Reg-governing-underg.. - University of Bradford

Regulation Governing Undergraduate Awards
2011-2012 Version 1.0
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................... 3
2. DEFINITION OF TERMS ....................................................................................................... 3
3. MATRICULATION ................................................................................................................. 4
4. STUDY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 4
5. COURSES OF STUDY.......................................................................................................... 5
7. EXTRAMURAL TRAINING .................................................................................................... 8
8. SUBMISSION OF ASSESSED WORK.................................................................................. 9
9. PROGRESSION BETWEEN STAGES................................................................................ 10
SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT (ALL STAGES) ....................................................... 12
DEGREE OF BACHELOR – TOPPING-UP FOR HONOURS .................................................. 15
SUBSTITUTION OF UNITS ............................................................................................. 15
CARRY FORWARD OF MARKS ..................................................................................... 16
AWARD OF A DEGREE .................................................................................................. 16
RE-ENTRY TO A COURSE OF STUDY .......................................................................... 16
ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARDS ............................................................................................ 17
PERFORMANCE IN THE FINAL STAGE OF A DEGREE COURSE ............................. 19
AEGROTAT AWARDS ..................................................................................................... 22
AMENDMENTS TO SYLLABUS ...................................................................................... 23
ASSESSMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................... 23
This Regulation covers undergraduate awards in general. Detailed provisions for
particular courses of study leading to these awards are set out in the individual Course
Exceptionally and with the explicit approval of the relevant School Board and the
Senate, the Course Regulations for a particular course of study may contain provisions
which amend and supersede parts of these Regulations.
Schools are required to supply to students both this Regulation and any Regulations,
provisions, guidelines and procedures for their particular course of study.
In this Regulation, the following terms are employed:
Course of Study: the whole of a specific scheme leading to a named award.
Pathway: an approved combination of units within a course of study which
provides for specialisation within that course of study.
Programme of Study: the combination of units for which an individual student
is registered.
School: the School responsible for the administration of the course of study
Unit: an identifiable component of learning within the curriculum which is
separately assessed and for which a discrete assessment mark is returned.
Credits: the numerical value attached to a unit.
Level: the academic level of a unit study, according to the following definitions:
Level 0
Preliminary undergraduate
Level 1
Introductory undergraduate
Level 2
Intermediate undergraduate
Level 3
Advanced undergraduate
Level M
Taught postgraduate
Stage: a discrete section of a course of study that must be successfully
completed before progression to the next stage and/or for the award.
Core Unit: a key part of the degree programme which is compulsory and all
students taking the degree must study the body of knowledge contained within
the core. It may, however, be compensated under the regulations.
2.1.10 Optional Unit: a unit selected by a student according to parameters set within
the particular Course Regulations.
2.1.11 Elective Unit: a unit selected by a student from a range made available across
the University.
2.1.12 Linked Unit: an indivisible unit which is taught across two semesters or three
trimesters at the same Stage, with all summative assessment normally at the
2.1.13 Module: a unit which is one-twelfth of a student’s workload for a Stage and
requiring a 100 hours of notional learning time (timetabled hours, private study
and assessment).
2.1.14 Assessment: the variety of methods by which the performance of a student on
a unit is formally measured.
2.1.15 Sessional Assessment: assessments, other than Supplementary or Final
Degree Assessments, set by a School as prescribed by the approved Course
2.1.16 Supplementary Assessment: extra assessment(s) set by a School, as may be
required, for a unit and designed to provide a student who has not passed at
the initial attempt at the assessment(s) with a further opportunity of passing.
2.1.17 Final Degree Assessment: assessments which count towards the final degree
classification awarded to the student. Where Final Degree Assessments take
place in a Stage of the course prior to the final Stage, they are denoted as:
Final Degree Assessment, Part I (and similarly)
Every student for admission to a course of study leading to one of the awards must
satisfy the Ordinance on Matriculation, the requirements set out in the Regulation for
the Admission of Students to Undergraduate Programmes of Study, and the Course
Admission Requirements are set out under the Course Regulations for each course of
Students must study units amounting to 120 Credits at Level 0.
Students must study 120 credits with at least 100 credits at Level 1, with the option of
20 credits at Level 2.
In addition to meeting the requirements for Stage 1, students must study units
amounting to 120 credits in Stage 2, with at least 100 credits at Level 2, with the option
of 20 credits at Level 1 or 3.
In addition to meeting the requirements for Stage 1, students must study units
amounting to 120 credits in Stage 2, with at least 100 credits at Level 2, with the option
of 20 credits at Level 1 or 3. Students must also study units amounting to 120 credits
in Stage 3, with at least 100 credits at Level 3, with the option of 20 credits at Level 2
or Level M OR Level 1 for a language module. If a language is studied at Level 1 in
Stage 3 of a programme, then it should not be included in the calculation of the degree
classification but the achievement of credit is still required.
