HORIZON 2020 NANOTECHNOLOGY Delavnica za predstavitev projektnih idej je potekala 27.11.2014 v Bruslju. Prezentacije iz dogodka Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies – Work Programme 2014-15 Ir. Sébastien Mortier, DG Research and Innovation Seznam udeležencih po temah, ki jih zanimajo Kontakti udeležencev dogodka so na voljo TUKAJ Odprti razpisi 2015 BIOTECHNOLOGY H2020-LEIT-BIO-2015-1 Deadline: 26.3.2015 (stage 1) 8.9.2015 (stage 2) Budget: 28.840.000 EUR Topics: BIOTEC-2-2015: New bioinformatics approaches in service of biotechnology BIOTEC-6-2015: Metagenomics as innovation driver CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION H2020-NMP-ERA-NET-2015 Deadline: 26.3.2015 Budget: 12.750.000 EUR Topics: NMP-14-2015: ERA-NET on Materials (including Materials for Energy) CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION H2020-NMP-CSA-2015 Deadline: 26.3.2015 Budget: 2.650.000 EUR Topics: NMP-32-2015: Societal engagement on responsible nanotechnology NMP-38-2015: Presidency events NMP-40-2015: Support for clustering and networking in the micro- & nanofluidics community CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION H2020-NMP-PILOTS-2015 Deadline: 26.3.2015 Budget: 64.630.000 EUR Topics: NMP-02-2015: Integration of novel nano materials into existing production lines NMP-03-2015: Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials NMP-06-2015: Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules NMP-07-2015: Additive manufacturing for tabletop nanofactories CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION H2020-NMP-2015-two-stage Deadline: 26.3.2015 (stage 1) 8.9.3015 Budget: 148.370.000 EUR Topics: NMP-11-2015: Nanomedicine therapy for cancer NMP-12-2015: Biomaterials for treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease NMP-15-2015: Materials innovations for optimisation of cooling in power plants NMP-16-2015: Extended in-service service of advanced functional materials in energy technologies (capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission of energy) NMP-19-2015: Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities NMP-22-2015: Fibre-based materials for non-clothing applications NMP-23-2015: Novel materials by design for substituting critical materials NMP-24-2015: Low-energy solutions for drinking water production NMP-29-2015: Increasing the capacity to perform nano-safety assessment NMP-30-2015: Next generation tools for risk governance of nanomaterials CALL FOR ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS H2020-EeB-2015 Deadline: 4.2.2015 Budget: 62.480.000 EUR Topics: EeB-05-2015: Innovative design tools for refurbishing of buildings at district level EeB-06-2015: Integrated solutions of thermal energy storage for building applications EeB-07-2015: New tools and methodologies to reduce the gap between predicted and actual energy performances at the level of buildings and blocks of buildings EeB-08-2015: Integrated approach to retrofitting of residential buildings CALL FOR FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE H2020-FoF-2015 Deadline: 4.2.2015 Budget: 143.170.000 EUR Topics: FoF-08-2015: ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies FoF-09-2015: ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) FoF-10-2015: Manufacturing of custom made parts for personalised products FoF-11-2015: Flexible production systems based on integrated tools for rapid reconfiguration of machinery and robots FoF-12-2015: Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes for multimaterials FoF-13-2015: Re-use and remanufacturing technologies and equipment for sustainable product lifecycle management FoF-14-2015: Integrated design and management of production machinery and processes CALL FOR SPIRE - SUSTAINABLE PROCESS INDUSTRIES H2020-SPIRE-2015 Deadline: 4.2.2015 Budget: 75.170.000 EUR Topics: SPIRE-05-2015: New adaptable catalytic reactor methodologies for Process Intensification SPIRE-06-2015: Energy and resource management systems for improved efficiency in the process industries SPIRE-07-2015: Recovery technologies for metals and other minerals SPIRE-08-2015: Solids handling for intensified process technology Projektne ideje Project 1: Natural and synthetic, surface-activated, nanostructured, reusable adsorbents Call: H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA, Novel ideas for radically new technologies-Research projects Deadline: 31-03-2015 Motivation There is a wide choice of materials(with different structure and purity) which could be suitable for manufacturing adsorbent products. However, after using, these products are treated as dangerous waste. By reusing/recycling adsorbents and fillers can be reduced. Aim of the project The aim of our project is to widen the range of materials used for adsorbent production in order to use more environmentally friendly materials and to create further synergies between industrial manufacturing and target-oriented research. Partners we seek We are looking for partners in the following areas: Coordinator with FP experiences; Precipitation/surface activation methods; specific surface area; heat stability. Exploitation of the results. Project 2: Cold-formable glass Call: H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA, Novel ideas for radically new technologies-Research