HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT LECTURE 7 Alfred Marshal The marginalist revolution is attributed to Jevons, Menger, and Walras, all three publishing in the early 1870’s what amounts to a totally new approach, compared to the classical political economy, to the theory of value and distribution. After 1880 a new generation of economists set about completing or modifying the work started with the above trio of economists. The most prominent among the new economists were Vilfredo Pareto from Italy, Knut Wichsell from Sweden, John Bates Clark and Irving Fisher from the United States, and Alfred Marshal and Philip Wicksteed in England. Böhm-Bawerk and von Wieser followed in the footsteps of Menger in the Austrian School. Among this list, however, Marshal stands as a towering figure in shaping the modern economic thought, what we study today as economics. 1. Alfred Marshal (1842-1924) Marshal gave the new marginalist theories a form that made them accessible to both professional economists and those outside this exclusive circle, and a content which made them far more amenable to applied economic analysis. Marshal began his studies in Cambridge in 1861, first concentrating on mathematics and physics, but then gradually moving toward philosophy and economics. His interest in economics stemmed from his desire to develop conditions to help improve the lot of the poor and working class: ... in my vacations I visited the poorest quarters of several cities and walked through one street after another, looking at the faces of the poorest people. Next, I resolved to make as thorough a study as I could of Political Economy, In 1865 he completed his studies in economics, reading the classical political economy of Ricardo and Mills and applying his mathematical skills to explain those theories in more precise mathematical form. Upon graduation, receiving a fellowship, he began teaching economics in Cambridge. After a period spent teaching at University College in Bristol and then in Oxford, he returned to Cambridge permanently and taught there for the next 23 years. The publication of his book, Principles of Economics, in 1890 made Marshal the undisputed leader of academic economics. The book appeared in eight editions and was used as the main textbook of economics for many decades. Marshal was critical of Jevons’ use of mathematics, even though himself was quite proficient in that subject. In fact, he did use math in his theories, but confined mathematical notations to footnotes and appendix. His Principles was clearly intended as a textbook for students, but it also functioned as a scientific treatise addressed to economists. 2. Marshal’s Contributions to Economic Theory 2.1. Supply and Demand—The Marshalian Cross Marshal’s principal contribution to economics was his use of the partial equilibrium approach, the analysis of the behavior of each industry or market in isolation. How are the equilibrium price and quantity in a given market determined? The method proposed by Marshal was the supply-demand model. Unlike the early marginalists, he did not reject the classical economics tools of analysis. He integrated the essential aspects of the classical theory of value with the marginalist approach. E307 Lecture 7 Page 1 of 12 The problem with the classical theory of value was not that it was based on cost of production, but rather, it was its insistence on the difference between use value and exchange value. In the classical theory, the exchange value of a good was based on how much it cost to produce it, the amount of factor inputs embodied in a unit of output, which essentially boiled down to labor theory of value. The first marginalists rejected the classical approach off hand, replacing it with the use value (utility) to the consumer of the final unit of the good in question. The question of the source of value, thus, became an either-or issue, either cost of production or utility, but not both. Marshal was also a marginalist. However, his most important contribution to economic theory was the synthesis of the cost of production side of value with the marginal utility aspect of it. Marshal developed the most ubiquitous model in economics, the supply and demand curves, also dubbed by others as the Marshalian cross, to show that the value, the equilibrium price, of a good is determined both by its use value (utility) to the consumer, represented by the demand curve, and the cost of producing the good, represented by the supply curve. The marriage of the classical cost-of-production theory and the neoclassical marginal utility theory of value was expressed by the intersection of supply and demand curves, where the equilibrium price and quantity of the good are determined. Figure 1 Price Quantity Marshal used the cutting mechanism of a pair of scissors as a metaphor to explain the role of utility and cost in determining the price of a good: We might as reasonably dispute whether it is the upper or the under