Bylaws of the University of Iowa Chapter of the NATIONAL STUDENT SPEECH-LANGUAGE AND HEARING ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I NAME The name of the Chapter shall be the University of Iowa Chapter of the National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association. ARTICLE II PURPOSE The purpose of the Chapter shall be to represent the members of the Association in Departmental and University of Iowa affairs; to select representatives to serve on Departmental committees and at faculty meetings; to encourage professional interest among University students in the study of human communication sciences and disorders; and to advocate for and support the populations we serve. ARTICLE III AFFILIATION WITH THE NATIONAL ASSOICATION As a recognized local chapter of NSSLHA, the University of Iowa Chapter shall serve as an official organ of NSSLHA in matters appropriately handled at the local level and in matters prescribed in the Bylaws of the National Chapter. Any number of the members of the chapter can be members of the National Chapter. The local chapter must recertify annually with the national association to remain a chapter in good standing. The local chapter must maintain a chapter advisor who is a member of ASHA and chapter officers that are members of the national association. At a minimum the chapter will retain its good standing as long as the chapter president and vice-president are members of the national association. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP Any full- or part-time undergraduate, graduate or doctoral students interested in the study of normal and disordered human communication behavior, who are not eligible to receive, and have not received nor applied for, their Certificates of Clinical Competence (CCCs) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), will be eligible for membership in the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association. National Membership is reserved for those students holding membership on both the local and national levels of NSSLHA. ARTICLE V MEETINGS A. Regular Meetings. At least three General Membership Meetings of the Chapter shall be held during each fall and spring academic semester. The regular meeting in November will be for the purpose of installing new graduate student officers. The regular meeting in April will be for the purpose of installing new undergraduate student officers. B. Executive Meetings. At least three Executive Meetings, attended by the executive board only, shall be held during each fall and spring academic semester. C. Quorum: Ten percent of the membership will constitute a quorum. D. Voting: A majority vote of the Members present at Regular Meetings shall be required for all action to be taken by the Chapter. A two-thirds vote of the Members present at Executive Meetings shall be required for all action to be taken by the Chapter. ARTICLE VI CHAPTER ADVISOR This chapter shall have at least one advisor who is a faculty or staff member in the academic program. The Chapter Advisor shall be a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. ARTICLE VII OFFICERS A. Positions. The officers of this Association will be a graduate student President, undergraduate President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Positions that are recommended, but not required, are the Student Representative, graduate student Service and Philanthropy Chair, undergraduate student Service and Philanthropy Chair, graduate student Social Chair, undergraduate student Social Chair, Public Relations Chair, and Audiology graduate student representative. These officers will perform the duties described by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by this Association. B. President. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Chapter and, subject to the control of the Executive Committee and the direction of the membership, shall in general supervise and control all of the activities of the Chapter. The President shall be a member of the Executive committee and, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and all meetings of the membership. The President shall vote only in the case of a tie in a vote of the Executive Committee or the membership. The President shall serve as a point of contact for the University and the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department. The President shall complete all administrative paperwork as dictated by the Chapter, the National Association, or the State Association. To be eligible to serve as President, a person must be a National Member. C. Vice-President. The Vice-President shall be a member of the Executive Committee and, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. The Vice-President shall serve as a Liaison between the Chapter and Chapter affiliations. The Vice-President shall be responsible for Advocacy and Communication Sciences and Disorders Awareness Activities. To be eligible to serve as Vice-President, a person must be a National Member. D. Secretary. The Secretary shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Secretary will keep the minutes of the proceedings of the membership and the Executive Committee, will receive from the Treasurer the list of all Members who have paid dues and prepare the official list of Members eligible to vote, will see that all notices are duly given in accordance with these Bylaws, and, in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. In order to be eligible for this position, the person must be a National Member. E. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer will have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the Chapter and will receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the Chapter from all sources. The Treasurer will make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Committee, or membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership. The Treasurer will collect all membership dues as are established by the Chapter and will certify to the Secretary an accurate list of the Members of the Chapter. The Treasurer will present a verbal financial report at each General Membership Meeting and at other times as requested by the Executive Committee. To be eligible to serve as Treasurer, a person must be a National Member. F. Public Relations. The Public Relations Chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Public Relations Chair will be responsible for large-scale fundraising and advocacy efforts on behalf of the Chapter and the organizations for which it supports. The Public Relations Chair will perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. G. Student Representative: The Student Representative shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Student Representative shall be responsible for serving as a liaison between faculty and students, contributing to a Departmental newsletter, serving as an overall mentor to prospective and current undergraduate and graduate students, and executing all events for visiting and incoming students to the Department and the Chapter. The Student Representative will perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. H. Service and Philanthropy Chair: The Service and Philanthropy Chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee. Service/Philanthropy Chair will be responsible for organizing all events in which members volunteer their time or efforts and for organizing activities which raise money for NSSLHA and any other organizations chosen by the Association. The