Macbeth Multi-Genre Paper Project

Macbeth Multi-Genre Paper Project
A multi-genre paper is a collection of different types of writing that are related by sharing
the same theme and/or subject matter. You will create a multi-genre paper based on
your reading and discussion of the play, Macbeth. Your paper will be a collection
consisting of a variety of different types of writing.
Tier One Components (All Required)
 Cover Page
 Table of Contents
 Character Analysis Essay
 Obituary
 Appendix
 Works Cited
Tier Two Component Options (Select Two)
 Macbeth soundtrack
 Detective Investigation of Duncan’s Murder
 Newspaper Article Responses
 Elizabethan Commercial
Tier Three Component Options (Select One)
 Advisory Letter to Macbeth
 Character Interview
 Bio-Poem
 Visual Representation of Characters
 Board Game
Tier One Rubric (120 pts)
Correct formatting (MLA and
otherwise stated)
Writing Quality (including, but not
limited to Unforgiveables)
Tier Two Rubric (40 pts each)
Aesthetically formatted
More than three written quality
errors will result in an automatic C.
Tier Three Rubric (20 pts)
Aesthetically formatted
Well Labeled/Identified
More than three written quality
errors will result in an automatic C.
Due Date: ________________________________
Note: You are responsible for providing your own materials for this assignment,
including any programs or other electronic devices that you want to use but are not
readily available at school. Take this into consideration as you choose which Tier II & III
components you would like to choose.
Page 1
Formatting Requirements
All documents (essays, rationales, explanations, and written elements) should
follow MLA Style Conventions unless otherwise stated.
To cite a play, remember the parenthetical citation should include the author’s
last name and the act, scene, and line numbers (Shakespeare I.ii.58-63), using
upper and lower case Roman numerals for the act and scene.
Your last name and page number will appear in the upper right hand corner of
every page except the cover (this includes all pages in the Appendix). For ease
of completion, it is recommended you hand-write all page numbers.
For identification purposes, the first page of every component should be titled;
this includes Appendix components.
Components submitted in the digital drop box must be titled as your block, last
name, and component title.
Digital Drop Box Directions (preferred)
1. Save the file to your “My Documents” folder or a USB device. Use your block,
name, and the component name as the file’s name (Ex: 1ASmithCommercial).
2. Close the application (Microsoft Word, etc.)
3. Open your Internet Browser (Internet Explorer or Google Chrome if at school)
4. Go to
5. Enter the password englishrocks! in order to upload a file
6. Click on “Browse” and upload your file. Make sure that it is your final copy
BEFORE uploading!
Global Drive Directions (alternate)
Note: Only use these directions if you have first attempted to use the digital dropbox
and have had problems that you were unable to resolve.
1. Save the file to your “My Documents” folder or a USB device. Use your block,
name, and the component name as the file’s name (Ex: 1ASmithCommercial).
2. Close the application (Microsoft Word, etc.)
3. Click on “My Computer.”
4. Click on the Global Drive (G:).
5. Open the folder named “Gottlieb.”
6. Open the folder for the block you have Ms. Gottlieb. (Example: “Block 1” for
students in A1).
7. In another window, open “My Documents.”
8. Find your file, but do not open it.
9. Drag and drop the file into the “Inbox” folder. If you are unable to drag the file
into my inbox, try to “Copy” and “Paste” it.
Page 2
Tier One Component Prompts & Explanations
Cover Page
The cover page must include a MLA heading, your project’s title, and an illustration
or design (and parenthetical citation). It should be on the front of your collective
project (glued to a manila folder, inserted into the clear cover of a binder, etc.).
Table of Contents (NOT double spaced)
Create a table of contents for each document in the project. See the example for
formatting guidance.
Character Analysis Essay
Using the character from your Character Analysis Pre-Write Notes, write a 4-6
paragraph essay answering the following prompt. Pre-writing for your essay must
include the pre-write notes completed in class, an outline of your argument, at least
one rough draft (due on: _________________), and a peer review. Follow the
Unforgivables. All pre-writing components must be included in your Appendix.
Prompt: What does Shakespeare reveal about his belief in people (in general)
based on the archetypal character you chose from the character analysis pre-write
notes? Support with examples from the Macbeth.
Write an obituary for one of the characters who die in Macbeth. Be sure to complete
the pre-writing activity (“Obituary Pre-Write” handout) and include it in your
Appendix. You may (within reason) make-up pertinent information about the
character—be sure to stay true to the original storyline.
