WORD STUDY - Kiwi Kids News

This term the homework programme is split into three main areas; writing, reading, word study and spelling.
WRITING – Each week there is a writing task within the homework section. This Term Kiwi Kids News is offering
book prizes to a lucky person during weeks 3, 4, 5 and then again in weeks 8,9 and 10. For these activities the best
article (weeks 3 and 8), the best letter to the editor (weeks 4 and 9) and the best comment (weeks 5 and 10) will
receive a book prize. To enter students must upload their item to the correct place.
READING - Students should be aiming to read a minimum of 15 minutes for homework. This reading could come
in the following form - newspapers, Kiwi Kids News website, novel, magazine, e-reader, etc
For classes using the Kiwi Kids Homework Sheet students are expected to have their reading signed off by parents
each day and this is sighted by the teacher at the end of each week.
WORD STUDY - Each week a Word Study article is put up on the Kiwi Kids News website. This is an article that is
designed to be used as a teaching aide. It maybe a news article, short story, poem or an information text.
Please don't think that every task must be completed each week. The Kiwi Kids Homework works best if
Parents/Teachers choose which tasks for their students and children.
We suggest using the homework sheet at the start of the week to set the required homework tasks.
Writing Task - Read a news article from Kiwi Kids News and retell the events in your own words.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 nouns and 5 verbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task – Select five news events from this week. Re write the headlines using your own words.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 nouns and 5 verbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task – Write a newspaper article about a local event in your community or region. Upload to the Kiwi Kids
News website.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 adjectives and 5 adverbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task - Write a letter to the editor about an issue that has been in the news. Upload your letter to the Kiwi
Kids News Letter to the Editor section.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
5 conjunctions and 5 prepositions from the word study article.
– Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task – Comment on an article on the Kiwi Kids News website. Your comments must be over 150 words and
explain your views on the article.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 pronouns and 5 verbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task – Select a news article that has been in the news lately. Predict what will happen in 1month, 6 months
and 1 year with this issue.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 nouns and 5 adverbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task – Look through the news articles from this week. List the names of people who have been in the news.
Select one of these people and write a biography about their life.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 adjectives and 5 verbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task - Write a newspaper article about a local event in your community or region. Upload to the Kiwi Kids
News website.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 conjunctions and 5 prepositions from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task - Write a letter to the editor about an issue that has been in the news. Upload your letter to the Kiwi
Kids News Letter to the Editor section.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 nouns and 5 verbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.
Writing Task - Comment on an article on the Kiwi Kids News website. Your comments must be over 150 words and
explain your views on the article.
Reading Task - Read for 15 minutes each night this week
Word Study Article
WORD STUDY - Find 5 nouns and 5 verbs from the word study article.
SPELLING – Find the 5 spelling mistakes from the word study article and provide the correct spelling.