Sts. Peter & Paul Pastoral Council Meeting December 3rd, 2015 6:00 p.m. in Family Room Those in attendance: Father Tony Deacon Rusty Jill Peterek Curt Hand David Henk Cyndi Foster Mike Senneway Those not in attendance: Steve Minus Mario Silva Lidia Rodriguez Mary Kay Wilson Joyce Blasizzo Greg Machalec Juanita Lopez I. Opening Prayer – Father Tony distributed “Blessing Prayer for the Christmas Crib” (copy attached) which the council prayed aloud. II. Reviewed Minutes of the November Meeting – Motion to adopt the minutes as presented was made and seconded, respectively, by Cyndi Foster and David Henk. Motion was adopted. III. Deacon Rusty updated the Council on the Masses for December, 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception: 8AM and 7PM, no Holy Day mass on Monday, the 7th. IV. Deacon Rusty updated the Council on the SPP Christmas Masses: Christmas Eve: Two at 5PM, 7, and 12 (Midnight) Christmas Day: 8AM and 12 (noon) V. Discussed new council member candidates to replace the five members whose terms will expire in JanuaryCurt offered Toby Galander as a candidate and Joyce suggested Andy Schwab and Kim Schlegater. VI. Ministry Reports A. Joyce Blasizzo 1. Catholic Daughters: Christmas Social 12-15. 2. St. Anne’s Christian Mothers Altar Society: No report 3. Helping Hands: No report 4. Doll Ministry: No report B. Greg Machalec 1. SOS Food Bank: No report 2. Little Flowers: No report. 3. Ushers and Greeters (Hospitality Ministry): No report. 4. Knights of Columbus: No report. C. Mario Silva 1. School – No report 2. Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School Charitable Trust – No report 3. Lectors: Nothing to report. 4. Eucharistic Ministers: Nothing to report. D. Cyndi Foster 1. Healing Ministry – - At November meeting we had our annual food drive from our members and left all in the food box. - We have a new leader for the Ministry, Ann Trost. She is a certified social worker who has experience leading support groups and has worked for and in hospitals for many years. We are very excited to have her take on this ministry and hopefully we will be able to reach out and help more people. - We would like to see if there is a way to work with the Deacons and others who visit those in the hospitals or the homebound to see if they can hand out something to the people they visit to tell them about our ministry. This request was addressed by Deacon Rusty at the November meeting, please refer to the minutes of that meeting. - We are also changing our meeting date to the 2nd Thursday of the month, starting in January. 2. PTC – No report 3. Family Promise – Hosting 4 families with 4 adults and 8 children in the program this week. We have 27 Sts. Peter and Paul volunteers that have either donated food, drinks, or are staying as an overnight volunteer this week with the families in the program. We are so fortunate and blessed to have the volunteers from our parish that continue to enable us to participate in this ministry. We also want to give a huge thank you to the owner of Hill Country RV Resort for his donation of the cabins each time that we host for Family Promise. E. Lidia Rodriguez 1. Bereavement: No response 2. Rachel’s Journey (formerly Project Rachel): No report 3. Welcome Committee-Ministry Awareness Weekend : See handout (attached) on particulars for the February 13/14 event. 4. Lending Library: No response. 5. Divorce Support Group: No response F. David Henk 1. Catholics for Freedom of Religion- Our "Keep Christ in Christmas" magnet, decal, and yard sign sales are going well, not as robust as in the past, but didn't expect them to be. This is the third annual sale and the market of "buyers" is shrinking. Many people have already bought and are still using the products they bought in prior years. We've completed our sales at SP&P (11/14--15) and OLPH (11/2829) and have a final sale scheduled at Holy Family Dec 12-13. - The "Keep Christ in Christmas" Musical is just around the corner, December 13 at 5 PM in the NB Civic Center. Admission is FREE, so folks should make plans to attend. - Looking at hosting a movie night in observance of National Religious Freedom Day, Saturday, January 16, 2016. We've almost settled on showing A Man for All Seasons, the story of St. Thomas Moore, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarriage. 2. Marriage Encounter: Christmas Party this year is a combined party with the Spanish speaking WWME community. It will be held Saturday, December 5th, at St. Jerome's Parish in San Antonio, from 7-10 P.M. All Encountered couples are welcome. 