In addition to meeting the requirements for Stage 1, students must study units
amounting to 100 credits in Stage 2, with at least 80 credits at Level 2, with the option
of 20 credits at Level 1 or 3. Students must also study units amounting to 100 credits
in Stage 3, with at least 80 credits at Level 3, with the option of 20 credits at Level 2 or
M OR Level 1 for a language module. If a language is studied at Level 1 in Stage 3 of
a programme, then it should not be included in the calculation of a classified degree
should the student subsequently ‘top-up’ for honours, but the achievement of credit is
still required.
In addition to meeting the requirements for Stages 1, 2 and 3 for the Honours Degree
of Bachelor, students must study units amounting to 120 Level M Credits at Stage 4.
Core units may not comprise more than a total of:
300 of the 360 Credits attached to the units which students are required to
study for the award of an Honours Degree of Bachelor, and pro rata for the
Foundation Stage and for courses of study leading to the award of a
Certificate or Diploma of Higher Education or the Foundation Degree.
400 of the 480 Credits attached to the units which students are required to
study for the award of an Integrated Degree of Master.
240 of the 300 Credits attached to the units which students are required to
study for the award of an Ordinary Degree of Bachelor.
Students are encouraged to take elective units, but these may not comprise more than
a total of:
30 of the 360 Credits attached to the units which students are required to
study for the award of an Honours Degree of Bachelor, and pro rata for the
Foundation Stage and for courses of study leading to the award of a
Certificate or Diploma of Higher Education or the Foundation Degree.
40 of the 480 Credits attached to the units which students are required to
study for the award of an Integrated Degree of Master.
30 of the 300 Credits attached to the units which students are required to
study for the award of an Ordinary Degree of Bachelor.
The Credits attached to a unit shall be in multiples of 10 Credits, except in the case of
free-standing units which may attract 5 Credits.
A dissertation, project, major report, etc. shall not account for more than 60 Credits.
No unit in any one semester, other than a dissertation, project, major report, etc., shall
be larger than 30 Credits.
Any course of study, pathway or programme of study, which is undertaken on either a
full- or part-time basis, may comprise entirely double and/or linked units.
No linked unit shall be larger than 40 Credits or smaller than 20 Credits.
All units at a given Stage shall count equally, according to their Credit value, in the
calculation of the overall average mark for that Stage.
A course of study may not include at a particular Stage any unit which students have
already studied and passed at an earlier Stage of that course of study.
5.10 For 'and/with' course combinations the balance of subject areas should be as follows:
A and B - where there is an equal balance between the two components
A with B - for a major/minor combination where the minor subject accounts
for at least 25% of the programme.
5.11 A student may transfer from one course of study to another on the recommendation of
the relevant Department(s)/School(s) and with the approval of the Dean(s) of the
relevant School(s). The school must record the date and reason for the transfer and
shall be responsible for notifying Student Registry in writing of the date of the transfer.
5.12 A student may suspend their course of study for a specified period of time with the
approval of the School Board. The school must record the dates of and the reason for
the intercalation and shall be responsible for notifying Student Registry in writing of the
period of intercalation and the date on which the student intends to resume their
Every student shall pursue the course of study laid down in the Course Regulations
and in the Scheme of Study thereunder. Unless otherwise exempted by the Academic
Policy Committee on the recommendation of the School Board responsible for the
administration of the course of study concerned, the student shall be required to
satisfy the Board of Examiners, as appropriate, in the assessments prescribed in the
Scheme of Assessment, and also to fulfil such other requirements as are laid down in
the Course Regulations.
Student attendance is required at all scheduled learning activities, together with
satisfactory completion and submission by the due dates prescribed by the school of
all assessed work and such other practical and written exercises as may be required
by the relevant Course Regulations.
Students failing to pursue the course of study as set out under 6.1 and 6.2 above shall
be deemed by the School to have withdrawn from the course.
A student may be permitted by the School to import specific academic credit for prior
certificated learning and/or prior experiential learning up to a maximum limit of 50% of
the balance of the named award for which the student wishes to be registered, subject
to the conditions set out in 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9 below and to any which may be
prescribed in the Regulations for that named award.
Students who are permitted to import specific academic credit must, as a minimum,
study units amounting to 60 Credits at Level 3, in order to be eligible for the award of
the Honours Degree of Bachelor.
The import of specific academic credit for certificated prior learning shall be permitted
only on the basis of either a certificate of an award or a transcript of credit achieved
within an award-bearing framework, which has been authorised by an institution or
body acceptable to the Senate.
The import of specific academic credit for prior experiential learning shall be permitted
only on the basis that the learning must be measurable and that academic credit
cannot be awarded for experience itself.
Where a student is able to produce satisfactory evidence of a marking or grading
scheme in relation to certificated prior learning, from which marks can be translated
into the credit-bearing, modular framework used by the University for its awards, the
actual marks obtained shall be used for the purposes of this Regulation. Where a
student is able to produce satisfactory evidence of a grading scheme in relation to
prior certificated learning, from which grades can be translated into the credit-bearing,
modular framework used by the University for its awards, the following marks shall be
attached to the grades achieved:
Where a School has confirmed with a student and with the institution(s) with which that
student has previously studied that the student is unable to produce satisfactory
evidence of a marking or grading scheme (for example: where marks or grades from
the scheme cannot be translated into the credit-bearing, modular framework used by
the University for its awards) and where academic credit is given for prior experiential
learning, judgements about the student's eligibility for the named award for which the
student is registered shall be based on the performance in units taken at the University
or its off-site partners only, subject to the approval of the School Board, the Academic
Policy Committee and the Senate. For a student entering directly into the final Stage of
an undergraduate course of study, this will mean that the Degree is classified on the
basis of the performance at the University of Bradford (or its off-site partners) in the
final Stage only.
