Vol I, 1966 - The Irish Jurist


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents



Vol I, 1966 ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Vol II, 1967 ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Vol III, 1968 .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Vol IV, 1969 ........................................................................................................................................ 10

Vol V, 1970 ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Vol VI, 1971 ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Vol VII, 1972 ....................................................................................................................................... 16

Vol VIII, 1973 ...................................................................................................................................... 18

Vol IX, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 20

Vol X, 1975 ......................................................................................................................................... 22

Vol XI, 1976 ........................................................................................................................................ 25

Vol XII, 1977 ....................................................................................................................................... 27

Vol XIII, 1978 ...................................................................................................................................... 29

Vol XIV, 1979 ...................................................................................................................................... 31

Vol XV, 1980 ....................................................................................................................................... 33

Vol XVI, 1981 ...................................................................................................................................... 35

Vol XVII, 1982 ..................................................................................................................................... 37

Vol XVIII, 1983 .................................................................................................................................... 39

Vol XIX, 1984 ...................................................................................................................................... 41

Vol XX, 1985 ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Vol XXI, 1986 ...................................................................................................................................... 46

Vol XXII, 1987 ..................................................................................................................................... 48

Vol XXIII, 1988 .................................................................................................................................... 51

Vol XXIV, 1989 .................................................................................................................................... 53

Vol XXV – XXVIII, 1990 – 1992 ............................................................................................................ 55

Vols XXVIII – XXX, 1993 – 1995 .......................................................................................................... 56

Vol XXXI, 1996 .................................................................................................................................... 59

Vol XXXII, 1997 ................................................................................................................................... 60

Vol XXXIII, 1998 .................................................................................................................................. 62

Vol XXXIV, 1999 .................................................................................................................................. 64

Vol XXXV, 2000 ................................................................................................................................... 66


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXVI, 2001 .................................................................................................................................. 68

Vol XXXVII, 2002................................................................................................................................. 70

Vol XXXVIII, 2003................................................................................................................................ 72

Vol XXXIX, 2004 .................................................................................................................................. 74

Vol XL, 2005 ....................................................................................................................................... 76

Vol XLI, 2006 ...................................................................................................................................... 78

Vol XLII, 2007 ..................................................................................................................................... 79

Vol XLIII, 2008 .................................................................................................................................... 80

Vol. XLIV, 2009 ................................................................................................................................... 81

Volume XLV, 2010 .............................................................................................................................. 82

VOLUME XLVI, 2011 ........................................................................................................................... 83

VOLUME XLVII, 2012 .......................................................................................................................... 84

Volume XLVIII, 2012 .......................................................................................................................... 85

Volume XLIX, 2013 ............................................................................................................................. 85

Volume L, 2013 .................................................................................................................................. 86

Volume LI, 2014 ................................................................................................................................. 86

Volume LII, 2014 ................................................................................................................................ 87


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol I, 1966

The Purpose of the Manumission Laws of Augustus

K.M.T. Atkinson

Justice stumbles on Science

David L. Bazelon

Ancient Irish Law

D. A. Binchy

Retroactivity of Laws in the Roman Perspective

Gerardo Broggini

Some Aspects of the Succession Act, 1965

Gerard Clarke

Revision of the Constitution of Ireland


Administrative Discretion and the Courts


A Consideration of the Companies Act, 1948, the Companies Act (Northern Ireland), 1960, and

Companies Act, 1963 I, II

Alexis Fitzgerald

Les Abus des potentes au Bas Empire

Jean Gaudemet

Notes on Constitutional Reform

Colum Gavan Duffy

The Status of the Native Irish in the Lordship of Ireland, 1272 – 1331

G.J. Hand

The Forgotten Statutes of Kilkenny: A Brief Survey

G.J. Hand

Recent Developments in the Law of Defamation

R. F. V. Heuston

The Growth Pattern of the Praetor ’s Edict

J.M. Kelly

Some Aspects of Damages under the Civil Liability Acts, 1961 and 1964

Michael Knight

The Origins of the Betagh

Gearóid Mac Niocaill

Civil Law in the Gospels

Dieter Nörr

Men, Criminals and Responsibility

E.F. O ’Doherty

English Law and the Irish Question


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Paul O ’Higgins

Vom ius vitae necisque zum beschränkten Züchtigungsrecht und zur magistratischen Züchtigungshilfe

Walter Selb

Fictitious Satisfaction and Conditional Sales in Roman Law

J.A.C. Thomas

The Identity of Sarapio, Socrates, Longus and Nilus in the Will of C. Longinus Castor

Alan Watson

Debt and Assumpsit in the Light of Comparative Legal History

Hans Julius Wolff

The Progress of Law Reform in the United Kingdom

D.C.M. Yardley

Reviews and Notices

Reviews and Notices

Digest, 1 January 1966 – 30 June 1966

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation

Digest, 1 July 1966 – 31 December 1966

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol II, 1967

Legal Education and the New Universities

Michael Beloff

Absolute Liability in Motor Accident Cases

Gerard Clarke

Bentham ’s Importance in the Development of Interessenjurisprudenz and General Jurisprudence

Helmut Coing

Covenanting under Duress

David Daube

Local Authority Contracts, Tenders and Mandamus


Practical Aspects of the Registration of Title Act, 1964

Michael Feehan

A Consideration of the Companies Acts: III, IV

Alexis FitzGerald

Project on Juvenile Delinquency: A Survey of Boys in St. Patrick ’s Institution

Anne Flynn; Nuala McDonald; E.F. O ’Doherty

The Medieval Irish Keepers of the Peace

Robin Frame

Bentham on Sovereignty

H.L.A. Hart

Reflections on Revolutions

A.M. Honore

Anglo-Irish Extradition

Paul Jackson

The Changing Face of Roman Jurisdiction

Max Kaser

Preventive Justice

Ronan Keane

Causam Dicere

J.M. Kelly

The Inner Nature of the Tort Action

J.M. Kelly

La capacité du mineur en droit classique romain et le témoignage de Dio Cassius

Maxime Lemosse

Aspects of Part IV, Chapter VII of the Income Tax Act, 1967

T.S. McCann

Undue Influence

T.S. McCann


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Prolegomena to a Study of the Ancient Laws of Ireland

Eoin MacNeill

Notes on Litigation in Late Irish Law

Gearóid MacNiocaill

Divisio Obligationum

Theo Mayer-Maly

The Status of the Native Irish after 1331

Bryan Murphy

The Suspended Sentence in Northern Ireland

Niall Osborough

A Privilege of the State

Matthew Russell

Justice Cardozo, Marcus Terentius Varro and the Roman Juristic Process

Peter Stein

An Exception to the Principle Nemo Alieno Nomine Lege Agere Potest

C. St. Tomulescu

The Causa Curiana and Contemporary Roman Jurisprudence

Franz Wieacker


Malicious Injury and Turpis Causa

John Cooke

The Common Informer and the Irish Constitution

Eoghan P. Fitzsimons

The Fundamental Term and the Time Clause

Hugh Geoghegan

Negligence of Barristers

Ronan Keane

Recent Landlord and Tenant Legislation

Ronan Keane

Inadmissibility of Blood Tests

J.M. Kelly

Revision of the Constitution

J.M. Kelly

Digest, 1 January 1967 – 30 June 1967

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation

Digest, 1 July 1967 – 31 December 1967

Judicial Decisions


Statutory Legislation

The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol III, 1968

Charitable purposes and Rating Exemption in Ireland

J.C. Brady

Civil Jurisdiction of the Courts of the Irish Republic, 1920 – 1922

Cahir Davitt

A Consideration of the Companies Acts: V, VI

Alexis Fitzgerald

The Irish Military Establishment from the Restoration to the Union

G.J. Hand

The Non-Recognition of Foreign Divorces in Ireland

Cedric Jones

Le Procés de Babatha

Maxime Lemosse

Blackstone ’s Definition of Law and Doctrine of Legal Obligation

John Underwood Lewis

The „Heir Designate’ in Early Medieval Ireland

Gearóid Mac Niocaill

Estate Duty Liability on Policies of Insurance

Thomas S. McCann

Reactions of Tortious Liability to the Industrial Revolution: I, II

Bryan McMahon

Vitoria and the Spanish Conquest

J.G. Merrills

The Lawyer and Historian: Magna Carta and Public Right of Fishery

Bryan Murphy

Time and the Acquisition of the Ownership in the Law of Roman Empire

Dieter Nörr

Not Guilty Because of Insanity

R.J. O ’Hanlon

Deception on the Part of Police in the Detection of Crime

Niall Osborough

The Praetor ’s Edict and Carriage of Goods by Land in Scots Law

Alan Rodger

Contempt of Court

Matthew Russell

Reform of the Law of Theft

Alec Samuels

Social Stigma and the Criminal Group

Shlomo Shoham


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

The Reception of Roman Law

C.C. Turpin

D.28.5.45 (44): An Unprincipled Decision on a Will

Alan Watson

Notes on the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty in Ireland

D.E.C. Yale


Planning and Development

Gerard Clarke

Contracting out of the Landlord and Tenant Acts, 1931 to 1967

Ronan Keane

Wrongful Dismissal

J.M. Kelly

Criminal Justice Bill, 1967

R.J. O ’Hanlon

Reviews and Notices

Digest, 1 January – 30 June 1968

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation

Digest, 1 July – 31 December 1968

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol IV, 1969

The Common Lawyers and the Chancery: 1616

J.H. Baker

From Legis Actio to Formula

Peter Birks

The Occupational Injuries Act: Some Reflections

James Casey

The Summing-Up in Criminal Trials

Kenneth E.L. Deale

The Domicile of Infants

W.R. Duncan

A Note on the Dáil Constitution, 1919

Brian Farrell

A Consideration of the Companies Acts: VII, VIII

Alexis Fitzgerald

Legal Services and the Poor in Ireland

Desmond Greer

The Development of the Common Law Principle of Majority Rule in the Arbitration of Matters of Public


G.J. Hand

Trade Unions and the Law

R.F.V. Heuston

The Malicious Injuries Code and the Constitution

J.M. Kelly

The Irish Court of Criminal Appeal: I, II

Michael Knight

Hägerström’s Magical Interpretation of Roman Law

Geoffrey MacCormack

Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence in Early Irish Law

Gearóid Mac Niocaill

The Emergence of the Suspended Sentence in England

Nial Osborough

Furtum in the XII Tables

David Pugsley

Litem Suan Facere

David Pugsley

Company Tax Reform

John Temple Lang

Origin of the Legis Actio per Condictionem

C. St. Tomulescu


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Legal Pluralism in Roman Law

C.C.J.J. Van Den Bergh

Manus et Mariage

Robert Villers

The First Recorded Use of the Word „Parliament’ in Ireland

J.A. Watt


Employer ’s Liability and Defective Tools

Nial Osborough

Paying for a Police Presence

Nial Osborough

Commission on the Status of Women

Nial Osborough

Proverbial Wisdom as the Determinant of Tort Liability

Nial Osborough

The Value of the Dock

Nial Osborough

Reviews and Notices

Digest, 1 January – 30 June 1969

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation

Digest, 1 July – 31 December 1969

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol V, 1970

Funeral Monuments and the Heir

J.H. Baker

An English and an Irish View of Proprietary Estoppel

J.C. Brady

Parity is Social Security in Northern Ireland

H.G. Calvert

Republican Courts in Ireland, 1919 - 1922

James Casey

Irish Catholic Admissions to the English Inns of Court, 1558 – 1625

Donal F. Cregan

Irish Recusant Lawyers in Politics in the Reign of James I

Donal F. Cregan

Strictum et Aequum: Law in the Time of Nero

J.A. Crook

The Drafting of the Irish Free State Constitution: I, II

Brian Farrell

A Consideration of the Companies Acts: IX, X

Alexis Fitzgerald

The Opinion of the Paris Lawyers on the Scottish Succession, c. 1292

G.J. Hand

Corporate Liability in Tort and the Doctrine of Ultra Vires

Dafydd Jenkins

Productivity, Income and Standards of Solicitors in the Irish Republic

P.R. Kaim-Caudle

The Meaning of „Wilful Waste’

Ronan Keane

A Hypothesis on the Origin of Mutuum

J.M. Kelly

On the Third Chapter of the Lex Aquilia

Geoffrey MacCormack

The Liability of the Tutor in Classical Roman Law

Geoffrey MacCormack

Paying for Malicious Injuries Claims

D.R. Miers

The Regime of Protection for Road Accident Claimants

Nial Osborough

The Brussels Colloquy on the European Convention on Human Rights

Roderick J. O ’Hanlon


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

The Formal Cautioning of Juvenile Offenders

Peter Shanley

Arra in Sale in Justinian ’s Law

Joseph M. Thomson


A Case of Promissory Estoppel in Ireland

J.C. Brady

A Note on the Early Irish Chancery

G.J. Hand

Further Uses of the Court of Criminal Appeal ’s Retrial Power

Michael Knight

Discoveries from Armada Wrecks

Nial Osborough

Derivative Sentencing Jurisdiction of the Circuit Court and Rights of Appeal

Nial Osborough

Visual Identification Evidence Again

Nial Osborough

Defences to Riotous Behaviour

Nial Osborough

Interest on Court Awards

Nial Osborough

Reformatory and Industrial Schools

Nial Osborough

Northern Ireland and the European Convention on Human Rights

Nial Osborough

Reviews and Notices

Digest, 1 January – 30 June 1970

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation

Digest, 1 July – 31 December 1970

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol VI, 1971

English Beginnings and Roman Parallels

Peter Birks

The Drafting of the Irish Free State Constitution: IV

Brian Farrell

A Critical Comparison of the Schemes of the French and German Civil Codes

Graham Golding

The Use of Judges to Chair Social Enquiries

P.A.R. Hillyard

Judicial Review of Administrative Action: New Irish Trends

J.M. Kelly

A propos de “ductu”

