Saint Joseph Catholic Church 29119 Point Lookout Road P.O. Box 175 Morganza, Maryland 20660 Phone: 301-475-3293 Fax: 301-475-0491 E-Mail: Website: Father Keith A. Woods, Pastor Deacon James A. Somerville – Deacon John Walter Somerville Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2015 CCD Information – Please contact the Rectory Office Parish Secretary – Mrs. Mary C. Wood Saturday Evening Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday Confessions: 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Saturday Baptisms: Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. Parents must be practicing Catholics in this Parish or able to provide a letter of permission from the the proper parish for Baptism here. Godparents, if not St. Joseph parishioners, must provide a letter that they meet the requirements: a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years old, have received Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion and, if married, in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church. A baptized non-Catholic may serve as a Christian witness. Marriages: Please call the Rectory at least six months in advance of the wedding Sacrament of the Sick: Those hospitalized or home-bound to receive the Sacraments, call the Rectory. Rectory Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday From Father Woods Strength from the ancients We live in times that are challenging for the practice of our Catholic Faith. It is good for us to be reminded that there are challenges in every age; that we are not unique. We can be inspired by the heroic witness of those who have undergone persecution for their faith, yet remained faithful to Jesus. Over the next few weeks we will hear the accounts of a few of these witnesses. The Account of the Martyrdom of St. Justin (An anonymous eyewitness) The saints were seized and brought before the prefect of Rome, whose name was Rusticus. As they stood before the judgment seat, Rusticus the prefect said to Justin: "Above all, have faith in the gods and obey the emperors." Justin said: "We cannot be accused or condemned for obeying the commands of our Saviour, Jesus Christ." Rusticus said: "What system of teaching do you profess?" Justin said: "I have tried to learn about every system, but I have accepted the true doctrines of the Christians, though these are not approved by those who are held fast by error." The prefect Rusticus said: "Are those doctrines approved by you, wretch that you are?" Justin said: "Yes, for I follow them with their correct teaching." The prefect Rusticus said: "What sort of teaching is that?" Justin said: "Worship the God of the Christians. We hold him to be from the beginning the one creator and maker of the whole creation, of things seen and things unseen. We worship also the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was foretold by the prophets as the future herald of salvation for the human race and the teacher of distinguished disciples. For myself, since I am a human being, I consider that what I say is insignificant in comparison with his infinite godhead. I acknowledge the existence of a prophetic power, for the one I have just spoken of as the Son of God was the subject of prophecy. I know that the prophets were inspired from above when they spoke of his coming among men." Rusticus said: "You are a Christian, then?" Justin said: "Yes, I am a Christian." The prefect said to Justin: "You are called a learned man and think that you know what is true teaching. Listen: if you were scourged and beheaded, are you convinced that you would go up to heaven?" Justin said: "I hope that I shall enter God’s house if I suffer that way. For I know that God’s favour is stored up until the end of the whole world for all who have lived good lives." The prefect Rusticus said: "Do you have an idea that you will go up to heaven to receive some suitable rewards?" Justin said: "It is not an idea that I have; it is something I know well and hold to be most certain." The prefect Rusticus said: "Now let us come to the point at issue, which is necessary and urgent. Gather round then and with one accord offer sacrifice to the gods." Justin said: "No one who is right thinking stoops from true worship to false worship." The prefect Rusticus said: "If you do not do as you are commanded you will be tortured without mercy." Justin said: "We hope to suffer torment for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, and so be saved. For this will bring us salvation and confidence as we stand before the more terrible and universal judgement-seat of our Lord and Saviour." In the same way the other martyrs also said: "Do what you will. We are Christians; we do not offer sacrifice to idols." The prefect Rusticus pronounced sentence, saying: "Let those who have refused to sacrifice to the gods and to obey the command of the emperor be scourged and led away to suffer capital punishment according to the ruling of the laws." Glorifying God, the holy martyrs went out to the accustomed place. They were beheaded, and so fulfilled their witness of martyrdom in confessing their faith in their Saviour. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Mass Intentions for August 17th to August 23rd 8:00 a.m. William Cardinal Baum 8:00 a.m. Special Intention 8:00 a.m. Thomas W. Bradburn, Jr. No Mass Scheduled 8:00 a.m. Janet L. Townsend 8:00 a.m. Sara Jeanne Speer 5:00 p.m. Bernadette Tyer 8:00 a.m. Mary Agnes “Aggie” Farrell 10:00 a.m. Jenny Bowles 6:00 p.m. Pro Populo Mass Schedules for August 22nd & August 23rd Extraordinary Ministers Lectors Altar Servers Saturday – 5:00 p.m. George Brown & Dale Delahay Marie Buckler Geoffrey Buckler & Ryan Huseman Sunday – 8:00 a.m. Chris Post & Jackie Post Carolyn Chase D’Andre Miller Sunday – 10:00 a.m. Billy Benjamin & Billy Johnson Bill Leonard M. Hendrick & Nicholas Combs Please pray for those who are sick in our parish especially Mary & George Falso, Thomas Lionel Herbert, Cheryl Herbert, Elizabeth Adams, Patricia Long, Alan Burch, Bernadette Herbert, Christina & Benjamin Ferreira, Sarah Custer, and James Nelson. Offertory for Sunday, August 9, 2015 - $5,069.00. August School Support Collection - $1,043.00. Thank you for your generosity. Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Alice Imogene Rice. Mrs. Rice’s Mass of Christian Burial was held in St. Joseph Church on Wednesday, August 12th. Tickets for Papal Mass - Pope Francis will celebrate Mass on September 23rd at 4:15 p.m. on the East Front steps of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. During this Mass the Holy Father will canonize Blessed Junipero Serra. Parishes have been allotted a limited number of tickets for parishioners to attend the Papal Mass. Some seats are inside the Basilica, some outdoors near the altar, and some tickets are for the standing area. If you would like to attend, requests must be submitted in writing to the Rectory either by letter or email by Monday, 17 August. Please note that the Mass will be celebrated in Spanish and participants may be expected to be in their places several hours before Mass. If you request a ticket you must be able to insure that you will actually attend the Mass. Tickets are free and may not be sold or transferred. On your written request please indicate the names of every person you are requesting a ticket for and your telephone number and email address. Bulletin Online – If you miss getting a bulletin after Mass or are away for a weekend, remember that you can always download the bulleting from our parish website – Holy Hour – our Holy Hour for the month of August will be held on Monday, August 17th from 7-8 p.m. in the Church. Please plan to spend some time in prayer with the Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Hour concludes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. CCD Registration – registration forms and informational letters have been mailed to all returning families. Registration forms are placed in the vestibule of the Church for new families. We have had an ongoing problem with late registrations for CCD that disrupts our ordering of books and supplies which costs the parish money for expedited shipping. We hope to streamline the registration process this year and get everyone registered efficiently. There will be no registrations accepted after August 17. If you have any questions, please call the Rectory Office. Volunteers are needed for our CCD program this coming year 2015-2016. We are in need of a few teachers and aides. All teachers and aides must have Child Protection status before they can volunteer in the classroom. We would like to start the school year with a full staff. For anyone that needs to take the Virtus class for Child Protection, classes will be held locally at the following locations. Immaculate Conception Church Hall in Mechanicsville on August 20th at 6:30 p.m., Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Lexington Park on August 31st at 6:30 p.m. and Archbishop Neale School in LaPlata on September 14th at 6:30 p.m. If interested, please call the rectory as soon as possible. St. Joseph’s Cemetery - Donations are being accepted toward the expense of grass cutting in both St. Joseph Cemeteries. Please send your donations to St. Joseph Cemetery Fund, P.O. Box 175, Morganza, Maryland 20660. Don’t forget the poor during the Summer – non-perishable food donations may be placed in the container located in the vestibule of the Church. Remember that aluminum can donations may be placed in the green shed near the Parish Hall. Clothing donations may be placed in the container near the entrance to the Parish Hall. St. George Catholic Church Annual August Dinner will take place Sunday, August 16, 2015 from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m. Crab Cakes, Fried Chicken and Ham, served Family Style. Adult dinners are $26, Children 6-12 years $10, children under 6 years, free. All carry-outs are $26. Camp Maria Retreat Center is sponsoring the Camp Maria Raffle – First prize is $10,000, Second prize $2,500 and Third prize is $500. The drawing will be held on August 22, 2015. Participants do not have to be present to win. All proceeds from the Raffle will go to support the work of Camp Maria Retreat Center as it continues to serve God’s people. For tickets or more information, please contact Ann Kovalcik at 301-475-8330 or Fun for the whole family – The Care Net Pregnancy Center of Southern Maryland is holding its 4th Annual “Baby Steps Walk for Life” on September 12, 2015 from 2 to 9 p.m. at St. Mary’s Ryken High School Track. Go to the to register online or to print registration and sponsor forms and more information. Our Parish Secretary will be out of the parish office on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Father Woods will be in the office throughout this time.