New Westminster Police Visits O

School Parking Lot Safety
The safety of our children is of the utmost importance. It is with this in mind that we
strongly urge all parents to read the following very carefully, and as many times as
is necessary to fully understand the following drop-off, pick-up, and parking
No elementary school parking lot is designed to handle the number of vehicles that come
at the beginning and end of a school day. Our Lady of Mercy School is no exception.
Your patience and understanding is appreciated. We do everything we can to encourage
drivers to follow the rules and maximize the flow of traffic. We know your time is
precious. Even more than that, we know that the safety of every single student is our
primary responsibility. Parents/guardians are required to follow the traffic pattern in the
attached diagram whenever on OLM school property.
To establish a safer traffic environment around schools and playgrounds, parents and
guardians are encouraged to consider leaving their car at home or parked safely one or
two blocks away. Parents and caregivers are models for children’s behaviour and must set
a good example; as pedestrians, cyclists and vehicle drivers. Be the respected role model
you want your child to learn from.
At All Times
Any time that a student walks across any part of any school
parking lot, that student should be in physical contact with an
adult. Many parent-vehicles at OLM are S.U.V.s and mini-vans,
which have an average rear window height of four feet. This is
well above the heads of the majority of our students, which
makes these students invisible to rear-view mirrors. Drivers backing out of parking
spaces cannot be expected to see what cannot be seen; therefore, parents must ensure that
no student ever be allowed to walk behind a parked vehicle unescorted.
Our students’ safety should prevail at all times. Therefore, we advise drivers to refrain
from backing up into parking stalls during school drop-off and pick-up times. As
explained above, this creates a potentially dangerous situation for all.
It is illegal to use a cell phone when driving your vehicle. Please turn off all sound
equipment in your vehicle, and be prepared to roll down at least one window so that you
can hear the verbal commands of staff members and playground supervisors at all times.
Parking Lot Safety Regulations
1. Be courteous and considerate of others.
2. Speed in the OLM school parking lot is never
to exceed 5 km/per hour.
3. Follow directions of supervisors/staff members
on duty. Be respectful of the supervisors. They
have been instructed on the moving and handling of traffic.
4. Due to the volume of traffic on 10th avenue and the number of vehicles at OLM
School it will take time to exit the parking lot.
5. Plan ahead and be patient.
6. Follow the traffic pattern diagram included with this notice for entering and
exiting OLM parking lot.
7. Do not “cut through” the marked parking stalls so that you can move ahead of
others that have been patiently waiting to exit the parking lot.
8. Allow yourself plenty of extra time to drop off and pick up students.
9. DO NOT BACK into parking spaces.
10. Do NOT honk your horn.
11. Any concerns regarding the school parking lot, please advise the Education
Student Drop Off Procedures (before school)
1. Be extremely cautious and patient.
2. Follow directions of playground supervisors on duty. Be respectful of the
3. Pull as far forward along the drop off area as possible before stopping your
4. Allow room for as many vehicles as possible to pull in behind you.
5. After stopping, be certain it is safe for your child to exit your vehicle on the
passenger side only.
6. Say your goodbye's before your turn to unload. Traffic will move more quickly for
7. Never leave your vehicle unattended in the Student Drop Off area.
8. Be cautious when driving out of the parking lot and out of the school zone.
Student Pick Up Procedures (after school)
1. All cars must be parked in a marked parking stall at the end of school.
2. The drop off area is not in effect at the end of school.
Reminder - Parking in Front of School is for Staff only (8:00
am to 3:30 pm)
Parking at the front of the school is for staff only. There is no
parking, drop-off or pick-up at the front door during school hours. OLM school hours are
in effect from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday. Children are in this area during this
time and it is extremely dangerous to have any vehicles in this area.
If you are coming in to volunteer or to pick up or drop off your child, please make sure to
park in the designated area between the church and school.
All Parents/Guardians must follow this directive. There are NO EXCEPTIONS unless
approved by OLM School in advance.
New Westminster Police Visits O.L.M.
A New Westminster Police Officer informed the school that parents
are not allowed to turn left crossing the double line into our school.
He suggested that parents go around the block and turn left onto
10th Ave. from Henley St. (near the pedestrian lights).
ICBC Road Sense website regarding traffic regulations at states:
“Turns in the middle of a block”
“Most drivers expect other traffic to turn at an intersection. Sometimes you may wish to
turn left in the middle of a block, such as into a driveway. While it is safer to plan your
route so that you can make a right turn, you may turn left - including turning left over a
solid double yellow line-provided you do this carefully and safely and don’t impede other
traffic, and there are no signs prohibiting such turns.
With this in mind remember 10th avenue is an extremely busy road. It is never a good
idea during the school day to turn left into the parking lot from 10th avenue. This is
extremely dangerous and does impede traffic. You may be ticketed.
Parking on Henley
We have received complaints from residents on Henley Street that parents are parking on
Henley and leaving the vehicles to drop off or pick up their children from the school.
Signs are posted on both sides of Henley Street stating “Resident Parking Only”. Please
do not park there as you run the risk of having your vehicle towed.
Furthermore, you cannot turn right onto Henley between 3:00pm - 6:00pm.