Topic/Science/Art/Music/DT/PE Class/Year 1* 2* Autumn 1 Homes and Habitats Plants Printing (wall paper) Shadow puppets Dance Sounds interesting (exploring sounds) Castles and Kings & Queens Uses of everyday materials Collage Gift Bag Net and wall Long and short of it (duration) Autumn 2 Spring 1 Great fire of London Animals Line patterns (spiders web) Shadow puppets Gymnastics The long and short of it (exploring duration) Castles and Kings & Queens Humans (Healthy me) Painting Gift Bag Gymnastics Feel the pulse (rhythm) Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Journeys and destinations Materials Sculpture (using materials) Healthy Yogurt Games Feel the pulse (Exploring pulse and rhythm) Human body Humans Sculpture Healthy Yogurt Games Taking off (exploring pitch) Weather and Seasons Animals Collage (weather inspired) Healthy Yogurt Athletics What’s the score (Exploring instruments and symbols) Weather and Seasons Animals Collage Healthy Yogurt Athletics Rain. Rain go away (exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics Dinosaurs and David Attenborough Animals Printing (Dinosaurs) Healthy Cake Striking and fielding Taking off (pitch) Dinosaurs and David Attenborough Plants Drawing Healthy Cake Dance What’s the score? (symbols and instruments) Christopher Columbus – the sea – Titanic Plants Weaving (seascapes) Sea creature Athletics Sounds interesting Christopher Columbus – the sea – Titanic Living things and their habitats Sculpture (fish) Sea creature Invasion games Rain, rain go away (timbre, tempo, dynamics) Topic/Science/Art/Music/DT/PE 3* Healthy Me Animals Drawing Healthy Yogurt Dance Animal magic (Exploring descriptive sounds) Healthy Me Forces Painting Healthy Yogurt Gymnastics Play it again (Exploring rhythmic patterns) Egyptians Rocks Collage Moving Pictures Striking and Fielding The class orchestra (Exploring arrangements) Famous Battles Printing Moving Pictures Striking and Fielding Dragon scales (Exploring melodies and scales) Food/Farming Light Boardgames Swimming Painting with sound (Exploring sound colours) Food/Farming Plants Sculpture Boardgames Athletics Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard (Exploring signals 4* Rainforests Animals including humans Drawing Vehicles Swimming + Dance Play it again (Exploring rhythmic patterns) Homes and Habitats Animals including humans Painting Vehicles Gymnastics + Dance The class orchestra (Exploring arrangements) Romans and Vikings Sound Collage Gloves Outdoor adventurous Activities Dragon scales (Exploring melodies and scales) Homes and Habitats States of mater Drawing Gloves Invasion games Painting with sound (Exploring sound colours) Birmingham and Victorians Electricity Printing Make a torch Striking and fielding Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard (Exploring signals) Homes and Habitats Electricity Sculpture Make a torch Athletics Animal magic (Exploring descriptive sounds) 5* Tudors Staying Healthy Printing Bread Invasion games Tudors Changing state Drawing Bread Gymnastics Solar System Earth in Space Collage Savoury Snacks Dance Solar System Forces Sculpture Savoury Snacks Striking and fielding Myths and Legends Animals including habitats painting Healthy Yogurt Swimming Myths and Legends Animals Drawing Musical instruments Athletics Topic/Science/Art/Music/DT/PE 6* WWII Interdependence and Adaptation Cubist artists Make a pizza Gymnastics and Swimming Exploring Rounds WWII Micro organisms Cubist artists Make a pizza Gymnastics and Swimming Exploring sound sources Natural disasters Dissolving Sculpture Make an educational toy Dance Exploring lyrics and melody Natural disasters Reversible and irreversible changes Sculpture Make an educational toy Invasion games Exploring rhythm and pulse Stone Age Revision units human body, forces, rocks, sound, light Pattern and texture Fairground ride Net wall games Performing together Stone Age Revision units human body, forces, rocks, sound, light Pattern and texture Fairground ride Athletics Exploring musical process