blade of a pair of scissors that cuts a piece of paper, as whether value is governed by utility or cost of production. The beauty of the supply-demand model is that it can be used, depending on the context, to support both the classical cost of production theory and the marginal utility theory of value. In the supply-demand framework, the marginal utility theory of value is represented by a vertical supply curve. According to this theory of value, the use value of the marginal unit determines the value of a good. For this to be true, the quantity supplied at any period is fixed. This would be true in the very short-run, when producers are unable to respond to a change in demand by increasing their output. E307 Lecture 7 Page 2 of 12 The contrast between the marginal utility theory of value and the classical theory of value is shown in Figure 2. Panel (a) shows the marginalist theory. A rise in the price of the good from 𝑃1 to 𝑃2 is solely due to demand. Supply is fixed at 𝑄1 . There is no change in quantity. Marshal explains this situation or context as the market period. In this period producers have no opportunity to respond to a change in demand; the time is too short. However, if the new demand is maintained at 𝐷2 , with the passage of time (short run) producers will adjust their production schedule, hire more prime (variable) inputs and increase output. In panel (b) price and quantity both have increased, albeit, price has increased proportionately more than quantity (∆𝑃 ⁄𝑃 > ∆𝑄 ⁄𝑄 ). But, as the time horizon expands, firms will adjust their production capacity upward by expanding their supplementary (fixed) inputs. The supply curve becomes flatter, allowing quantity to increase proportionately more than price (∆𝑄 ⁄𝑄 > ∆𝑃 ⁄𝑃 ), as shown in Panel (c). Note that the increase in price has increased profits (above the normal or natural level) for the existing producers. The excess profits will attract more firms from other markets, further increasing output. The result is the return of the price to the original level 𝑃1 . This is what classical economists referred to as the natural price. Thus the classical natural price is represented by the horizontal long run supply curve, as shown in Panel (d). Figure 2 (a) Price (c) Price S P₂ S P₂ P₁ P₁ D₁ D₁ D₂ Quantity Q₁ Q₁ (b) Price D₂ Quantity Q₂ (d) Price S P₂ P₁ P₁ D₁ Q₁Q₂ E307 Lecture 7 S D₂ D₁ Quantity Q₁ Q₂ D₂ Quantity Page 3 of 12 2.2. Partial Equilibrium versus General Equilibrium The concept of general equilibrium was Walras’s invention. Marshal’s answer was partial equilibrium, the study of the behavior of markets, determination of equilibrium prices and quantities, one market a time. Marshal argued that, even though markets are more or less interrelated, and changes in one market affects other markets, human ability to recognize these myriads of interrelationships and analyze them was very limited. Therefore, the general equilibrium theory had very limited applicability to the analysis of real economic phenomena. Marshal’s partial equilibrium theory was the ceteris paribus (other things being equal) approach to changes in economic conditions. What causes a change in the price of a given good? The price change may be due to changes in demand, changes originated from the consumers side of market for the good in question, or it may be because of changes in supply, originated from the producers side. In the supply-demand framework, therefore, we need to consider the factors that lead to changes in demand, and the factors that impact the behavior of producers, the supply side. 2.2.1. Law of Demand Marshal’s theory of demand, like that of the early marginalists, is based on the concept of diminishing marginal utility, that each additional unit of a good consumed adds less utility than the previous unit: “The marginal utility of a commodity to anyone diminishes with every increase in the amount of it he already has.” According to Marshal, although utility is a subjective measure and hence is not directly measurable, the consumer’s marginal utility measure can be indirectly observed as the price he is willing to pay for each additional unit. This price Marshal calls the demand price. The inverse relationship between the demand price and the quantity of a good demanded, shown in Figure 3, is referred to as the law of demand. The price that the consumer is willing to pay for each additional pound of tea consumed in a year (it is important to specify the time period) decreases, reflecting the fact that each additional pound of tea yields diminished utility. Figure 3 Price (shillings per pound) 20 14 10 6 4 3 D 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Quantity of Tea (pounds per year) E307 Lecture 7 Page 4 of 12 2.2.2. Utility Maximization Rule All consumers have a certain amount of income (budget) that they must allocate among various goods. The allocation is not a haphazard process. It should proceed in a way that the consumer’s total utility is maximized. The rational resource allocation rule requires that marginal utility per dollar must be equal across all goods in the consumer’s goods basket. In mathematical symbols the rule is expressed as, 𝑀𝑈1 𝑀𝑈2 𝑀𝑈𝑛 = =⋯= 𝑃1 𝑃2 𝑃𝑛 Let’s use a numerical example to see why this is the utility maximization rule. Assume Thomas, our representative consumer, receives a fixed amount of income per period and he must allocate this budget among three goods such that his utility is maximized. The following table shows Thomas’s total and marginal utility amounts assigned to each quantity of the three goods. 