Vital sign measurement Clinical vital signs (BP, pulse, RR, temp) I Ex Pulse The arterial pulse is generated by left ventricular systolic contraction ejecting blood into the aorta. The pulse wave travels along the arteries at a rate dependent upon the force of ejection and the elastic properties of the arterial wall. The regularity of the pulse wave is determined by the rhythm of cardiac electrical depolarization and muscular contraction. Examination of the Pulse Palpation of the arterial pulse The pulse may be palpated in any of the accessible arteries: External carotid, brachial, radial or ulnar arteries; femoral posterior tibial and doraslis pedis arteries. Arterial signs of cardiac action The contour of the arterial pulse wave is affected by the contractility of the left ventricle, the distensibility of the aorta, the size of the aortic valve orifice and the LV outflow tract. The carotid pulse most accurately reflects the contour of the aortic pulse wave. Alterations of the normal pulse contour and volume are diagnostically significant. Normal Arterial Pulse The palpable primary wave starts with a swift upstroke to the peak systolic pressure, followed by a more gradual decline. A second, and normally smaller, upstroke, the dicrotic wave, occurs at approximately the end of ventricular systole, but is not usually palpable. It is caused by the blood column; rebounding off the closed aortic valve. Twice Peaking (Dicrotic) Pulses There are two types of twice peaking arterial pulses: 1. Pulsus bisferiens with two palpable waves during systole: severe aortic regurgitation especially when associated with moderate aortic stenosis, hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, and hyperkinetic circulatory states such as hyperthyroidism 2. Dicrotic pulse, which has one wave palpable in systole and a second in diastole: very low cardiac output as with dilated cardiomyopathy or cardiac tamponade, especially in patients with normal aortic compliance. Bounding or Collapsing Pulse (Corrigan Pulse, Water-Hammer Pulse) A large stroke volume and/or vigorous LV contraction generates a rapid upstroke of the pulse wave followed by a rapid runoff of blood from the aorta. With high pulse pressure, the upstroke may be very sharp, while the downward slope is precipitous. It may be accompanied by the pistol-shot sound. This is encountered in hyperthyroidism, anxiety, aortic regurgitation, patent ductus arteriosus, and arteriovenous fistula. Plateau Pulse (Pulsus Tardus) The upstroke is gradual and the peak delayed toward late systole seen in sever aortic stenosis. Pulse volume Absent Pulses: Takayasu aortitis Pulsus alternans Well heard as alternating heart sounds when reducing BP cuff pressure suggestive of LV dysfunction. Pulsus Bigeminy Felt as double beats should be confirmed as bigeminy with ECG. Pulsus Paradoxus Inspiration decreases intrathoracic pressure, normally increasing blood flow into the chest and right ventricle. Despite the increased right ventricular stroke volume, inspiratory dilation of the pulmonary vasculature decreases LV filling resulting in decreased LV stroke volume and systolic blood pressure. In pericardial tamponade total heart volume is limited, and further reduced during inspiration, so that LV filling, LV stroke volume and systolic blood pressure all fall dramatically with inspiration. Labored breathing associated with exacerbations of obstructive airway disease also produce a paradoxical pulse. Under normal resting conditions, there is an inspiratory fall of less than 10 mm Hg 1|P age in the arterial systolic pressure and an accompanying inspiratory fall in venous pressure. A paradoxical pulse exists when inspiration creates more than a 10 mm Hg drop in systolic arterial pressure. The exaggerated waxing and waning in the pulse volume may be detected by palpation; more often, it can only be detected by use of the sphygmomanometer. DDX: Similar findings can be seen with an irregular rhythm or AV asynchrony. CLINICAL OCCURRENCE: Pericardial tamponade, pulmonary emphysema, severe asthma. Inequality of Pulses Disparity between the right and left arterial pulse volumes are detected by simultaneous palpation. If possible, confirm the finding by taking the blood pressure at both sites. Arterial pressure differences between the two arms must be considered with circumspection: pressures not measured precisely simultaneously are >10 mm Hg different in up to 20% of normal individuals, whereas, when measured simultaneously by cuff, 5% or less show the same difference. Nonsimultaneously measured systolic pressure differences of >10 mm Hg occur in almost 30% of hypertensive patients. DDX: Asymmetry suggests atherosclerosis, dissecting aneurysm or another arterial disease. Variations in Ventricular Rate and Rhythm Regular rhythms with rates greater than 120 bpm Rhythms include sinus tachycardia, atrial flutter with 2:1 AV block, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, and ventricular tachycardia. The response to vagus stimulation may give an indication of which rhythm is present. In flutter, the rate slows stepwise. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia does not slow, but may convert to normal rhythm and rate. Sinus rhythm may gradually slow and ventricular tachycardia does not change. Regular rhythms with rates of 60 to 120 bpm These include sinus rhythm, accelerated junctional rhythm (also known as nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia), atrial tachycardia with block, idioventricular tachycardia (also known as accelerated ventricular rhythm and slow or benign ventricular tachycardia), and atrial flutter with 3:1 or 4:1 AV block. Rhythms that are irregular in no repetitive manner Atrial flutter with variable AV block, atrial fibrillation, multifocal atrial tachycardia, and frequent atrial or ventricular premature beats that occur with no consistent pattern all need to be considered. Irregular rhythms with "reproducible irregularity" This pattern suggests either atrial or ventricular premature beats occurring at regular intervals (i.e., bigeminal, trigeminal, and quadrigeminal premature beats) or Mobitz I (Wenckebach) AV block producing grouped beats. It is necessary to obtain an ECG to reach a definitive diagnosis. Blood Pressure and Pulse Pressure The intraarterial BP can be measured directly, but this is only done in intensive care units. Clinically, the indirect method is used, in which external pressure is applied to the overlying tissues and the pressure (measured in millimeters of mercury) necessary to occlude the artery is assumed equal to the intraarterial pressure. The arm cuff should be at least 10 cm wide; for the thigh, a width of 18 cm is preferable. The tension to compress the overlying tissues is usually regarded as negligible, but a thick arm will yield readings 10 to 15 mm Hg higher than the actual pressure unless a wide cuff is used. Finding that the radial artery remains palpable after the BP cuff is inflated above systolic pressure (the Osler maneuver) demonstrates the calcified arteries that may produce this condition. Other sites for BP measurement: Wrist BP It is often difficult to get an accurate BP in a short fat arm in which case the BP should be checked at the wrist. The cuff is wrapped around the forearm and the stethoscope bell is placed over the radial artery. Femoral artery BP When taking the arterial pressure in the femoral artery, have the patient lie prone on a table or bed. Wrap a wide cuff (18 cm or more) around the thigh so that the lower margin of the cuff is several 2|P age centimeters proximal to the popliteal fossa. Inflate the cuff and auscultate the popliteal artery. It is often difficult to get even compression with the cuff on a conical thigh. Ankle BP This may is more convenient than the femoral BP. With the patient supine, apply the cuff just above the malleolus. Place the chest piece of the stethoscope distal to the cuff and behind the medial malleolus on the posterior tibial artery or on the dorsal extensor retinaculum of the ankle over the dorsalis pedis artery. In patients with unobstructed arteries BP by this method is comparable to brachial artery BP. Inequality of BP in Arms BPs normally differ by < 10 mm Hg between the arms; the right arm is usually greater than the left. Inequality is frequent and sometimes cannot be explained. Conditions to be considered are obstruction in the subclavian artery, thoracic outlet syndrome and aortic dissection. JNC-7 BP Classification Classification Systolic Pressure mm Hg Diastolic Pressure mm Hg Normal <120 Prehypertension 120–139 <80 80–89 Hypertension Stage 1 140–159 90–99 Stage 2 >159 >100 High Blood Pressure Most hypertension is of unknown cause and is termed "essential hypertension." The primary lesion is suspected to be in the kidney. Increased diastolic pressure results from increased peripheral resistance, either by vasoconstriction or intimal thickening. Increased systolic pressure can result from increased stroke volume or decreased compliance of the aorta (in which case the pulse pressure is widened) and with increased diastolic pressure (with a normal or increased pulse pressure). The systolic pressure may be elevated with a normal diastolic pressure: isolated systolic hypertension. More commonly, both the systolic and diastolic pressures are elevated. If only the diastolic pressure is elevated, the pulse pressure is narrowed and one should suspect impaired cardiac output. The diastolic pressure represents the minimal continuous load to which the vascular tree is subjected and makes the greatest contribution to the mean arterial pressure. Both isolated systolic and systolic combined with diastolic hypertension are strongly correlated with stroke, heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy, and chronic kidney failure. In patients older than 50 years of age, elevated systolic BP is more important than diastolic BP as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Systolic hypertension is seen with increased cardiac output (hyperthyroidism, anemia, arteriovenous fistulas, aortic regurgitation, anxiety), a rigid aorta as a result of atherosclerosis, and is particularly common in the older adults. Causes of Secondary Hypertension: Congenital coarctation of the aorta, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (early or late onset), polycystic kidney disease Endocrine pheochromocytoma, aldosteronoma, adrenal hyperplasia, hypercortisolism (Cushing disease and syndrome), hyperthyroidism/ hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, 3|P age acromegaly Inflammatory/Immune atherosclerosis, vasculitis Metabolic/Toxic renal insufficiency, medications (NSAIDs estrogens, oral contraceptives, cyclosporine), drug abuse (cocaine, amphetamines, etc.), porphyria, lead poisoning, hypercalcemia Mechanical/Trauma obstructive sleep apnea Neoplastic adrenal adenoma, pheochromocytoma, pituitary adenoma, brain tumors Neurologic stroke, diencephalic syndrome, increased intracranial pressure, acute spinal cord injury Vascular renal artery stenosis (atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia) Low BP Hypotension results from a loss of blood volume, loss of vascular tone, or decreased cardiac output. Both the systolic and diastolic pressures are diminished below the patient's normal: note that values within the normal range are hypotensive for the patient who has previously had sustained hypertension. Signs of hypoperfusion (cool skin, decreased urine output, decreased mental alertness) and compensatory cardiovascular responses (peripheral vasoconstriction, tachycardia) indicate that low BP is pathologic. Causes for hypotension: Loss of Blood Volume bleeding, capillary leak syndrome (anaphylaxis, sepsis, idiopathic), third-spacing (ascites, burns, secretory diarrheas), polyuria (diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, diuretics), inadequate fluid intake, excessive sweating (heat prostration and heat stroke), adrenal insufficiency Loss of Vascular Tone sepsis, drugs (vasodilators, tricyclic antidepressants, ganglionic blockers), fever, autonomic insufficiency (multisystem atrophy), acute spinal cord injury (spinal shock), arteriovenous malformations Decreased Cardiac Output acute myocardial infarction, ischemic cardiomyopathy, 4|P age idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, pulmonary embolism, pericardial tamponade and severe mitral insufficiency. Orthostatic (Postural) Hypotension The patient is hypovolemic, sympathetic drive to the heart and blood vessels is diminished, or venous return to the heart is deficient. The BP is normal in the recumbent position, but when the patient stands there is a fall, within 3 minutes, of 20 mm Hg in the systolic or 10 mm Hg in the diastolic BP and/or the heart rate rises by >15 bpm. This is an early sign of intravascular volume loss. When the drop in BP is not accompanied by a rise in pulse rate, autonomic insufficiency is suggested. Patients with chronic orthostatic hypotension frequently have postprandial hypotension and reversal of the normal circadian BP pattern (i.e., higher BP at night than during the day). Causes of Orthostatic Hypotension: Loss of Blood Volume Loss of Vascular Tone deconditioning after long illnesses, autonomic insufficiency (multisystem atrophy), peripheral neuropathies (diabetes, tabes dorsalis, alcoholism), drugs (vasodilators, tricyclic antidepressants, ganglionic blockers) Impaired Venous Return ascites, pregnancy, venous insufficiency, inferior vena cava obstruction or hemangiomas of the legs. Pulse Pressure Widened Pulse Pressure Pulse pressure increases when the peak systolic pressure is increased (increased stroke volume, increased rate of ventricular contraction, decreased aortic elasticity) and/or there is a decreased diastolic pressure (decreased peripheral resistance, arteriovenous shunts, aortic insufficiency). A pulse pressure of 65 mm Hg is abnormal. With a large stroke volume, the pulse is often described as bounding or, in the case of aortic regurgitation, collapsing. The head may bob with each heart beat. Thrills may be palpable and murmurs audible over AV shunts, either congenital/traumatic, or iatrogenic. With decreased peripheral resistance from vasodilation, the skin is usually warm and flushed. Widened pulse pressure is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Causes of widened pulse pressure: Increased Systolic Pressure systolic hypertension, atherosclerosis, increased stroke volume (aortic regurgitation, hyperthyroidism, anxiety, bradycardia, heart block, post-PVC, after a long pause in atrial fibrillation, pregnancy, fever, systemic arteriovenous fistulas) Increased Diastolic Runoff aortic regurgitation, sepsis, vasodilators, patent ductus arteriosus, hyperthyroidism, arteriovenous fistulas, beriberi. 