration will be affected if
the car’s tyres or brakes are worn, or the road is icy.
3. Complete a newspaper article for a school magazine to
warn about the dangers of traffic outside the school, using the
Information you have gathered here about forces and motion
of cars with their stopping distances, and the different
weather conditions
‘Investigating frictional forces’ to simulate a moving car which
is slowed down by frictional forces.
1. Carry out the investigation for a range of different surfaces
that provide different grip. Complete a laboratory report
2. Record your results in a suitable table with appropriate
column headings and units.
3. Describe simply which surfaces produce the greatest
frictional force with the wheels of the car.
4. Identify other possible sources of frictional force in your
2B.P4 Describe the effects of
balanced and unbalanced forces
on objects.
2B.D3 Explain the various forces
involved, and their approximate
sizes, in a variety of applications.
Describe the energy transfer which takes place as the car
slows down and stops.
2. Explain the link between the stopping distance and the work
done by the friction force.
3. Use the values of the friction force you found in part b) and
the stopping distances you found in part a). Calculate the
Work done against friction for each surface. Comment on your
By CHu
Using different scenarios to apply learning when
mass of objects change
Using key concepts learnt to synthesise data
obtained to evaluate dangers on the road
4. Complete a full report of your investigation into stopping
distances and make a valid conclusion, evaluate your method
5. Make recommendations to your manager about which
frictional surface is more effective in stopping vehicles.
2B.P5 Calculate the work done
by forces acting on objects for
simple experiments.
Describe how friction and normal
reaction forces are produced in
response to an applied force
2C.P7 Describe, using diagrams,
reflection and refraction of light
for simple applications.
2C.M5 Describe how lenses and
mirrors can affect rays of light.
1. Plan and carry out an additional experiment to measure the
friction force between the surface and the wheels of the toy
2. Complete a full laboratory report of you investigation, the
conclusion should state if the force was balanced or
Unbalanced with reasoning, were your results valid?
3. Evaluate the method you used in your plan identify if there
were improvements that could have been made.
Present the following evidence in an information leaflet;
1. Describe and explain how friction slows down and stops a
moving car.
2. Draw labelled free-body force diagrams for the leaflet, to
show the forces acting on a car before the brakes are applied,
and after the brakes are applied.
3. Describe briefly why it takes a car some time to stop after
the driver sees a hazard and applies the brakes, for example
if a child runs out in front of a car.
4. Research stopping distances to identify what affects the
distance covered when a vehicle tries to stop
For looking at devices using reflection and refraction in the
hospital you need to investigate the effects of mirrors, glass
blocks and lenses on the path of light rays.
1. Research and define the terms; reflection, and refraction of
light, convex, concave lens
2. Complete an experiment ‘Investigating reflection’ to
investigate the reflection of light from a plane mirror
I) present with laboratory report.
II) Draw accurate labelled ray diagrams to show how the light
path is changed when it encounters the mirror.
Describe the effect of the two different types of lenses on light
By CHu
Describe the work done by forces acting on objects
for at least three different forces through different
Evidence showing identification of friction forces
and situations where they occur
Produce a table
1. Draw diagrams to show the reflection of light in
plane mirrors
2. Demonstrate an understanding of how plane
mirrors are used for simple applications
Explaining the outcomes from practical
2C.D4 Explain how reflection
and refraction of light can be
used in applications
2C.P7 Describe, using diagrams,
reflection and refraction of light
for simple applications.
2C.M5 Describe how lenses and
mirrors can affect rays of light.
2C.P8 Describe the importance
of a medium for the transmission
of sound waves through a variety
of substances for simple
2C.M6 Describe the propagation
of sound waves, including
compression and rarefaction.
Research and explain how each of the following applications
works, using clear diagrams in each case:
a) The plane wing mirrors of an ambulance
b) A rear view convex mirror inside an ambulance
c) convex lenses and a mirror used in a microscope
d) An optical fibre as a light source in keyhole surgery
e) Reflective strips on ambulance crew clothing, which makes
the wearer visible to drivers by reflecting light from the car’s
headlights back to the driver.
Carry out the practical ‘Investigating refraction’ to investigate
how light is refracted through a:
a) glass block, b) convex lens, c) concave lens.
I) Present with laboratory report.
II) Draw accurate labelled ray diagrams to show how the light
path is changed in each case.
Measure the focal length of one of the convex lenses.
I) Complete an experiment ‘Investigating the critical angle’
to investigate what happens when a ray of light cannot
Escape from a glass block, but is reflected back into it.
II) Draw accurate labelled ray diagrams to show how the light
path is changed as the angle of incidence is varied.
Explaining the science behind ultrasound tests and treatments
Research sound waves and how they are transmitted and
I) Use textbooks or the Internet to produce a labelled diagram
of a sound wave.
II) Describe the terms: amplitude; frequency and wavelength;
compression and rarefaction.
