Fall 2011 Water Security Manual Part II, Section 6: Water Security Risk Scoring Tool Draft for Comment ABSTRACT This section of the water security manual outlines the steps involved to apply the water security risk scoring tool and describes an application to a setting relevant to aggregate mining. Land use activities within a watershed, including anthropogenic infrastructure and anthropogenic changes to the natural infrastructure, such as aggregate pits and quarries, may increase susceptibility of an aquifer by modifying contaminant migration pathways. The tool can be used as a screening tool for identifying the importance of changes to the natural infrastructure in a rural or urban setting. WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 1 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... 2 Background: Key Issues and Context ........................................................................... 3 Purpose of the Tool ..................................................................................................... 3 Intended Users ........................................................................................................... 3 Description of Tool...................................................................................................... 4 A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying the Tool .................................................................. 5 Step 1 – Define the Scope and Scale of Assessment....................................................................................5 Step 2 – Prepare the Required Data ..................................................................................................................6 Step 3 –Transmission and Likelihood of Release ........................................................................................6 Step 4 –Contaminant Source Characteristics ................................................................................................6 Step 5 – Targets .........................................................................................................................................................7 Step 6 – Assess the Potential Consequences of the Risk Score ..............................................................8 Example/Application of the Tool ................................................................................. 9 Recommendations and Further Areas for Research ................................................... 13 Bibliography ............................................................................................................. 14 Authors: Cassandra Banting and Ed McBean (University of Guelph, School of Engineering) Note: This tool is based on the thesis entitled “Development and application of a risk scoring tool for aggregate mining extraction sites within the Grand River Watershed”, by Cassandra Banting, School of Engineering, University of Guelph (in progress) WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 2 Background: Key Issues and Context Calculating water quality and quantity risk to groundwater and surface water represents a useful means to prioritize municipal water issues. The purpose of this risk scoring tool is to assess the impacts of degradation of natural infrastructure or the use of anthropogenic infrastructure changes which may influence pathways of a contaminant source to impact the water supply system. The basis of the methodology follows the hazard ranking system (HRS), an approach used by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate contaminated sites and the threat posed to people and/or sensitive environments. The risk scoring tool approach uses three components to identify a risk score: the source characteristics, the pathway and transmission and the target groups. It also looks at three pathways: groundwater, surface water flooding and groundwater to surface water. The groundwater migration pathway is described by the potential movement of contaminants within the groundwater to nearby wells. The surface water flood pathway is described by the potential movement of contaminants on the surface or near the surface which can travel on the ground surface to nearby bodies of water. The groundwater to surface water pathways may include any potential migration of a source from the groundwater into surface water, which occurs when aggregate material is extracted and the removal of surface materials creates a flow of groundwater to the area. Purpose of the Tool This tool is intended to be used as an additional form of decision-making at all levels of government, particularly at the watershed and municipal scale. It can be used to assist communities in decision-making on projects that may alter the natural landscape. The application of this tool can be adapted for other uses and purposes, not restricted to evaluation for an aggregate pit; however, since this is a highly contentious issue within the Grand River Watershed, the case study demonstrates the principles in application to aggregate mining. Intended Users This tool is intended for community water groups, aggregate mining industry officials, water managers, municipal water policy and decision-makers, source water protection groups, provincial water planners and watershed groups. WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 3 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT Description of Tool The risk scoring tool uses three pathways: groundwater migration, surface water flood migration, and