Where the Course Regulations prescribe a period or periods of integrated extramural
training, such training:
Shall be acceptable to the School as complementing studies carried out in the
Shall be assessed by the School by means which shall normally include
tutorial visits to the place of training;
Shall, except as noted in 7.3, 7.4 and 7.6 below and unless the student has
been otherwise exempted by the Senate on the recommendation of the
appropriate School Board, be completed by the student prior to proceeding to
the next academic period of the course, during which the School shall, at the
earliest possible date, confirm whether or not the training has been
The award for a course of study which includes, as a condition for that award, a period
of integrated extramural training shall not be conferred on any student unless the Dean
of the School, having consulted with the organisations or firms at which the training
was given, has previously certified to the Registrar and Secretary at the end of each
training period that the student has completed this requirement to the satisfaction of
the School.
Always provided that the conditions of 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 above are satisfied and that the
requirements of any Supplementary Assessment are duly completed, a student
following extramural training in the interim period whilst either awaiting an opportunity
to take or pending the result of Supplementary Assessment shall be permitted to count
this period in part fulfilment of the extramural training requirement as defined in the
relevant Course Regulations.
Notwithstanding the provision in 7.3 above, it shall be within the discretion of a Board
of Examiners to recommend that a named student either awaiting an opportunity to
take or pending the result of Supplementary Assessment shall be required either to
defer entry upon the period of extramural training which would normally have followed
the initial attempt at the Supplementary Assessment, or to curtail such period before
the due date of completion. In this event, a Board of Examiners may further
recommend that such named student be granted permission, as provided under 7.6
below, to defer completion of any part of the extramural training period thus
outstanding until the end of the course of study.
A student failing to complete satisfactorily a period of extramural training may be
required, on the recommendation of a Board of Examiners, to undergo a further period
of extramural training, the duration of which shall be at the discretion of the Board of
Where, for special reasons, a period of extramural training has been interrupted or
broken off, a student may - at the discretion of the School - be permitted to defer
completion, if necessary until the end of the final year of the undergraduate course.
A School which operates a thin sandwich course with one group of students entering
the University in September, and the other in February, must arrange for
Supplementary Assessments to be appropriate to the needs of the students in the
particular group concerned.
Arrangements for the completion of assessed work, including submission dates, shall
be determined and made known to students (normally within one week of the start of
the semester) by the School.
Schools shall clearly communicate to their students at the commencement of their
course of study the procedures for the granting of extensions to submission dates and
the penalty imposed by the University for late or non-submissions.
An extension of time for assessed work shall be granted only in the event of
unforeseen circumstances.
A request for an extension of time, detailing the extenuating circumstances and
accompanied by relevant supporting evidence shall be submitted by the student to a
specified, named individual in the School in writing and approved before the
submission date.
The decision on whether or not to accept a request for an extension, and on the
degree of latitude to be exercised in a particular case shall be at the discretion of the
School, having regard to the student’s circumstances, any academic requirements
relating to the unit(s) concerned or the course of study as a whole, and the avoidance
of any unfairness with regard to other students.
Students who do not submit assessed work and do not gain approval in advance for
missed assessed work, including for any previously agreed extension, shall receive a
mark of 0%. They will be required to pay a charge for missed assessment before they
will be permitted to present themselves for any re-assessment in that module.
A student who is unable to comply with the requirement to submit a request in
advance shall submit the request at the earliest opportunity thereafter, together with
the reasons for the delay in the submission; if it is subsequently accepted that the
circumstances amount to good cause, which could not have been notified in advance,
the request shall be treated as if it had been received and approved by the due date
and there will be no charge.
Notwithstanding the terms of 10.1 below, a Board of Examiners may require a student
to repeat the previous academic period of the course within the University, completing
all the attendance, assessed work and other assessment requirements, if the nature of
the deficiency in assessed work is such that it cannot be made good before the
beginning of the next academic period.
Assessed work which exceeds a specified maximum permitted length will be subject to
a penalty deduction of marks equivalent to the percentage of additional words over the
limit. The limit will exclude bibliographies, diagrams and tables, footnotes, tables of
contents and appendices of data.
The Course Regulations may specify those units in which students shall be
required to obtain at least 40.0% in meeting the criteria for progression set out
below. Approval shall be sought for all such units.
Notwithstanding the requirements set out below, a Board of Examiners may
recommend that students be permitted to proceed to the next Stage of the
course where, exceptionally and in particular, individual cases, the Board of
Examiners judges a student’s performance to be satisfactory on other
grounds; such cases and the reasons for them shall be reported to and be
subject to approval by the School Board and (in a case involving Final Degree
Assessment) the Senate.
