1041 university timetable

The Soochow University Bachelor’s degree and Bachelor further
education program online courses selection and registration schedule
for the 1st semester 2015
Note: Please note that the online registration system cannot function properly on cell-phones.
Jul. 9th
School Administration Systemhttp://web.sys.scu.edu.tw
The release of the courses selection and registration schedule: the schedule will be delivered to each department by the
Registration and Curriculum Division before being delivered to the students.
The pre-registration list can be printed out online at School Administration System: My document previously
registration list
Registration under the lecturer’s guidance
Profile update: if there is any change in your profile on the e-campus system, please amend it immediately. Wrong
profile information will cause inconvenience for the contact between the school and the students. Website:
http://www.ecampus.scu.edu.tw: individual serviceprofile maintenance
Initial selection: online course selection and registration
1. Processing methods: The result will be a random arrangement made by the computer rather than based on the order
of the registration
on 15th
12:00 on
Jul. 9th
2. For the student (entering the university before 2011) who repeated the courses of Chinese, Foreign language I,
History, Democratic Law, and Information, please check the related regulations of “Course Registration
Instructions II” on the back page.
3. Students who repeat English I and English II should check the instructions regarding courses selection on:
The 2014 summer class on-site registration (students can check the registration information on the website: School
Administration System: Academic affairInformation for summer class)
From 13th
Publication of the courses selection and registration results.
9:00 on
9:00 on
9:00 on
Application of school prvilieges and relief in advance: credit card is acceptable. For detailed information please go to
the website: http://www.scu.edu.tw/life/grant.
Sending the transcripts of academic record.
21:00 on Adding and dropping professional courses of School of Science and School of Law online: applicable only to the
students of School of Science and School of Law, and students in minor program or with double
majors who take courses of School of Science and School of Law.
21:00 on Adding and dropping professional courses of School of Business online: only applicable to the students of School of
Business, and students in minor program or with double majors who take courses of School of
21:00 on
Adding and dropping professional courses of School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and School of Foreign
Languages online: only applicable to the students of School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and
School of Foreign Languages, and students in minor program or with double majors who take courses
of School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and School of Foreign Languages
Before 30th
The bill for tuition and miscellaneous fee will be sent by the cashier division.
From 1st
Apply for school loans
The cross collateralization begins on August 1st. Students who apply for the loans should finish the procedure of
“School web page application + Bank web page application cross collateralizationsubmit the appropriation
warrant and other related documents to Moral education center” before that day. Please go to
http://www.scu.edu.tw/life/credit to learn related regulations of the “Notice for applying School Loans”.
Application for the renewed bill of school privilege and tuition relief. (for related information please go to
http://www.scu.edu.tw/life/grant; for any application submitted during this period, credit card payment is unacceptable)
The students who are applicable for school privilege and tuition relief can apply for the renewed tuition bill before
August 31st (application submitted through mail should be arrived before August 27th), and print the bill out before
September 4th. (Please submit the application online as soon as possible to avoid the period of instant online course
adding and canceling)
9:00 on
Students can print out the tuition bill from online at School Administration System: My documentstuition bill printing
For the students who are applicable for school privilege and tuition relief or students who need to
pay the balance of the student loan (including those who pay the education allowances by
themselves), please print out the renewed tuition bill after the application evaluation (payment of
the renewed bill can not be paid with credit card), and the original bill will be canceled.
Any questions about the tuition bill please contact the cashier office, ext: 8503
For the payment result please go to the related website.
(the result will not come out until one work day later after the payment, payment finished through the convenient
store system will not come out until three work days later)
Common course online instant adding and dropping
Democracy and Law, General course, Physical Education, school-wide optional course, Teaching Education,
21:00 on
interdisciplinary course and common courses for retaking (applicable for the courses of Chinese, Foreign Language I:
Reading, Foreign Language I: Practicing, History, information, and Democracy and Law taken by the students who
entered the university before 2012, include the.
The check list of the course registration result can be printed out from online at School Administration System: students
serviceAcademic AffairCheck list of the course registration result
From 31st
Tuition and miscellaneous fee payment for the students who are not freshmen.
