Setting Up Your Parent Portal Account

Parent Portal Overview
August 2015
1. Creating a Parent Portal Account:
a. If you have NEVER had a parent portal account for any student in Weston, you will need
to create your account.
b. Go to:
i. Enter in YOUR information (name, your email address, etc)
c. Follow the steps below to add your students to your parent portal account
i. To add a student to your parent portal account:
1. Request from the school an access id/password letter
2. Log into Parent Portal
3. Click on Account Settings
a. Click on students
i. Click on Add
ii. Enter the student name, access id and password
iii. Click Submit
4. Refresh your page, the new student you just added should now appear
in the top left.
2. What you see in Parent Portal:
a. All of your students actively enrolled in Weston Public Schools should be in your parent
portal account. The names are listed across the top on the left side. To see information
about a particular student, click on the student first then the icons appropriate to that
student will appear. To switch students just go to the top left and click on a different
3. There are a variety of icons on the left in Parent Portal. The icons that are available to you are
based on the grade level your student is in.
i. For elementary students, you will see
1. Attendance History
2. My Schedule
3. School Information
4. Account Preferences- click here to change your parent portal password
or to add a student to your portal
5. Infosnap forms
6. For secondary students (grades 6-12) in addition to the above you will
also see
a. Grades
4. Infosnap forms in Parent Portal
a. We use infosnap to update our student information system annually. On the left you
will see the Infosnap 15-16 Demographic Update.
i. To complete the update, select a student at the top left of your parent portal,
then click on the Infosnap 15-16 Demographic update and complete the form.
Once you get a confirmation that it was submitted you are done with the
update for that student.
ii. If you have a second student, log back into parent portal, click on the second
student’s name and then click on the Infosnap 15-16 Demographic Update. You
will be asked if you want to “snap” data over from the first form you completedselect yes and data such as emergency contacts will be copied to your second
student’s form. Complete the rest of the form and hit submit.
iii. All fields in the infosnap form marked with a red * are required, you cannot
submit the form until all of those fields are complete.
iv. Once the form has been submitted, you are done with the demographic update
for this school year.
v. If information changes AFTER you have submitted the demographic update
form, you will need to call the school to have them make the changes directly.
You cannot re-open a submitted form.
5. Infosnap Forms for Athletic Registration Grades 9-12
a. We use infosnap for athletic registration.
b. If there is an active registration period open you will see the appropriate Athletics
Registration form. (For fall, Winter or Spring Athletics)
c. Please complete this form even if your student will not participate in athletics.
d. You will need to complete the athletics form once per season for all 3 seasons.
e. Grade 8 parents only complete the form that they see in the Spring of the 8th grade year
(this form is for 8th graders who will play sports as freshman in the next school year)
6. School Messenger Settings in Parent Portal:
a. To specify your school messenger settings through parent portal please follow the
directions below:
b. Log into Parent Portal
c. In the upper right hand corner click on:
d. This will bring up a list of applications
i. Choose Contact Manager
ii. There are 2 tabs in contact manager
1. Messages- here you will find a list of all messages sent to you through
school messenger
2. Contacts- here you can see the students that you receive messages for.
a. Click on a student’s name and you can change the preferences
for which categories of messages you want to receive.
b. If you want text messages, click on one of your students and
enter a phone number under Category 3 (SMS messages) and
check off the box for the categories of messages you want.
c. Important: Do not change your email in school messenger
contacts, please call the school to change your email in
PowerSchool which then automatically updates in School
Messenger overnight
d. If your home, work or cell phone number has changed, please
notify the school so that it can be updated in PowerSchool
which will then automatically update in School Messenger
overnight. Updating it in School Messenger will NOT update it
in PowerSchool- you must call the school.