Notwithstanding the requirements set out below, a Board of Examiners may
recommend that students be permitted to proceed to the next stage of the
course, or may recommend another course of action, due to extenuating
circumstances affecting that individual; the reasons for the decision shall be
recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Examiners.
Students may progress from the Foundation Stage to Stage 1 if they achieve
at least 40.0% in individual Foundation Stage units amounting to 100 Credits
and at least 35.0% in individual Foundation Stage units amounting to the other
20 Credits.
The referral for re-assessment of failed credit from the Foundation Stage into
Stage 1 of an undergraduate honours programme is not permitted where the
Foundation Stage is a free-standing year. Students studying on Foundation
Stages which are recognised as an integrated part of an honours degree are
exceptionally permitted to be referred into the first year of the degree
programme in up to 20 credits.
Students may progress from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the course of study for the
Diploma in Higher Education, the Foundation Degree, the Advanced Diploma
in Higher Education, the Honours Degree of Bachelor or the Integrated Degree
of Master if they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage 1 units amounting
to 100 Credits and at least 35.0% in individual Stage 1 units amounting to the
other 20 Credits.
Students may progress from Stage 2 of the course of study for the Advanced
Diploma in Higher Education, the Honours Degree of Bachelor or the
Integrated Degree of Master to Stage 3 of the course of study for the
Advanced Diploma in Higher Education, Honours Degree of Bachelor or the
Integrated Degree of Master if they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage
2 units amounting to 100 Credits and at least 35.0% in individual Stage 2 units
amounting to the other 20 Credits.
Students may progress from Stage 3 of the course of study for the Integrated
Degree of Master to Stage 4 of the course of study for the Integrated Degree
of Master if they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage 3 units amounting
to 100 Credits and at least 35.0% in individual Stage 3 units amounting to the
other 20 Credits.
Students who fail to achieve the requirements necessary for progression to the
next Stage of the course of study for the Integrated Degree of Master may, if
they achieve the relevant requirements, progress to the next Stage of a course
of study for either the Honours Degree of Bachelor or the Ordinary Degree of
Bachelor (with either the same or an alternative title for the award) as
appropriate and available.
Students may progress from Stage 2 of the course of study for the Ordinary Degree
of Bachelor to Stage 3 of the course of study for the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor if
they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage 2 units amounting to 80 Credits and at
least 35.0% in individual Stage 2 units amounting to the other 20 Credits.
10.1 Students who at the initial attempt have not achieved the requirements either for
progression to the next Stage of their course of study as set out in section 9 above, or
for the award as set out in section 17 below, and as defined in the relevant Course
Regulations are entitled to undertake Supplementary Assessment on one occasion, as
of right. Further attempts (up to a total of 4, including the initial attempt) are at the
discretion of the Board of Examiners (see section 11.5 below) and will be based on the
approved School algorithm.
10.2 Students on an Honours Degree of Bachelor or Integrated Degree of Master
programme who do not achieve at least 60 credits at 40.0% at the initial attempt will
forfeit the automatic right to Supplementary Assessment without attendance in the
Supplementary Assessment period. A Board of Examiners may require such students
to repeat the Stage with attendance or to undertake individual units with attendance
during the forthcoming academic year.
10.3 The Board of Examiners should apply the following algorithm to determine whether a
student on an Honours Degree of Bachelor or Integrated Degree of Master programme
should be permitted Supplementary Assessment without attendance in the
Supplementary Assessment period. No cognisance should be taken of marks which
fall within the compensatable range of 35.0 - 39.9%.
80 credits or more at below 40.0% - required to repeat the Stage with attendance;
70 credits at below 40.0% - required to repeat individual units with attendance
during the forthcoming academic year, meanwhile not permitted to proceed;
60 credits or less at below 40.0% - permitted supplementary assessment in the
Supplementary Assessment period with a view to proceeding on the Honours
10.4 A Board of Examiners may also permit students who do not meet the criteria for
progression on an Honours Degree of Bachelor programme to transfer to an Ordinary
Degree of Bachelor programme, where such a course of study exists, if they meet the
following criteria:
10.4.1 Students may progress from Stage 1 of the course of study for the Honours
Degree of Bachelor to Stage 2 of the course of study for the Ordinary Degree
of Bachelor if they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage 1 units
amounting to 80 credits and at least 35.0% in individual Stage 1 units
amounting to another 20 credits.
10.4.2 Students may progress from Stage 2 of the course of study for the Honours
Degree of Bachelor to Stage 3 of the course of study for the Ordinary Degree
of Bachelor if they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage 2 units
amounting to 80 credits and at least 35.0% in individual Stage 2 units
amounting to another 20 credits.
10.5 Students on a course of study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor who are eligible to
progress only to the course of study for the Ordinary Degree may be permitted by the
Board of Examiners, as an alternative and with a view to achieving the requirements
for progression on the course of study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor to
undertake supplementary assessment in the Supplementary Assessment period, as
set out above.