The Appendix will contain all pre-writing or planning documents used during
completion of your project. Please include an additional “cover page” to
separate your project components from the Appendix. The top of each Appendix
page should be labeled according to your Table of Contents
Example: The first document in your Appendix will be the Character Analysis
Pre-Write Notes, so “Appendix A: Character Analysis Pre-Write Notes” should
be written and centered at the top.
Don’t forget to include page numbers (continued from the project) on all Appendix
pages. Page numbers can be hand written for this assignment with no deductions.
Page 3
Works Cited
Create a Works Cited page for any resources you use. This should include a citation
for Macbeth and any other sources (newspaper/magazine articles referenced, song
lyrics, sources of collage components (pictures), etc.). Don’t forget to include the
page number; it should be the last page of your project and may be hand written.
Page 4
Tier Two Component Prompts & Explanations
Macbeth Soundtrack
Create a soundtrack for Macbeth. Choose two school appropriate songs that you
feel define two important moments in the play. In one page each, and with at
least three references to the scene and relevant characters, explain how this
song speaks for the dramatic moment you have chosen. Your analysis should
use concrete detail from the play and the song you’ve selected. To cite a song,
you should include the artist’s last name/band name and the line number. Put the
song lyrics (single-spaced) in your project’s Appendix.
Detective Investigation of Duncan’s Murder
Although we, as readers, know that Macbeth murdered Duncan, it was not
evident to the characters in Macbeth. Pretend you are a detective investigating
King Duncan’s murder. Choose two of the following suspects: Macbeth, Banquo,
Malcolm, Donalbain, or Lady Macbeth. Construct a set of “notes” that discuss
each character’s motive and why he/she might be the murderer. Be sure to use
evidence from the text to the support reasons why this person may have
murdered the King, and don’t forget to draw some kind of conclusion by the end
of your investigation. Your “notes” should contain at least two entries. You may
choose to complete the “notes” as a written work (diary/journal/case log) or as a
video/audio journal. If you choose to make a video or audio journal, a transcript
should be placed in your hard-copy project and a digital copy should be
submitted in the digital drop box.
Newspaper Article Responses
Find a newspaper, magazine article, etc., on a current or recent corruptionrelated issue (an event that occurred within the twelve months). Write a personal
response to this issue from the perspective of two different characters from
Macbeth. Each response should be one page long. After each character’s
response, create a bullet-pointed list of references (act/scene/lines) from
Macbeth that support the response. For each reference, briefly explain why the
indicated portion of the text supports the response you composed. Include a copy
of the original article in the Appendix.
Elizabethan Commercial
Create and perform (video) an Elizabethan commercial done in the language of
Shakespeare. For example, develop a commercial for a detergent that removes
even the most stubborn blood stains, complete with a testimonial from Lady
Macbeth. Your commercial should include a script, job descriptions/details for
each group member, and a one page explanation/rationale that cites references
from the play (all documents should be typed). This component option should be
completed by a group of 3-4 students.
Page 5
Tier Three Component Prompts & Explanations
Advisory Letter to Macbeth
Write a letter (approximately one and a half pages in length) to Macbeth
explaining why you either agree or disagree with specific actions he has taken
(with respect to Duncan, Banquo, Macduff’s family, etc). Advise Macbeth on what
he should do next and why.
Character Interview
Interview a character from the play, excluding Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
Write down five questions you would ask and five answers this character would
give based on his/her actions in the play. Each answer should be a paragraph in
length. Please bold the questions for easy identification.
A bio-poem is a 10 line poem that describes
different aspects of a character’s personality. Use
the template provided to create the bio-poem for
one of the characters from Macbeth. You should be
imaginative and creative when selecting the words
to describe the character. After writing the poem,
write an explanation of the words you chose
(approximately a page in length). Your explanation
may be formatted as a list, but it should be in
complete and conherent sentences.
Bio-Poem Template:
Name of Character
4 traits that describe the character
“Relative of…” (3 things)
“Lover of…” (3 things)
“Who feels…” (3 things)
“Who needs…” (3 things)
“Who fears…” (3 things)
“Who gives…” (3 things)
“Who would like to see…” (1 thing)
“Resident of…”
Visual Representation of Characters
Create a visual representation (drawing, collage, painting, etc.) of two characters
from Macbeth, depicting each character’s "true" characteristics (not just
physicality). For each character’s representation include a two paragraph
Board Game
Create a board game for the tragedy of Macbeth. To connect to the tragedy in
the game, you should incorporate character traits into the playing pieces and
base the game’s progression off of the plot. The questions/challenges your game
focuses on should be literary analysis, NOT plot-based (think about questions
Ms. Gottlieb would be likely to ask on a test). Be sure you remember to identify
the rules and procedures for the game. Suggestions for games to base your
game off of include: Chutes & Ladders, Monopoly, Battleship, The Game of Life,
Candyland, Guess Who?, and Pictionary.