Maxime Lemosee

A note on arra in Plautus

Geoffrey MacCormack

Jetsam, Treasure Trove and the Lord ’s Share in Medieval Ireland

Gearóid Mac Niocaill

Irish Law and the Armagh Constitutions of 1297

Gearóid Mac Niocaill

The Right of Establishment in the Treaty of Rome

Bryan McMahon

Compensation for Consequential Loss under the Malicious Injuries Code

D.R. Miers

Polybius VI, 17, 4 and the Composition of the societates publicanorum

Claude Nicolet

Prison After-Care in the Irish Republic

Mary C. O ’Flynn

Legal Aspects of Residential Child Care

Michael O ’Mahony

Recognition of Foreign Divorce Decrees

James O ’Reilly

The Vicarious Liabiity of the Vehicle Owner

Nial Osborough

Liability in Tort for Unintended Fire Damage

Nial Osborough

Solicitors in the Republic: A Reply to the Professors

Eric A. Plunkett

Entwicklung des römischen Zivilprocesses im Lichte der strukturalistischen Firschungsmethode

Adalbert Polacek

Equity Today


L.A. Sheridan

Company Tax Reform: II

John Temple Lang

Private Law Aspects of the Irish Constitution

John Temple Lang

Locare usumfructum

J.A.C. Thomas

The role of the lex Aebutia

C. St. Tomulescu


The Injured Trespasser: Adieu to Addie

Bryan McMahon

Intention to Create Legal Relations

James O ’Reilly

Improvident Settlements

James O ’Reilly

Wagering Contracts

James O ’Reilly

Proving Previous Convictions

Nial Osborough

Disciplinary Transfers for St. Patrick ’s Institution

Nial Osborough

Reviews and Notices

Digest, 1 January – 30 June 1971

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation

Digest, 1 July – 31 December 1971

Judicial Decisions

Statutory Legislation

The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol VII, 1972

Celtic Suretyship, A Fossilized Indo-European Institution?

D.A. Binchy

Ireland in Strasbourg: An Analysis of Northern Irish Proceedings before the European Commission on

Human Rights

Kevin Boyle

Police in Ireland before the Union: I

Kevin Boyle

Reform of Collective Bargaining Law: Some Constitutional Implications

J.P. Casey

The Lex Julia Concerning Adultery

David Daube

Desertion and Cruelty in Irish Matrimonial Law

William Duncan

The “Paradox” of Parliamentary Sovereignty

Patrick Fitzgerald

The Immediate Effect and Interpretation of the 1331 Ordinance Una et Eadem Lex : Some New Evidence

Robin Frame

Ireland in Strasbourg: An Analysis of Northern Irish Proceedings before the European Commission on

Human Rights

Hurst Hannum

Public Attitudes towards the Police in a medium-sized Town in Northern Ireland

P.A.R. Hillyard

Linguistic and Social Context of the Lex Aquilia

A.M. Honore

Principles and Cases: The Theft Laws of Hammurabi

Bernard S. Jackson

Three EEC Draft Directives on Company Law – Capital, Mergers, and Management

John Temple Lang

Occupiers ’ Liability in Scotland

Bryan McMahon

Aspects of the Irish Law of Contract

Mary Mathews

Compensating Policemen for Criminal Injuries

D.R. Miers

The Ultra Vires Rule and Dublin Parking Regulations

James O ’Grady

Entwicklung des Romische Zivilprocesses im Lichte der Structuralistichen Forschungsmethode: II

Adalbert Polacek


D.19.1.50: Periculum Emptoris

David Pugsley

Lord O ’Brien’s Doctrine of Bias

J.M.G. Sweeney

Concurrence of Actions with Actio Pro Socio

J.A.C. Thomas

Solatium – A Debt Repaid?

Edward Veitch


Residential Child Care: Health Act Admission

F.J. Elliott

The Majority Principle: Grindley v. Barker again

G.J. Hand

Enforcement Abroad of Irish Maintenance Decrees

James O ’Reilly

Ex Turpi Causa Non Oritur Actio

James O ’Reilly

Fraud, Duress and Nullity

James O ’Reilly

House Agent ’s Commission

James O ’Reilly

Litigation and the Wife ’s Agency of Necessity

James O ’Reilly

An Offence Connected with a Political Offence

Nial Osborough

Voting by Secret Ballot

Nial Osborough

The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol VIII, 1973

Criminal Justice at Newgate 1616-1627

J.H. Baker

Private Property under the Irish Constitution

Donal Barrington

A Note on the Development of Furtum

Peter Birks

Police in Ireland before the Union: II

Police in Ireland before the Union: III

Kevin Boyle

Legal Certainty: the Durable Myth

J.C. Brady

The Rule in Rylands v. Flecher : A Re-assessment

Declan Carroll

Nuisance and Strict Liability

J.M. Eekelaar

A Treatise on Impressing

Archibald Hamilton

The Matrimonial Jurisdiction of the High Court

Karl Hayes

The Trichotomy in Locatio Conductio

A.D.E. Lewis

Inheritance and Wergild in Early Germanic Law: I

Geoffrey MacCormack

Liability for Defective Products: The Draft European Convention on Products ’ Liability

Bryan M.E. McMahon

The Tort of Conspiracy in Irish Labour Law

Mary Matthews

The Demise of the State ’s Immunity in Tort

Nial Osborough

Emptio Spei and Emptio Rei Speratae

Dennis Paling

Blasphemy and Sacrilege in Roman Law

Olivia Robinson

The Law Enforcement Commission Report and Article 29 of the Irish Constitution

C.R. Symmons

Costs in Arbitration Proceedings

Limits of Constructive Desertion

The Constitution and the Law of Contract

James O ’Reilly


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Consensual Driving and Vicarious Liability

Courts Re-organisation

Lawyers and Negligence

On the Spot Fines

Supreme Court Report

The Solicitor ’s Right of Audience

Nial Osborough

Reviews and Notices

Watson, The Law of Persons in the Later Roman Republic ; Watson, The Law of Property in the Later

Roman Republic

Ilse Gatterbauer

Abbott, Law Reporting in England 1485-1585

Cockburn, A History of English Assizes 1558-1714

G.J. Hand

Digest, 1 January – 30 June 1973

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol IX, 1974

The Genesis of the Dáil Courts

J.P. Casey

International Terrorism and the Development of the Principle aut dedere aut judicare

Declan Costello

Establishment and Services in the European Community in the Light of Recent Case Law

D.J. Devine

Foreign Divorces Obtained on the Basis of Residence, and the Doctrine of Estoppel

William Duncan

Title by Estoppel and H.P. Car Transactions

A.V. Gill

Rules and Orders to be Observed in the Proceedings of Causes in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland,


G.J. Hand

Furtum Ferarum Bestiarum

David Hughes

Informality in the Modern Irish Habeas Corpus Practice

Michael Kenny

Derivative Suits in American, English and Irish Law

Denis Linehan

Inheritance and Wergild in Early Germanic Law: II

Geoffrey MacCormack


Sir Brian MacKenna

The Law Reform Commission and the Codification of Irish Law

John O ’Connor

Probation in Northern Ireland

The Title of the Last Lord Chief Justice of Ireland

Nial Osborough

A Note on Paolo Zacchias and Insanity

Alexander McCall Smith

The Subsequent Validation of Illegal Contracts

E.K. Teh

The Mirror of Justices: its Authorship and Preoccupations

E.F.J. Tucker

On Legitimacy: The Unwritten Constitution of Ancient Rome

Jill Carolyn White


Desertion and Maintenance


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

William Duncan

Right of Establslihment and Irish Law

Bryan M.E. McMahon

Court Fees

Executing Money Judgements

McNaghten Revisited

Master of the High Court

Nial Osborough

The Rally-Driver, his Navigator and Negligence

C.R. Symmons

Reviews and Notices

Delany, The Administration of Justice in Ireland (4 th


Jackson, Natural Justice

J.P. Casey

Walker, The Law of Civil Remedies in Scotland

E.M. Clive

Bentham and Legal Theory (ed. James)

Maria Gillespie

Bellamy, Crime and Public Order in the later Middle Ages

G.J. Hand

Elegantia Juris : Selected Writings of F. H. Newark

Seamus Henchy

Morrish and McLean, A Practical Guide to Appeals in Criminal Cases

Michael Knight

Hampton, Criminal Procedure and Evidence

Gerard Lee

Finch, Introduction to Legal Theory (2nd.


Mary Mathews

Farrar, Law Reform and the Law Commission

John O ’Connor

Brady, Guardians of the Peace

Current Legal Problems 1974

O ’Higgins, A Bibliography of Periodical Literature relating to Irish Law-First Supplement

Palkhivala, Our Constitution Defaced and Defiled

Nial Osborough

Beddard, Human Rights and Europe

William P. Rankin

Keeton and Sheridan, A Casebook on Equity and Trusts (2nd.

ed.) and The Law of Trusts (10th ed.)

David Yates


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol X, 1975

The Loss Problem in Administrative Law – A Tortious Solution?

R.J. Bailey (with C. M. Chinkin)

Formedon in the Remainder before “De Donis”

Paul Brand

Confusion in Criminal Appeals – The Legacy of Conmey

J.P. Casey

The Loss Problem in Administrative Law – A Tortious Solution?

C.M. Chinkin (with R.J. Bailey)

The Legislation of “Revolutionary” Assembly: Dáil Decrees, 1919 – 1922

Brian Farrell

The Children ’s Hearing System in Scotland: Its Strengths and Weaknesses

John P. Grant

Coercive Orders and Obligatory Laws

Robert Gray

Liability for Animals in Scottish Legal Literature: From Auld Lawes to the Sixteenth Century

Bernard S. Jackson

Wine Drinking and the Romulan Law of Divorce

Geoffrey MacCormack

Parliament and the Direct Rule of Northern Ireland

Paul R. Maguire

John Trye (1634 – after 1692)

C.A.F. Meekings

The Influence of Catholic Nationalism on the Legislature of the Irish Free State

Michael Nolan

A Note on the Rule in Bain v. Fothergill

James O ’Driscoll

Rebutting the Presumption of Doli Incapax

Nial Osborough

The Roman Law on Burials and Burial Grounds

Olivia Robinson

The Legal Position of Irishwomen in the Later Middle Ages

Katharine Simms

Executive Detention in Northern Ireland: The Gardiner Report and the Northern Ireland (Emergency

Provisions) (Amendment) Act

R.J. Spjut

Judicial Legislation and the Law Lords: Four Interpretations – I

Robert Stevens

Judicial Legislation and the Law Lords: Four Interpretations – II

Robert Stevens


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Questions of Capacity: The Implementation in the Republic of Ireland and in the United Kingdom of the

First E.E.C. Companies Directive

Patrick Ussher

Adverse Possession of Leaseholds – The Case for Reform

Herbert Wallace

St. German ’s Little Treatise Concerning Writs of Subpoena

D.E.C. Yale


Restrictions on Freedom of Movement

Thomas A.M. Cooney

The Supreme Court, Stare Decisis and the Malicious Injuries Code

W.C.H. Ervine

Reviews and Notices

Wylie, Irish Land Law

James C. Brady

Milsom, The Legal Framework of English Feudalism

Paul Brand

Twining and Miers, How to do Things with Rules

C.M. Campbell

Street, Justice in the Welfare State (2nd ed.)

Whitesides and Hawker, Industrial Tribunals

J.P. Casey

Weir, A Casebook on Tort (3nd ed.)

B.A. Childs

Treitel, The Law of Contract (4th ed.);

An Outline of the Law of Contract

Robert Clark

Bowett, The Law of International Institutions (3rd ed.)

