2+2 Program agreement procedure

Faculty of Engineering
Establishment and renewal of 2+2 Program
1. Background
The 2+2 Program in the Faculty of Engineering allows high achieving students to
receive a Bachelor degree from their home institution and a Bachelor degree from
Monash University upon successful completion of the program. Students spend the
first two years in their home institution and complete the remaining two years at
Monash University.
2. Purpose
To ensure that due process is followed when developing or renewing 2+2 program
agreements between the Faculty of Engineering and international universities.
3. Scope
The procedure applies to all international agreements for the Faculty of Engineering
in respect to any proposed or existing international agreements between the faculty
and overseas institutions.
4. Procedure
4.1. Establishment of an agreement
Conversations are held between Monash Engineering and highly ranked overseas
universities regarding possible collaboration in research and teaching. If there is an
interest on both sides to establish a 2+2 program then the necessary paperwork is
requested and assessment for equivalencies of curriculum undertaken. The
International Officer contacts the partner institution to obtain the:
Course/Program description
Unit descriptions (including contact hours, credit points and assessment
4.2. Renewal of an agreement
The University Solicitor’s Office notifies the International Officer six months prior for
soon-to-expire agreements. The International Officer discusses with the Associate
Dean (International), Faculty Business Manager and the departments to decide if
they wish to renew the agreement(s). If interested, the International Officer will then
liaise with the partner institution and send the following documents if the partner
institution agrees to the agreement renewal:
Memo renewal of agreement document.
Schedule of units (which is in the agreement)
Spreadsheet highlighting any changes Monash has made to the structure
and/or units in the past five years since last credit agreement.
Request for the partner institution to send us a spreadsheet highlighting any
changes to their curriculum
If this information is not forthcoming we will need to assess students
individually as we cannot be assured that the curriculum is the same as
previously assessed and approved
The Memo of Renewal Agreement can be downloaded from:
4.3. Assessment
In many cases, the documents from the partner institution will be in a language other
than English. The International Officer is responsible for organising the translation of
the documents before sending them to the department(s) for assessment. The
International Officer can seek the service of current PhD students for the translation,
who will be paid by the Faculty at a rate/volume of work agreed.
Firstly the name of the program(s) and the units is to be translated.
The unit spreadsheet template is to be used listing the unit names and
semester of offering.
This spreadsheet is to be given to the Faculty Academic Manager for
checking and decision about relevance/likely equivalence to Monash Eng.
offerings, as we don’t necessarily teach the same disciplines.
The Faculty Academic Manager will then send spreadsheet back to the
International Officer with details regarding exactly which units details are to
be translated.
The International Officer will arrange for the high level unit descriptions
(similar to our handbook entries) to be translated.
The translated unit/program descriptions will then be forwarded to the
relevant department with a copy to the Faculty Academic Manager, along with
a coversheet and the template spreadsheet for the departments to enter
Monash Engineering unit equivalences next to the relevant partner ones.
Departments undertake initial high-level comparisons and if deemed likely to
be equivalent they request the International Officer to obtain translated
versions of the detailed curriculum.
The International Officer to arrange for detailed curriculum to be translated
and sent to departments.
Departments undertake detailed analysis/comparisons and fill in relevant
The International Officer is to include relevant cover sheet with each group of
documents to indicate its purpose.
The departments undertake the assessment of the curriculum of the partner
institution to ensure the units taught in their first two years matches ours and
students have sufficient pre-requisite knowledge to enter into our third year. The
International Officer will assist in coordinating request between the faculty and the
partner institution if there are any queries or need for clarification.
The cover sheets can be downloaded from:
4.4. Approval of 2+2 Program Agreement
The department must formally approve the equivalence of the curriculum of the
partner institution. The International Officer will then forward the documents to the
Manager, Quality and Academic Governance for transmission to EEC (Engineering
Education Committee). The Manager, Quality and Academic Governance will notify
the International Officer once all the formal approvals have been obtained.
Dates of EEC and EFB can be found here:
4.5. Finalising the agreement, contracts and related administration
The International Officer completes the Agreement Assessment Form and submits it
to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement). DVCGE endorses the form and
then requests the University Solicitor’s Office to prepare a new/renewed agreement.
Once the new/renewed agreement is finalised, the International Officer arranges for
the agreement to be executed. The International Officer arranges for the final
agreement to be signed by the Dean and then send to the relevant officer of the
partner institution for signing and return. The International Officer advises all parties
once the agreement is fully signed, return the original document to the University
Solicitor’s Office, file the electronic copy and update the agreement status
The agreement status spreadsheet must be forwarded to the first EEC of each year
for noting.
The Agreement Assessment Form can be downloaded under:
Copies of all existing legal agreements can be found under:
Current partner universities can be viewed online:
5. Responsibility for implementation
International Officer
Associate Dean, International
Faculty Business Manager
Faculty Academic Manager
6. Key stakeholders
Associate Dean, International
Heads of Departments
Faculty Academic Manager
Faculty Business Manager
International Officer
7. Approval bodies
Dept Education Committees
Engineering Education Committee
Engineering Faculty Board
Effective date of procedure
September 2013 (to be reviewed in 2016).