Bibliography of RDA Resources

Indiana University Libraries
RDA Cataloger Training
Bibliography of RDA Resources
FRBR Documentation (additional documentation in Cataloger’s Desktop)
1. International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) FRBR site,
Includes the FRBR final report, current text with amendments, Feb. 2009.
2. ILFA FRAD site,
RDA Documentation and Resources
1. Cataloger’s Desktop includes or links to these resources:
 Changes from AACR2 to RDA (University of Washington)
 FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data: A Conceptual Model (IFLA),
final report
 FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (IFLA) final report
 JSC: Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA
 LC-PCC PS: Library of Congress – Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy
 RDA: Resource Description and Access (provides access to the RDA Toolkit)
 RDA-L (a list sponsored by the Joint Steering Committee)
 RDA Vocabularies (NSDL Registry – now Open Metadata Registry)
 What Is FRBR?: A Conceptual Model for the Bibliographic Universe, by Barbara
2. Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA,
and its RDA page,
The RDA site includes RDA news and updates, working documents, summary of
JSC actions, RDA presentations, RDA cataloging examples, an RDA FAQ, and
information about accessing RDA-L, the RDA Discussion list.
3. Library of Congress Resource Description and Access (RDA): Information and Resources
in Preparation for RDA,
Includes links to news, documentation, RDA training materials, presentations, and
other RDA links.
Library of Congress, Catalogers Learning Workshop (CLW) website, RDA: Resource
Description & Access Training Materials,
Includes LC internal RDA training materials beginning in June 2012. Contains
detailed training modules and exercises in various formats for all aspects of RDA
training including FRBR and FRAD, RDA, RDA Toolkit, Descriptive Cataloging,
Relationships, Special Formats, and Authorities. Also includes PCC RDA training
materials in various formats. RDA Serials Cataloging Training will be available
early 2013.
5. Library of Congress, Catalogers Learning Workshop (CLW) website, RDA in NACO
(materials supplement our NACO training, approved and arranged by our coordinator, Carl
Horne through PCC)
6. OCLC About RDA website,
Links to OCLC’s policy statements effective before and after March 31, 2013.
7. Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC),
(see its section on RDA and PCC on the home page for additional links)
 PCC RDA Training website,,
 PCC RDA Resources website,
 Summary of Programmatic Changes to the LC/NACO Authority: What LC-PCC
RDA Catalogers Need To Know, by Library of Congress and PCC, July 30, 2012
 PCC RDA Interim Policies and Best Practices,
8. RDA Toolkit website, Logon page,
The Toolkit product website includes news, information, training materials, and a
blog where you can find tips for using the Toolkit. It provides MARC record
examples of RDA cataloging (bibliographic and authority records), developed by
the Joint Steering Committee. The Teaching & Training Section includes an
archive of webinars and presentations. The RDA Essentials webinar, given bimonthly, is very useful for new RDA Toolkit users.
9. Cataloging and RDA Webinars offered by the Association for Library Collections &
Technical Services (ALCTS). Older webinars are freely available, see
10. Introducing RDA: A Guide to the Basics, by Chris Oliver. Chicago: ALA, 2010. E-brary
I.U. Libraries Documentation
1. Indiana University Libraries IO Catalog Congress RDA Task Group wiki,
2. IOCC RDA Task Group (Intranet),
Includes this group’s RDA Training materials and exercises.
3. Libraries Human Resources Webinar Archives (Intranet),
Include links and access information for viewing archives to all webinars purchased by the
IU Libraries.
4. Libraries Technical Services Dept., Cataloging Division, RDA site
Include links and access information for viewing archives of the ALCTS, NISO
and other RDA-related webinars purchased by the IU Libraries.
MARC21 Documentation
1. RDA in MARC, October 2012, MARC Development, Library of Congress
MARC 21 Updates 9-15 include all changes to MARC for use with RDA approved
through June 2012.
am, 2/18/2013