groundwater to surface water migration. Each of these pathways is scored in three categories: likelihood or release or the transmission pathway, characteristics of the sources, and targets (people or sensitive environments), which may be impacted by a release. The tool uses a bin methodology where data falls into relevant categories and then is scored accordingly. This bin methodology allows rapid assessments to be accomplished. The calculated score is completed using addition and multiplication of the combining factors. The likelihood or release or transmission score is calculated using factors such as containment type, and depth to groundwater. The source characteristic component requires information about the types of chemicals present, and the associated toxicity and chemical quantity values. The target component is based on the population using nearby wells for drinking water or other uses, or using surface water as drinking water. The surface water to flood, and groundwater to surface water pathways also evaluate the risk to human food chain threats if applicable, and sensitive environments or protected wetlands. Table 1 indicates the required parameters for each pathway and component of the risk scoring tool. Table 1: Variables Required for Risk Scoring Tool Contaminant Transmission Source Type -toxicity -containment factor -mobility -net precipitation -chemical quantity -depth to aquifer Groundwater -travel time (based on conductivity and thickness of hydraulic layer) -persistence -drainage area -toxicity -surface soil group -chemical quantity -rainfall/runoff value Surface Water -bioaccumulation -distance to surface Flood -ecotoxicity water -potential for flooding (design/construction) -flood frequency Ground Water -toxicity -containment to Surface -mobility -net precipitation Water -persistence -depth to aquifer WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca Targets/Receptor -nearest well -water used for resource purposes -wellhead protection zone -nearest water intake -resources -surface water intake -water used for resources 4 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT -ecotoxicity -bioaccumulation -chemical quantity -travel time factor -sensitive environment -human food chain The risk scoring tool uses a structured analysis approach for scoring sites by assigning values to factors that relate to risk, based on the conditions at the site. This tool can be used as a screening tool to evaluate how changing the natural infrastructure may alter the relative threat posed by a contaminant to certain pathways. A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying the Tool Table 2: Summary table outlining the fundamental steps Step 1 Define the Scope and Scale of Assessment 2 Prepare the Required Data 3 Transmission and Liklihood of Release 4 Contaminant Source Charactersitics 5 Targets 6 Assess the Potential Consequences of the Risk Score Step 1 – Define the Scope and Scale of Assessment The risk scoring tool can be used for a range of environmental issues which accounts for changes to the natural landscape. The first step of applying the tool is to specify the study area. Using a matrix, shown in Table 3, the contaminant pathways warranting attention can be identified. Table 3: Applicable Contaminant Pathways Groundwater Transmission Surface Water Flood Pathway Drinking Human Environmental Water Food Threat Threat Chain Threat Groundwater to Surface Water Drinking Human Environmental Water Food Threat Threat Chain Threat Chemical X Chemical Y Chemical Y WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 5 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT Step 2 – Prepare the Required Data Different source, transmission and receptor group data will be required for each pathway as it applies to the application of the model. Table 1 outlines the factors that make up each component of the site score to indicate the type of data required. Within the original HRS framework, EPA has supplied a chemical data matrix that provides much of the contaminant data, such as toxicity, mobility, persistence, and bioaccumulation. These values may also be calculated using first principles. The geographic data are commonly found in public geographic spatial data resources, such as GIS layers. Depth to aquifer, travel times, well locations, and distances can usually be found within GIS layers. GIS maps are often provided to the public by the local municipality, the conservation authority, provincial levels of government or other special interest groups. In Ontario, Source Water Protection documents provide many applicable data values. For contaminant specifics, site studies may need to be conducted to determine the location and types of potential hazards nearby. Step 3 –Transmission and Likelihood of Release The likelihood of a chemical being released to a pathway is an essential part of calculating the risk score. If there is minimal chance of transmission of the chemical then the overall risk score will be low. Table 4 summarizes the components for calculating the transmission portion of the risk score for the groundwater pathway, as an example. Table 4: Transmission Component for Groundwater Pathway Transmission: Based on: Observed Release Containment Net Precipitation Depth to Aquifer Travel Time 0 if no release 10 for confined and well protected net precipitation - net evaporation for area depth to aquifer used for drinking water based on conductivity and layer thickness Reclassified to: 0 or 550 0-10 0-10 1-5 1-35 Potential to release= [containment