10.6 Students on an Ordinary Degree programme who do not achieve at least 50 credits at
40.0% at the initial attempt will forfeit the automatic right to Supplementary
Assessment without attendance in the Supplementary Assessment period. A Board of
Examiners may require such students to repeat the Stage with attendance or to
undertake individual modules with attendance during the forthcoming academic year.
10.7 The Board of Examiners should apply the following algorithm to determine whether a
student on an Ordinary Degree programme should be permitted Supplementary
Assessment without attendance in the Supplementary Assessment Period. No
cognisance should be taken of marks which fall within the compensatable range of
35.0 – 39.9%.
70 credits or more at below 40.0% -required to repeat the Stage with attendance;
60 credits at below 40.0% - required to repeat individual units with attendance
during the forthcoming academic year, meanwhile not permitted to proceed;
50 credits or less at below 40.0% - permitted supplementary assessment in the
Supplementary Assessment period with a view to proceeding on the Ordinary
10.8 Students on whose behalf evidence is presented attesting that for good cause the
standard of their performance in the initial attempt was impaired may be permitted to
undertake Supplementary Assessment. In such cases, the more successful
performance, whether on the first or subsequent occasion, shall stand.
11.1 Students who, following Supplementary Assessment, meet the relevant requirements
set out under section 9 above may progress to the next Stage of the course of study.
Students who have undertaken Supplementary Assessment with a view to attaining an
award according to the requirements set out under section 17 below and who now
meet those requirements shall be eligible for the award in question.
11.2 Students who, following supplementary assessment, do not meet the requirements for
progression on the Honours programme, may progress from Stage 1 of the course of
study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor to Stage 2 of the course of study for the
Ordinary Degree of Bachelor if they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage 1 units
amounting to 80 credits and at least 35.0% in individual Stage 1 units amounting to
another 20 credits.
11.3 Students who, following supplementary assessment, do not meet the requirements for
progression on the Honours programme, may progress from Stage 2 of the course of
study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor to Stage 3 of the course of study for the
Ordinary Degree of Bachelor if they achieve at least 40.0% in individual Stage 2 units
amounting to 60 credits and at least 35.0% in individual Stage 2 units amounting to
another 20 credits.
11.4 Students on a course of study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor who are eligible to
progress only to the course of study for the Ordinary Degree may be permitted by the
Board of Examiners, as an alternative and with a view to achieving the requirements
for progression on the course of study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor to
undertake further Supplementary Assessment in specified units at the relevant Stage
with attendance.
11.5 Students who do not meet the requirements for progression may, exceptionally and at
the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be referred in up to 20 credits with a view to
achieving the progression criteria for the award on which they are registered. Such
students may only be referred where the actual number of credits below 40.0% is no
more than 20 in total. Such students may proceed to the next Stage of the appropriate
course only on condition that the requirements are achieved by the close of that Stage.
Students who, following re-assessment, do not meet the requirements for progression
may, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be permitted to undertake
supplementary assessment on one further occasion. Students who do not meet the
requirements following this fourth and final attempt will be required to withdraw from
the course.
11.6 In the case of students who, following supplementary assessment, do not meet the
requirements for progression set out in section 9 above (and do not progress under
section11.4 above), or do not meet the requirements for an award set out in section 17
below, a Board of Examiners has the discretion to permit a student to undertake
supplementary assessment on up to 2 further occasions (up to a total of 4, including
the initial attempt). This decision will be based on the approved School algorithm and
a Board of Examiners shall recommend one of the following options:
11.6.1 That they be permitted to undertake further Supplementary Assessment in
specified units at the relevant Stage with attendance;
11.6.2 That they be permitted to repeat the previous Stage of the course of study with
11.6.3 That they be required to withdraw from the course of study.
11.7 Students who have exhausted all the attempts permitted by the Board of Examiners
and still do not meet the requirements either for progression set out in section 9 above,
or for an award as set out in section 17 below, will be required to withdraw from the
course of study.
11.8 The facility to undertake supplementary assessment without attendance, as a third or
fourth attempt following one unsuccessful attempt at supplementary assessment, is
not permitted, other than under the provisions of 11.5 above.
12.1 Students who successfully complete a course of study for the Ordinary Degree of
Bachelor at the end of Stage 3 will be permitted to undertake a further period of study
for the additional Credits from all three previous stages necessary to achieve the
requirements for the award of the Honours Degree of Bachelor.
12.2 The provision set out under 12.1 above shall not be available to students who are
awarded an Ordinary Degree on completion of a course of study for the Honours
Degree of Bachelor or the Integrated Degree of Master.
12.3 The provision set out under 12.1 above shall be subject to a time limit of three years
from the date of graduation for students who are awarded the Ordinary Degree for
eligibility to top-up for Honours.
12.4 Students topping-up for Honours shall be permitted no more than four attempts in total
at individual units from Stages 1, 2 and 3, in line with opportunities available to
students on the Honours route.
12.5 No student is permitted to study more than 120 credits at any stage in an attempt to
gain an Honours degree.
13.1 Students shall be permitted to substitute units other than core units up to a total of 20
Credits in each Stage, including the final stage.
