Department: World Languages Course: Spanish 2 AP Theme: Global Challenges Topic: Healthy Planet Learning Scenario Students will consider the environment – harmful and helpful practices – by engaging in reflection of their own practices allowing them to reflect on their own decisions and their impact on the environment. Students will begin the unit by designing and conducting a survey of their peers to determine relevant issues. Students will compare and contrast the American perspective to the perspectives of other countries and the products and practices of those countries. Students will discuss their opinions about the environment and participate in a variety of activities such as writings and speaking expressing their opinions. Students will also work to promote a healthy environment in their community and around the world. They will create a plan in how they can reduce their impact on the environment. Working together, students will select one country and will explore a harmful practice. They will then prepare a comic or children’s story that draws attention to the issue. Standard(s): All Power Standards are addressed in this unit. Stage 1: Desired Results Understandings Essential Questions Skills / Functions what students will know and be able to do What we do now impacts the health of our planet Small things make a difference Not everyplace in the world experiences the same environmental issues Past environmental issues continue to impact out world. How do my actions affect the overall health of our planet? What would be the impact of removing forestation? Where have we been and where are we headed? What can I do to make a difference? Why is biodiversity important?/What does man gain from biodiversity? Knowledge what students will need in terms of vocabulary and structures to demonstrate their knowledge Vocabulary Grammar 1 Name helpful and harmful practices in your community and globally … hurts the earth … helps the earth … is good for the earth … is bad for the earth … is beneficial … is harmful oil spill deforestation littering wasting water contamination pollution wasting electricity hazardous waste the problem the environment environment explain what you used to do conserve energy turn off the lights save water walk more drive less use public transport be aware of what you are doing use renewable resources when I was younger when I was a child imperfect, imperfect vs. preterite I wasted water I wasted electricity I littered Describe an ideal environment place clean dirty a lot of plants trees biodiversity animals a warm climate 2 a cool climate a dry climate a humid climate Say where you want to live Say why you want to live in a place want live green environment in a place with lots of amenities affect my health natural healthy green friend of the environment convenient breathe unpolluted air to realize to become aware of bad practices bad habits will not always be here Propose solutions to simple harmful practices there is biodiversity sustains the world has medical benefits more plant species means more variety of crops healthy ecosystems can better withstand natural disasters preserve diversity long term solution short term solution to adapt to nature to reduce consumption to recycle remainders (residuos) to reuse to turn off the lights to buy organic foods to lower the thermostat/temperature make sure the water is off buy energy saving electronics 3 compare past and present treatment of environment buy energy saving appliances care for the environment care for the ecosystem to plant trees, plance afforest reforest protect more … than less … than as … as comparisons better worse it was in the past Explain 1 harmful environmental practice it has improved it has worsened I have changed have you changed? deforestation: to cut down trees destroy jungle rain forest … occurs in … Countries – different countries in the world farms roads modernize modernization wood for houses biodiversity natural resources uproots indigenous populations remove alters harms produce oxygen 4 tree farm reforest reforestation use renewable resources Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Interpretive Interpersonal Performance Task Summary (Integrated Performance Assessment) Pictures Students will be asked to look at 3 different photos. Students will choose 2 photos and state the environmental practice. They will have to identify if it is harmful or beneficial and if it is harmful, what can be done to stop doing it Reading Students read short paragraphs and complete a variety of exercises: main idea (writing & selection), write the headline, short response ar/reciclaje/vertedero/ Listening La tierra está enferma After watching the video several times throughout the unit and working with the video for comprehension, students will be given a scenario and must reenact the conversation between the doctor and the problem. Students will have a conversation where they: o Ask and answer questions about what is wrong o Comment on the negative side effects of that problem o Describe what measures can be taken to rectify the problem 5 Presentational Project Students will explore different environmental issues in different countries. Students will choose a country and research one current environmental problem in that country. Students will present this material by creating a comic strip or children’s book using pixton, toondoo or tikatok. Students will present their comic or book to the class and explain their comic book to the class to add a presentational speaking portion. Writing