Arnaud Cras

Levack, The Civil Lawyers in England, 1603- 1641

Geoffrey Hand

Osborough, Borstal in Ireland

Roger Hood

Hahlo, The South African Law of Husband and Wife

Patrick T. Horgan

Brady, Religion and the Law of Charities in Ireland

John Kenny

Puissochet, The Enlargement of the European Communities

John Temple Lang

Jackson, Essays in Jewish and Comparative Legal History


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Geoffrey MacCormack

Wilson and Duncan, Trusts, Trustees and Executors

M.C. Meston

Korah, Competition Law of Britain and the Common Market

Finbarr Murphy

Cole, Cases on Criminal Law

Robinson, The Special Criminal Court

Nial Osborough

Watson, Rome of the XII Tables: Persons and Property

Charles Rickett

Fairest, Mortgages

Philip Wylie


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XI, 1976

Accident, Trespass and Burden of Proof: A Comparative Study

Frank Bates

Ireland in Strasbourg: Final Decisions in the Northern Irish Proceedings Before the European

Commission of Human Rights

Kevin Boyle (with Hurst Hannum)

Hengham Magna : A Thirteenth Century English Common Law Treatise and its Composition

Paul Brand

The Usage of Iniuria in the Twelve Tables

A.K.W. Halpin

Ireland in Strasbourg: Final Decisions in the Northern Irish Proceedings Before the European

Commission of Human Rights

Hurst Hannum (with Kevin Boyle)

Personal Rights under the Irish Constitution

R. F. V. Heuston

Civil Law Procedures in the Provinces of the Late Roman Republic

Richard J. Hoffman

The Financial Support of Illegitimate Children

Patrick T. Horgan

The Second EEC Company Law Directive, on Maintenance and Alteration of Capital, and its

Implementation in Irish Law

John Temple Lang

Procedures for the Settlement of Disputes in “Simple” Societies

Geoffrey MacCormack

The Corporation Tax Act 1976

William O ’Dea

Forcibly Commandeered Transport and Owners ’ Insurance: The Deciding of Two Test Cases in the


The State ’s Tortious Liability: Further Reflections on Byrne v. Ireland – I

The State ’s Tortious Liability: Further Reflections on Byrne v. Ireland - II

W. N. Osborough

The Origins of the Legal Profession in England

Robert C. Palmer

Postal Contracts

David Pugsley

Learning How To Behave

Wilfried Rasch

The Concept of “The Family” under the Irish Constitution

Michael Staines

Furtum and Locatio Conductio

Some Succession Problems in Locatio Conductio


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

J.A.C. Thomas

Minor Offences – Yet Again

J.P. Casey

The Effect of Oral Representations on Written Exemption Clauses

G.M. Golding

Affiliation Proceedings in the High Court: An Application by a Married Woman

Patrick T. Horgan

Taxation Changes in the Finance Act 1977

W. O ’Dea

Residual Malice in the Irish Law of Murder

W.N. Osborough

Ownership of Employees ’ Patents in Ireland

Jeremy Philips


Irish Legal Scholarship


Reviews and Notices

Lord Mackenzie Stuart, The European Communities and the Rule of Law

Declan Costello

Cross, Statutory Interpretation

Seamus Henchy

Van Warmelo, An Introduction to the Principles of Roman Civil Law

A.D.E. Lewis

Darby, Conflict in Northern Ireland: The Development of a Polarised Community

Paul R. Maguire

Greer and Mitchell, Compensation for Criminal Injuries to Persons in Northern Ireland

David Miers

Flynn and O ’Carroll, Irish Company Law and Partnership

Tiley, Revenue Law

William O ’Dea

Greer and Childs, eds. Index to Northern Ireland Cases 1921 to 1970

W. N. Osborough

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1976

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XII, 1977

Adoption in the Context of Children ’s Rights: Some Reflections from Australia

Frank Bates

Some Critical Remarks on the Roman Law of Obligations

Arnaldo Biscardi

The Tallents Report on the Craig-Collins Pact of 30 March 1922

Kevin Boyle

Emergency Legislation, Fundamental Rights and Article 28.3.3 of the Irish Constitution

Desmond M. Clarke

Illicit Distillation and the Revenue

Police in Ireland in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Norma M. Dawson

The Difficulties of Devolution: the Post-War Debate at Stormont

David Harkness

Sir Walter Crofton and the Reform of the Irish Convict System, 1854-61 – I

Sir Walter Crofton and the Reform of the Irish Convict System, 1854-61 – II

Richard S.E. Hinde

The Irish Presidency Courts, 1569-1572

Liam Irwin

Joint Ventures under the EEC Treaty

Rules on Competition – I

John Temple Lang


Geoffrey MacCormack

The Case of The Queen v. McKenna (1869) and Jury Packing in Ireland

John F. McEldowney

Custody Disputes in the Irish Republic: The Uncertain Search for the Child ’s Welfare?

James O ’Reilly

The Concurrence of Remedies in Contract and Tort

Jeremy Phillips

The Constitutional Protection of Human Rights in French Law

Jean Rivero

The Northern Ireland Constitutional Settlement of 1673 and the Loyalist Opposition

R. J. Spjut

Recovery of Actual Loss and Notional Loss in Contact

E.K. Teh

Hugh Kennedy and the Constitutional Development of the Irish Free State, 1922-1923

Thomas Towey



The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Right of Establishment before the French Courts

Thomas A.M. Cooney

Reform of Occupiers ’ Liability

Reforms in Administrative Justices

W.N. Osborough

Reviews and Notices

Law Reform Commission of Canada, Administrative Law – Commissions of Inquiry: A New Act

J.P. Casey

Knafla, Law and Politics in Jacobean England: the Tracts of the Lord Chancellor Ellesmere

J.A. Guy

Harvey, ed., The Lawyer and Justice

Brigid M. Hadfield

Shatter, Family Law in the Republic of Ireland

Patrick T. Horgan

Hoath, Council Housing

D.J. Hughes

Kelly, Studies in the Civil Judicature of the Roman Republic

Thomas, Textbook of Roman Law

Geoffrey MacCormack

Fanning, The Irish Department of Finance 1922 – 58

Kennedy and McWilliams, The Law on Compensation for Criminal Injuries in the Republic of Ireland

Oliver, Working at Stormont

W.N. Osborough

Hood Phillips and Hudson, A First Book of English Law (7th ed.)

Jeremy Philips

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1977

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XIII, 1978

Equal Pay and the Implementation of Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome

David Beck

Social Welfare Insurance Appeals in the Republic of Ireland

R.W. Clark

Supporting the Institution of Marriage in Ireland

W.R. Duncan

The Juristic Basis of the Irish State Enterprise

G.M. Golding

Legal Protection for the Victim of Marital Violence

Patrick T. Horgan

Joint Ventures under the EEC Treaty Rules on Competition – II

John Temple Lang

A Note on the „Primitive’ in Legal History

Geoffrey MacCormack

Frustration in the West German Law of Contract

Joachim Meinecke

The Emergency Powers Bill Reference – I

David Gwynn Morgan

Une Nouvelle Constitution pour la Suisse

Mari-Carmen Nickel-Lanz

Education in the Irish Law and Constitution

W.N. Osborough

The Construction of Contracts in Restraint of Trade

Jeremy Philips

The Criminal Law (Jurisdiction)

Act 1976 and the Constitution

Mary Redmond

The Recovery of Market Toll at Common Law

Barbara Singer

The Criminal Law (Jurisdiction)

Act 1976 and International Law

C.R. Symmons

The Potentiores : Some Relations between Power and Law in the Roman Administration of Justice

Andreas Wacke


Damages for Loss of Enjoyment and Inconvenience Resulting from Breach of Contract

R.W. Clark

Dispensing with Consent under the Family Home Protection Act 1976

Patrick T. Horgan

Protecting Human Rights in Northern Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Strict Liability for Animals

The Work of the Criminal Injuries

Compensation Tribunal

W.N. Osborough

Breach of Promise

Jeremy Phillips

More on the Statute of Frauds

David Tomkin

Reviews and Notices

Baker, English Legal Manuscripts – Vols. I and II

Keeton, Harvey the Hasty

P.A. Brand

McCarthy, Trade Unions in Ireland, 1894 – 1960

J.P. Casey

Jobert, La notion de donation

J.Ph. Levy

Attwooll, ed., Perspectives in Jurisprudence

Brett, Long Shadows Cast Before

Chubb, The Constitution and Constitutional Change in Ireland

Denning, The Discipline of Law

Galloway, ed., Criminal Justice and the Burger Court

Watson, The Nature of Law

W.N. Osborough

Cawthra, Patent Licensing in Europe

Jeremy Phillips

Yates, Exclusion Clauses in Contracts

E.K. Teh

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1978

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XIV, 1979

„Quo Warranto’ Law in the Reign of Edward I: A Hitherto Undiscovered Opinion of Chief Justice


Paul Brand

The Growth of Legal Aid in the Republic of Ireland – I

The Growth of Legal Aid in the Republic of Ireland – II

Claire P. Carney

The Constitution and the Legal System

J.P. Casey

Wives, Mistresses and Beneficial Ownership

Mark Cooney

The Applicable Social Security Law in the European Court

M. Forde

Anthropology and Early Roman Law

Geoffrey MacCormack

Some Aspects of the Law on Disclosure of Information

Marc McDonald

Lord O ’Hagan (1812 – 1885): A Study of His Life and Period as Lord Chancellor of Ireland (1868 – 1874)

J.F. McEldowney

Guidelines for an Irish Educational Policy

Eoin MacNeill

The Emergency Powers Bill Reference – II

David Gwynn Morgan

Doing Legal History

John V. Orth

Irish Law and the Rights of the National Schoolteacher – I

Irish Law and the Rights of the National Schoolteacher – II

W. N. Osborough

The Combination Acts in Ireland, 1727 – 1825

Patrick Park

Presumed Resulting Uses and Trusts: Survivals and a New Arrival?

J.M.G. Sweeney


Habeas Corpus and Conditions of Confinement in Prison

Raymond Byrne

Public Policy, Necessity and a Right of Access

Thomas A.M. Cooney

Procedural Rights under Natural Justice

Gerard W. Hogan

Capital Murder and the Supreme Court


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Paul O ’Connor

Reviews and Notices

Abrahamson, Engineering Law and the I.C.E. Contracts (4th ed.)

Zander, Legal Services for the Community

R.W. Clark

Oakley, Constructive Trusts

Mark Cooney

Williams, Textbook of Criminal Law

Mark Findlay

Glazebook, ed., Reshaping the Criminal Law

Seamus Henchy

Stevens, Law and Politics: the House of Lords as a Judicial Body

R.F.V. Heuston

North, The Private International Law of Matrimonial Causes in the British Isles and the Republic of


A. Kerr

Cappelletti, gen. ed., Access to Justice

Geoffrey MacCormack

Walker, The Oxford Companion to Law

W.N. Osborough

Jewish Law Annual – Vol. I

Jeremy Phillips

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1979

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XV, 1980

The Family and Society: Reality and Myth

Frank Bates

The “Favor Testamenti” in Irish Law

J.C. Brady

The Royal Assent and the Loval Government Bill 1922: Who Governed Northern Ireland?

Patrick Buckland

Council Housing, Implied Terms and Negligence – A Critique of Siney v. Dublin Corporation

Robert Clark (with Tony Kerr)

Succession and Judicial Discretion in Ireland: the Section 117 Cases

Mark Cooney

The Scope of Preliminary Rulings on the Validity of Community Law

T.L. Early

Criminal Liability for Complicity in Abortions Committed Outside Ireland

M.J. Findlay

The Rebellion of Sir Cahir O ’Doherty and its Legal Aftermath

F.W. Harris

Council Housing, Implied Terms and Negligence – A Critique of Siney v. Dublin Corporation

Tony Kerr (with Robert Clark)

Joint Ventures under the E.E.C. Treaty

Rules on Competition – III: Article 85(3)

John Temple Lang

Georges Davy and the Origin of Contract

Geoffrey MacCormack

Criminal Due Process, the Pre-trial Stage and Self-Incrimination

Paul A. O ’Connor (with Thomas A.M. Cooney)

Joint Occupation and the Doctrine of Notice

Robert A. Pearce


David Pugsley

Separant and Participant Personality

Types of Suicides

S.G. Shoham (with others)

The Irish General Prisons Board, 1877- 1885: Efficient Deterrence or Bureaucratic Ineptitude?

Beverly A. Smith

A.V. Dicey and the Irish Question: 1870-1922

Hugh Tulloch


Due Process and a Crime of Condition

Thomas A.M. Cooney

Discretion and Judicial Review of Administrative Action


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Gerard W. Hogan

The Privilege of Non-Disclosure and Informers

Paul A. O ’Connor

Reviews and Notices

Duncan, The Case for Divorce in the Republic of Ireland

William Binchy

Wyatt and Dashwood, The Substantive Law of the E.E.C.

T.L. Early

Grimes and Horgan, Introduction to Law in the Republic of Ireland

Treitel, The Law of Contract (5th ed.)

Brenda M. Hannigan

O ’Reilly and Redmond, Cases and Materials on the Irish Constitution

J.M. Kelly

Allen, Bourn and Holyoak, eds., Accident Compensation after Pearson

Dicey and Morris, The Conflict of Laws (10th ed.)

Heydon, Economic Torts (2nd ed.)

James, General Principles of the Law of Torts (4th ed.)

