Farm/Land Management Plan Template

ABN 42 686 389 537 – PO BOX 151, KYNETON VIC 3444
T 03 5422 0333 – F 03 5422 3623 – –
Farm / Land Management Plan
This template can be filled out electronically (with the exception of required signatures) or by hand. If you
are completing this template by hand, please print all details. If the information cannot be read, this plan
cannot be assessed.
Landowner details
Trading name (if applicable):
Property name (if applicable):
Property address:
Postal address:
Phone (after hours):
Phone (business):
If this plan is being prepared by someone other than the land owner listed above, please provide details
of the author below:
Company name (if applicable):
Postal address:
Phone (after hours):
Phone (business):
Property description
Property title reference
Total property area (Ha)
Current crop/s
Area of future cropping (Ha)
Area currently used for grazing (Ha)
Area of proposed grazing (Ha)
Current stock
Area of proposed domestic zone
Area of native bushland (Ha)
Number of single native paddock trees
Number of single non-native paddock trees
Current number of dams and bores
Number of waterways, seasonal creeks etc
Soil classification(s) (clay, loam etc)
Soil test results (please include results of P,
K, pH and salinity)
Annual rainfall
Area currently under cropping (Ha)
Proposed farming activity (eg. cropping, stock)
Stock - Stock numbers are calculated using the Dry Sheep Equivalent (DSE), a stocking rate system
where the carrying capacity of the land is equated to ‘dry sheep equivalents’ or how many dry
(nonbreeding) sheep of average condition can be kept on the land without weight loss or handfeeding.
Stock type
Number of animals
Crop type
Crop area
Domestic water supply:
Fire water supply:
Water supply for stock and / or cropping:
Stock feed supply including the percentage of imported feed:
Pasture renovation
Explain the method and timing of any pasture renovation or improvement works proposed to be carried
List the main weed species within the property:
Common name
Scientific name
Pest animals
Identify those pest animal species known to be present:
Pest animal
Method/s of control
Method/s of control
List proposed planting list (eg. windbreaks):
Common name
Scientific name
Site plans
Supply two fully dimensional site plans. One plan is to show existing conditions and the second all
proposed works.
The plans are to include:
Site Plan One:
all existing buildings
all existing fencing
existing services (power, gas)
existing dams, waterways and springs
existing bores
 areas prone to flooding
Site Plan Two:
any proposed fencing
any proposed planting (eg. windbreaks)
areas of to be cropped
stock/ crop rotation
all vegetation proposed for removal
methods of protection for existing
existing vegetation including paddock
areas of salinity
erosion areas including gullies
areas of different soil types
areas of pest plants and animals
areas of pest plants and animals (eg.
rabbit warrens)
proposed alignment of any services (eg.
proposed dams and bores.
Farming zone
If the property is within a Farming Zone a written statement explaining how the proposed dwelling
responds to the decision guidelines for dwellings in this zone including:
General issues
Design and siting issues
Agricultural issues
Dwelling issues
Clause 22.20 of the MRSC Planning
Scheme’ Agricultural Landscapes
Environmental issues
Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS).
Decision guidelines can be viewed at:
Rural Conservation Zone
If the property is within a Rural Conservation Zone a written statement explaining how the proposed
dwelling responds to the decision guidelines for dwellings in this zone including:
General issues;
Rural issues;
Environmental issues;
Design and siting issues;
 Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS).
Decision guidelines can be viewed at:
Knowledge (property owner/s)
List any qualifications, previous experience and courses taken or to be taken that are relevant to
implementing this management plan.
List membership/involvement in Landcare and other relevant groups:
This plan was prepared by:
Landowner’s name (please print):
Landowner’s signature:
Author’s name (please print):
Author’s signature:
Questions and enquiries: Michelle Patrick, Natural Resources Policy Officer on (03) 5421 5692.