13.2 Substitution of a unit shall only be permitted after two (and no more than two) attempts
at the original unit, except in the case of students who are required under Sections
10.2 and 10.6 above, to repeat the stage with attendance or to undertake individual
units with attendance during the forthcoming academic year, who are permitted to
substitute after the initial attempt at assessment. Such students will be permitted up to
four attempts in total at the assessment (initial attempt at original module and up to 3
further attempts at substitute module) at the discretion of the Board of Examiners.
13.3 Students shall be permitted to substitute for the original unit on one occasion only.
13.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 10 above, only one attempt at
Supplementary Assessment shall be permitted in the case of a substitute unit.
14.1 The maximum carry forward mark awarded to students following Supplementary
Assessment will be capped at 35.0%, or the original mark if higher, in each unit for the
purposes of the Final Degree classification or in the calculation for an award with
Distinction or Merit.
14.2 The provision in 14.1 above shall also apply in the case of a substitution of a unit in
accordance with section 13 above.
14.3 The provision in 14.1 above shall also apply in the case of students who have
achieved a Foundation Degree offered by the University of Bradford, who have
undertaken Supplementary Assessment in Stage 2 of the Foundation Degree, and
who progress to stage 3 of a course of study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor.
14.4 The provision in 14.1 shall not apply to students who fail the initial attempt for good
15.1 Prior to the award of the Honours or Ordinary Degree of Bachelor, the Foundation
Degree or the Integrated Degree of Master, a student shall have completed all of the
appropriate assessment requirements relating to previous Stages.
16.1 A student who under the provisions of 11 above has been required to withdraw from
the course of study may subsequently apply to the Dean of School for re-entry.
16.2 Permission to re-enter at an appropriate Stage may be granted by the Senate on the
recommendation of the School Board.
17.1.1 To be eligible for the award of the Certificate of Foundation Studies, students
must achieve the requirements set out under 9.2.1 above.
17.1.2 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.1.1, attain an overall
average of at least 70.0% in the Foundation Stage assessments shall be
eligible for the award of the Certificate of Foundation Studies with Distinction.
17.1.3 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.1.1, attain an overall
average of at least 60.0% in the Foundation Stage assessments shall be
eligible for the award of the Certificate of Foundation Studies with Merit.
17.1.4 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust any of the boundaries for
Distinction and Merit set out above by up to 2.0 percentage points above or
below the stated minimum overall average mark.
17.2.1 To be eligible for the award of the Certificate of Higher Education, students
must achieve at least 40.0% in individual units amounting to 100 Credits and
at least 35.0% in individual units amounting to 20 other Credits, including at
least 100 at Level 1 or above.
17.2.2 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.2.1, attain an overall
average of at least 70.0% in the assessments for the units required shall be
eligible for the award of the Certificate of Higher Education with Distinction.
17.2.3 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.2.1, attain an overall
average of at least 60.0% in the assessments for the units required shall be
eligible for the award of the Certificate of Higher Education with Merit.
17.2.4 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust any of the boundaries for
Distinction and Merit set out above by up to 2.0 percentage points above or
below the stated minimum overall average mark.
17.3.1 To be eligible for the award of the Diploma of Higher Education, students must
achieve the requirements set out in 17.2.1 and attain at least 40.0% in
individual units amounting to 100 Credits and at least 35.0% in individual units
amounting to 20 other Credits, including at least 100 at Level 2 or above.
17.3.2 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.3.1, attain an overall
average of 70.0% in the assessments for the units required shall be eligible for
the award of the Diploma of Higher Education with Distinction.
17.3.3 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.3.1, attain an overall
average of 60.0% in the assessments for the units required shall be eligible for
the award of the Diploma of Higher Education with Merit.
17.3.4 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust any of the boundaries for
Distinction and Merit set out above by up to 2.0 percentage points above or
below the stated minimum overall average mark.
17.4.1 To be eligible for the award of the Foundation Degree, students must achieve
the requirements set out in 17.2 and attain at least 40.0% in individual units
amounting to 100 Credits and at least 35.0% in individual units amounting to
20 other Credits, including at least 100 at Level 2.
17.4.2 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.4.1, attain an overall
average of at least 70.0% in the assessments for the Stage Two units required
shall be eligible for the award of the Foundation Degree with Distinction.
17.4.3 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.4.1, attain an overall
average of at least 60.0% in the assessments for the Stage Two units required
shall be eligible for the award of the Foundation Degree with Merit.
17.4.4 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust any of the boundaries for
Distinction and Merit set out above by up to 2.0 percentage points above or
below the stated minimum overall average mark.
17.5.1 To be eligible for the award of the Advanced Diploma of Higher Education,
students must achieve the requirements set out in 17.3 and attain at least
40.0% in individual units amounting to 60 Credits at Level 3.
17.5.2 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.5.1, attain an overall
average of at least 70.0% in the assessments for the Stage Three units
required shall be eligible for the award of the Advanced Diploma with
17.5.3 Students who, in achieving the requirements set out in 17.4.1, attain an overall
average of at least 60.0% in the assessments for the Stage Three units
required shall be eligible for the award of the Advanced Diploma with Merit.