Miller and Lovell, Product Liability

Tony Kerr

Howell, The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council 1833 – 1876

A.H. Manchester

Barrington, The Irish Administrative System

Robins, The Lost Children

W.N. Osborough

Prest, ed., Lawyers in Early Modern Europe and America

Hans Pawlisch

Corbett, Hahlo and Hofmeyr, The Law of Succession in South Africa

Robert A. Pearce

Wayne, Labour Law in Ireland

Ferdinand von Prondzynski

Alder, Development Control

Yvonne Scannell

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1980

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XVI, 1981

Other Men ’s Meat: Aquilian Liability for Proper Use

Peter Birks

“A Treatise for the Reformation of Ireland 1554-5”

Brendan Bradshaw

Ireland and the Literature of the Early Common Law

Paul Brand

Consumers and the Free Movement of Goods in E.E.C. Law

A.C. Evans

Trade Disputes, Economic Torts and the Constitution: The Legacy of Talbot

Tony Kerr

Legal Constraints in Criminal Investigation

Patrick McLaughlin

The Matrimonial Legislation of Augustus: An Early Instance of Social Engineering

Dieter Nörr

Deferment of Imposing Sentence

Dismissal and Discharge under the Probation of Offenders Act 1907

W.N. Osborough

Changing the King ’s Title, 1926: An Asterisk to “O’Higgins’ Comma”

Ridgway F.Jr. Shinn

The Irish Prison System, 1885-1914: Land War to World War

Beverly A. Smith

Damages for Delay in the Completion of a Contract for the Sale of Land

David Tomkin (with Robert Pearce)

Roger Huscarl: Professional Lawyer in England and Royal Justice in Ireland, c.1199-1230

Ralph V. Turner

Trade Disputes and the Courts: The Problem of the Labour Injunction

Ferdinand von Prondzynski

Industrial Relations and the Irish Constitution

Gerry Whyte


Judicial Reviewability of a Prosecutorial Discretion

Raymond Byrne

Criminal Appeals – the Confusion Persists

J.P. Casey

Majewski Down Under: A Second View

Finbarr McAuley

Arrest and the Supreme Court

Consent and its Revocation in Adoption Proceedings


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Paul A. O ’Connor

Reviews and Notices

Curry, The Irish Social Services

Robert W. Clark

O ’Higgins, Cases and Materials on Civil Liberties

A.M. Connelly

Levine, Free Enterprise and Jewish Law

G.M. Golding

Burrows & Veljanovski, eds., The Economic Approach to Law

A. Kerr (with D.S. Coffey)

Hepple and O ’Higgins, Employment Law (4th ed.)

Morris, The Conflict of Laws (2nd ed.)

A. Kerr

Symmons, The Maritime Zones of Islands in International Law

Charles Lysaght

Farrier, Drugs and Intoxication

Mary P. McAleese

Piattelli, Concezioni giuridiche e metodi costruttivi dei giuristi orientali

Geoffrey MacCormack

Kelly, The Irish Constitution

Bryan M.E. McMahon

Carter, Cases and Statutes on Evidence

Paul A. O ’Connor

Findlay and McAuley, A Casebook of Irish Criminal Law

Roderick J. O ’Hanlon

Byrne, Hogan and McDermott, Prisoners ’ Rights

Stein, Legal Evolution

W.N. Osborough

Prichard, Squatting

Wallace, Lang Registry Practice in Northern Ireland

Robert A. Pearce

Stones and Simpson, eds., Edward I and the Throne of Scotland 1290 – 96

J.R.S. Phillips

Spruit, ed., Maior Viginti Quinque Annis

David Pugsley

Gamillscheg et al., eds., In Memoriam Sir Otto Kahn-Freund

Ferdinand von Prondzynski


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XVII, 1982

The Role of Natural Law in Irish Constitutional Law

Desmond Clarke

Non-Extradition for Political Offences: A Matter of Legal Obligation or Simply a Policy Choice?

A.M. Connelly

Some Aspects of the Constitution of Denmark

Jens Faerkel

Equality and the Constitution

M. Forde

Remoulding Certiorari: A Critique of The State (Abenglen Properties Ltd.) v. Dublin Corporation

G.W. Hogan

Mens Rea: A Legal-Philosophical View

Finbarr McAuley

The Concept of Law in Ancient Irish Jurisprudence

Neil McLeod

The Chief Justice and the Governor General Controversy in 1932

Deirdre McMahon

The Ombudsman Act 1980

David Gwynn Morgan

The Admissibility of Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence in Irish Law

Pau O ’Connor

A Democles ’ Sword Guaranteed Irish: The Suspended Sentence in the Republic of Ireland

W.N. Osborough

Sir John Davies ’ Law Reports and the Case of Proxies

Hans Pawlisch

Seandlithe na nGael: An Annotated Bibliography of the Ancient Laws of Ireland

Liam Ronayne


An Aspect of Planning Appeal Procedures

Tenancy or Licence?

T.A.M. Cooney

Human Rights in the European Communities – Religious Freedom

G.M. Golding

Contractual Entitlements and the Constitution

Gerard McCormack

Foreign Jurisdiction Clauses and the Inherent Jurisdiction to Stay

D.G. Morgan

Reviews and Notices


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Adams and Averley, A Bibliography of Eighteenth Century Legal Literature

Charles Benson (with Elizabeth Gleeson)

Twining and Uglow, eds. Law Publishing and Legal Information: Small Jurisdictions of the British Isles

J.P. Casey

Beddard, Human Rights and Europe (2nd ed.)

A.M. Connelly

Redmond, Dismissed Law in the Republic of Ireland

Donal J. Hamilton

Clark, Contract

Brenda Hannigan

Keane, The Law of Local Government in the Republic of Ireland

Yardley, Principles of Administrative Law

G.W. Hogan

McMahon and Binchy, Irish Law of Torts

Salmond and Heuston on the Law of Torts (18th ed.)

A. Kerr

Casey, The Office of the Attorney General in Ireland

John Temple Lang

O ’Malley, Business Law

Alex Schuster

Golding, George Gavan Duffy

Brian Walsh

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1982

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XVIII, 1983

The Irish and Welsh Languages in the Courts: A Comparative Study

J.A. Andrews (with L.G. Henshaw)

Equality under the Irish and American Constitutions: A Comparative Analysis – I, II

Francis X. Beytagh

Honoré’s Ulpian

Peter Birks

Pleas held before the Chief Governors of Ireland, 1308 – 76

P. Connolly

The Companies (Amendment) Act 1983

M. Forde

Matters Relating to the Indictments of “the Fugitive Earls and their Principal Adherents”

F.W. Harris

Reference of Bills to the Supreme Court – A Comparative Perspective

Joseph Jaconelli

Land Use, Compensation and the Community

Ronan Keane

Equality before the Law in Three European Jurisdictions

J.M. Kelly

The Problem of the Labour Injunction Revisited

Tony Kerr

The T ’ang Code: Early Chinese Law

Geoffrey MacCormack

Ronayne ’s “Seandlithe na nGael”: A Supplement

Neil McLeod


Regulation of Property Rights in Relation to Land

Gerard McCormack

Proof of Legislation in Litigation

Colin P. Stevenson

Reviews and Notices

Hanbury and Maudsley, Modern Equity (11th ed.)

James C. Brady

Ives , The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England

Paul A. Brand

Brown and Garner, French Administrative Law (3rd ed.)

J.P. Casey

Drzemczewski, European Human Rights Convention in Domestic Law

A.M. Connelly


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Boukema, Judging

Chubb, A Sourcebook of Irish Government (2nd ed.)

Kamenka and Tay, eds., Ideas and Idologies: Justice

Kamenka and Tay, eds., Ideas and Idologies: Law and Social Control

Watkin, The Nature of Law

T.A.M. Cooney

David, English Law and French Law

Arnaud Cras

Digest of Case-law relating to the European Communities: D Series: Convention of 27 Sept. 1968

Lowe and Woodroffe, Consumer Law and Practice

A.V. Gill

Lewis, Lord Atkin

Seamus Henchy

Cocks, Foundations of the Modern Bar

Daire Hogan

Lewis, Gatley on Libel and Slander (8th ed.)

Tony Kerr

Buckley, The Law of Nuisance

Twinning and Miers, How to do Things with Rules (2nd ed.)

A.B. Lyall

Cross and Ashworth, The English Sentencing System (3rd ed.)

Finbarr McAuley

Easson, Tax Law and Policy in the E.E.C.

Lasok, The Law of the Economy in the European Communities (3rd ed.)

Lasok and Bridge, Introduction to the Law and Institutions of the European Communities (3rd ed.)

Parry and Hardy, E.E.C. Law (2nd ed.)

Plender, A Practical Introduction to European Community Law

Finbarr Murphy

Boyle, Hadden and Hillyard, Ten Years on in Northern Ireland

Greer and Mitchell, Compensation for Criminal Damage to Property Paul A. O ’Connor

Finnane, Insanity and the Insane in Post Famine Ireland

Frewan, ed., Judgements of the Court of Criminal Appeal 1924 – 1978

McDowell and Webb, Trinity College Dublin 1592 – 1952

Ryan, Notes of Irish Cases 1969 – 1978

W.N. Osborough

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1983

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XIX, 1984

Ralph de Hangham and the Irish Common Law

Paul Brand

Damages and the Social Welfare „Overlap’

Robert Clark

„Squeeze-Outs’ and „Freeze-Outs’ in Company Law

M. Forde

Must a Purchaser Buy Charred Remains? – An Analysis on the Passing of Risk on Civilian Principles

A.D.M. Forte

On Thing-Liability ( Sachhaftung ) in Early Law

Geoffrey MacCormack

Evidence of Visual Identification in Irish Law – I, II

Paul A. O ’Connor

Some Reflections on the Compilation of Justinian ’s Digest

David Pugsley

Legal Humanism in English Law – The Contribution of the English Civilians

C.P. Rodgers

Negotiated Planning: Circumventing the Planning System – I, II

C.P. Stevenson

Irish Republican Prisoners – Political Detainees, Prisoners of War or Common Criminals?

C.P. Walker


Of Potatoes and Pariahs

Robert Clark

Hunger Strikes and the State ’s Right to „Force Feed’ – Recent Australian Experience

Mark Findlay

Natural and Constitutional Justice – Adieu to Laissez Faire

G.W. Hogan

Criminal Liability and the Duty to Remove Danger

J. Paul McCutcheon

Reviews and Notices

Wylie, A Casebook on Irish Land Law

James C. Brady

Keane, Phair and Sadleir, eds., King ’s Inns Admission Papers, 1607 – 1867

P.A. Brand

Lyall, Slaves, Citizens, Sons: Legal Metaphor in the Epistles

Peter Birks

Hague Conference on Private International Law, Actes et Documents of the 14 th

Session – Tome IV:

Judicial Cooperation


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

J. Brosnan

Cranston, Legal Foundations of the Welfare State

R.W. Clark

Berger, Jurisprudence de la Cour européene des droits de l’homme

McKean, Equality and Discrimination under International Law

A.M. Connelly

O ’Sullivan and Shepherd, A Sourcebook on Planning Law in Ireland

Scannell, The Law and Practice Relating to Pollution Control in Ireland (2nd ed.)

Thomas A.M. Cooney

Nicholls, ed., The O Doyne (O Duinn) Manuscript

Art Cosgrove

Pawlisch, Sir John Davies and the Conquest of Ireland

Steven G. Ellis

Von Prondzynski and McCarthy, Employment Law

Donal J. Hamilton

Morgan, Constitutional Law of Ireland

R.F.V. Heuston

Harlow and Williams, Law and Administration

Robilliard, Religion and the Law

G.W. Hogan

Heydon, Evidence: Cases and Materials (2nd ed.)

J.D. Jackson

Devlin, Easing the Passing: The Trial of Dr. John Bodkin Adams

Jowell and McAuslan, eds., Lord Denning The Judge and the Law

Ronan Keane

McMahon and Binchy, A Casebook on the Irish Law of Torts

A. Kerr

Pattenden, The Judge, Discretion and the Criminal Trial

Michael Knight

Jackson, Northern Ireland Supplement to Cross on Evidence (5th ed.)

Charles Lysaght

Borrie, The Development of Consumer Law and Policy

James M. Murray

Binchy, A Casebook on Irish Family Law

Stannard, Northern Ireland Supplement to Smith and Hogan, Criminal Law (5th ed.)

Paul A. O ’Connor

Cameron, Property Rights and Sovereign Rights: The Case of North Sea Oil

Robert A. Pearce

Tettenborn, An Introduction to the Law of Obligations

Jeremy Phillips

Walsh, Planning and Development Law (2nd ed.)


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Colin P. Stevenson

Byrne, Cooney, McCutcheon and O ’Connor, Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

Hain, Political Trials in Britain

Korff, The Diplock Courts in Northern Ireland: A Fair Trial?

