Nordic network of research on mathematics textbooks Programme for the workshop 8-10 October 2012 at University of Riga Monday October 8 13.00-13.30 Welcome and introduction of new participants in the group 13.30-14.30 Presentation of two new master theses on textbooks Barbro Discussion 14.30-15.00 Break 15.00-16.30 Textbooks research work in small groups following earlier work 16.45-18.00 Discussion on group work textbooks research. Dinner together in a restaurant Tuesday October 9 9.00-10.00 Short presentation by Ricardas Kudzma followed by work in small groups and discussion 10.00-10.30 Break 10.30-13.00 Work in small groups and discussion 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.00 Work in small groups and discussion. 15.00-15.30 Quo Vadis, school mathematics? Presentation by Janis Mencis: A brief overview about grades the 1st - 12th from the mathematical point of view and some methodological cognitions from textbooks of 4th to 6th grades. See more below. 15.30-16.00 Short break and opportunity to talk to the lecturer 16.00-16.30 Summary of the group work 16.30-18.00 Walk to the museum Riga Bourse and visit there 18.00 Walk to the home of Ingrida and social evening together Wednesday October 10 9.00-9.45 Presentation by Claire V. Berg and Barbro Grevholm on use of alternative texts for student teachers 10.00-11.00 Presentation by Ilze France and Gunta Lace: Teaching and Learning System of Science and Mathematics in Latvia for Grade 7-12. Mathematics textbooks for Grade 7-9. 11.30-13.00 Summary of group work and where do we go now. Work in groups on new text 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.30 Summing up the workshop and plans for next meeting Barbro Plan of the presentation by Janis Mencis 1) Mathematics textbooks for the period from 1945th – 2012 year in Latvia. 2) The role of mathematics textbooks in the system of mathematics teaching didactic. 3) The didactic functions of mathematics textbooks in the school from first to sixth grade. 4) The formal and containt conception in the mathematics textbooks from first to sixth grades. Teaching and Learning System of Science and Mathematics in Latvia Grade 7-12. Mathematics textbooks for Grade 7-9 Presentation by Ilze France, University of Latvia, Centre of Science and Mathematics Education, and Gunta Lāce, Valmiera State High School. Abstract: During the period 2005 to 2011, systemic reforms in science and mathematics education have commenced in Latvia with the support of EU structural funds resulting from the implementation of ESF projects run by the National Education Centre. This means modernization of the curriculum, development of new and innovative learning materials for students, and materials for the support of teachers, and implementing contemporary methods and technologies in schools and modern in-service training opportunities. Life skills have become a component of contemporary curriculum. In order to teach life skills, we have to use different teaching strategies, for example discussions, simulations, games etc. New educational board games have been developed in order to support each student in his learning process and to stimulate an interest in science and mathematics, helping students to master concepts, specific skills in mathematics, and the skills necessary for life. There are four publishing houses that have developed mathematics textbooks in Latvia. We represent Mathematics textbooks from Grade 7-9 ( I.France, G.Lāce, L.Pickaine, A.Miķelsone Matemātika 7.klase, Lielvārds, 2007). The objective of the mathematics content is to promote mathematical literacy. The content of the text books has been developed according to the example of the syllabus developed by the National Education Centre. The book contains three main chapters – repetition, algebra and geometry. The algebra and geometry chapters are subdivided into topics. Each topic contains an explanation of theory, examples with solutions in steps, tasks, group tasks, interesting facts and self-control tasks. The design of the books is colorful and friendly for students. Teacher’s books with methodological recommendations exist to supplement students’ textbooks. A suggested text to study in advance: Fan, L. (2011). Textbook research as scientific research: Towards a common ground for research on mathematics textbooks. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference on School Mathematics Textbooks 12-14 October 2011 in Shanghai, China. Available from r_2011_ICSMT%29.pdf (2012-09-26). Participants Linda Ahl Claire V. Berg Kristin Bjarnadottir Andreas Christiansen Barbro Grevholm Kaisa Hautala Lena Hoelgaard Tuula Koljonen Ricardas Kudzma Madis Lepik Emilia Manninen Simona Preidyte Guðbjörg Pálsdóttir Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa Vesa-Matti Sarenius Ingrida Weiland