Students who make their payment before (and including) September 4th are applicable for online
registrations. Students who apply for student loans should submit the certified disbursement statement
from the bank released by related banks to the Moral and Civil Education Center before the prescribed
time according to regulations of “The Regulations of Student Loan Application” to finish their
The tuition relief will only be accepted after the renewed bill released by related bank having been
submitted. Students should pay (credit card will not be acceptable) the balance of the renewed bill or
Before (and including) 4th
the student loan, if exist, before the prescribed time in accordance with the regulations stated above in
order to be applicable for online registration.
Students can finish the payment at the appointed institutions if there is any reasonable delay of the
payment. Student should check the information online and make sure the registration procedure is
finished; if the procedure is not finished, please fill the late registration form from September 10th to
September 11th, make the payment with the assistance of related banks, post offices, ATMs, or
convenience stores, and then take the receipts and registration sheet to the Accounting Office to fix
a seal before returning the registration sheet to the Registration and Curriculum Division.
Application of the tuition relief refund
Students who have been approved to be applicable for the tuition relief after they have finished the registration
payment, or students aren’t able to finish the relief application before they have finished the registration payment due
to special reasons, should collect all related documents for the late application procedure of refund within two weeks
after the semester begins. (The money will be returned to the students through the refunding operations which will be
carried out in the mid of the semester).
Classes begin (After September 9th, the course registration system will be shut down, any course adding or canceling
will not be acceptable)
Bachelor students who need to repeat the English II, please go to the Language Center to attend
classification test at 12:30am. (students in Bachelor further education programs should attend the
test at 5:35pm). Please take the seats according to the seating arrangement which will be
published (on 9/3) on the website https://sites.google.com/site/feseinscu/ for inquiry.
Any modification about the courses of English I and English II for Bachelor students will be
published on the website https://sites.google.com/site/feseinscu/.
9:00~20:00 on 7th Registrations which cannot be operated by the system will be operated manually.
9:00 on
16:00 on
10th 9:00~20:00
9:00 on
9:00 on 、
Adding and canceling Course: Professional courses of each department
During this period, after the course registration has finished, the system will process the application in a random
Registrations which cannot be operated by the system will be operated manually.
16:00 on Adding and canceling Courses: All of the courses of Soochow
During this period, after the course registration has finished, the system will process the application in a random order..
20:00 on
Manual operation
Manual course adding for ordinary students
Manual course adding for exchange students or self-supported student
To check about the course registration list online ( please refer to the “Registration Instructions” , statement 6 on the
back page.)
School Administration System: Student ServiceAcademic AffairCourse registration list management(make sure
that you click the button “OK”
Moral and civil education center starts to accept the allowance applications of the disadvantaged students
Registration under the mentor’s advices:
(please print related documents at “School admistration system” → “My document” →
“provious registraion list” and click the print button at the bottom of the page to print the list.)
一. Date:June 15th, 2015to /July 9th,2015
二. We provide services for helping students to make a perfect academic plan, students can print out the “provious registraion list” online from July 12th,
2015and contact their mentors for advices. Without violating any related regulation of Soochow and their department, students can choose the best
courses based on the assesment of their individual career planning and the advices of their metors’.
Course registration instructions: Please note that the online registration system cannot function properly on cell-phones.
一、 According to regulations of the school constitution, the Bachelor student and the students in Bachelor further education programs cannot register each
other’s courses
二、 Course information:
Related notice released by Office of Academic Affair will be the final criteria, if there is any modification made after the Course Registration
Instruction having been printed out.
If the graduated students of the current year cannot graduate on time, please inform the Registration and Curriculum Division to guarantee their
rights of course registration for extended semesters.
Retaking Common Courses: (for Bachelor students and e students in Bachelor in further education programs)
1. The credits of the common courses have already been modified in academic year 2013. For students (entering the university before 2011) who retake
the courses of Chinese(3/3), Foreign language I: Reading(2/2), Foreign language I: Practicing(2/2),History(2/2), Democratic Law(2/2),
and Information(3/0), please go to “special class” –“common course retaking” classes and register the retpeated courses in accordance with the
regulations of regular course registration. Student can register the English I: Reading or English I : Practicing no matter what levels they are of.