Dermot P.J. Walsh

Andrews and Henshaw, The Welsh Language in the Courts

T. Arwyn Watkins

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1984

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XX, 1985

Cooking the Meat: Aquilian Liability for Hearths and Ovens

Peter Birks

The Trials of Sam Gray: Monaghan Politics and Nineteenth Century Irish Criminal Procedure

D.S. Johnson

Aspects of the Career of John Blake Powell, 1861-1923

John Francis Larkin

Class-closing Rules and Future Interests: Law and Political Economy

Andrew Lyall

Law and Punishment in the Earliest Chinese Thought

Geoffrey MacCormack

William Nielson Hancock (1820-1888)

John F. McEldowney

Labour Law and Community Law

G. Federico Mancini

The Single European Act – I, II

Finbarr Murphy

The Mandatory Warning Requirement in Respect of Sexual Complainants in Irish Law

Paul A. O ’Connor

Reservation of Title on the Sale of Goods in Ireland

Robert A. Pearce

The „Black Book’ of King’s Inns: An Introduction with an Abstract of Contents

T. Power

Damages for the Lost Earnings of the Lost Years

John P.M. White

Reviews and Notices

Wylie, A Casebook on Equity and Trusts in Ireland

James C. Brady

Brooks, Pettyfoggers and Vipers of the Commonwealth: The „Lower Branch’ of the Legal Profession in

Early Modern England

Turner, The English Judiciary in the Age of Glanvill and Bracton, c.1176 – 1239

Paul Brand

Marshall, Constitutional Conventions: The Rules and Forms of Political Accountability

J.P. Casey

McCarroll, Marriage or Divorce: The Real Issue

Desmond M. Clarke

Edwards, The Attorney General, Politics and the Public Interest

Declan Costello

Guy, The Court of Star Chamber and its Records to the Reign of Elizabeth I

Steven G. Ellis


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Hogan, The Legal Profession in Ireland, 1789 – 1922

Geoffrey Hand

Keane, Company Law in the Republic Ireland

Ussher, Company Law in Ireland

John Temple Lang

Benöhr, Hackl, Knütel and Wacke, eds., Iuris Professio: Festgabe für Max Kaser zum 80 Geburtstag

Kaser, Römische Rechtsquellen und angewandte Juristenmethode

Geoffrey MacCormack

Dowling , Ejectment for Non-Payment of Rent

Michael MacGrath

Birkinshaw , Grievances, Remedies and the State

McAuslan and McEldowney, eds ., Law, Legitimacy and the Constitution

David Gwynn Morgan

Kerr and Whyte, Irish Trade Union Law

Bob Simpson

Stout, Administrative Law in Ireland

Colin P. Stevenson

Pearce, The Succession Act 1965: A Commentary by William J. McGuire (2nd ed.)

Herbert Wallace

Bonner, Emergency Powers in Peacetime

Dermot P.J. Walsh

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1985

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXI, 1986

Cahir O ’Doherty and the Dove of Cartemyne 1603-4: Sidelight on Gaelic Admiralty Jurisdiction

John C. Appleby (with Mary O ’Dowd)

Necessity – Yet Another Analysis

Mervyn E. Bennun

Judicial Pragmatism and the Search for Justice Inter Partes

J.C. Brady

The Licensing of Mortmain Alienations in the Medieval Lordship of Ireland

Paul Brand

The Irish and Law in Australia

Gerard Brennan

The Development of Constitutional Law under Chief Justice O ’Higgins

J.P. Casey

The Terminally Ill: The Law ’s Concerns

Declan Costello

Legal Periodicals: A Strange and Prolific Genus

The Editor

A Statuatory Remedy for Nervous Shock?

D.S. Greer

Philip Basset at the Court Coram Rege , 1261 – 63

R. Malcolm Hogg

In Defence of a Voluntariness Doctrine for Confessions: The Queen v. Johnston Revisited

John D. Jackson

Counsellor Duhigg – Antiquarian and Activist

The Four Courts in Dublin before 1796

Colum Kenny

A Delicate Balance – The Stardust Victims Compensation Tribunal

Tony Kerr

Ethical Principles and the Traditional Chinese Law of Marriage

Geoffrey MacCormack

In Praise of Law Books

W.N. Osborough

Reviews and Notices

Harlow, ed., Public Law and Politics

Jowell and Oliver, eds ., The Changing Constitution

J.P. Casey

McBryde , Law of Contract in Scotland

Robert Clark

McDonald , Irish Law of Defamation


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

R.F.V. Heuston

Stanton , Breach of Statutory Duty in Tort

A. Kerr

Ashworth, Sentencing Law and Penal Policy

Boyle and Allen, Sentencing Law and Practice in N. Ireland

Finbarr McAuley

Johnston, On a Singular Book of Cervidius Scaevola

Geoffrey MacCormack

Kaye, Civil Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements

Paisley , Guide to EEC Law in N. Ireland

Imelda Maher

Casey, Constitutional Law in Ireland

Lustgarten, Governance of Police

David Gwynn Morgan

Friedland, The Case of Valentine Shortis

O ’Connor, The irish Notary

W.N. Osborough

Latin Redaction A of the Law of Hywel, trans. Fletcher

Huw Pryce

Walker, Prevention of Terrorism in British Law

Dermot P.J. Walsh

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1986

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXII, 1987

Freedom of Thought and Educational Rights in the European Convention

Desmond M. Clarke

Anglo-Irish Retention of Title: The Current Position

John De Lacy

Differential Treatment of Sexual Complainants by the Law of Evidence: A Case for Reform

Caroline Fennell

Thomas Aquinas ’ Theory of Property

Jan Hallebeek

The Legal Status of Administrative Rules and Circulars

The Supreme Court and the Single European Act

G.W. Hogan

The Constitution of Ireland: the Forgotten Textual Quagmire

Richard F. Humphreys

The European Convention on Human Rights as Irish Municipal Law

Joseph Jaconelli

Law Reform in Ireland – the European Perspective

Ronan Keane

Human Rights and Conditional and Determinable Interests in Freeholds

Andrew Lyall

Modelling Intentional Action

Finbarr McAuley

Extradition and Treason-Trial of a Gaelic Lord: The Case of Brian O ’Rourke

Hiram Morgan

Religious Freedom and the Rule of Law in the Nineteenth-Century Spain

Eamonn Rodgers

The Anglo-Irish Agreement and International Precedents: A Unique Experiment in Inter-State

Co-operation on Minority Rights

Clive R. Symmons

Reviews and Notices

Ganz, Quasi-Legislation

Raymond Byrne

Lunch and Meenan, eds., Essays in Memory of Alexis Fitzgerald

J.P. Casey

Berger, Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights – vol. I

A.M. Connelly

Nowlan, A Guide to Planning Legislation in the Republic of Ireland

Paul R. Coughlan

Binchy, Irish Conflicts of Law Proceedings of the Extraordinary Session of the Hague Conference … on the Law Applicable to International Sales Contracts


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Brice Dickson

Davies, A Discovery of the True Causes (ed. Myers)

Steven G Ellis

Johnston, The Roman Law of Trusts

Robin Evans-Jones

Forde, Extradition Law in Ireland

Conor Gearty

Hartley, The Foundations of European Community Law (2 nd


Wyatt and Dashwood, The Substantive Law of the EEC (2 nd


John Handoll

Byrne and Binchy, Annual Review of Irish Law 1987

R.F.V. Heuston

Hogan and Morgan, Administrative Law

Richard F. Humphreys

Clarke, Church and State: Essays in Political Philosophy

Attracta Ingram

Dworkin, Law ’s Empire

Ronan Keane

Evans, Relevant Circumstances and Maritime Delimitation

Charles Lysaght

Clark, Inequality of Bargaining Power

William W. McBryde

Doolan, Constitutional Law and Constitutional Rights in Ireland

Gerard McCormack

Breatnach, Uraicecht na Riar: the Poetic Grades in Early Irish Law

Kelly, A Guide to Early Irish Law

Neil McLeod

Brazier, Constitutional Practice

David Gwynn Morgan

Carroll, ed., The American Commission on Irish Independence, 1919

W.N. Osborough

Cassese, International Law in a Divided World

Duncan, ed., Law and Social Policy – Some Current Problems in Irish Law

Ann Sherlock

McCutcheon, The Larceny Act 1916

John E. Stannard

O ’Connor, Key Issues in Irish Family Law

J.M. Thomson

Keane, Equity and the Law of Trusts in the Republic of Ireland

Herbert Wallace

Lord Wheatley, One Man ’s Judgement


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Brian Walsh

Hogan and Walker, Political Violence and the Law in Ireland

Dermot P.J. Walsh

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1987

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXIII, 1988

Proprietary Estoppel and Part Performance: Historical Confusion or Modern Dilemma?

Lionel Bently (with Paul Coughlan)

Widows at Common Law: The Development of Common Law Dower

Joseph Biancalana

Ulpius Marcellus and an Ancient Mystery – Part I: Multiple Transfer and Threefold Mancipation

Peter Birks

A Constitutional Antiquity? – The Habeas Corpus (Ireland) Act 1782 Revisited

Kevin Costello

Prudence and Legal Positivism: An Elaboration of H.L.A. Hart ’s Concept of Legal Obligation in the Light of Aquinas ’ Theory of Political Prudence

Edmond Grace

“Animadversions on the Street Robberies in Dublin, 1765”

Brian Henry

Chief Justice Kennedy and Sir James O ’Connor’s Application

G.W. Hogan

The Action Component of Actus Reus

Finbarr McAuley

Recent Work on the Superior Courts of the Ancient Regime in France, Germany and the Low Countries

Paul Néve

Tax Avoidance in Ireland and the United Kingdom

William O ’Dea

John Kelly

W.N. Osborough

France ’s Conseil Constitutionnel – Not Yet a Constitutional Court?

David Pollard

Choosing Witnesses in Twelfth Century England

David Postles

Reviews and Notices

Collins and O ’Reilly, Civil Proceedings and the State in Ireland

J.P. Casey

Atiyah, Essays on Contract

Robert Clark

O ’Connor, Good Faith in English Law

Paul R. Coughlan

Wacks, Personal Information: Privacy and the Law

Conor Gearty

Proceedings of the 15 th

Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law

A. Vivion Gill

Pierse, Road Traffic Law in the Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Richard Humphreys

McMahon and Binchy, Irish Law of Torts (2 nd


A. Kerr

Zimmermann, The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition

Geoffrey MacCormack

Hollington, Minority Shareholders ’ Rights

Morgan, Constitutional Law of Ireland (2 nd


Gerard McCormack

Miller, Contempt of Court (2 nd


J.P. McCutcheon

Cross, Loades and Scarisbrick, eds., Law and Government under the Tudors

Jones, Jones L.J. – His Life and Times

Ó Broin, W.E. Wylie and the Irish Revolution 1916-1921

Philipson, The Scottish Whigs and Reform of the Court of Session

Prest, The Rise of the Barristers

Robinson, Fergus and Gordon, An Introduction to European Legal History

Sexton, Ireland and the Crown, 1922-1936

Walmsley, It Was Like This Your Worship

W.N. Osborough

Brady, Succession Law in Ireland

Robert A. Pearce

Kjønstad, Norwegian Social Law

G.W. Whyte


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXIV, 1989

Three Irish-born Judges at the Cape 1861-1896

Stephen D. Girvin

Legal and Constitutional Issues Arising from the 1989 General Election

Gerard Hogan

The Papers of Hugh Kennedy: A Research Legacy for the Foundation of the State

Ailsa C. Holland

Royal Prerogatives and the Constitution

Niall Lenihan

The Civilian Experience of the Insanity Defence

Finbarr McAuley

„Good Planets in their Several Spheares’ – The Establishment of the Assize Circuits in Early

Seventeenth Century Ireland

John McCavitt

Grafting the Homeless on to the Housing Code

Imelda Maher

On Selling Cathedral Libraries – Reflections on a Recent Cy-prés Application

W.N. Osborough

The American Constitutional Experience

William H. Rehnquist

The Right to Life of the Unborn and the Irish Constitution

Ann Sherlock

Concepts in Ancient Biblical Civil and Criminal Law

J. Weingreen

Workers, Constitutions and the Irish Judiciary: a Jurisprudence of Labour Liberty?