Writing to Mattel. Students will spend time in and out of class preparing a multiple paragraph writing in response to Mattel’s use of paper products from the rain forest and from non renewable resources. Students will express their concern about the issue and will express why they think it is wrong. Students will then offer solutions to the Formative Assessments Students will work to create a multiple paragraph letter to major companies Students will research one natural place to the world and present that place to the students. Students will describe why they want to live there and provide a description of where it is and what is there o o h/slideshows/top-10spectacular-places/ Students will have a presentational writing quiz describing what they were like as a child and what they liked to do. This will also include what they used to do while on vacation as a child Other Summative Assessments Students will research one place in the world and present that place to the world. They will describe why they want to live in that place o Presentational Speaking Students will have an interpersonal assessment describing what they used to do in terms of environmental practices and how they have changed Stage 3: Learning Activities Reducir, reutilizar y reciclar Interpretive: 1. Students will re-watch the hook and identify different ways they can reduce, reuse and recycle a. They will then talk with a partner and explain if they do or do not do these Hook 6 activities, explaining why 2. Students will watch a variety of videos and comment on the negative practices in those videos 3. Students will also recreate the story of those videos if appropriate a. 4. Students will watch the video and discuss negative environmental practices. Students will also reflect on how one change can affect many aspects a. 5. Students will watch the video and identify the harmful and positive practices a. 6. Students will look at images and identify harmful and helpful practices 7. Students will watch Doki, identify the harmful practice and explain how it affected the environment. They will also comment on what was done and what they can do as individuals when confronted with a similar situation 8. Students will read a variety of texts, for both students and adults a. b. 9. Students will watch the video and identify different ways in which to save electricity at home a. 10. Students will identify different ways to reduce harmful practices. Students also select why, according to the video, they should change their ways (multiple choice in Spanish) a. 11. Students will read about Musqui and what he is about. Students will read for comprehension and will then read for vocabulary a. b. Students will say whether they like or dislike what Musqui likes c. While reading, students will identify where to put different items 12. Students will read the La Aventura de la basura throughout the unit and will follow along for comprehension and vocabulary a. Students will discuss the lifecycle or a piece of garbage and the importance of recycling with a friend 13. Students will watch La tierra está enferma for comprehension. The students will break down what the doctor and patient are saying to each other and reenact the scene 14. Readings a. b. c. Multiple readings from d. i. consecuencias de deforestación 7 Interpersonal: 1. Students will watch a video and discuss, with a partner, what they see and the negative environmental practice a. 2. Students will discuss beneficial and harmful practices 3. Students will discuss whether they think the environment should be protected or not, explaining why 4. After watching the video, students will discuss what they do on a regularly basis a. 5. Students will discuss what they used to do and what they do now to help the environment 6. Students will create a plan of action as to what they can do to help protect the environment 7. Students will comment on some of the negative side effects of harmful practices 8. Students will read the comic from EcoHéroes and finish the story a. 9. Students will watch the video and have a discussion based on what could have been done differently and what could be done to fix the problem a. Presentational: 1. Students will create an age-appropriate presentation on different environmental issues around the world 2. Students will work with extended writing to write letters to state legislators and companies to end harmful practices 3. Students will watch the video and create a dialog with another student that they could use to narrate what they watch a. 4. Students will describe one natural place in the world 5. Students will create a two-voice poem in which they explain the importance and harmful effects of something from the perspective of what is being affected. Students will be given a natural place (desert, poles, Amazon, etc.) and choose one item in those places and create a 2 voice poem after working in-class reading one and working on one in partners a. b. i. perspective of the tree. First, explain what the problem is and what was done to fix the problem 6. Students will write a “time capsule” letter informing of current problems to be opened up in future years and to be commented on by future students 7. Read the article and write a comment a. Resources 8 Readings _Y_Participacion_Ambiental/Educacion_Ambiental/ProgramasProyectos/Aldea/Arbole s_Bosques_de_vida/fichero_actividades/arboles_reforestacion.pdf La Rioja - Videos Pictures Y/s1600/deforestacion-color.gif Songs De mí – Camila ¿Dónde jugarán los niños? – Victor Cuadro Rojas 9