Page 6
Table of Contents (SAMPLE)
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Character Analysis Essay
Macbeth Soundtrack Explanations
Detective Investigation of Duncan’s Murder Case Log
Character Interview
A. Character Analysis Pre-Write Notes*
B. Character Analysis Essay Outline*
C. Character Analysis Essay Rough Draft*
D. Character Analysis Peer Review*
E. Character Analysis Essay Checklist*
F. Obituary Pre-Write*
G. Macbeth Soundtrack Lyrics
H. Macbeth Soundtrack Explanations Rough Draft
I. Case Log Rough Draft
J. Character Interviews Rough Draft
K. Works Cited Rough Draft
9. Works Cited
Tips & Notes:
 You do not need to include page numbers in the Table of Contents. This is
merely a list of the documents you’ve included in your project and in what order
the viewer can expect to find them in your project.
 Starred Appendix components are required.*
Page 7
Macbeth Multi-Genre Project Rubric
Project Element
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Tier One Components
o Illustration or design
o Project title
o MLA heading
o Parenthetical Citation
Title: Labeled/Identified
See separate rubric (on the back).
Character Analysis Essay
Works Cited
Choice 1
 Macbeth soundtrack
 Detective Investigation of
Duncan’s Murder
 Newspaper Article Responses
 Elizabethan Commercial
Choice 2
 Macbeth soundtrack
 Detective Investigation of
Duncan’s Murder
 Newspaper Article Responses
 Elizabethan Commercial
Advisory Letter to Macbeth
Character Interview
Visual Representation of
Board Game
Title: Labeled/Identified
Complete: Name, Date of Death, Adverb for Death,
Remaining Family, Hometown, Titles/Achievements, and
Service Info
Title: Labeled/Identified
Located at the end of the project
Cover Page
Each Component is Labeled/Identified (Title)
o Minimum: Essay Pre-Write Notes, Outline, & Rough
Draft, Peer Review, & Obituary Pre-Write
Tier Two Components
Aesthetically formatted
Title: Labeled/Identified
More than three written quality errors will result in an automatic C.
Aesthetically formatted
Title: Labeled/Identified
More than three written quality errors will result in an automatic C.
Tier Three Component
Aesthetically formatted
Title: Labeled/Identified
More than three written quality errors will result in an automatic C.
Total Points Earned:
Page 8
Persuasive Essay Rubric: Macbeth Character Study
Not Yet
1.0 (25%)
2.0 (50%)
No thesis is
Simply repeats the
Lacks focus around an
undeveloped thesis.
Focuses, but may not display
mature or well-developed
content, around a weak
Adequately focuses and
develops ideas with detail
around a sufficient thesis.
Commentary is
Fails to establish
inferential claims;
explanation and
elaboration are not
Inferential claims are
unclear. Commentary may
be provided but does not
connect to claims or
Attempts inferential claims
but position is unclear and/or
tangential. Commentary does
not always connect to the
claim or evidence.
Defends inferential
connections with support
and clarity. Commentary
explains inferential
No concrete detail
Shows almost no
concrete detail.
Contains serious flaws in
use of concrete details.
Contains irrelevancies,
digresses, rambles, or lacks
logic in use of concrete detail
(not TIEd).
Organizes ideas in a
satisfactory manner with
adequate concrete detail
(may not always be TIEd).
Focuses and develops ideas
around a strong thesis in an
effective and detailed
Makes clear, defendable
inferential connections to
the text. Commentary is
provided to explain the
connections to the whole
piece of literature.
Organizes ideas clearly and
coherently using TIEd
concrete detail appropriate
to purposes.
Meets most MLA style
conventions within the
paper. There are 2 errors.
Meets almost all MLA style
conventions within the
paper. There is 1 error.
Conforms to all MLA style
conventions within the paper.
Paper contains no MLA errors.
The Works Cited conforms
to most MLA style
conventions; there are 2-3
Uses a variety of sentence
structures and word choice,
but occasionally displays
some wordiness or
ineffective diction.
Several errors in Standard
English G.U.M. that do not
impede meaning; indicates
basic understanding of
Advanced vocabulary is
used correctly in the
assignment, but does not
include vocabulary words.
The Works Cited conforms
to most MLA style
conventions; there is 1
The Works Cited conforms to
all MLA style conventions.
Uses varied sentence
structure and word choice
Uses multiple sentence
structures and word choices
effectively and with a sense of
control for stylistic effect.
