
Lab Report Due _____________________________
Use this format and your rough draft as a guide to finishing your lab report. Pace yourself! Do a
little each night. Be sure to follow all of the directions and that you do each part in the order
you see it on this paper. Must be typed using font size 12 or 14, Times New Roman or Ariel.
There should be no grammar or spelling mistakes in your final report. If you do not have a
working computer at home, make arrangements to use a school computer after school!
You will receive a grade for the class work you do on your rough draft and on your effort,
participation and behavior over the course of this experiment. Your final grade will be the
average of the Lab Experience and the Final Lab Report.
Parents, please keep on your learners about the quality of their class work and help them pace
themselves at home!!!!
Format and Point Values:
Cover Page: (5 points) should include the title of this experiment, “Observing Osmosis”
(centered, about 1/3 down the page) and your name and the due date (centered at the bottom).
Question: (worth 5 points)
How much water will diffuse into and out of an egg cell? Don’t forget to put this in. This is
the reason we did the whole experiment.
Hypothesis: (worth 5 points) Record your guesses
he egg cell? ____________ ( ml )
will swell? ___________ ( mm)
Purpose and Background: (worth 5 points) What is the process of Osmosis why is it
important to cells? Must be a paragraph of at least 7 sentences.
Materials: (worth 5 points)
You will make a list of all of the materials used in the experiment. Use your class time wisely.
You will need your complete list in order to complete your final draft. You may use bullets, list
the materials, or include them in a paragraph.
Procedures and Observations: (Each day’s records are 55 points)
You will be given class time each day to fill in this information in your copybook. Write the
procedures and observations in paragraph form and be as specific as you can.
You must also illustrate what you see. You have the option of doing your illustrations on the
computer or drawing them by hand when you do your final draft. In any case, illustrations must
be colored and labeled. If you are drawing them by hand, please use a ruler to draw any lines.
Conclusions: Worth 20 points.
Each bullet should be discussed in its own brief paragraph:
On Time: Final Paper is turned in on time (worth 2 bonus points)
I have read and understand the rubric/format for the Observing Osmosis Lab Report. Parent
Signature: ______________________________________________ Bonus: 3 points if
returned by _______________
Observing Osmosis Procedures
Part 1 Day 1
Hypothesize: This means take a guess. How much vinegar do you think will diffuse into your
egg? How large do you think your egg will swell?
Cup, sharpie marker, egg, cup of vinegar, empty cup, graduated cylinder (gc), rubber band,
saran wrap, paper plate, wet wipe, paper towel, pencil, string, metric ruler
1. Retrieve materials
2. Write the initials of the people in your group on the cup with the sharpie
3. Measure the girth/width of your egg by wrapping string around the widest part. Stretch the
string out on to your ruler and measure the width in mms. RECORD THIS MEASUREMENT
4. Using a spoon, carefully place egg within the empty cup (This is the cup that you wrote your
names on)
5. Use the graduated cylinder (gc) to measure the amount of vinegar in your vinegar cup.
RECORD THIS MEASUREMENT IN MLS. Remember—you need to get down to eye level
to accurately read the meniscus.
6. Pour the measured vinegar into your empty cup—careful not to drop or spill any of the
7. Using the sharpie marker, draw a short line to mark the location of the meniscus.
8. Observe what is happening to the egg as the shell reacts with the vinegar.
9. After about 10 minutes, gently rub the shell of the egg with your finger. Observe what
10. Take time to copy down your procedures, and draw and label your illustration. Write your
summary and be as detailed and specific as you can be about what you did and observed.
Skip a day and make minor class observations and then do: Part 1 Day 2
1. Get your egg cup from the window sill and make your observations
n comparison to Day 1?
vinegar when compared to the line you drew. Record those changes.
the egg opaque or translucent?
make sure different group members gently rub a different location on the egg shell.
Skip 2 days and make minor class observations each day.
Part 1 Day 3
1. Get your egg cup from the window sill and make your observations
vinegar when compared to the line you drew.
point. Stretch the string across the metric side of a ruler to get a measurement of the
circumference of the egg. Record your measurement in millimeters.
Day 3, Begin Part 2:
syrup or comparable store brand) into the cup. *Tilt the
cup slightly and make sure the corn syrup impacts the side of the cup and not the fragile egg.
The extra weight of the corn syrup against the cell membrane could rupture the egg.
sity of the corn syrup. Why do you suppose it is so thick?
Where did it come from?
Skip 2-3 days and make minor class observations each day.
Part 2 Day 2
rve the amount of water that has accumulated on the surface of the corn syrup. Note the
general viscosity of the corn syrup in the cup. Why is it more watery than before?
shape, color, translucency.
Skip 2-3 days and make minor class observations each day.
Part 2 Day 3
general viscosity of the corn syrup in the cup. Why is it more watery than before?
shape, color, translucency.
of the cell membrane. Be extremely careful.
you have drawn your observations and written your paragraph summaries, use forceps
to rupture the egg cell. Notice the thickness of the cell membrane. Extract the nucleus. Make
observations as to what it looks like, what it feels like.