𝑄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 𝑈₁ 19 35 48 58 65 69 70 Total Utility 𝑈₂ 36 67 93 114 130 141 147 148 𝑈₃ 46 84 114 136 150 156 154 144 Marginal Utility ∆𝑈⁄∆𝑄 𝑀𝑈₁ 𝑀𝑈₂ 𝑀𝑈₃ 19 36 46 16 31 38 13 26 30 10 21 22 7 16 14 4 11 6 1 6 1 The market prices Thomas faces for the three goods are shown in the table below. The table also shows marginal utility per dollar for each increment. Suppose Thomas’s budget for the period is $50. Clearly, Thomas would choose good 1 first because it has the highest MU per dollar (9.5). His second choice would be good 2, 𝑀𝑈2 ⁄𝑃2 = 9, and third choice good 3, 𝑀𝑈3 ⁄𝑃3 = 8.36, and so on. . . When all is said and done, Thomas will choose four units of good 1, five units of good 2, and four units of good 3. He has exhausted his budget ($2 × 4 + $4.0 × 5 + $5.5 × 4 = $50) and maximized his utility. 𝑃= 𝑄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $2.0 𝑀𝑈₁/𝑃₁ 9.50 8.00 6.50 5.00 3.50 2.00 0.50 $4.0 𝑀𝑈₂/𝑃₂ 9.00 7.75 6.50 5.25 4.00 2.75 1.50 0.25 $5.5 𝑀𝑈₃/𝑃₃ 8.36 6.91 5.45 4.00 2.55 1.09 Note that, in the above table per dollar marginal utilities for the final units are not exactly equal. The figure for the fourth unit of good 1 is 𝑀𝑈1 ⁄𝑃1 = 5, while 𝑀𝑈2 ⁄𝑃2 = 𝑀𝑈3 ⁄𝑃3 = 4. But, according to the mathematical notation, marginal utility per dollar must be exactly equal for utility maximization. This exact E307 Lecture 7 Page 5 of 12 relationships would always hold, if goods were divisible into very small subunits. For example, instead of considering marginal utility of a loaf of bread per dollar, we deal with MU of a slice of bread per dollar. Now assume the price of good 1 decreases to $1. The fall in 𝑃1 will increase the ratio 𝑀𝑈₁/𝑃₁ relative to the other two goods, inducing Thomas to increase his consumption of good 1 until 𝑀𝑈₁/𝑃₁ comes down to the same ratio as for the other two goods. Thus, with the lower 𝑃1 = $1 Thomas will consume 6 units of good 1, as opposed to 4 units at 𝑃1 = $2. This is the process which leads to the law of demand, the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded of a good. 𝑃= 𝑄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $1.0 𝑀𝑈₁/𝑃₁ 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 7.00 4.00 1.00 $4.0 𝑀𝑈₂/𝑃₂ 9.00 7.75 6.50 5.25 4.00 2.75 1.50 0.25 $5.5 𝑀𝑈₃/𝑃₃ 8.36 6.91 5.45 4.00 2.55 1.09 2.2.3. Ceteris Paribus The law of demand operates, according to Marshal, under the ceteris paribus assumption. Marshal describes ceteris paribus as follows: The element of time is a chief cause of those difficulties in economic investigations which make it necessary for man with his limited powers to go step by step; breaking up a complex question, studying one bit at a time, and at last combining his partial solutions into a more or less complete solution of the whole riddle. In breaking it up, he segregates those disturbing causes, whose wanderings happen to be inconvenient, for the time in a pound called Cæteris Paribus. The study of some group of tendencies is isolated by the assumption other things being equal: the existence of other things is not denied, but their disturbing effect is neglected for a time. In describing the consumers response to a change in the price of the good in question, say tea, we must assume that other factors besides the price of tea that may impact the consumer’s demand for tea are held equal or constant. For example, an increase in the price coffee, a substitute for tea, may induce some consumers to drink more tea. Or, an increase in the price of sugar, a complement for tea, may induce some to drink less tea. Thus, changes in the price of coffee or sugar, two related goods, impact the demand for tea. Here the change in demand for tea is not caused by a change in price of tea but by a change in other things. The other things that may impact the demand for tea also include change in tastes and change in income. Thus, the law of demand describes a change in quantity demanded of a good in response to the change in the price of that good, ceteris paribus. This is shown as a movement along the demand curve (Figure 4-a). On the other hand, a change in other things lead to shift in the whole demand curve. For example, the demand for tea will increase, shift to the right, if the price of coffee increases (Figure 4-b), or decrease, shift to the left, when the price of sugar rises (Figure 4-c). E307 Lecture 7 Page 6 of 12 