Japanese I and German I can be only registered by course retaking students.
2. Bachelor students who need to retake the History of the first semester can register the History I, those who need to retake the History of the second
semester can register the History II.
Other regulations please refer to the Course Registration Instruction. (For the instruction for common English course registration please go to
三、 Students who entered the university after 2008 should pass the standard test of English Ability before graduation within their school years (including
the extended school years) no matter what kind of foreign language they have studied.
四、 Online course registration after the semester begins.
The result will be a random arrangement made by the computer rather than based on the sequences of the registration.
The registration was devided into two stages as “professional course registration” and “all course registration”. At most 600 logins can be
accepted at the same time, and each student should log in in with a unique IP. After 30 minuets, the system will automatically log out the user.
Students can add or drop 8 courses (including PE) in total during each stage. Students can change their course registrations freely during the
effective period. It is the latest registration made during the effective period will be adopted.
For students in (or above ) their fourth year and approved to be able to take the double majored courses, minor program, interdisciplinary courses,
and teacher education courses, or for students whose last semester’s average academic performance is within top 10% of their classes, those who are
Bachelor students can add their registered credits up to 30 during the period of course adding and dropping, and those who are students in
Bachelor further education program can add another 2 or 3 credits with the permission of their department’s head.
五、 Manual course adding and dropping
Students who cannot register specific courses online due to qualification discrepancies or shortage of the quota can contact related department to
inquire related regulations about manual course adding and dropping.
This service will be provided only if there are courses cannot be registered through the online system. Students should take the registration
result list or check list which are signed by their department to the Registration and Curriculum Division for manual registration.
Except for the manual registration of inter-collegiate course taking or the exchange student course taking, the manual registration will be out of
service on 9/8, 9/9, 9/11~9/14.
六、 The timetable of the manual course adding and dropping after semester begins is as below: The course registration result will be sent to you through
email, please print out the “course registration result” for manual registration later. In order to avoid the system being jammed, please check the course
registration result through email.
Professional courses
of each department
All of the courses of
Online result inquiry
9:00 on
8th~16:00 on
September 9th
From 12:30am on
September 10th
9:00 on
11th~16:00 on
September 14th
From 12:30am on
September 15th
which cannot be
operated by the
system will be
operated annually.
Course Dropping
1. Students should finish the course canceling
9:00~20:00 on
September 7th,
September 10th/,
September 15th,
September 16th
online if they want to cancel the courses.
2. If the system shows “out of service” or
“cannot be cancelled” for a specific course,
students can go to the registration and
Curriculum Division to cancel the course
with the “registration result” or “check list”
which are signed by their department on 9/7,
9/10, 9/15, and 9/16.
七、 When the number of the registered student cannot reach the minimum standard for opening the course, the course might be unable to be opened, please
note any related notice sent through your registered phone number or email address after course adding and dropping to modify your plan in time.
八、 Please check about the schedule and content of the courses before you decide to take the courses and check about the result list after the registration
have been finished. Students fail to so will be solely responsible for the consequence of their registration results.
九、 And addition fee will be charged according to related regulations if the course needs to use the language room or computer room.. Information bout the
tuition fee of Teacher Education courses will be showed on the website of Teacher Education Center
十、 Students can inquire the courses information online, or go to the department office, library reading room, dormitory saloon, association offices, moral
education center, or registration and Curriculum Division to check about the registration instructions. For dealing with any outstanding issues of this
instruction please refer to “Soochow Registration Regulations”.
Academic registration instructions:
一、 Tuition fee:
For the students in Bachelor further education program, a credit fee of 4 credits will be charged as default if they registered less than 9 credits for
the current semester. If they register more than 10 credits, they should pay the full tuition fee. Students need to update their bills because of the
credit differences, should update their bills and finished the payment at he prescribed time. For all the students of Bachelor further education, a
credit fee of 4 credits will be charged as default. Students finish the procedure of leaving for absence or school withdraw before the deadline of
course adding and dropping will be charged 1/3 credit fees, students finish the procedure of leaving for absence or school withdraw before the
deadline of course adding and dropping will be charged full credit fees according to how many credits they registered.