3. Gardening Angels: Nothing scheduled. 4. Disaster Relief – No Disaster Relief activities in New Braunfels G. Steve Minus 1. Divine Mercy Cenacle – - Now have three Cenacles meeting, one on Tuesday morning, one at 1:00PM on Tuesday, and one on Tuesday evening. - We have an induction ceremony in the DIVINE MERCY CHAPEL on Dec 1 for the evening group. - With start of the “YEAR OF MERCY” as proclaimed by Pope Francis, the Cenacle is a perfect way to grow in ones faith and to truly understand the meaning of DIVINE MERCY. New members always welcome. 2. Divine Mercy Chaplet: No report. 3. Prison Visits: No report 4. Scouts: Troop 163: - Troop did local Guadalupe river cleanup located upriver from Faust St bridge. - Troop cleaned up and camped out at Rancho Benito in Wimberley. The older boys were able to operate a $45,000 portable saw mill. They cut lumber out of fallen cypress and pecan trees that will be kiln dried and turned into crosses for summer camp fund raiser. - Planning to have a pancake fundraiser on Scout Sunday @ KC hall since parish hall is booked. - In the process of recruiting new Scout Master. Jeff Lightsey is thinking/considering, so please PRAY that he accepts and we can help him make this an Army strong Troop!!!! H. Juanita Lopez 1. Archives: Getting ready for SPP school Alumni Day. 2. CYO: More updates on the working with Wounded Warriors Project to come. a. Basketball: Our basketball registration is complete with 220 kids signed up to play in our church and community! We have 23 teams, 15 boy teams and 8 girl teams. We are looking to kickoff our season this weekend on Dec 5. b. Volleyball: No report c. Baseball: No Report 3. Youth Ministry: - Had a very successful Wurstfest Parking fundraiser, which will allow us to take charter buses on two high school mission trips this summer. a. 50 youth, young adults and adults will travel to Denver in June and 36 youth, young adults and adults will travel to Cocoa Beach, FL in July. - Middle school mission trip will be in July to Laredo, TX. - During the Thanksgiving holiday, Sts. Peter and Paul School collected cans for our TG project. The youth ministry donated flour, sugar, rice, beans, stuffing, cake mix, etc. Then the youth and volunteers from Catholic Life Insurance put together grocery - - - - - - bags for 35 families. Our hands and feet ministry donated $25 HEB cards to go with the groceries. Parish volunteers helped to load cars as the families picked up their groceries. Middle school students attended their make-up retreat on November 21-22 at Deer Creek (rescheduled from October 2425). First Confirmation retreat will be this weekend, Dec. 5-6, at Slumber Falls Camp. Teen ACTS team is meeting for our Spring retreat at T bar M February 4-7. So, we have two teams meeting simultaneously on Wednesday evenings. Annual Christmas Mission Trip is scheduled for December 19 to St. John Vianney Mission Church in LaCoste. We will provide gifts, stockings, crafts, and lots of fun for about 150 needy children. The middle school students attending the mission trip this summer will be selling poinsettias after all of the Masses this weekend. Please support them in their efforts. Young Adult Married Ministry - This fall Chachi Diaz and Toni Miller with the help of some of our Life Teen Core members started a young adult married seminar. They meet once a month with a guest couple who shares about their marriage. There is time for socializing, small group discussions and prayer. Babysitting is provided. Most of the couples have been married between 1 year and 10. Over 30 couples have participated and the number is growing. The Single young adult group is going to move to a format in the spring where they will meet once a month as a big group with a planned program and will also offer weekly Bible studies led by a volunteer young adult male and female. (These will be separate Bible studies for young men and young women.) I. Curt Hand 1. Catholic Alliance: No report. 2. Pro Life Coordinator: No report. 3. Eucharistic Adoration: No report. 4. Thrift Store: Always looking for volunteers. Special talents needed in evaluating baseball cards, stamps, etc. J. Mary Kay Wilson 1. Bible Study: No report. 