Figure 4 (a) (b) P₁ (c) P₁ P₁ P₂ D D₁ D₂ Q₁ Q₂ Q₁ Increase in quantity demanded of tea due to a decrease in price of tea 2.2.4. D₂ Q₂ Q₂ Increase (shift to right) in demand due to an increase in price of coffee D₁ Q₁ Decrease (shift to left) in demand due to an increase in price of sugar Consumer Surplus Marshal defines the consumer surplus as the difference between the amount the consumer pays (spends) for a specific quantity of a good and the amount he would have been willing to pay or spend. To explain, consider the diagram shown Figure 5 below, showing Thomas’s expenditure for tea. Figure 5 Price (shillings per pound) 20 14 10 P 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Quantity of Tea (pounds per year) The heavy horizontal line is the current price of tea, 𝑃 = $6 (the dollar symbol is used to simplify typing!), At this price Thomas buys four pounds of tea and his total expenditure on tea is $6 × 4 = $24. He is paying $6 for each of the 4 pounds he is consuming. However, note that his demand price, the amount he was willing to pay, for the first pound was $20, for the second, $14, and for the third, $10. Only for the fourth pound his demand price is equal to the price he is actually paying. The total amount that he was willing to pay for 4 E307 Lecture 7 Page 7 of 12 pounds of tea is, therefore, $20 + $14 + $10 + $6 = $50. His consumer surplus is thus the difference between what he was willing to spend on four pounds of tea and what he spends: $50 – $24 = $26. The consumer surplus for the market as a whole is shown in Figure 6. The area of the triangle 𝐴𝐸𝑃 is the consumer surplus corresponding to quantity 𝑄. The total amount the consumers are willing to pay for tea is the area 𝑂𝐴𝐸𝑄, but the amount they actually pay is the area of the rectangle 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑄. The difference is the consumer surplus. Figure 6 Price A P Consumer surplus E Consumer spending D 0 Q Quantity Marshal also adds the producer surplus to the picture. The producer surplus is the difference between the price which the producer actually receives for a quantity and the minimum price that he is willing to sell or offer that quantity. This minimum price is called the supply price, which represents the producer’s marginal cost. For example, in Figure 7 at the market price of $10 William sells 4 pounds of tea. His total receipt or total revenue is $10 × 4 = $40. Note that his supply price, his marginal cost, for the first pounds is $1, for the second pound, $3, and for the third pound, $6. Thus his total cost is the sum of marginal costs, including the marginal cost of the fourth unit: $1 + $3 + $6 + $10 = $20. Since his total revenue for selling four units is $40, then his producer surplus is $40 – $20 = $20. E307 Lecture 7 Page 8 of 12 Price (shillings per pound) Figure 7 P 10 6 3 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Quantity of Tea (pounds per year) For the market as a whole, then the producers’ surplus is the area above the supply curve and below the price. In Figure 8 producers’ total revenue is the rectangle 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑄, the producer cost is the area 𝑂𝐵𝐸𝑄, and the producer surplus is the triangle 𝐵𝑃𝐸. Figure 8 Price S E P Producer surplus B Producer cost 0 Q Quantity Putting supply and demand together, the total surplus for all consumers and producers is shown in Figure 9. The total surplus in this market is the sum of the consumer surplus and the producer surplus. This is the area of the triangle 𝐴𝐸𝐵. To maximize total surplus, then, market must be at equilibrium, where the marginal utility of the last unit consumed is equal to the marginal production cost. This Marshal regards as the “general doctrine” where “a position of (stable equilibrium) of demand and supply is a position also of maximum satisfaction.” If the market is prevented from reaching equilibrium, either by restricting quantity to lower than the equilibrium quantity or, fixing the price above, or below, the equilibrium price, total satisfaction will be less than the maximum. E307 Lecture 7 Page 9 of 12 Figure 9 Price A S Consumer surplus E P Producer surplus B D Producer cost 0 Q Quantity 2.2.5. Elasticity Marshal is credited with developing the concept of elasticity applied to demand and supply. Elasticity is a mathematical concept which measures the sensitivity of the dependent variable 𝑦 to a change in 𝑥. In a linear equation or function such is 𝑦 = 20 − 2𝑥, the slope of the function measures the absolute change in the value of 𝑦 in response to unit change in 𝑥. For example, when 𝑥 decreases from 𝑥0 = 4 to 𝑥1 = 2, 𝑦 increases from 𝑦0 = 12 to 𝑦1 = 16. Thus, the change in 𝑦 per unit change in 𝑥 is: ∆𝑦 ⁄∆𝑥 = 4⁄2 = 2 (with a negative algebraic sign indicating that 𝑥 and 𝑦 are inversely related). Here we say that the slope of the function or equation is −2. 