Please finish the payment with your bills before the expiration date on September 4th ( convenience store payment expiration date is on
September 1st). Students haven’t received their bills can print out the bills online during August 1st~ September 25th, or at the cashier office after
September 25.
Students applicable for tuition relief: The students who are applicable for tuition relief can first submit the application before August 31st and
print out the renewed bill, and then finish the balance payment before September 4th. Only students finish the payment before September 4th can
make their academic registration online. Detailed requirements and related instructions for the application please check the “Application
Requirements for Tuition Relief” on website http://www.scu.edu.tw/life/grant of Moral Education Center.
Students applicable for student loan: The cross collateralization begins on August. 1st. students who apply for the loans should finish the
procedure of “School web application + Bank web application cross collateralizationsubmit the appropriation warrant and other related
documents to Moral education center” before that day. Please go to http://www.scu.edu.tw/life/credit to learn related regulations of the “Notice for
applying School Loans”.
Disadvantage students applicable for allowance: For students, their spouses or parents, if the total annual income is less than NTD 700,000, they
can apply the allowance with their household registration transcript. The latest application instruction is based on related regulations released by The
Ministry of Education. Please check the “Regulations on Allowance Application for Disadvantage Students” on website
二、 Online registration: Students finishing their payment before(include) September 4th are applicable for online registrations.
三、 Academic record:
Students should finish the course registration according to related regulation (including the regulations on how many credit or semester is
required to be taken). Students fail to do so will lose their academic records of the current semester.
According to the art.7 of School Constitution, students should finish the course registrations and fees payments at the prescribed time in order to
accomplish the academic registrations. Students who fail to do so will lose their academic records of the current semester, and they should apply for
a leaving for absence or school withdraw.
Contact Number:During the summer vacation from 6/29 to 8/29, the service time of all the offices is: 8:30~16:00, Mon. ~ Thu. (The contact number
will be out of service during the vacation from 8/15 to 8/24)
Center telephone number of Shuangxi campus: (02)2881-9471
Center telephone number of Chengzhong campus: (02)2311-1531
Service content
Service content
Issues of enrollment, course
International and Cross-Strait
Shuangxi 6011~6018/Chengzhong
Health Shuangxi
5362~5372 /
Academic Exchange Service
insurance issues
Chengzhong 2941
registrations, and passwords
Shuangxi 6031~6036/Chengzhong
Issues of courses
Course registration of English I, Shuangxi
6465~6466 /
Language Center
English II, English Explorer
Chengzhong 2652~2653
Issues of general courses
Issues of personal profile, tuition
Teacher Education Center
and Shuangxi 7102~7109/Chengzhong
disadvantage 2361~2364
Human Rights Program
accommodatio Issues of accommodation
n center
Issues of military service
Creative and Culture Program
Course registration of Teacher
Course registration of Human
Rights Program
Shuangxi 6123
Shuangxi 6951
Course registration of Creative
Shuangxi 6103
and Culture Program
Course registration of Nonprofit
Management Shuangxi 6103
PE office
Issues of PE course registration
Shuangxi :5607/Chengzhong 2371 Environment Program
Shuangxi 6097
Environment Program
Course registration of Forensic
System problems
Chengzhong: 2451~2457、2748
Forensic Science Program
Shuangxi 6097
Science Program
Course registration of Practical Shuangxi 6463 / Chengzhong
Cashier office Bank payment issues
Practical English Program
English Program
Analysis Course registration of Massive Shuangxi 59338/Chengzhong
Data Analysis Program
Bachelor Class : Shuangxi 5074 / Program
Tuition fee payment rconcile
Chengzhong 2472
issues for accounting.
Bachelor further education class: 5072 Interdisciplinary
Chengzhong 2891
Program of Business School
Shuangxi5522/Chengzhong 2359