No more than 3 errors in
Standard English G.U.M.,
including: tenses, fused and
fragmented sentences, and
punctuation usage.
Advanced vocabulary is
consistently used correctly
in the assignment (includes
one vocabulary word).
Commits no errors in Standard
English rules for G.U.M.,
including: tenses, fused and
fragmented sentences, and
punctuation usage.
Advanced vocabulary is
consistently used correctly in
the assignment (includes 2+
vocabulary words).
Essay Structure
& Focus
MLA Style
Contains 6 or more
errors in MLA style
Works Cited does
not conform to
MLA conventions;
contains 10+ errors.
Uses inappropriate
sentence structure
and word choice.
Usage, &
Overwhelms the
reader with serious
violations of
Standard English
The author uses
simplistic or weak
word choice.
2.5 (62.5%)
3.0 (75%)
Does not follow MLA
style conventions
consistently or
contains 5 errors.
The Works Cited
conforms to most MLA
style conventions;
there are 8-9 errors.
Meets few MLA style
conventions within the
paper. There are 4 errors.
Meets some MLA style
conventions within the
paper. There are 3 errors.
The Works Cited conforms
to most MLA style
conventions; there are 6-7
The Works Cited conforms to
most MLA style conventions;
there are 4-5 errors.
Uses limited and
immature sentence
structure & immature
word choice at times.
Uses sentence structure
and word choices that are
highly limited or simplistic.
Sentences are predictable.
Consistent violations
in Standard English
rules of G.U.M. that
consistently impede
The author uses
adequate vocabulary,
but there is no
advanced language.
Flaws in standard English
rules of G.U.M. that
sometimes impedes
meaning; consistently
misues the conventions.
The author misuses
advanced vocabulary
(denotatively, part of
speech, etc.).
Somewhat limited, simplistic,
or mundane sentence
structure and word choice.
Sentences may be
predictable at times.
Flaws in Standard English
rules of that do not impede
meaning, but indicate
consistent misunderstanding
of the conventions.
The author attempts to use
advanced vocabulary, but
there are errors with the
connotation of words.
Unforgivables (20%)
16 - (____ x 2) =
____ points
# of errors
(up to 8)
3.5 (87.5%)
4.0 (100%)
Focuses & develops ideas
around a strong thesis in a
sustained & compelling way
with creativity & insight.
Makes clear, convincing,
defendable, inferential
connections to the text with
important & relevant
evidence. Commentary shows
deep understanding of piece.
Effectively TIEs ideas in a
clear, logical, and coherent
manner using concrete detail
to enhance the central idea.
Total Points Earned: ____________ / 80
(multiply sum of TOP points by 2 then add Unforgivables)
Page 9
Appendix A : Character Analysis Pre-Writing Notes
Character: _______________________ Archetype: __________________________
Characteristic of
What does the character
What does this information
the Archetype
do/say to fulfill this archetype? tell us about the character?
(Use your notes on
(Using quotes will save you time later! )
(Think indirect characterization!)
Page 10
What is it that Shakespeare is trying to teach us about humanity and/or human
nature based on the character’s fulfillment of the archetype?
Now, write a thesis using the template:
Shakespeare’s development of __________________
in Macbeth as
a(n) _______________________ (archetype) supports the theme, _____________
because ________________________________________________________,
and ____________________________________________________________.
Page 11
Appendix B : Character Analysis Essay Outline
Title: _________________________________________________________________
A. Hook: ______________________________________________________
B. Brief Summary: ______________________________________________
C. Thesis: _____________________________________________________
A. Topic 1: ____________________________________________________
1. Quote/Action: __________________________________________
2. What it demonstrates: ___________________________________
3. Quote/Action: __________________________________________
4. What it demonstrates: ___________________________________
5. Synthesis Idea: ________________________________________
B. Topic 2: ____________________________________________________
1. Quote/Action: __________________________________________
Page 12
2. What it demonstrates: ___________________________________
3. Quote/Action: __________________________________________
4. What it demonstrates: ___________________________________
5. Synthesis Idea: ________________________________________
C. Topic 3: ____________________________________________________
1. Quote/Action: __________________________________________
2. What it demonstrates: ___________________________________
3. Quote/Action: __________________________________________
4. What it demonstrates: ___________________________________
5. Synthesis Idea: ________________________________________
A. Re-state Thesis: _____________________________________________
B. Synthesis: __________________________________________________
C. Final Thought: _______________________________________________
Page 13
Appendix D : Character Analysis Essay Peer Review
Author: ________________________ Peer Reviewer: ________________________
1. What is the thesis statement of the essay?
2. In each body paragraph, underline the concrete detail the author uses to
defend the thesis. Do not include summarization.