x (net precipitation + depth to aquifer + travel time)] Likelihood of release: higher of observed release or Potential to Release Step 4 –Contaminant Source Characteristics WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 6 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT The next step is for each source to be quantified based on the characteristics as outlined in Table 5 below. As above, the groundwater pathway is used as an example. EPA has a superfund chemical data matrix (SCDM) which provides the known toxicity, mobility, persistence, bioaccumulation and ecotoxicity values required for the various pathways which are used for assessing the potential risk of each of source (EPA, 2004). For example, benzene has a cancer slope factor between 0.05 and 0.5 mg/kg-day-1, and therefore is classified to a toxicity factor of 1000 (EPA, 2004). Table 5: Source Characteristics Component for Groundwater Pathway Toxicity Mobility Chemical Quantity: Chemical Threat: Based on: HRS SCDM hazardous substance factor values(EPA, 2004)* HRS SCDM hazardous substance factor values (EPA, 2004)* based on the volume, or weight of contaminant source Reclassified to: 0-10000 0-10000 0-1000000 Chemical Characteristics: (toxicity x mobility x chemical quantity) Reclassified to Values between: 0 to 1000 *SCDM can be found online: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/hrsres/tools/scdm.htm Step 5 – Targets The target component of the site score is based on the receptor groups of the potential contamination, such as municipal drinking water wells, private drinking water wells, and water used for resources such as irrigation. Table 6 indicates the components needed to calculate the target group part of the risk score for the groundwater pathway as an example. Table 6: Target Component for Groundwater Pathway Targets: Nearest Well Population Resources Based on: distance of source to well – over 6.5 kilometers away will be assigned a value of 0 based on the distance to well and population drinking from that well. The shorter the distance to well and the larger the population drinking from the well then the larger the number. Tables given in HRS manual may be used for assigning values. if water is used for irrigation, livestock, recreation use then a value of 5 will be assigned WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca Reclassified to: 0-50 0-5200000 0 or 5 7 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT Wellhead Protection Zone source within or near wellhead protection zone will be assigned a higher value 0-20 Targets= (nearest well + population + resources + wellhead protection zone) Step 6 – Assess the Potential Consequences of the Risk Score Calculating the final score is accomplished by combining the three components using Equation 1. Groundwater Pathway Score: = [(Likelihood of Release x Chemical Characteristics x Targets)/82500] [1] Equation 1 is used to calculate a score for each pathway and then the root mean square equation in Equation 2 is used to determine the overall score which ranges from 0 to 100. Score= [(GW +SW + GWSW)/3]0.5 [2] Where, GW= Groundwater score SW= Surface water flood score GWSW= Groundwater to surface water score Each score is capped to a maximum of 100 Since the risk score as determined using this model, is a screening tool as opposed to a comprehensive risk analysis, the scored values which are higher than 28.5 may be a strategy for priority, and warranting further investigation, according to the HRS methodology. However, more than likely, this tool will be used as a comparative framework between two scores to determine how changing a migration pathway may lower or increase risk. If the site score has changed dramatically, then the following options may be recommended: Removal of the source of contamination, or perhaps better containment structure for the possible sources of contamination Removal of nearby wells (especially private wells) which may not follow the same testing as municipal drinking water wells Demonstrate that the land use change will cause too much of an increase to risk and the change should be altered before the construction phase Further investigation, sampling or site follow-ups should be done WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 8 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT Example/Application of the Tool This is a general tool, which can be used on a variety of natural infrastructure and contamination issues; however, for this case study, the tool will be applied to an aggregate extraction site example to indicate how changing the landuse may change pathways. Although the model employs a general methodology, the case study will be specific to a natural infrastructure issue common within the Grand River Watershed: aggregate mining. Aggregate resources are governed by the Aggregate Resources Act in Ontario which is implemented and enforced through the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR). The Province of Ontario has made aggregate extraction a provincial interest. Local and upper-tier municipal governments must be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, in which they must include provincial policies in their Official Plans related to mineral aggregate resources. Other existing provincial policy affecting aggregate mining includes the Greenbelt Plan which consists of the Niagara Escarpment Plan and the Oak Ridges Moraine Plan. The most significant non-renewable resource in the Greenbelt Study Area is aggregates, including