projects Motivation The conventional methods for glass manufacturing have high energy and time consumption, not to mention the strong corrosion effect of the glass. Aim of the project The aim of our project is to develop a radically new technology by establishing its new scientific underpinning for making glass at lower temperatures by avoiding the melting process. Partners we seek We are looking for partners in the following areas; coordinator with FP experiences; Sol-gel production; Viscosity at low and high temperatures; Absorption tests. Exploitation of the results. Contact: Dr. Andrea Simon femandi@uni-miskolc.hu Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering University of Miskolc, Hungary Project 3: High Temperature Bare Overhead Conductors for Severe Operating Conditions – HITEC Call: NMP-19-2015, Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities Deadline:26-03-2015 TRL: 5 Large-scale prototype tested in intended environment Motivation To satisfy the need for increasing energy transmission within the European Union, the capacity of electric power networks must be enhanced. Controversially to this requirement the establishment of new conductor networks faces a massive resistance due to high costs and complicated licensing process. The solution could be the replacement of conventional conductors with new, high temperature overhead conductors exhibiting enhanced capacity, Although high temperature overhead conductors are already in production, there is no available data on their reliability and predicted lifetime when exposed to different operating conditions. Reliability and lifetime become even more pronounced when the conductors are subject to sever operating conditions: extreme weather an/or highly corrosive (industrial) environment. The secure switch to high temperature overhead conductors under different operating conditions is well described.. Aim of the project The aim of our project is to characterize the behaviour of high temperature bare overhead conductors under different operating conditions. The reliability and lifetime prediction of conductors will be obtained through laboratory and industrial examinations, field experiments and modelling. High temperatue bare overhead conductors for severe operating conditions are expected to be the result of the project. Partners we seek We are for partners in the following areas: Coordinator with FP experiences; High Temperature mechanical tests; Dynamic behaviour modelling; Corrosion tests at ambient and elevated temperature; Field examinations; Exploitation of the result. Contact: Dr. Marton Benke fembenke@uni-miskolc.hu Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering University of Miskolc, Hungary Project 4: Environmental friendly lead-free solder nanocomposites – LEAF-SC Call: NMP 23 – 2015: Novel materials by design for substituting critical materials TRL: 3 (experimental proof of concept)-4 (technology validated in lab) Deadline: First stage: 26/03/2015 Second stage: 08/09/2015 Motivations Within the meaning of recent EU Directives, particularly RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) industrial participants are placed under pressure to produce safer and more reliable products with the lowest environmental impact possible. Consequently, so far well- functioning yet ecologically harmful and highly hazardous tinlead solder alloys are ousted from production chain. The most commonly used Pb-free solders for the substitutions of lead are SAC(Sn-Ag-Cu)alloys, the application of which poses a number of technical problems. These include inferior tensile/creep behaviour and high melting temperature, yielding a narrow process window, soldering failures and wrong life cycle performance. Coast factor is not negligible either: high Ag content makes SAC solders fairly expensive. Therefore the challenge addressed by this project proposal is obvious: the development of environmental friendly, sustainable and cost-effective solder materials(from cheap, non-toxic primary or secondary sources, incl. metal recycling) which successfully meet strict service requirements and exigent market requests. Aim of the project The aim of our proposal is to develop lead-free nanocomposite solders of superior performance and high intergrity. Trough the microstructural refinement of multicomponent alloys, enhanced mechanical properties can be reached at relatively low coast. Prefernce is given to metal (possibly composites and Sn-based/Sn-Cu-based composite solder materials with ceramic or metal (possibly reused) reinforcements. In either case, threshold additions of submicron or nano-sized particulates provide for improved joint reliability and longer fatigue life. The R&D&I tasks involve the manufacturing of advanced interconnection materials fit for existing production lines and the improvement of present-day soldering technologies. Partners we seek We are looking for partners (SMEs/University/Institute) to the following tasks: - coordinator with framework programme experiences; - production ( in situ, powder metallurgy) - wettability and solderability test - soldering - life time/reliability (thermal-shock-test, aging) Contact: Dr. Greta Gergely femgreta@uni-miskolc.hu Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering University of Miskolc +3646565111/1536