5|P age Narrowed Pulse Pressure Pulse pressure narrows with decreased stroke volume and decreased rate of ventricular ejection. Pulse pressures less than 30 mm Hg may occur with tachycardia and many other conditions associated with a low stroke volume. Causes of Narrowed Pulse Pressure: Decreased Stroke Volume severe aortic stenosis, dilated cardiomyopathy, restrictive heart disease, constrictive pericarditis, pericardial tamponade, intravascular volume depletion, venous vasodilatation Decreased Rate of Ventricular Contraction ischemic and dilated cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, myocarditis Respiratory Rate and Pattern Respiratory Rate Normal respirations In the newborn, the normal respiratory rate is approximately 44 cycles per minute; it decreases gradually the rate until maturity when the rate in adults is between 14 and 18 cycles per minute. Women have slightly higher rates than men. Since people tend to breathe faster when their breathing is being observed, the respiratory rate should be counted unobtrusively, such as pretending to count the pulse. Tachypnea Increased respiratory rate occurs with central nervous system (CNS) stimulation and as compensation for increasing PaCO2, decreases in tidal volume or metabolic acidosis. Hypoxia, increased oxygen demands, and increased CO2 generation each lead to an increase in respiratory rate and tidal volume. Minute ventilation is maintained in restrictive disease of the lung or chest wall by increasing the respiratory rate to compensate for the reduced tidal volume. Tachypnea occurs with exertion, fear, fever, cardiac insufficiency, pain, pulmonary embolism, acute respiratory distress from infections, pleurisy, anemia, and hyperthyroidism. Breathing is faster when restricted by weakness of the respiratory muscles, emphysema, pneumothorax, or obesity. An arterial blood gas is required to distinguish pathological from compensatory tachypnea: a primary respiratory alkalosis indicates a pathological state. Bradypnea Minute ventilation is preserved when slow rates are accompanied by an increased tidal volume (hyperpnea). Slow rates without an increase in tidal volume produce alveolar hypoventilation indicating an abnormality of the medullary respiratory center. A slower than usual respiratory rate is not abnormal if gas exchange is preserved as demonstrated by arterial blood gas determination. When alveolar hypoventilation occurs (PaCO2 > 45 mm Hg), metabolic encephalopathy as a result of CNSdepressant drugs (e.g., opiates, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, alcohol) or uremia, or structural intracranial lesions (especially conditions with increased intracranial pressure) are most likely. Respiratory Pattern Deep Breathing—Hyperpnea (Kussmaul Breathing) An increased tidal volume produces increased alveolar ventilation, which increases excretion of CO2. This is an appropriate compensatory response to metabolic acidosis of any cause and is a direct toxic effect of salicylates. It is also seen with hypoxia. The term Kussmaul breathing is applied to deep, regular respirations, whether the rate be normal, slow, or fast. Common examples of precipitating metabolic acidoses are diabetic ketoacidosis and uremia. Hypoxemia (e.g., pneumonia, pulmonary 6|P age embolism) and decreased oxygen delivery as a result of severe anemia or hemorrhage also lead to hyperpnea. Shallow Breathing—Hypopnea Decreased depth of breathing results from decreased medullary respiratory center drive, weakness of the respiratory muscles, or loss of alveolar volume from any cause. Depression of the medullary respiratory center occurs as in bradypnea. Muscular weakness can result from myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, drugs (e.g., paralyzing agents, rarely aminoglycosides) and exhaustion when the work of breathing is increased due to decreased chest wall and/or lung compliance as in severe asthma. Decreased lung volumes can result from alveolar filling disorders (congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema, acute lung injury, alveolar hemorrhage, pneumonia, etc.), severe restrictive disease of the lung or chest wall or severe airways obstruction (asthma, emphysema). Periodic Breathing—Cheyne-Stokes Respiration The pattern results from cyclic hyperventilation followed by compensatory apnea caused by phase delay in the feedback controls trying to maintain a constant PCO2. This is the most common periodic breathing pattern. Respirations are interrupted by periods of apnea. In each cycle, the rate and amplitude of successive breaths increase to a maximum, then progressively diminish into the next apneic period. Pallor may accompany the apnea. The patient is frequently unaware of the irregular breathing. Patients may be somnolent during the apneic periods and then arouse and become restless during the hyperpneic phase. Causes of Cheynes-Stokes Respiration: Normal Children and aged Disorders of the Cerebral Circulation stroke, atherosclerosis Heart Failure low cardiac output of any cause Increased Intracranial Pressure meningitis, hydrocephalus, brain tumor, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage Brain Injury Drugs stroke, head injury opiates, barbiturates, alcohol High Altitude during sleep, before acclimatization 7|P age