IMPAQ Work Package 1 WP nr. WP responsible Objectives: (could be divided into tasks- if so use one form per task) WP1 – 25-03-2011 Josianne Støttrup Technical improvement of copepod production system (indoor and outdoor) Task 1.1. Indoor culture. Engineers develop system based on known technology (AKVAgroup, RUC, ISPRA). Task 1.2. Outdoor culture. Engineer and biologists (Maximus, Fish-Lab, NERI, RUC, DTU Aqua). Milestones (list these for the WP or WT with months for deliverables) Activities planned project Year 1 1.1. Establish intensive system + manuals 1.2. First year experiments + manual 1.1. Establish system. Delays due to problems with tender, but system expected established end of summer. Experiments with A. tonsa to establish tolerance levels for ammonia. 1.2. First year experiments: Suggestion: Aim to establish seasonal dynamics of phyto- and zooplankton development in extensive systems. Compare spring and summer situation(s). Four tanks to be set up in each campaign. Start up should take place at the same time, if possible with the same batch of larvae to reduce one of the variables. Suggest to try this out in Maximus in the large tanks, and plan during 2011 the experiments on Venøsund and Maximus for 2012. Monitor A. Abiotic parameters such as temp. Sal, Oxygen, pH, light B. Phytoplankton qualitative and quantitative C. Zooplankton qualitative and quantitative D. Nr. Fish larvae delivered to system and fry output E. Fish larvae physiology Participation and resources allocated for 2011. Budgeted man months for the first year – WP 1. P.Nr Inst. PhD Post doc Researcher 0 RUC 8 1 1 DTU Aqua 1 2 DVDB KU Life 3 ISPRA 4 NTOU 5 ULST 6 FishLab 1 7 Venø 8 AKVA group 9 Maximus 10 IFRE (KU) 11 NERI (AU) 1 Please refer to detailed plan for outdoor campaigns. TAP Input to this WP or WT. Indoor + Outdoor system WP lead mostly Outdoor system 2 Technical Assistance Outdoor system Experiment for optimizing of outdoor copepod system Year 1: Comparative study of the seasonal differences fish larvae (Turbot) fitness related to composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities. Emphasizing the spring and summer blooms. Fish stocking: mid May, late June, August, September. Description: The experiment will be performed in 4 x 200m3 ø12 x 2,5m outdoor concrete ponds with pretreated water. The intention is to monitor the growth and survival of the turbot larvae compared to the quantity and quality of phytoplankton and zooplankton. For now the tanks are filled with prefiltered seawater and left for bloom 1 week before stocking of fish larvae, around 10 May. They are monitored daily for oxygen and secchi-depth. When quantity of the phytoplankton and temperature are evaluated to be sufficient by measures of the secchi-disk and thermometer the tanks are stocked with turbot larvae. Each tank is stocked with around 30.000-40.000 turbot larvae. The fish larvae are grown in 5 weeks before they are transferred to the indoor systems, for on-growing. Researcher allocation: Maximus are responsible for Abiotic factors supported by Per (CTD/chlorophyll/HOBO) (70 samples). Fish-Lab is responsible for phytoplankton analysis (20 samples). RUC is responsible for zooplankton samples and fatty acid (2 x 80 samples). DTU-Aqua is responsible for Fish larvae sampling supported by Per (40 samples + initial and final) Environmental factors: Abiotic factors – pH (RUC), Light – HOBO-loggers in tank and in air (RUC), Oxygen/Temperature (Maximus), Secchi-disk (Maximus), (Sampling every second day). CTD + insitu fluorometer to analyze plant pigment, salinity and temperature (sampling every second day) Phytoplankton: Sampling by 3 L heart valve water sampler (Once a week). Size fractionated chlorophyll (<20, 20-50, >50um, Total) (RUC). Algae identification and quantification by inverted microscopy (Fish-Lab). Zooplankton: Sampling twice a week by zooplankton pump, 120L (Maximus?), alternatively by 50um mesh size plankton net hauls (sampling on-site conditions?). Every sample is spitted by Folsom plankton splitter into 2 equal subsamples (RUC). Subsample 1 – Zooplankton identification: Divided into two different size fractions >200um and <200um. Each fraction is counted and species and development stage determined (RUC). Copepods,( <200um) nauplii Stage 1-3 and 4-6,( >200um) copodites and adults (RUC/Fish-Lab). Rotifers ( <200um) (RUC/Fish-Lab) Subsample 2 – Zooplankton fatty acid analyzes: Divided into two different size fractions >200um and <200um. Each fraction is processed for GCMS (RUC). Fish larvae: Initial stocking & end of experiment (number, weight, length) (DTU-Aqua/Maximus/RUC). Sampling of fish larvae twice a week (Is it realistic to obtain a quantitative measurement?)(Net hauls, pumps, size fraction sorting?) Counted, initial and terminal (population survival) Individual length measure (notochord) and individual weight measure Fatty acid analysis Metamorphosis success Pigmentation The experiment are indented to be replicated at least ones more. Maximus intent to stock 4 batches in 2011 (10 May, 20 June, 1 August and 1 September). Dependent on weather and batch survival.