Internationalisation and the Student Experience 18/12

Internationalisation and the Student Experience
08.30 – 09.00
09.00 -09.10
Professor Pauline Kneale, Pro-Vice Chancellor Teaching and Learning, Director of PedRIO
Rolle Lecture Theatre 018
Keynote Speaker – UK HE 2013: Are we still struggling with ‘internationalisation’?
Dr Sheila Trahar, Reader in International Higher Education, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
Rolle Lecture Theatre 018
09.10 – 10.00
10.05 – 11.05
Rolle Ground Floor Lobby
Session A (Rolle 202)
Session B (Rolle 204)
Session C – Workshop (Rolle 002/003)
The impact of developed activities on
improving Interactions between home and
international students and enhancing
teaching and learning
Gita Sedghi (University of Liverpool)
Language of instruction in transnational higher
education: The motives and experiences of
institutions that teach in languages other than
Stephen Wilkins (Plymouth University) and Jolanta
Urbanovic (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania)
Creating an international curriculum:
why and how?
Anne Bentley, Pollyanna Magne and
Lynne Wyness (Plymouth University)
Increasing Internationalisation Increasing
Diversity - Studying the effects on
lecturers, home and international
Diane De (University of South Wales)
Internationalization and globalization:
perspectives of international students
Becky Turner (Plymouth University)
Staff development needs of teachers delivering
UK Higher Education programmes in
Transnational education
Alan Tree presented Anna Round (University of
The impact of learning styles, culture and other
factors such as language and staff attitudes on
international student learning
Christine Comrie (University of the West of England)
11.05 – 11.25
Tea and Coffee
Rolle 605
Internationalisation and the Student Experience
11.30 – 12.30
Session D ( Rolle 202)
From internationalisation to global
citizenship education?
Charlotte Page (Manchester Metropolitan
Entrepreneurship Education:
Internationalisation of the Curriculum
Lise Hunter (Plymouth University)
Session E Special Session: global perspectives
and change (Rolle 204)
Global perspectives on internationalization
Kevin van Cauter (British Council)
Responding to the challenges of
internationalisation in an environment of change
Chris Cutforth, Hazel Horobin and Mlyong Oh
(Sheffield Hallam University)
Session F – Workshop (Rolle 002/003)
Integration strategies to enhance the
international and domestic student
experience in UK, HE contexts
Sarah Sibley and Hugh Osborne (Bath
Spa University)
Language skills and employability
Matt Lawrence (University of Exeter)
12.30 – 13.10
13.10 – 14.10
Session G (Rolle 202)
Session H (Rolle 204)
An Exploration of Perceptions of verbal
and Non-verbal Communication
Strategies on Intercultural Group
Interactions and how they Impact on
Learning and teaching in higher
Anne Lawrie (University of Stirling)
A ‘Roller Coaster’ experience? An exploration of
Postgraduate International Students’ perceptions
of teaching, learning and assessment, integration
with home students and building a campus
Tomasz John (University for the Creative Arts)
The internationalized classroom
Angela Hammond (University of
Challenges faced by International medical
Rebecca Lissman, Basego Lesego, Nunaet
Liengudom, Ashna Ramdin, Dylan Tan
and Omar Zibdeh (Plymouth University)
Designing for our Future Selves: A joint
curricular project between Teesside University
and Suzhou Art and Design technology Institute,
Paul Denison (Teesside University)
Rolle 605
Session I – Workshop (Rolle 002/003)
Maximising the Transnational
education experience
Rachel Fitzgerald and Rachel Maxwell
(University of Northampton).
Internationalisation and the Student Experience
14.15 – 15.15
Session J (Rolle 213)
Session K- Workshop (Rolle 214)
Session L – Workshop (Rolle 002/003)
Integration of international and domestic
Julie Barnaby and Helen Thompson (Leeds
Metropolitan University)
Embedding Intercultural Communication in the
Student Experience: Time to Remove Your Hands
from Your Ears
Steve Butts (Plymouth University)
Successfully designing assessments
across in-sessional modules in English
for Academic/English for Specific
Sylvia Eades, Helen Bowstead and,
Patrick McMahon (Plymouth University).
Session N (Rolle 204)
Session O (Rolle 213)
Ethnicity and equality in Higher Education
Jennie Winter (Plymouth University)
International study visits and the
promotion of intercultural capabilities
Valerie Huggins (Plymouth University)
A collaborative cross-modular approach
for internationalising the curriculum
Daniela Magnione (Liverpool Hope
15.20 – 16.00
The place of curriculum
internationalisation in effecting inclusive
student group interaction patterns
Rupert Waldron (University of the Arts,
Session M (Rolle 202)
To question, understand and grow with
that which is ‘other’: reflections on a UK
HEA International Scholarship project
2013/14 to develop inclusive pedagogy for
relationship with students, tutors and the
Suanne Gibson (Plymouth University).
Facing change: international students’
experiences of acculturation and transitions into
a UK university
Jonathan Dunn and Caroline Challans (University of
Brighton’s International College)
Self-concept in L2 reading in an academic
Carolyn Walker (University of Exeter)
Exploring the use of international
comparisons on child centredness to
‘teach’ attitudinal competences
Verity Campbell-Barr (Plymouth
16.00 – 16.15
16.15 – 17.15
Professor Troy Heffernan - Inaugural Lecture
Transnational Education: Navigating a Complex Future
Rolle 1st Floor Foyer
Rolle Lecture Theatre 018
Rolle 1st Floor Foyer
Internationalisation and the Student Experience
Poster session:
A) International nurses - Diana De (University of South Wales)
B) International students and academic writing: challenges and solutions - Polly Magne (Plymouth University)
C) Different languages, one voice: The international students’ voice in internationalising the curriculum - Alice Lau (Plymouth University)
D) A survey of international student experience - Emma Guion Akdağ (Heriot Watt University)
Session chairs (papers only)
A: Jane Collings
B: Adam Fisher
D: Adam Fisher
E: Polly Magne
G: Jane Collings
H: Adam Fisher
J: Alice Lau
M: Sharon Gedye
N: Adam Fisher
O: Alice Lau