Brian Wilkinson

Reviews and Notices

Law Reform Commission Consultation Papers: The Civil Law of Defamation; Contempt of Court; The

Crime of Libel

Eric Barendt

O ’Connor, Good Faith in International Law

J.W. Bridge

Hogan and Osborough, eds., Brehons, Serjeants and Attorneys

Christopher W. Brooks

Byrne, The EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements

Law Reform Commission, Report on the Hague Convention (1989) on the Law of Succession to Estates of Deceased Persons

Brice Dickson

Butler and Low, eds., Sovereigns and Surrogates

Byrne and Binchy, Annual Review of Irish law 1988


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

R.F.V. Heuston

Gavison, ed., Issues in Legal Philosophy

Attracta Ingram

Fitzgerald, Land Registry Practice

Gordon, Scottish Land Law

Wallace, Land Registry Practice in Northern Ireland (2 nd


A.B. Lyall

McCormack, The New Companies Legislation

Irene Lynch

Watson, Legal Origins and Legal Change

Watson, Studies in Roman Private Law

Geoffrey MacCormack

McMahon and Murphy, European Community Law in Ireland

Imelda Maher

Neale and Stephens, International Business and National Jurisdiction

Ann Sherlock

Hand and McBride, eds., Droit Sans Frontiéres: Essays in Honour of L. Neville Brown

Noel Travers

Digest, 1 January – 31 December 1989

Judicial Decisions: Northern Ireland

Judicial Decisions: Republic of Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Northern Ireland

Statutory Legislation: Republic of Ireland


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXV – XXVIII, 1990 – 1992

The model pleading of the action for wrongful loss

Peter Birks

The Spanish constitutional court

James Casey

John Kelly

R.F.V. Heuston

Unenumerated personal rights: Ryan ’s case re-evaluated

G.W. Hogan

Human rights guarantees and Irish Home Rule

Joseph Jaconelli

John Kelly and the Constitution

Ronan Keane

„The will of the general’: martial law in Ireland, 1535-1924

Ronan Keane

Institutionensystem und Pandektensystem: zur Geschichte des res-Begriffs

Berthold Kupisch

Ts ’ui tso so yu: a principle of causality in traditional Chinese jurisprudence

Geoffrey MacCormack

Ulp. D.33 ad Sab. D. Ein Juwel überlieferter klassicher Entscheidungsfindung

Karlheinz Misera

Section 31: the broadcasting ban

D.G. Morgan

Reflections on faith, friendship, mandate

Dieter Nörr

The sacred cow of trial by jury

R.J. O ’Hanlon

Roman law in Ireland

W.N. Osborough

Equality, differential treatment and ethnic minorities: international, European and English legal perspectives

Sebastian Poulter

The repression of Christians in the pre-Dacian period: a legal problem still

O.F. Robinson

Paul ’s edictal commentary on the lex Aquilia

Alan Rodger

Education and the Constitution: convergence of paradigm and praxis

G.F. Whyte


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vols XXVIII – XXX, 1993 – 1995

Freedom of thought in the UN Declaration and Covenants

Desmond M. Clarke

Social welfare adjudication in Ireland, 1847-1995: a diachronic analysis

Mel Cousins

Documentary errors as a ground of judicial review in Irish law

Kevin Costello

The basis and extent of employer liability for sexual harassment in Irish law

Leo Flynn

The judge as advocate: an elaboration of the concept of discretion in the light of Aquinas ’ theory of adjudication

Edmond Grace

Interpreting natural rights

Richard Humphreys

The Irish House of Lords as a judicial body, 1783-1800

Andrew Lyall

The implementation of EC competition law in Ireland: the transition to a new statutory regime

Imelda Maher

Participatory government and communal property: two radical concepts in the Virginia charter of 1606

Finbarr McCarthy

Omissions and criminal liability

J. Paul McCutcheon

Lawes of Irelande: an hitherto unidentified tract by Sir John Davies

Hiram Morgan

The social and ethnic distribution of crime in County Waterford, 1295-1325

Ciarán Parker

European Community law and the French Conseil d ’État

David Pollard

Savigny in the Strand

Alan Rodger

Stretching out the actus reus

John E. Stannard

Irish policy and practice on recognition

Clive R. Symmons

Reviews and Notices

Christine Van Den Wyngaert (ed.), Chris Gane, Heiner Kühne and Finbarr McAuley (co-eds.), Criminal

Procedure Systems in the European Community

Eamonn Barnes

Colum Kenny, King ’s Inns and the Kingdom of Ireland. The Irish „Inn of Court’ 1541-1800

Christopher Brooks

Andrew Oppenheimer (ed.), The Relationship between European Community Law and National Law:


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

The Cases

James Casey

John Baldwin, Nick Wikeley and Richard Young, Judging Social Security

Robert Clark

Sean McDermott and Richard Woulfe, Compulsory Purchase and Compensation: Law and Practice in


Paul R. Coughlan

O.F. Robinson, Acient Rome: City Planning and Administration

Andrew Erskine

Michael Forde, Employment Law

Barry Fitzpatrick

James O ’Reilly (ed.), Human Rights and Constitutional Law, Essays in Honour of Brian Walsh

C.A. Gearty

L.J. Arnold, The Restoration Land Settlement in County Dublin, 1660-1688

Raymond Gillespie

Alan J. Ward, The Irish Constitutional Tradition: responsible Government and Modern Ireland,


Eamonn G. Hall

Erik Werlauff, EC Company Law

Brenda Hannigan

Caroline Fennell, The Law of Evidence in Ireland

John D. Jackson

Jon G. Crawford, Anglicizing the Government of Ireland: the Irish Privy Council and the Expansion of

Tudor rule, 1556-1578

James Kelly

James Casey, Constitutional Law in Ireland

John Temple Lang

A.D.E. Lewis and D.J. Ibbetson (eds.), The Roman Law Tradition

J.H.A. Lokin

Andrew Lintott, Judicial reform and land reform in the Roman Republic. A new edition, with translation and commentary, of the laws from Urbino

Geoffrey MacCormack

Peter Cherleton, Offences against the Person

J. Paul McCutcheon

Paul Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession

Paul Brand, The Making of the Common Law

Hector L. MacQueen

Mark Sanfey & Bill Holohan, Bankruptcy Law and Practice in Ireland

Orla Muldoon

Hilary Delany, The Courts Acts, 1924-1991

Jonathan Newman


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

W.L. Twinning and E. Quick, Legal Records in the Commonwealth

Hugh O ’Flaherty

Finbarr McAuley, Insanity, Psychiatry and Criminal Responsibility

Tom O ’Malley

J.M. Kelly, A Short History of Western Legal Theory

Gerard Quinn

Law Reform Commission: Report on the Law Relating to Dishonesty

John E. Stannard

Ludwig Kramer, Focus on European Environmental Law

Noel Travers

Piet Eeckhout, The European Internal Market and International Trade: A Legal Analysis

Noel Travers

William Duncan and Paula Scully, Marriage Breakdown in Ireland – Law and Practice

Paul Ward


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXI, 1996

Ambulatorius in the Roman Legal Sources

Hans Ankum

Aspiring Students, Retiring Professors and the Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation

James C. Brady

An Irishman in Westminster Hall: William Skrene of Dundalk, King ’s Sergeant at Law ( c .1358c.


Paul Brand

State Liability to Individuals in Damages: An Emerging Doctrine of European Union Law

L. Neville Brown

Interpretation of Constitutional Guarantees: An Antipodean History Lesson?

James Casey

The Status of European Community Law in the United Kingdom

Evelyn Ellis

Taking Remedies too Seriously? National Procedural Autonomy in the European Court of Justice

Leo Flynn

The Preparation of the Solicitors ’ Acts 1954-1960

Daire Hogan

The Voice of the Gael

Ronan Keane

The Grammar of Mistake in Criminal Law

Finbarr McAuley

Property and Honour Price in the Brehon Law Glosses and Commentaries

Neil McLeod


Patrick Masterson

Irish Participation in European Integration: The Casual Abandonment of Sovereignty?

Finbarr Murphy

The Irish Legal System

T.F. O ’Higgins

European Citizenship and the Free Movement of Persons

David O ’Keeffe and Margot Harspool


David O ’Keeffe and Finbarr McAuley

Letters to Ireland – Professional Enlightenment from the English Bench

W.N. Osborough

The Incorporation of Customary International Law into Irish Law: recent Developments and Suggestions

Clive R. Symmons

The Principle of Proportionality in Community Law: from the Rule of Law to Market Integration

Takis Tridimas


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXII, 1997

Harassment and hubris: The right to an equality of respect

Peter Birks

The third branch and the fourth estate

Sir Gerard Brennan

The expulsion of prerogative doctrine from Irish law; quantifying and remedying the loss of the royal prerogative

Kevin Costello

Justice and natural law

Mark de Blacam

The future of the doctrine of legitimate expectations in Irish administrative law

Hilary Delany

Non-consensual sterilisation of mentally disabled people: The law in Ireland

Mary Donnelly

The trial of Jesus as a conflict of laws

Edith Z. Friedler

Wilkinson v. Downton: a centenary postscript

P.R. Glazebrook

A sense of proportion

Rt. Hon. Lord Hoffmann

The constitution, property rights and proportionality

Gerard Hogan

The quest for legitimacy in constitutional interpretation

Aileen Kavanagh

The intoxication defence in criminal law

Finbarr McAuley

Knowledge and the actus reus of possession offences

J. Paul McCutcheon

Health and safety for pregnant workers in Britain: American and European Influences

Annick Masselot

Must constitutional rights be specified? Reflections on the proposal to amend Article 40.3.1°

J. Wilson Parker

The Irish custom of tracts

W.N. Osborough

Denmark ’s Maastricht-ratification case: the constitutional dimension

Hjalte Rasmussen

Reviews and Notices

Birks (ed.) Laundering and Tracing

John Breslin

Prechal, Directives in European Community Law – A Study of Directives and their Enforcement in


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

National Courts

Dermot Cahill

Jowell and Oliver (eds.), The Changing Constitution

James Casey

Collier, Conflict of Laws

Brice Dickson

Fawcett (ed.), Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law

Brice Dickson

Hamilton, Family Law and Religion

Sara Dillon

The Canon Law Society of Great Britain, The Canon Letter and Spirit: A Practical Guide to the Code of

Canon Law

Norman Doe

Brown and Kennedy, The Court of the European Communities

Mary Catherine Lucey

Burke, The International Law of Fisheries

Charles Lysaght

Costello (ed.), The Four Courts: 200 years. Essays to Commemorate the Bicentenary of the Four Courts

Charles Lysaght

Scannell, Environmental and Planning Law

Barbara Maguire

Grubb, Law and Family in Late Antiquity: The Emperor Constantine ’s Marriage Legislation

Geoffrey McCormack

Cassese, Self-Determination of Peoples – A Legal Reappraisal

Dominic McGoldrick

Armstrong, Lindsay and Watterson, Media Law in Australia

Marie McGonagle

Campbell, Emergency Law in Ireland

W.N. Osborough

Farrell, Irish Law of Specific Performance

Siobhan Stack

Brady, Succession Law in Ireland

Herbert Wallace

Greer, Supergrasses: A study in Anti-Terrorist Law Enforcement in Northern Ireland

Dermot P.J. Walsh


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXIII, 1998

Chronicle of a death foretold: the decline of the lex fori arbitrii in the enforcement of international awards

Leila Anglade

Towards a Supreme Court?

The British experience

Michael J. Beloff

A libertarian theory of blackmail

Walter Block

A critical analysis of Ireland ’s Constitutional Review Group Report

Andrew Butler and Rory O ’Connell

When is a decision subject to judicial review? A restatement of the rules

Kevin Costello

A fresh look at Tilson ’s case

Gerard Hogan

Law and the press: a deadly embrace

Anthony Lewis

Necessity and duress in criminal law: the confluence of two great tributaries

Finbarr McAuley

The death of mutuality in issue estoppel

Paul Anthony McDermott

Assault and attempted murder in Brehon law

Neil McLeod

Lost in the big house: where stands Irish law on equitable estoppel?

John Mee

Searching for foundations in Irish constitutional law

Siobhán Mullally

The failure to enact an Irish Bill of Rights: a gap in Irish constitutional history

W.N. Osborough

Some reflections on the protection of patented pharmaceutical products in European Community law

Noel Travers

Reviews and Notices

Bland, The Law of Easements and Profits á Prende

Oonagh Breen

Zimmermann and Visser (eds.), Southern Cross: Civil Law and Common Law in South Africa

Brice Dickson

Beytagh, Constitutionalism in Contemporary Ireland, An American Perspective

Sara Dillon

Dickson (ed.), Human Rights and the European Convention: the Effects of the Convention on the United

Kingdom and Ireland

Janis, Kay and Bradley, European Human Rights Law: Text and Materials

Suzanne Egan


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Mullany (ed.), Torts in the Nineties

Noel Gaughran

Brand (ed.), The Earliest English Law Reports Volume I Common Bench Reports to 1284; Volume II

Common Bench Reports 1285-1289 and Undated Reports 1279-1289

Hector L. MacQueen

Donegan and Friel, Irish Stamp Duty Law

Orla Muldoon


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXIV, 1999

A Roman Puzzle

Fernando Atria

The Legal Challenge to the Irish Government in the 1790s

Tony Gaynor

A Discretionary Jurisdiction for the European Court of Justice?

