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Holiday Homework of Summer Vocation 2013-14 (First Shift)
Class – VIII
1. Read English newspaper regularly, select any five topics related to Education/Environment, and paste
them in your note book. Underline the verbs and encircle adjectives.
2. Collect information about any two authors and write their bio-sketches in about 100 hundred words.
3. Imagine you are a reporter of The Hindustan Times. Write a report in about 100 words about aliens
landing in your town and their spaceship.
4. Write an article on an Adventure holiday/ Adventure activities preferred by teenagers.
5. Imagine that you recently visited an important historical monument. You were
Shocked to find it in a state of utter neglect. Write a formal letter to the editor
Of a newspaper highlighting the heritage sights. Point out the maintenance
and misuse by people. Give suggestions for improving the situation.
6. Read the lessons ‘Glimpses of the Past ‘ and collect information about two freedom fighters and write
or paste in your Note book.
1. संस्कृत-भाषा” विषये एकम ् अनच्
ु छे दं लिखत2 गरु
ु ” शब्दस्य रुपाणि लिखत
3 भगवद्दज्जुकम
नाटकम स्िकीय मतानुसारे ि लिखत-
4 िषाा ऋत ोः सचित्रं ििानं कुरुत-
प्रय गं कुरुत
कर लम,गच्छतत ,कत्िा ,आदाय,पठितम
ु ्, प्रातोः, ह्योः।
एफ ए 1 परीक्षायाोः कृते एकोः(1 ) तोः तत
ृ ीय(3) पयंतम पािान पित-
To verify the properties of parallelogram using paper cutting and pasting method.
Opposite sides are equal.
Opposite angles are equal.
Diagonals bisect each other.
Adjacent angles are supplementary.
1. Collect new agricultural machine pictures and paste in
a file with their names.
2. Visit a farm, nursery or a garden nearby. Gather information about:
i) Importance of seed selection.
ii) Method of irrigation.
iii) Effect of extreme cold and extreme hot weather on the plants.
iv) Effect on continuous rain on the plants.
v) Fertilizers/manure used.
3. Pull out a gram or bean plant from the field. Observe its roots. You will find round structures called
root nodules on the roots. Draw a diagram of the root and show the root nodules.
4. Collect the labels from the bottles of jams and jellies. Write down the list of contents printed on the
5. “SAY NO TO PLASTICS”. Coin a few more slogans of this kind.
6. Prepare a debate on the topic “My Fabric Is Superior” (1-2 min).
7. Prepare Index Cards for any 2 metals and 2 non-metals. The card should have information like names
of metal/non-metal; its physical properties, chemical properties and its uses.
8. Learn lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4 for FA-I.
*Do all the Holiday Homework in your homework section of your Science notebook.*
S. St.
1. Can you think of examples of surveys in your world today? Think about how toy companies get
information about what young people enjoy playing with or about how the govt. finds out about
the number of young people in school. What can a historian derive from such surveys?
2. Collect pictures, stories, poems and information about any of the followingThe Rani of Jhansi, Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
3. Write some principles of sustainable development.
4. Discuss some more reasons which are responsible for changes of land use pattern. Has your place
undergone any change in the Land use pattern?
5. What role did Ambedkar play in making of the Indian constitution?
- Information on Christmas on A4 coloured sheet.
- Draw & colour Christmas Tree in creative way.
2. Collect & paste Pictures of “Food in Germany” on a A3 coloured
3. Revision for FA1- Lektion 1. Mir tut der Kopf weh.
4. Make a creative collage, fold out or chart on the topic “Germany in
my mind.
चित्रकला (Art)
ककसी एक विषय पर चित्रि करें (Make a Painting of any one Topic): –
संय जन (Composition), दृश्य चित्रि (Landscape), िस्तु चित्रि (Still Life), पष्ु प चित्रि (Flower Study) |
पेपर :- कर्ट्रीज़ पेपर का
भाग ( 11 × 15 इंि )|
of Cartridge Paper (11×15 inch)
किर :- िाटर किर, प स्टर किर, आयि पेस्टि |
Colour:- Water Colour, Poster Colour, Oil Pastel.