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = ∆𝑦 ∆𝑥 For a linear function the slope remains unchanged for all values of 𝑥. Elasticity, however, is different. It measures the proportional (percentage) change in 𝑦 in response to a proportional change in 𝑥. In the example above, when 𝑥 decreases from 𝑥0 = 4 to 𝑥1 = 2, the proportional change is ∆𝑥 ⁄𝑥0 = 2⁄4 = 0.5, or a decrease of 50 percent. In response, 𝑦 has increased from 𝑦0 = 12 to 𝑦1 = 16, an increase of ∆𝑦⁄𝑦0 = 4⁄12 = 0.33, or an increase of 33%. Elasticity is, therefore, calculated as 50%⁄33% = 1.5, which means for a one percent change in 𝑥, 𝑦 changes by 1.5%. 𝐸𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = ∆𝑦 ⁄𝑦0 ∆𝑥 ⁄𝑥0 Unlike the slope of a linear function, however, elasticity does not remain constant for all values of 𝑥. Suppose 𝑥 decreases from the initial value 𝑥0 = 8 to 𝑥1 = 6, a change of 2⁄8 = 0.25 or 25%. In response, 𝑦 changes from 𝑦0 = 4 to 𝑦1 = 8, a relative change of 4/4 = 1, or 100%. Thus, elasticity is 100⁄25 = 4, or for one percent change in 𝑥, 𝑦 changes by 4 percent. In applying the mathematical concept of elasticity to demand, we replace the dependent variable 𝑦 with 𝑄, quantity demanded, and the independent variable 𝑥 with 𝑃, the price of the good. Thus, the elasticity of demand indicates the percentage change in quantity demanded per one percent change in price. E307 Lecture 7 Page 10 of 12 𝐸𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑: 𝜖 = ∆𝑄 ⁄𝑄0 ∆𝑃 ⁄𝑃0 There are two attributes of elasticity of demand which make it a very useful concept in explaining the behavior of different markets. First, elasticity differs depending on the initial price of a good from which a change takes place. Using the above mathematical example representing a linear demand function, 𝑄 = 20 − 2𝑃, if the initial price is 𝑃0 = $8 and price is reduced by $2 to 𝑃1 = $6, the elasticity of demand is 𝜖 = 4, but when we start from an initial price of 𝑃0 = $4 and reduce it by the same $2 to 𝑃1 = $2, elasticity is reduced to 𝜖 = 1.5. The economic reason for greater elasticities at higher prices is that, since at higher prices quantity consumed is low, the marginal utility of each additional unit is much higher than the marginal utility when price is low. Thus, the consumer is much more responsive to a decrease in price when price is initially high. At low prices, one can reasonably argue that, since quantity consumed is already high, the consumer is near satiation, and so he will not be very responsive a further decrease in price. Second, elasticity is independent of units of measurement. Thus, the use of elasticity allows one to compare the price sensitivity of demand or supply by a single number that is comparable between different goods, time periods, and countries. 2.3. External Economies and Diseconomies In discussing supply, Marshal observed that in the long-run supply becomes very elastic, and in many cases elasticity approaches infinity, when the long-run supply curve becomes horizontal. The infinitely elastic supply scenario supports the classical view that the changes in demand only affects the quantity and not the price (Figure 2-d). Marshal, however, pointed two other scenarios with respect to the long-run supply curve. He pointed out that in some situations the long-run supply curve becomes negatively sloped, where an increase in demand led to lower rather than higher prices as we generally expect to happen. Figure 10 S₁ S₂ E₁ P₁ E₂ P₂ LRS D₁ Q₁ E307 Lecture 7 D₂ Q₂ Page 11 of 12 In Figure 10, starting from the initial market equilibrium 𝐸1 , the demand shifts increases from 𝐷1 to 𝐷2 . In the short-run the existing producers will expand output in response to the higher price obtained at the intersection of 𝐷2 and 𝑆1 . In the long-run the existing producers will expand production capacity and new firm will enter the market, shifting the supply curve to 𝑆2 . The new equilibrium is now established at 𝐸2 . Basically, the long-run supply traces the various intersection points of expanding short-run supply. When the short-run supply settles at 𝑆2 , the line that connects 𝐸1 to 𝐸2 is the long-run supply curve. At the new equilibrium the higher quantity 𝑄2 is sold at the lower price 𝑃2 . Marshal describes the factors that lead to a downward sloping long-run supply curves as external economies. These factors are external to the firm, but internal to the industry. The supply curve of an individual firm is still upward sloping due to rising marginal costs, but the supply for the whole industry slopes downward. The external economies are the result of improved information and technologies developed by the firms that are clustered in a geographical area, access to better qualified labor, and the emergence of specialized support activities. A modern example is the Silicon Valley. External diseconomies could also occur resulting in an upward sloping long-run supply curve. This could happen due to bottlenecks created by some scarce inputs or raw materials, or lack of skilled labor. Figure 11 S₁ S₂ LRS E₂ P₂ E₁ P₁ D₂ D₁ Q₁ E307 Lecture 7 Q₂ Page 12 of 12