Liz Heffernan

Reporting the Courts: The Media ’s Rights and Responsibilities

Lord Irvine

Impressment and its Genealogical Claims in respect of Community Service Orders in England and


Shane Kilcommins

Relational Liability in Criminal Law

Finbarr McAuley

The Accomplice Corroboration Warning

Declan McGrath

Mary Robinson ’s Presidency: Relations with the Government

David Gwynn Morgan

Relations between Law and Literature

Richard A. Posner

Murder, Intention and the inference of Intention

John E. Stannard

Some Reflections on Recent Developments in European Community Law concerning State Aid

Noel Travers

Reviews and Notices

Bentley, English Criminal Justice in the Nineteenth Century

Christopher Allen

Byrne, Transfer of Undertakings – Employment Aspects of Business Transfers in Irish and European

Employment Law

Gavin Barrett

Humphreys and Craven, Military Law in Ireland

James H. Bergeron

Brooks, Lawyers, Litigation and English Society Since 1450

Paul Brand

Keating, Probate Law and Practice

Oonagh Breen

Hocking, Lionel Murphy, A Political Biography

Judith Brett

Scannell, Cannon, Clarke and Doyle, The Habitats Directive in Ireland

Sara Dillon

Mee, The Property Rights of Cohabitees


Jean Howell

Wylie, Irish Land Law, 3 rd


Andrew Lyall

Hickey, Irish Law and Lawyers in Modern Folk Tradition

Niall Ó Ciosáin

Redmond, Dismissal Law in Ireland

Robert Upex

The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXV, 2000

Exposing Truth While Keeping Secrets: Publicity and Privilege

Louise Arbour

Expediency in Refugee Determination Procedures

Rosemary Byrne

Costs Principles and Environmental Judicial Review

Kevin Costello

Protection of Interests in Remainder under Settlements of Land

Alan Dowling

The Supreme Court and the Reference of the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Bill 1940

Gerard Hogan

Legal Printing and Legal Doctrine

David Ibbetson

Stands Scotland Still Where She Did? New Unions for Old in these Islands

Neil D. MacCormack

The Separation of Powers and the Doctrine of Non-Justiciability

Paul Anthony McDermott

The Constitution of Japan – A Critical Review of its Developments Since the 1980’s

Ken Motoyama

The Referendum Process in Ireland

Bairbre O ’Neill

Law and the Spread of Literacy – Millennial Reflections on Boddington’s Plight

W.N. Osborough

The History of Irish Legal Publishing: A Challenge Unmet

W.N. Osborough

Access to Documents in Community Law: On the Road to a European Participatory Democracy

Noel Travers

Reviews and Notices

Sutherland, Child and Family Law

Chris Barton

Osborough, Studies in Irish Legal History

Christopher Brooks

Meenan, Working Within the Law: A Practical Guide for Employers and Employees (2 nd


Lucy-Ann Buckley

Clark and McCoy, The Most Fundamental Legal Right: Habeas Corpus in the Commonwealth

Kevin Costello

Charleton, McDermott and Bolger, Criminal Law

Pamela Ferguson

Maguire, O ’Reilly and Roche, Irish Environmental Legislation


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Martin Hession

Stewart (ed.), The Minute Book of the Faculty of Advocates

Colum Kenny

Walsh, The Irish Police – A Legal and Constitutional Perspective

Laurence Lustgarten

Bradley, Judicial Review in Ireland

Alastair Mowbray

Ó Cearúil, Bunreacht na hÉireann, A Study of the Irish Text

Oda, Japanese Law

Richard Ó Maolalaigh

Farry, Education and the Constitution

W.N. Osborough

Ferguson, Medieval Papal Representatives in Scotland: Legates, nuncios and judges-delegates

W.N. Osborough

Walker, A Legal History of Scotland – Vol. V: the Eighteen Century

W.N. Osborough

Delany, Equity and the Law of Trusts in Ireland (2 nd


Peter Sparkes

Maher, Competition Law: Alignment and Reform

Richard Whish


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXVI, 2001

Irish Influences on Early American Law Books: Authors, Printers and Subjects

Morris L. Cohen

Beneficence Acting by a Rule: Edmund Burke on Law, History, Manners

Seán Patrick Donlan

The Casement Treason Trial in its Legal Context

Conor Gearty

Directive Principles, Socio-Economic Rights and the Constitution

Gerard Hogan

“Brave New World” – A New Era in Human Rights Law?

Ronan Keane

Legal Professional Privilege

Declan McGrath

Transfer of Undertakings – Perspectives from Britain and Ireland

John McMullen

Prison Matters

Ian O ’Donnell

An Essai on Puzzles in Irish Legal Bibliography

Paul O ’Higgins

An Overview of Emerging Trends in European Trade-Mark Integration

Noel Travers

The Right to Offend, Shock or Disturb? – Aspects of Freedom of Expression under the European

Convention on Human Rights

Luzius Wildhaber

Short Articles and Comments

Ireland ’s Human Rights Commission

Brice Dickson

The United States Withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol

Martin Phillipson

Regulation and Governance Reforms for Ireland and the European Union

Colin Scott

Adverse Possession of Unregistered Leasehold Land

Una Woods

Rethinking the Incapacities of Insanity

Stanley Yeo

John M. Kelly Memorial Essay

Carroll v. Carroll and the Advising Solicitor: the role of Independent Advice

Mary Catherine Dwyer


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Reviews and Notices

Cooke, The Modern Law of Estoppel

Oonagh Breen

McDermott, Prison Law

Raymond Byrne

Van Bar, The Common European Law of Torts

Neville Cox

Kennett, Enforcement of Judgements in Europe

A.V. Gill

McAuley and McCutcheon, Criminal Liability

Jeremy Holder

Alston (ed.) Promoting Human Rights through Bills of Rights: Comparative Perspectives

Joseph Jaconelli

Evans, Freedom of Religion under the European Convention on Human Rights

David McClean

Viellers, The Spanish Legal Tradition

Antonio-Carlos Pereira Menaut

Twining, Globalisation and Legal Theory

Tim Murphy

Zimmermann, Roman Law, Contemporary Law, European Law: The Civilian Tradition Today

Esin Örücü

O ’Donovan and Rubin (eds.), Human Rights and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Brian Simpson

W.N. Osborough

Bolger and Kimber, Sex Discrimination Law

Michael Rubenstein

Barnard, EC Employment Law (2 nd


Bernard Ryan

Alschuler, Law without Values: The Life, Work and Legacy of Justice Holmes

Stephen Siegel


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXVII, 2002

Perpetuities Reform in Ireland? The Law Reform Commission ’s Proposals

Lucy-Ann Buckley

Children, Constitutional Rights and the Separation of Powers

Mark de Blacam

Crime, Justice and Legal Literature in Nineteenth-Century Ireland

Desmond Greer

The Duty to Disclose Previous Criminal Information in Irish Insurance Law

Shane Kilcommins

Standards of Review and State Action under the Irish Constitution

Martin B. Margulies

Law without Loyalty – The Abolition of the Irish Appeal to the Privy Council

Thomas Mohr

Copyright Law from an American Perspective

Justice Sandra Day O ’Connor

Unlawful Killing Past and Present

Ian O ’Donnell

Constitutionally Constructing a Sense of Oneness: Facets of Law in Ireland after the Union

W.N. Osborough

Successive Causes and the Measurement of Damages

Eoin Quill

Perspectives of Corrective and Distributive Justice in Tort Law

Lord Steyn

Short Articles and Comments

The Northern Ireland (Location of Victims ’ Remains) Act 1999: Amnesty, Immunity or What?

Austen Morgan

Confidential Communications between Clients and Mental Health Care Professionals

Bernadette McSherry

Undue Influence and Bank Guarantees

John Mee

Joint Deposit Accounts and the Conditional Gift Theory

Una Woods

Reviews and Notices

Burney, Bodies of Evidence, Medicine and the Politics of the English Inquest, 1830-1926

Brian Farrell

Lyall, Land Law in Ireland

Kevin Gray

Merry and McCall Smith, Errors, Medicine and the Law

John Healy


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Edwards and Waelde (eds.) Law & the Internet – A Framework for Electronic Commerce

Brian Hutchinson

Carty, An Analysis of the Economic Torts

Anthony Kerr

Morgan, A Judgement Too Far? Judicial Activism and the Constitution

Charles Lysaght

Whyte, Social Inclusion and the Legal System

David Gwynn Morgan

Freeman, Lloyd ’s Introduction to Jurisprudence

Coleman and Shapiro (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law

Tim Murphy

Weisburd, Waring and Chayet (eds.), White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers

Ian O ’Donnell

Breen, Casey and Kerr (eds.), Liber Memorialis Professor James C. Brady

David O ’Keeffe

Twomey, Partnership Law

Liam O ’Malley


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXVIII, 2003

The Evolution of the Ultra Vires Rule in Irish Company Law

Jack Anderson

The Use of Transnational Rules of Law in International Arbitration

Leila Anglade

The Death of the Legal Metropolis?: Law Reform and the Family Home in Northern Ireland

Heather Conway

The Doctrine of Lost Modern Grant

Alan Dowling

Publicity of Court Proceedings

Charles Lysaght

Scholarship, Reputation of Scholarship and Legacy – Provocative Reflections from a Comparatist’s

Point of View

Basil Markesinis

The Role of the Public Prosecutor in Germany

Raoul Muhm

James Stephen ’s War in Disguise : The Story of a Book

Stephen C. Neff

Knowing How Way Leads on to Way: Some Reflections on the Abbeylara Decision

John O ’Dowd

The Reception of Community Legislation into Irish Law and Related Issues Revisited

Noel J. Travers

Ompteda Revisited: The Metamorphoses of Scholarship on International Law

Alain Wijffels

Commonhold: An Option for Ireland?

Una Woods

Should the Media and the Judiciary be on Speaking Terms?

Lord Woolf

Short Articles and Comments

The Vagaries of Accomplice Evidence

Liz Heffernan

The Liability in Costs of the Insurer – as Dominus Litis at Irish Law

John P.M. White

Review Article

“A Thing Without Cohesion of Parts”?: The Professional and Pedagogical Contribution of Mixed


Seán Patrick Donlan

Book Reviews and Notices

Asouzu, International Commercial Arbitration and African States: Practice, Participation and Institutional


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents


Leila Anglade

Lynch-Fannon, Working Within Two Kinds of Capitalism

Blanaid Clarke

Markesinis and Unberath, The German Law of Torts, A Comparative Treatise

Hilmar Fenge

Healy, with a biographical introduction by Charles Lysaght, The Old Munster Circuit

Daire Hogan

Dillon, International Trade and Economic Law and the European Union

Joseph A. McMahon

O ’Leary, Employment Law at the European Court of Justice, Judicial Structures, Policies and Processes

John McMullen

Kilcommins and O ’Donnell (eds.), Alcohol, Society and Law

Eoin O ’Sullivan

Steiner, French Legal Method

Marie-Luce Paris-Dobozy

Hood, The Death Penalty, A Worldwide Perspective

William Schabas

Mousourakis, The Historical and Institutional Context of Roman Law

John Stannard

Laurie, Genetic Privacy: A Challenge to Medico-Legal Norms

David Tomkin


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XXXIX, 2004

Merging Principles of Public Law: Towards Proportionality in an Irish Context

Niall Buckley

Access to Documents: A Constitutional Right or a General Principle of Law?

Roy W. Davis

“Judicial-o-centric” Separation of Powers on the Wane?

David Gwynn Morgan

“A Melancholy Record”: The Story of the Nineteenth-century Irish Party Procession Acts

Neil P. Maddox

A Critique of the Law Reform Commission ’s Consultation Paper on the Rights and Duties of Cohabitees

John Mee

Challenges in Legal Bibliography: The Role of Biography in Legal History

John McEldowney

The Right to Silence and the Company

Ailbhe O ’Neill

Murder or Manslaughter: A 1739 Decision of the Irish King ’s Bench

W.N. Osborough

Liability for Non-conformity: The New System of Remedies in German Sales Law and its Historical


Reinhard Zimmermann

Short Articles and Comments

Reflections on the Legislative Process following Leontjava v Director of Public Prosecutions & Others

Rossa Fanning

Defining the Limits of Citizenship: Family Life, Immigration and “Non-nationals” in Irish Law

Siobhán Mullally

Educational Malpractice Claims in Ireland: A Spectre on the Horizon?

Conor O ’Mahony

Discovery of Documents after Taylor v Clonmel Healthcare Ltd

John P.M. White

Book Reviews and Notices

Cox and Schuster (with Costello), Sport and the Law

Jack Anderson

MacDonald and Jones (eds.), The Law of Freedom of Information

Estelle Feldman

Healy, Irish Laws of Evidence

John Jackson

McGrath, Evidence

Charles Lysaght

Meyer, Legitimacy and law in the Roman world. Tabulae in Roman belief and practice


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Ernest Metzger

Kenny, King ’s Inns and the Battle of the Books, 1972: Cultural Controversy at a Dublin Library

James McDermott

O ’Donnell and McAuley (eds.), Criminal Justice History: Themes and Controversies from

Pre-Independence Ireland

John McEldowney

Gearty, Principles of Human Rights Adjudication

Rory O ’Connell

Lacey, A Life of HLA Hart: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream

John O ’Dowd

Brand, Kings, Barons and Justices: The Making and Enforcement of Legislation in Thirteenth-Century


Michael Staunton

Brodie, A History of British Labour Law 1867-1945

Richard Whiting


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XL, 2005

The Literature of Family Law

S.M. Cretney

Is the European Social Charter A Charter for Children?

Holly Cullen

Prior Restraint Orders and Freedom of Expression – Towards a Unified Approach?

Hilary Delany

Treatment for a Mental Disorder: The Mental Health Act 2001, Consent and the Role of Rights

Mary Donnelly

Hard case; Bad Law? The Supreme Court decision in A. v The Governor of Arbour Hill Prison

Rossa Fanning

Collecting Societies and EC Law

Rosa Greaves

Law Maker or Law Reformer: What is a Law Lady for?

Baroness Hale of Richmond

The Accused ’s Constitutional Right to Introduce Critical, Demonstrably Reliable Exculpatory Evidence

Liz Heffernan and Edward J. Imwinkelried

De Valera, the Constitution and the Historians

Gerard Hogan

Nolumus mutari: Time for Change at King ’s Inns?

