CS&IT Key Stage 3 Assessment Criteria AO Strand a Solving computational problems Level 3 I can solve a simple (3-4 lines of code) computational problem with guidance I can sequence instructions in a limited fashion on Scratch -- Level 4 I can solve a basic computational problem with guidance Level 5 I can independently solve a simple (3-4 lines of code) computational problem Level 6 I can independently solve a basic computational problem I can use basic sequence and selection in Scratch I can use sequence, selection and repetition in Scratch -- I can create code in a written language, such as Python, to perform basic operations on variables I can use some programming techniques in a written language such as Python, including selection. d Programming constructs: variables, arrays and functions -- -- I can show some understanding of lists/arrays and how to use them in Scratch e Debugging computer programs -- -- -- f Explaining decisions in program design -- -- g Validating input data -- -- b Creating programs using a visual language 3: Programming c Creating programs using a text language Ibstock Community College Level 7 I can solve a fairly complex (GCSE Computing CA programming task) computational problem -- Level 8 I can solve complex computational problems by breaking it into smaller ones I have a good understanding programming techniques in a written language such as Python, using both selection and repetition I have a good understanding of lists/arrays in Scratch and some understanding of how this relates to one-dimensional arrays in a written language such as Python. I have tested for basic functionality I can create a modularised program in a written programming language I can design and complete efficient modularised programs using a variety of complex techniques I have a good understanding of two dimensional arrays and know how to use them in a written language such as Python -- I have tested and reviewed my code, identifying improvements -- I can give a good explanation of how my program works I can thoroughly explain how my program works using technical terminology -- -- I validate input data I can evaluate and explain my code using comprehensive test plans and regular reviews I can expertly explain how my program works using technical terminology I fully validate input data -- CS&IT Key Stage 3 Assessment Criteria Ibstock Community College Name:_____________________________________________________________Class:__________________________________________________________________ Level and Task (Student) What I have done to achieve this… (Student) Feedback (Teacher or Peer) WA Level {Pred Year 9} Start Level is ( ) { } { } { } { } GCSE (Estimate) FFT EST { }