Service/Philanthropy Chair will perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. I. Social Chair: The Social Chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Social Chair will be responsible for planning events for students of the Association and of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders to attend. The Social Chair will perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. J. Audiology Representative: The Audiology Representative shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Audiology Representative will serve as a liaison between the Chapter and the student organizations in audiology. The Audiology Representative will perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. K. Undergraduate President: The Undergraduate President shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Undergraduate President will perform duties as are assigned by the President and the Vice President. The Undergraduate President shall serve as the liaison for undergraduate students within the Department and the Association, assist in leading Communication Sciences and Disorders Awareness Activities, and assist in leading Advocacy initiatives. L. Undergraduate Service/Philanthropy Chair: The Undergraduate Service/Philanthropy Chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Undergraduate Serve/Philanthropy Chair will collaborate with the graduate Service/Philanthropy Chair to organize activities and events that support NSSLHA and any other organizations chosen by the Association. The Undergraduate Service/Philanthropy Chair shall perform duties as are assigned by the Graduate Service/Philanthropy Chair or the Executive Committee. M. Undergraduate Social Chair: The Undergraduate Social Chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Undergraduate Social Chair will collaborate with the graduate Social Chair to organize events for students of the Association and of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders to attend. The Undergraduate Social Chair shall perform duties as are assigned by the Graduate Social Chair or the Executive Committee. ARTICLE VIII ELECTIONS A. Procedure. The election of graduate officers shall take place during the November General Membership Meeting each year. The election of undergraduate officers shall take place during the April General Membership Meeting each year. Members of the Association may nominate other members for officer positions during the months of the elections. All Members in good standing may participate in the election. The President shall present a slate of officers for election. The President shall contact all persons who will be nominated to confirm their willingness to serve. The committee shall insure that all nominees are Members of the local chapter and otherwise eligible. B. Term of Office: The term of each graduate officer shall be one year, beginning and ending in November of each year. The term of each undergraduate officer shall be one year, beginning and ending in April of each year. Undergraduate officers may be elected to the same or other office for more than one term. No member will hold more than one office at any one time. C. Selection: A majority of the paper ballot votes cast by the Members shall be necessary for election. Should no person receive a majority of the votes cast, the President shall vote immediately. D. Vacancies. Any vacancy in office shall be filled by the Executive Committee for the remainder of the term. However, should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall immediately assume the office. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the Vice-President, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next Regular Meeting of the membership, consistent with the procedures established herein. ARTICLE IX EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A. General Powers. The affairs, activities and operation of the Chapter shall be managed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the membership and such other business as may be referred to it by the membership or these Bylaws. It may create Standing and Special Committees, approve the plans and work of standing and special committees, present reports and recommendations at the meetings of the membership, prepare and submit a budget to the membership for approval, and, in general, conduct the business and activities of the Chapter. B. Membership. The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of at least the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and the Treasurer. C. Meetings. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least three times per academic semester, the time to be established at the first General Meeting of the year. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee. Adequate notice of all meetings shall be given to all members of the Executive Committee and, in the absence of an emergency, at least seven (7) days in advance. When possible, notice of the meetings should be announced to all Members of the Chapter. D. Quorum. A majority of the regular members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. E. Voting. A two-thirds vote by the Executive Committee is required for all decisions made by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Chapter. ARTICLE X SPECIAL COMMITTEES Association committees, standing or special, will be appointed by the President of the Association or the Executive Board to carry on the work of the Association. The President will be ex-officio members of all committees. ARTICLE XI DUES Members of the Association will pay $10 in due per semester. Members who pay their dues may vote, hold an office, and/or serve on a committee. Any change in the amount of the dues shall be approved by a vote of the Members acting in the manner prescribed in Section V. Article XII FINANCES A. Budget. The Executive Committee shall present to the membership at the first Regular Meeting of the year a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year. This budget will be used to guide the activities of the Executive Committee during the year. Any substantial deviation from the budget must be approved in advance by the membership. B. Commercial Paper. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money on behalf of the Chapter will be signed by the Treasurer or by any other person as authorized in writing by the Executive Committee. C. The Treasurer will deposit all funds of the Chapter to the credit of the Chapter to the designated financial authority as the Executive Committee may select and will make such disbursements as authorized by the Executive Committee in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership. All deposits and/or disbursements will be made within a maximum of thirty (30) days from the receipt of the funds and/or orders of payment. D. Financial Report. The Treasurer will present a financial report at each General Membership Meeting of the Chapter and will prepare a final report at the close of the year. ARTICLE XIII ADMENDMENTS Amendments to these Bylaws may be submitted in writing at any Regular or special Meeting of the Association. Written ballots will be distributed to Association members in attendance and/or by email to members not in attendance. A two-thirds vote of those ballots returned within one week of distribution will be required for passage of the amendment. ARTICLE IX AUTHORITY Robert’s Revised Rules of Order shall constitute the parliamentary authority in all matters not covered by the national and local Bylaws.