III) Draw a table comparing the frequencies of ultrasound and
audible sound ranges.
Explaining the outcomes from practical
1. Explain the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and
gases include diagrams.
2. Research and explain how this allows sound transmission
and why sound needs a medium to travel through.
3. Research information about the speed of sound in air, in
various liquids, and in solid materials such as steel.
By CHu
Applying knowledge and key scientific concepts to
real-life scenarios. How this knowledge can save
1.Describe how sound is reflected
2. How sound reflection is used by bats and in
simple applications such as an echo sounding and
on submarines
Explaining properties of sound waves
2C.D5 Explain how sound waves
can be applied in everyday uses.
2D.P9 Measure currents and
voltages in series and parallel
electric circuits.
2D.M7 Calculate resistances
from measured currents and
4. Write a brief report about how sound is reflected.
5. Explain how distances are calculated from the time of an
echo or sound reflection.
Present all the information gathered in an information leaflet to
be added to the training display board
Research and provide explanations for how the following
applications work in a hospital setting:
I) Ultrasound in imaging of a foetus
II) Ultrasound in treatment of kidney stones
III) Voice recognition (for staff and administration purposes).
Include some diagrams and present the two ultrasound
applications as case studies
One case studies should include a short explanation on
distance calculations, using time of an echo or sound reflection
Conduct a series of experiments to determine how to measure
the resistance of a resistor, so it can be correctly labelled; and
to measure the resistance of a filament lamp.
1. Research and define the terms; resistance, series circuits
and parallel circuits
2. I) Complete a practical ‘Investigating resistance’ to build
simple series and parallel circuits using two fixed resistors.
II) At suitable points connect a voltmeter and an ammeter
III) Record the readings of current and voltage in a suitable
results table.
(Remember: In electrical experiments connect ammeters in
series circuits, and voltmeters in parallel.)
IV) Draw symbol diagrams of your circuits and take a
1. Include an extra column in your results table and record your
calculations of resistance for each set of voltage and current
measurement changes.
2. Increase the voltage and describe what happens to the
resistance of the resistor.
3. Plot a graph of current against voltage and draw a line of
best fit.
4. Research and write a paragraph explaining whether each
resistor obeys Ohm’s law.
By CHu
Synthesising learning to apply knowledge of sound
waves in medical science and uses in real-life
1D. 9
1. Show evidence of carrying out some
experiments with series and parallel circuits
2. Draw a circuit diagrams to describe how to
connect electrical series and parallel circuits
Using numeracy skills to obtain reliable data from
Analyse an everyday life
situation in which the resistance
of a conducting wire is not
2D.P10 Investigate an
application of thermistors or
LDRs using primary data.
1. Build a simple circuit using a 12 V 24 W filament lamp.
2. Record a range of current and voltage values from 1 V to
10V in a suitable table.
3. Draw a graph of current against voltage for your values.
4. Explain ad evaluate what happens to the resistance of the
filament lamp as the voltage is increased.
The company needs to set up a standard procedure for testing
the resistance of different components under different
conditions. Conduct experiments to determine how to measure
current and temperature values, so it can be used to assess
the relationship between temperature and resistance for NTC
Research and define the terms; LED, LDR, NTC thermistors
(negative temperature coefficient of resistance)
2D.M8 Mathematically or
graphically process the results of
the investigation into thermistors
or LDRs to draw conclusions.
Using the data obtained in your practical investigations, draw
suitable graphs of your results.
Explain what happens to the resistance of a thermistor when it
is heated.
2D.D7 Evaluate the investigation
into thermistors or LDRs,
suggesting improvements to a
real-life application
2D.P10 Investigate an
application of thermistors or
LDRs using primary data.
Describe an application of a thermistor for everyday use.
Evaluate how easy it is to use the thermistor in this situation,
and what the advantages and advantages are
2D.M8 Mathematically or
graphically process the results of
the investigation into thermistors
or LDRs to draw conclusions.
2D.D7 Evaluate the investigation
into thermistors or LDRs,
suggesting improvements to a
real-life application.
Carry out the practical ‘Investigating thermistors’ to investigate
the operation of two identical NTC thermistors.
Record the results of current measurements, while recording
the temperature of the water at regular time intervals.
Explain how you could use the graph to measure an unknown
temperature for the company’s quality testing purposes,
compare the operation of the two thermistors at different
Make valid suggestions as to how the device could be
improved in design, for example to provide an automatic
warning if temperature rises above a certain level.
By CHu
Applying numeracy skills to everyday situations
including lighting in the home, and work place
1D. 10
Describe the role of a thermistor or LDR for an
Developing skills in analysis of data to draw
conclusions on LDR’s or thermistors
Synthesising key concepts learnt to evaluate the
effectiveness of applications in real -life
Further skills in data analysis to construct graphs
appropriate to the data available
Developing skills in forming own opinions on
evidence available backing-up ideas scientifically