3. In each body paragraph, highlight the commentary/analysis the author
uses to explain how the concrete detail is relevant to the thesis. In the
margin, add suggestions for how the author can improve his/her
4. Circle any grammatical errors you find in the essay. Do not make
corrections; only identify the errors by circling them. Errors you are
identifying should include:
 Run-on sentences
 Fragments
 Contractions
 Capitalization errors
 Tense errors
 Unforgivables
5. List two things the author does well in the essay.
6. List one way the author could improve the essay (excluding grammatical
Turn Over!
Page 14
Directions: Score each component of the essay using the rubric and the
scale descriptors provided (in the box on the right). In the rationale
column, explain your reasoning for each score.
Scale Descriptors
of Expectations:
4 = exceeds
3 = meets
2 = developing
1 = emerging
0 = insufficient
Rationale for Score
The essay contains an introductory
statement (hook) that draws the reader in.
The introduction contains a transition that
move the reader from the introductory
statement to the thesis by providing
context to the essay’s argument (a two to
five sentence synopsis of the story that
includes information relevant to the thesis).
The thesis statement is clearly stated and
details the main idea of each body
Each body paragraph begins with a topic
sentence that sets up the paragraph’s
argument and is explained and supported
throughout the paragraph.
Concrete detail used from Macbeth is…
 correctly quoted or paraphrased
 relevant to the argument of the
 appropriately embedded within one
of the author’s sentences
The commentary on concrete detail
(evidence) is…
 used to analyze, rather than
summarize the story
 explains how the piece of evidence
relates to the topic sentence and
thesis statement
 provides insight about the
play/character rather than merely
restating the evidence
Each body paragraph contains a
concluding sentence that ties the ideas of
the body paragraph to the thesis statement
(synthesis, not summary).
The thesis is restated in a different order
from how it appears in the introductory
There are at least 3 sentences of
explanation to review how the thesis has
been proved in the essay. This is a
synthesis of why the argument is
significant/matters, not a rehashing of the
Page 15
Appendix E : Character Analysis Essay Checklist
Directions: Use the checklist to revise and edit your Character Analysis Essay after your
essay has been peer reviewed.
The essay contains an introductory statement (hook) that draws the reader in.
The introduction contains a transition that move the reader from the introductory
statement to the thesis by providing context to the essay’s argument (a two to five
sentence synopsis of the story that includes information relevant to the thesis).
The thesis statement is one sentence that clearly states and details the main idea of
each body paragraph.
Body Paragraphs
Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that sets up the paragraph’s
argument and is explained and supported throughout the paragraph.
Concrete detail used from Macbeth is…
o correctly quoted or paraphrased
o relevant to the argument of the paragraph
o appropriately TIEed within the author’s sentences
The commentary on concrete detail (evidence) is…
o used to analyze, rather than summarize the story
o explains how the piece of evidence relates to the topic sentence and thesis
o provides insight about the play/character and theme rather than merely
restating the evidence
Each body paragraph contains a concluding sentence that ties the ideas of the body
paragraph to the thesis statement (NOT foreshadowing the topic of the next
The thesis is restated in a different order from how it appears in the introduction.
There are at least 3 sentences of explanation to review how the thesis has been
proved in the essay. This is a synthesis of why the argument is significant/matters,
not a rehashing of the essay.
MLA Formatting & Written Quality
The document adheres to MLA formatting conventions (spacing, title, font, margins,
The essay is well-written. There are few to no contractions, capitalization errors,
fragments, run-on sentences, or tense errors. The written quality of the essay does
not detract from reading in any way.
Page 16
Appendix F
: Obituary Pre-Write
Character’s Name: _______________________________
Date of Death: __________________________________
Age: _________
Adverb(s) describing his/her death: _________________________________________
Remaining Family Names & Relationship:
Hometown: _________________________
Titles or Honors: ________________________________________________________
Lifetime Achievement (For what the person will be remembered): __________________
Funeral Service Info
Location: ___________________________________________________
Dates: _____________________________________________________
Time: ______________________________________________________
Provider (of arrangements): ____________________________________
Using all of the information above, write a rough draft of the obituary:
Page 17
Reflection & Survey
Macbeth Multi-Genre Project
1. What did you like about this project? Why?
2. What do you think you did well in this project? Why? (Be specific!)
3. What did you struggle with most on this project? Why? (Be specific!)
4. What do you think you need more instruction on/help with to be more successful
on future assignments like this project?
Page 18