Colum Kenny

The Foundations of Irish Extra-Territorial Legislation

Thomas Mohr

Irish Parliamentary Scrutiny of EU Measures on the Free Movement of Persons: Going Through the


Dermot Walsh

Precedent in Former Irish Superior Courts

Ian Walsh

Short Articles and Comments

Section 48 of the Finance Act 2005: The Interaction Between Corporation Tax and Accounting


Emer Hunt

Book Reviews and Notices

Michael Stolleis (translated by Thomas Dunlap), A History of Public Law in Germany 1914-1945

Gernot Biehler

Yvonne Scannell, Environmental and Land Use Law

Joanne Blennerhassett

Mary Kotsonouris, The Winding up of the Dáil Courts, 1922-1925: An Obvious Duty

James Casey


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Andrew Lewis and Michael Lobban (eds.), Law and History: Current legal issues 2003-Volume 6

Seán Patrick Donlan

Matt Cavanagh, Against Equality of Opportunity

Nathan Gibbs

Jon G. Crawford, A Star Chamber Court in Ireland: The Court of Castle Chamber, 1571-1641

Raymond Gillespie

John Tiley (ed.), Studies in the History of Tax Law

Emer Hunt

Dermot Walsh, Juvenile Justice

Shane Kilcommins

Gernot Biehler, International Law in Practice: An Irish Perspective

James Kingston

Heather Laird, Subverisve Law in Ireland 18791920: From „Unwritten Law’ to the Dáil Courts

Neil Maddox

Paul Mitchell, The Making of the Modern Law of Defamation

Marie McGonagle

Mary Meaney, Nessa Kiernan and Karl Monahan, Special Educational Needs and the Law

Tim Murphy

Oran Doyle, Constitutional Equality Law

Fergus Ryan


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XLI, 2006

Books of Entries

Sir John Baker

Judicial Review of Errors of Law in Ireland

Paul Daly

Reconfiguring State-accused Relations in Ireland

Shane Kilcommins and Barry Vaughan

The Rights of Women under the Constitution of the Irish Free State

Thomas Mohr

Short Articles and Comments

Rearing an Unexpected Child: A Compensatory Matter

Eddie Keane

Book Reviews and Notices

Cranor, Toxic Torts: Science, Law and the Possibility of Justice

Joanne Blennerhassett

Burrows and Greaves, The Advocate General and EC Law

Judge John D. Cooke

O ’Neill, The Constitutional Rights of Companies

Rossa Fanning

Twining, Rethinking Evidence: Exploratory Essays

Liz Heffernan

Sampford, Retrospectivity and the Rule of Law

David Gwynn Morgan

MacCormick, Institutions of Law: An Essay in Legal Theory

Tim Murphy

O ’Malley, Sentencing: Law and Practice

Martin Wasik


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XLII, 2007

Rural radicalism restrained: The Irish Land Commission and the courts (1933-39)

Brendan Edgeworth

Managing Expectations

James McDermott, Niall F. Buckley

The problem of unconstitutionality and retroactivity in criminal law: Ireland, the US and Canada compared

Mark William Murphy

Short Articles and Comments

Holmes and Denning: two 20 th

Century legal icons compared

Gerard Hogan

Book Reviews and Notices

Keogh and McCarthy, The Making of the Irish Constitution 1937: Bunreacht na hÉireann

Donal Coffey

Greer, The European Convention on Human Rights: Achievements, Problems and Prospects

Suzanne Egan

Delany and McGrath, Civil Procedure in the Superior Courts

Ronan Keane

Stannard, Delay in the Performance of Contractual Obligations

Cliona Kelly

Weatherill, Better Regulation

Colin Scott

Aylward, Pre-Nuptial Agreements

Paul Ward


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol XLIII, 2008

Universal Jurisdiction for International Crimes in Irish Law

Alan D.P. Brady, James Mehigan

Sir John Davies: Law Reporter or Self-Publicist?

Paul Brand

Making Criminal Law: Encounters with Morality and Economics

Paul McCutcheon

Universal Jurisdiction for International Crimes in Irish Law

James Mehigan, Alan D.P. Brady,

The Colonial Laws Validity Act and the Irish Free State

Thomas Mohr

The Prison Rules 1947: Political Imprisonment, Politics and Legislative Change in Ireland

Mary Rogan

Short Articles and Comments

A Sheep in Wolf ’s Clothing? Evaluating the Impact of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission

Vicky Conway

Book Reviews and Notices

Eoin Carolan and Oran Doyle (eds.), The Irish Constitution: Governance and Values

Donal Coffey

Victor V. Ramraj (ed.), Emergencies and the Limits of Legality

Fiona de Londras

David Dyzenhaus, Murray Hunt and Grant Huscroft (eds.), A Simple Common Lawyer: Essays in

Honour of Michael Taggart

Catherine Donnelly

Áine Ryall, Effective Judicial Protection and the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive in Ireland

Brian Jack


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Vol. XLIV, 2009


The Conversation between Strasbourg and National Courts – Dialogue or Dictation?

Lord Kerr

The Past, Present and Future of the Purely Internal Rule in EU Law

Siofra O ’Leary

Rethinking the General Agreement on Trade in Services as a Pathway to Global Aviation Liberalisation

Brian Havel

The Abdication of King Edward VIII

Donal Coffey

Questioning the Sole-Trader Rule in the Barrister Profession

Alan Devlin

Framing the Crime Prevention Discourse in Ireland

Dermot P.J. Walsh and Michael Mulqueen

The Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture: Paying the Price for Prevention

Suzanne Egan

The Montreal Convention and the Preemption of Air Passenger Harm Claims

Marc McDonald

Probation Matters

Deirdre Healy


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Volume XLV, 2010


‘Should Strict Liability be Removed from All Imprisonable Offences?’

Andrew Ashworth

‘The Irish Constitution – Its Unique Nature and the Relevance of International Jurisprudence.’

Paul Gallagher

‘Fenians, Foreigners and Jury Trials in Ireland, 1865-70.’

Niamh Howlin

‘Legislating for the Duty of Directors to Avoid Conflicts of Interest and Secret Profits: The

Devil in the Detail.’

Deirdre Ahern

‘Confronting the Past: The Elusive Search for Post-Conflict Justice.’

Bruce Ottley and Theresa Kleinhaus

‘The Importance of Correct Statutory Interpretation Technique – The Case of Minister for

Justice, Equality and Law Reform v Dolny.’

Catherine O’Sullivan

‘Economic Analysis of Irish Law.’

Alan Devlin

‘In-House Lawyers and the European Court: The Akzo v Commission Judgment.’

Vincent Power


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents



Osborough, W. N. The Law School’s Early Professoriate.

Lenaerts, Koen. National Remedies for Private Parties in the Light of the EU Law Principles of

Equilavence and Effectiveness.

Bloom, Robert M and Dewey, Erin. When Rights Become Empty Promises: Promoting an Exclusionary

Rule that Vindicates Personal Rights.

Hogan, Gerard. The Judicial Thought and Prose of Mr. Justice Seamus Henchy.

Sullivan, Thomas E. and Massaro, Toni M. Due Process Exceptionalism.

Clarke, Desmond M. Judicial Reasoning: Logic, Authority, and the Rule of Law in Irish Courts.

Gormley, Laurence. Free Movement of Goods Within the EU: Some Issues and an Irish Perspective.

Shorter Articles:

Mulligan, Andrea. Frozen Embryo Disposition in Ireland after Roche v. Roche.

Carolan, Eoin. The Relationship Between Judicial Remedies and the Separation of Powers:

Collaborative Constitutionalism and the Suspended Declaration of Invalidity.

Kelleher, Denis. Social Networking, Privacy, and the Future of News.

Prendergast, David, Strict Liability and the Presumption of Mens Rea after CC v. Ireland.

O’Gorman, Roderic. Ruiz-Zambrano, McCarthy and the Purely Internal Rule.


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents



James O’Reilly, 'Errors of Fact and Errors of Law as Grounds for Judicial Review.'

David M. Doyle, 'Reasonable Belief and Unlawful Carnal Knowledge: A Historical Perspective.'

Eoin Daly, 'Freedom of Association Through the Prism of Gender Quotas.'

Alan Greene, 'The Historical Evolution of Article 28.3.3 of the Irish Constitution.'

Olivia Smith, 'How Far from a “Right to Care”? Reconciling Care Work and Labour Market Work in Ireland .'

Shorter Articles:

Brian Conroy: “Jumping the Gunn : Enforcing a Mortgagee’s Security after the Land and Conveyancing

Law Reform Act 2009”.

· Oran Doyle: “Judicial Scrutiny of Legislative Classification”.

Ailbhe O’Neill: “Reporting Allegations: Reynolds Privilege Revisited in the UK Supreme Court”.

Mary Rogan: “Dealing with Overcrowding in Prisons: Contrasting Judicial Approaches from the USA and Ireland ”.

Geoffrey Shannon: “ Nottinghamshire County Council v K.B and K.B.


· Brian Tobin: “Law, Politics and the Child-Centric Approach to Marriage in Ireland ”.

Fidelma White: “The Meaning of ‘Merchantable Quality’: James Elliot Construction Ltd v Irish Asphalt

Ltd ”.


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Volume XLVIII, 2012

Blathna Ruane: "Reflections on Procedural Rights in Constitutional Referenda."

John Coakley: "An Ambiguous Office? The Position of Head of State in the Irish Constitution."

Aileen Kavanagh: " The Irish Constitution at 75 Years: Natural Law, Christian Values, and the Ideal of

Justice "

John O'Dowd: "Judges in whose cause? The Irish Bench after the Judges’ Pay Referendum."

Gavin Barrett: "The Evolving Door to Europe: Reflections on an Eventful Forty Years for Article 29.4 of the Irish Constitution."

Fergus Ryan: "Out of the Shadow of the Constitution: Civil Partnership, Cohabitation and the

Constitutional Family."

Colm O'Cinneide: "‘The People are the Masters’: The Paradox of Constitutionalism and the Uncertain

Status of Popular Sovereignty within the Irish Constitutional Order."

Donal Coffey: "The Need for a New Constitution: Irish Constitutional Change 1932 – 1935."

Gerry Whyte: "Constitutional Litigation and Disability Rights."

Eoin Carolan: "Recovering the Republic? Democratic Representation and the Mixed Theory of


Volume XLIX, 2013

Dermot Walsh, Liability for Garda Negligence in the Prevention and Investigation of Crime.

Hilary Biehler, Curial Deference in the Context of Judicial Review of Administrative Action


Gráinne de Búrca, The Domestic Impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Máiread Enright, Preferring the Stranger?: Towards an Irish Approach to Muslim Divorce Practice.

Elaine Dewhurst, Exclusionary or Inclusionary Constitutional Protection: Protecting the Rights of

Citizens, Non-Citizens and Irregular Immigrants under Articles 40-44 of the Irish Constitution.


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Liz Heffernan, Hearsay in Criminal Trials: The Strasbourg Perspective.

Claire Murray, Moving Towards Rights-Based Mental Health Law: The Limits of Legislative Reform

Volume L, 2013

Brenda Hannigan, Wedded to Salomon - Evasion, Concealment and Confusion on Piercing the Veil of the One-Man Company.

Oonagh Breen, Different Paths, Same Destination: Emerging Issues for Northern Ireland Charities

Operating in the Republic of Ireland .

Hilary Biehler, Legitimate Expectation- An Odyssey.

David Keane, The Need for a Criminal Offence of Slavery and Servitude in Ireland .

Karen Brennan, “Traditions of English Thought”: A History of the Enactment of the Infanticide Law in

Ireland .

Gerald Neuman, Human Rights and Constitutions in a Complex World.

Alice Walsh, Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Legislation: Still a Work in Progress after 40 Years.

Shorter Articles and Commentaries

Sean Mc Guinness and Kevin Bell, Illegality in Contract and Restitution: Developments in Ireland and

Australia .

David Prendergast, Douglas v DPP and the Constitutional Requirement for Certainty in Criminal


Roderic O’Gorman, Thomas Pringle v Government of Ireland , Ireland and the Attorney General.

Volume LI, 2014

Eoin Carolan, Constitutionalising Discourse: Democracy, Freedom of Expression, and the Future of

Press Regulation.

Neville Cox, The Future of the Reynolds Defence in Irish Defamation Law following the Defamation Act


Marie-Luce Paris, Paving the Way: Adjustments of Systems and Mutual Influences between the

European Court of Human Rights and European Union Law before Accession.

Andrea Maria Mulligan, Constitutional Parenthood in the Age of Assisted Reproduction.

Nora Ní Loinsigh, Judicial Dissent in Ireland : Theory, Practice, and the Constraints of the Single Opinion


Miriam Keane, From Gloucester to Judicature: Tracing the Roots of the Indemnity Rule on Costs


The Irish Jurist, Cumulative Table of Contents

Volume LII, 2014

List of Longer Articles

Christian Keeling, The Burning Issue.

Noel McGrath, The Company Charge Register and the Constitution.

Catherine O’Sullivan, The Curious Case of the High Court’s Rejection and Adoption of the UK

Prosecutorial Policy in Respect of Assisted Suicide: An Analysis of and Critique of Fleming v Ireland


Maire Ní Shuillabháin, Marriage, Divorce and Stagnation in the Irish Conflict of Laws.

Mark de Blacam, Official Language and Constitutional Interpretation.

Mary Catherine Lucey, Safeguarding the Restraint of Trade Doctrine from EU Competition Law:

Identifying the Threat and Proposing Solutions