17.5.4 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust any of the boundaries for
Distinction and Merit set out above by up to 2.0 percentage points above or
below the stated minimum overall average mark.
17.6.1 To be eligible for the award of the classified Honours Degree of Bachelor,
students must comply with the requirements set out in 4.2 and 4.4 above,
must achieve the requirements set out in 9.3.2 above, and attain at least
40.0% in individual Stage 3 units amounting to 100 Credits and at least 35.0%
in individual Stage 3 units amounting to the 20 other Credits in Stage 3 of the
course of study. (See also Section 18)
17.7.1 To be eligible for the award of the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor, students must
comply with the requirements set out in 4.2 and 4.5 above, must achieve the
requirements set out in 9.4.1 above, and attain at least 40.0% in individual
Stage 3 units amounting to 80 Credits and at least
35.0% in individual
Stage 3 units amounting to the other 20 Credits in Stage 3 of the course of
study. (See also Section 18)
17.8.1 To be eligible for the award of the Integrated Degree of Master, students must
comply with the requirements set out in 4.2, 4.4 and 4.6 above, must achieve
the requirements set out in 9.3.1, 9.3.2 and in 9.3.3 above, and attain at least
40.0% in individual Stage 4 units amounting to 100 Credits and at least 35.0%
in individual Stage 4 units amounting to the other 20 Credits in Stage 4 of the
course of study. (See also Section 18)
17.9.1 Students who achieve at least 40.0% in any number of individual units at any
level but who do not qualify for one of the above awards shall be eligible for
the award of a Certificate of Continuing Education.
18.1 The Foundation Degree shall be awarded to students on a course of study for the
Foundation Degree who have satisfied the requirements set out under 17.4 above and
laid down in the relevant Course Regulations and who have attained the required
standard in Stage 2, or in accordance with the provision set out under 19.1 below.
18.2 The classified Honours Degree of Bachelor shall be awarded to students who have
satisfied the requirements set out under 17.6 above and laid down in the relevant
Course Regulations and who have attained the required standard in Stage 3, or in
accordance with the provisions set out under 19.4 below.
18.3 The Honours Degree of Bachelor shall, on the basis of a student’s performance, be
awarded by class and division as follows:
First Class Honours
Second Class Honours - First Division
Second Class Honours - Second Division
Third Class Honours
18.4 The class and division of the Honours Degree of Bachelor shall be awarded to the
individual students according to the order of the final overall weighted average marks
from the assessments in Stages 2 and 3, derived from a 30.0% weighting for Stage 2
and a 70.0% weighting for Stage 3.
18.5 Subject to the provisions of 18.6 below, the classes and divisions of the Honours
Degree of Bachelor shall be awarded on the basis of the following minimum final
overall weighted average marks:
First Class Honours
Second Class Honours - First Division
Second Class Honours - Second Division
18.6 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust any of the boundaries for
classification purposes set out in 18.5 above by up to 2.0 percentage points above or
below the stated minimum final overall weighted average marks.
18.7 Where a Board of Examiners has decided exceptionally to recommend the award to a
particular student of a classification other than that which would be indicated under the
provisions of 18.2, 18.5 and 18.6 above because of extenuating circumstances
affecting that individual, the reasons for the decision shall be recorded in the Minutes
of the meeting of the Board of Examiners.
18.8 Where a Board of Examiners has decided exceptionally to recommend the award to a
particular student of a classification other than that which would be indicated under the
provisions of 18.2, 18.5 and 18.6 above, on other grounds, such cases and the
reasons for them shall be reported to and be subject to the approval of the School
Board and the Senate.
18.9 The Ordinary Degree of Bachelor shall be awarded to students:
18.9.1 On a course of study for the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor who have satisfied
the requirements set out under 17.7 above and laid down in the relevant
Course Regulations and who have attained the required standard in Stage 3.
18.9.2 Having completed the course of study for the Honours Degree of Bachelor or
Integrated Degree of Master who, following all permitted supplementary
assessment, have failed to reach the standard required for the award but who
meet the requirements set out in 17.7 above, even where no separate course
of study for the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor exists.
18.10 The Ordinary Degree of Bachelor shall be awarded with Distinction to students who
achieve an overall average of at least 70.0% in the Stage 3 units which are required
for the award.
18.11 The Ordinary Degree of Bachelor shall be awarded with Merit to students who achieve
an overall average of at least 60.0% in the Stage 3 units which are required for the
18.12 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust any of the boundaries for
Distinction and Merit set out in 18.10 and 18.11 by up to 2.0 percentage points above
or below the stated minimum overall average mark.
18.13 The unclassified Integrated Degree of Master shall be awarded to students who have
satisfied the requirements set out under 17.8 above and laid down in the relevant
Course Regulations and who have attained the required standard at Stage 4.
18.14 The Integrated Degree of Master shall be awarded with Distinction to students who
achieve an overall average of at least 70.0% in the Stage 4 units which are required
for the award.