limestone, sand, gravel, clay, shale and sandstone. Nevertheless, with the need for growth, as outlined in the Ontario Growth Plan and the need for resources for an aging infrastructure and growing population, the aggregate mining debate continues to be a complex issue. An expanding Greater Toronto Area increases pressure for aggregate sources located nearby. For example, 18,000 tonnes of aggregate are used per kilometer of a 2 lane highway in Southern Ontario (MHBC Planning and Golder Associates, 2009). Since the province’s interest for aggregate mining is focused on keeping market supplies close to point of use and protecting the resource for long term use, then the Grand River Watershed is a prime location for aggregate materials due its proximity to Toronto. Increasing pressures from green space protection legislation, and source water protection plans have aided in the resistance to future aggregate mining sites. The Ontario Municipal Board courts often have the deciding ruling on whether the aggregate extraction sites will be developed because of appeals made by various stakeholders. This process is often a lengthy and expensive task, therefore suggesting that the current process is not a stable approach. The current licensing process does not require a risk assessment or cumulative impacts assessment on a site. Gravel pits are listed as a land use activity in which cumulative effects may contribute to environmental degradation (GRCA, 2009). The risk scoring tool can address both cumulative impacts and provide a risk score for the site. Within Ontario, aggregate mining is often carried out below the water table to reach the most valuable aggregate. This may compromise the protective aquitard layer if not effectively accounted for in the planning process and therefore the three pathways of WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 9 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT concern may now be altered. The risk scoring tool can be adapted for use to either evaluate cumulative impacts of multiple sources of contamination on a particular site, or can be used to address multiple aggregate pits and quarries and the impact to risk when adding another pit or quarry. Pits and quarries are often clustered together because of the location of the aggregate materials and the current procedures do not account for other extraction sites located nearby. The aggregate site used for this case study is located within the Grand River watershed, here approximately 82 percent of the population relies on groundwater for water supply (GRCA, 2009). The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, released by the province in 2006, anticipates continued high rates of growth and intensification of use in the watershed’s cities over the next 25 years (GRCA, 2009). With the recent economic downturn and the ensuing emphasis on infrastructure renewal and development, there may be an increase in demand for aggregate resources (GRCA, 2009). The aggregate extraction site used in this case study is located on the City of Guelph and Township or Eramosa border. The limestone quarry has been infringed by the city’s growing population over the last few decades. A mix of land use types, such as residential, roadways, and rural, all border the site. The City relies on 23 municipal drinking water wells (Aqua Resources, 2010), in which 3 are within 5 kilometers of the site. The quarry has recently broken through the aquitard and into the water supply aquifer for the City. The quarry is currently dewatering 8000 m3/day of water from the bedrock aquifer and has a significant influence on the groundwater (Aqua Resources, 2010). It is currently hydraulically controlled; however, once the quarry has exhausted its resources the quarry will have altered the surface water and groundwater pathways (Aqua Resources, 2010). The scale of this project looks at a 6 kilometer radius surrounding the limestone quarry. The use of this metric is to determine the wells located in this area. However, the potential contaminants are characterized as either being on site, or within a 0.5 kilometer radius away from the site. Data required to complete the assessment is best acquired using a GIS database. Public GIS data sources can provide most of the data required for determining the score. Hydrogeologic data can often be found in online GIS data, or printed maps from the local watershed authority, municipality or provincial level government. Locating the specific contaminants on and near the site can be done with the aid of Google mapping or other satellite and ortho imagery, or reviewing source water protection documents which outline various threats to source waters. Conducting a final site assessment may be required to find any other sources of contamination. Specific containment data for each source must be found by contacting the responsible party for the source, such as containment characteristics for an underground gasoline storage tank. WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 10 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT Table 7 summarizes examples of the contaminants found near the site. Table 7: Contaminant found near site and applicable pathways Groundwater Transmission Gas station with underground storage tank: Benzene Road Salt Application: Sodium chloride Water Treatment Plant: Chlorine and Sodium Bisulphate Surface Water Flood Pathway Drinking Human Environmental Water Food Threat Threat Chain Threat Groundwater to Surface Water Drinking Human Environmental