2. Parish Choirs: No report 3. CCD – No report 4. RCIA – No report K. Jill Peterek 1. Gabriel Project: - Received 17 new families into their program in November. - Hotline answered 38 phone calls - 11 families received new cribs during the month - Had 2 referrals from area agencies. - Helped 175 families with diapers - Gave clothes to 56 families during our 8 diaper days in November. - Diaper Day Volunteers looked forward to the Holiday Closing on November 22. We will not have Diaper Days again until Jan. 6, 2016. The Supply Room Volunteers will continue to meet on Wednesdays at Noon to process donations that come in and of course the hotline is available 24/7. - Catherine drove to San Antonio on November 5 and met the Director of the St. Mary Magdalene Parish Gabriel Project to talk about how our Gabriel Projects are doing. Catherine took notes to share with Marsha and our leaders of Gabriel here. Catherine liked how Fr. Will, Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, refers to the people involved in helping their Gabriel Project as Servants, not Volunteers. He had a special mass with commissioning the servants of the Gabriel Project. Years ago, Catherine talked about doing this with Fr. Tony but we never got it done. That is on our to -do list for 2016! St. Mary Magdalene Gabriel Project operates out of Allied Women’s Center, the Catholic Crisis Pregnancy in San Antonio. - We had a sad time in Gabriel in November also. One of our Gabriel Moms lost her twin boys at birth. Catherine ordered 2 medallions “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” with the boy’s names engraved on them. Marsha had a mother’s book and two little miraculous medals for the boys. These gifts were given to the mom at the Holy Spirit House. Marsha ordered 2 blankets to be embroidered with the boy’s names, the date of their passing along with the phrase “Safe in the Arms of Jesus”. Her friend in San Antonio did this. Marsha called the mom to tell her the blankets were ready for her to pick up in Maria’s office. She is so thankful and filled with deep gratitude for all The Gabriel Project has done for her and her family. She wanted Marsha to spread the word to all the volunteers that she loves them all. - We had many blessings come to The Gabriel Project in November. The Baptist Health Foundation granted us a Community Impact Grant of $7,500.00 for purchasing new cribs for our Gabriel families. St. Paul Lutheran Church is including The Gabriel Project as a recipient of proceeds from their Annual Wild Game Dinner on February 20, 2016. St. John’s Episcopal Church donated $1,000.00 to The Gabriel Project on November 29. We are blessed to a part of the ecumenical fellowship of Christian churches in our area! - Sts. Peter and Paul Life Teen held a Diaper Drive for The Gabriel Project in November. We are so blessed to a part of such a caring and generous parish community! - Mark Your Door for Mary Campaign 2016 Planning Committee is very busy planning the Annual Gabriel Project and Rachel’s Journey Fundraiser. The 2016 Campaign will be held at all three Catholic Churches in New Braunfels on Jan. 23, 24, 2016. Our next planning meeting will be held on December 9 at 1:00pm in the Holy Spirit House. - Thanks to all the generous parishioners who support The Gabriel Project with prayers and donations. We thank the staff for all their support and work they give to The Gabriel Project, and, a special Thank you to Father Tony for his spiritual help that he has given. 2. Rosary Guild: – No report 3. Couple Prayer Series: No report until 2016. 4. Sick and Homebound – No report VII. Father Tony’s Comments 1. Father offered “thanks” and “well wishes” to the outgoing council members as this was the last meeting for this year. Regarding new member candidates for the council, Father noted that he likes to involve diverse people who will bring different experiences to help broaden his understanding of the parish. 2. Father commented on the ongoing “Open Door” celebration. The door will be re-opened before the 11:15 Mass on Sunday, 12/13. 3. Father had additional positive words for the Thrift Shop volunteers and all they do for the parish. 4. Father Tony provided a brief update on Father Don’s healing progress. 5. Father commented that the second collection on the second Sunday of December (12/13) will be for non-diocesan retired priests and sisters. He has invited a sister to provide the homily at all the Masses. 6. Farther invited questions from the group. One person asked about the capacity of the SPP school and the response was roughly 400 as currently configured. Of course, actual enrollment limitations would depend on how students are distributed by grade and physical plant considerations. Mike Senneway offered that the School council is working on this question currently. VIII. Other Business: Nothing offered. IX. Next meeting will be January 7th, X. Mike Senneway adjourned the meeting at 6:44 PM after the closing prayer.