18.15 The Integrated Degree of Master shall be awarded with Merit to students who achieve
an overall average of at least 60.0% in the Stage 4 units which are required for the
18.16 A Board of Examiners shall be permitted to adjust the boundaries set out in 18.14 and
18.15 above by up to 2.0 percentage points above or below the stated minimum
overall average mark.
18.17 Students who have satisfied the requirements for the award of the Integrated Degree
of Master shall also be awarded a classified Honours Degree of Bachelor, according to
the requirements specified in the Course Regulations and under 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6,
18.7 and 18.8 above, and this will be awarded on completion of the Integrated Masters
18.18 The Honours Degree of Bachelor, as appropriate, shall be awarded to students who
have failed to attain the award of the Integrated Degree of Master but who meet the
requirements set out under 18.2 above.
19.1 Students who at the initial attempt have failed to attain an award under the provisions
of section 17 and 18 above, shall be permitted to undertake supplementary
assessment under the provisions of section 10 and 11 above.
19.2 Students who are undertaking Supplementary Assessment in accordance with the
provisions of 19.1 above, shall, if successful, be awarded the class and division of the
Honours Degree of Bachelor according to the final overall weighted mark calculated
using the maximum carry forward mark awarded to students following supplementary
assessment which is capped at 35.0%, or original if higher, in each unit.
19.3 Students who are undertaking Supplementary Assessment in accordance with the
provisions of 19.1 above, shall, if successful, be awarded a Distinction or Merit for the
Certificate of Foundation Studies, Certificate of Higher Education, Diploma of Higher
Education, Foundation Degree, Advanced Diploma of Higher Education, Ordinary
Degree or Integrated Degree of Master according to the final overall weighted mark
calculated using the maximum carry forward mark awarded to students following
supplementary assessment which is capped at 35.0%, or original if higher, in each
19.4 Students on whose behalf evidence is presented attesting that for good cause the
standard of their performance in the initial attempt was impaired may be permitted to
undertake Supplementary Assessment. In such cases, the more successful
performance, whether on the first or subsequent occasion, shall stand.
19.5 Students who are undertaking Supplementary Assessment in accordance with the
provisions of 19.4 above shall be eligible, if their performance in the Supplementary
Assessment so warrants, for the award of the degree for which they were registered,
according to the provisions set out in section 18 above.
19.6 At the discretion of the Board of Examiners, a student undertaking Supplementary
Assessment of the final Stage of a degree course who has already fulfilled
satisfactorily any requirement for part of a unit in which the student has not attained at
least 40.0% may, on the occasion of the Supplementary Assessment, be excused
from further assessment in that part of the unit.
19.7 The date for Supplementary Assessment in accordance with the provisions of 19
above shall normally be at the first available examination opportunity, if the student is
eligible under section 10.2 and 10.3 above, unless specific approval has been given by
the School Board and the Senate to deviate from this.
20.1 A student who is prevented by illness or other good cause from taking either the whole
or part of the assessments for the final Stage of a course of study but has completed
all the other requirements for that course of study may, on the recommendation of the
Board of Examiners and subject to the approval of the School Board and the Senate
and under the conditions prescribed under 20.2 below, be treated as a successful
student and granted an Aegrotat award.
20.2 In recommending the award of an Aegrotat, the Board of Examiners shall be satisfied
that the evidence presented on the student’s behalf is sufficient. The evidence
presented shall always include:
20.2.1 In the case of illness, a certificate signed by a Registered Medical Practitioner,
after all necessary consultations with those with knowledge of the
circumstances, regarding the student’s inability, for good cause, to undertake
the assessments;
20.2.2 A report that the student’s work during the course of study had shown beyond
reasonable doubt that the student would, in normal circumstances, have been
recommended for the relevant award at the conclusion of the course of study.
20.3 The grant of an Aegrotat degree shall be awarded as a Degree of Bachelor,
Foundation Degree or Integrated Degree of Master and shall not be awarded as an
Honours or Ordinary Degree of Bachelor or Honours or Ordinary Integrated Degree of
20.4 An Aegrotat Certificate of Foundation Studies, Certificate or Diploma of Higher
Education, Advanced Diploma of Higher Education or Integrated Degree of Master
shall not be awarded with Distinction or Merit.
20.5 Students who under the provision of 20.1 above have been granted an Aegrotat award
may be permitted to undertake Supplementary Assessment, with a view to gaining the
award for which they were registered, according to the provisions set out (as relevant
and appropriate to the award in question) in Sections 17 and 18 above. In the event of
failure in the Supplementary Assessment, the previously granted Aegrotat award shall
21.1 Where, in the judgement of the Internal Examiners, major syllabus changes to a unit
have been implemented in the period between a student’s initial attempt and an
attempt at Supplementary Assessment, such modifications shall be made to the
assessment for the unit as to render it appropriate to the syllabus covered by the
student at the initial attempt.
22.1 Recommendations regarding assessment results shall be presented by a Board of
Examiners to the School Board of the School responsible for the administration of the
course of study concerned. Recommendations concerning the award or non-award of
a degree shall also be presented by the School Board to the Senate.