Water Food Threat Threat Chain Threat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Table 8 outlines the final scores for each pathway using the example of benzene which is a chemical associated with underground gasoline storage tanks. The transmission pathway was calculated using the likelihood of release since there have been no observed releases of contamination at or around the site. The only pathway having a final score above 0 is groundwater which is because the surface water sources are not being used for drinking water purposes in Guelph, and therefore no target groups exist. Table 8: Pathway Score Sheet 129 Source Characteristics 10 580.5 Pathway Score 9.08 27 6 0 0 27 56 0 0 27 56 0 0 129 6 0 0 129 56 0 0 Transmission Groundwater Surface water/flood Groundwater to Surface Water Drinking water threat Human Food Chain Threat Environmental Threat Drinking water threat Human Food WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca Targets 11 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT Chain Threat Environmental Threat 129 56 0 0 To calculate the final score, equation 2 is used. The value for the final score with the quarry is 6.42 for benzene, and 2.2 for pre quarry conditions. Demonstrating this value can be done in a variety of ways, but using colour coded bars may help to visually represent the data. Figure 1: Risk scores for two examples of sources of contamination: after aquitard removal Figure 2: Risk scores for two examples of sources of contamination: before aquitard removal The colour bars can quickly indicate that the risk scores for those contaminants are low for the quarry site; however, the values are even lower when modeling conditions prior to the aquitard removal. Visually, one can see the risk score was lower for each source of contamination before the removal of the aquitard due to the quarry operations. The final score can be used to prioritize decision-making. The risk score does not demonstrate a comprehensive risk assessment to the site but may be used as an indicator for further site investigation. Local concerns regarding the environmental impacts for new and expanded pits are strong and there is increasing pressure to find alternative sources of aggregate, such as recycled and reused aggregates supplies. Since aggregate mining is considered an WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 12 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT interim use of land, it is required that aggregate pit approvals include rehabilitation plans; however, in 2009 40% of pits and quarries had not yet initiated progressive rehabilitation (Skelton Brumwell Associates and Savanta Inc., 2009). This illustrates the need for examining the risk of pits after they are decommissioned because they may used for dumping materials and since the aquitard has been compromised this could also be a concern of risk for the public. Recommendations and Further Areas for Research Finding the best-suited risk assessment methodology for different environmental problems is an important part of water security. Before a risk assessment is completed, investigating the problem in terms of policy is an integrative approach in determining the gaps in the current process. Looking at water in terms of pathways which are affected by infrastructure helps to include a larger scope of problem investigation. Using a screening tool such as the risk scoring tool can help to illustrate the difficulties in capturing complex relationships between site characteristics. Cumulative risk involving multiple sources and exposure pathways can be difficult to quantify. The risk scoring tool can organize and analyze multiple threats and exposure pathways which can eventually be combined to address potential adverse effects. Additional pits or quarries can also be added into the risk scoring tool to assess the changes to the risk score if additional sites are created. A systematic scoring tool may help to prioritize different threats and concerns to the natural infrastructure and be an integral part of examining water security. WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 13 WATER SECURITY MANUAL PART II, SECTION 6- DRAFT Bibliography Aqua Resources, (2010), City of Guelph Source Protection Project: Final Groundwater and Surface Water Vulnerability Report. (Available at: http://guelph.ca/uploads/ET_Group/waterworks/Source%20Protection/COG_Vulnerabil ityReport_100319_Secure.pdf) Environmental Protection Agency, (2004), Superfund Chemical Data Matrix. (available at: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/hrsres/tools/scdm.htm) Environmental Protection Agency (1990), Hazard Ranking System: Final Rule. (available at: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/hrsres/index.htm) Grand River Conservation Authority (2009), Cumulative Effects Assessment Best Practices Paper for Below Water Table Aggregate Operations within the Grand River Watershed. (Available at: http://www.grandriver.ca/policyplanningregulations/Aggregatebestpractices_April2009. pdf) MHBC Planning and Golder Associates (2009), State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study Paper 1 –Aggregate Consumption and Demand. MNR Number 52654. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Skelton Brumwell Associates and Savanta Inc. (2009), State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study Paper 6 – Rehabilitation. MNR Number 52659. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. WEBSITE: www.watersecurity.ca CONTACT: water.security@ubc.ca 14