Histology, Cytology and Embryology

Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
Model syllabus for a subject
1. Imprint
Faculty name:
English Dentistry Division
Education program (field of study,
level and educational profile, form of
studies, e.g., Public Health, 1st level
studies, practical profile, full time):
First year, semester I and II, full-time program
Academic year:
Module/subject name:
Histology, cytology and embryology
Subject code (from the Pensum
Head of the unit/s:
Department of Histology and Embryology
Center for Biostructure Research
02-004 Warszawa, Chałubińskiego 5 Str.(Anatomicum
bldg.) Web site: http://histologia.wum.edu.pl
Department office is open for students on working days.
Business hours 9: 30 - 14: 00, tel/fax 22 629-5282.
Jacek Malejczyk, Ph.D.
Study year (the year during which the
Educational units:
respective subject is taught):
Study semester (the semester during
which the respective subject is taught):
Module/subject type (basic,
corresponding to the field of study,
Teachers (names and surnames and
degrees of all academic teachers of
respective subjects):
ERASMUS YES/NO (Is the subject
available for students under the
ERASMUS programme?):
A person responsible for the
syllabus (a person to which all
Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate
Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
Artur Kamiński, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate
comments to the syllabus should be
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Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
Number of ECTS credits:
2. Educational goals and aims
The aim of the course of Histology and embryology for students of dentistry is to demonstrate and
explain structure of the cell, tissues and organs. Starting from the ultrastructure of the cell, which is
discussed along with the function of the organelles, microscopic anatomy of all human tissues and
major organs is shown. In the classes functional connection between microscopic anatomy of the
organ and their function is highlighted. This is the background for the further education of
Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathology. Basis of the molecular biology and examples of diagnostic
methods are lectured. Dentistry students are instructed with the special emphasis on the histology of
the oral cavity. Development of the tooth tissues, structure and function of periodontal ligament, oral
mucosa and salivary glands are lectured in detail. Also, unique histological features of alveolar bone
and temporomandibular joint are advised. Principles of tissue banking and dental implants integration
are lectured to prepare students for clinical classes.
The course covers also general embryology broadened by development of the viscerocranium and
pharynx. Early stages of development are taught. Medical genetics classes instruct students on types
of heredity and on common genetic disorders.
The goal of the course is achieved when student:
 Knows structure and function of the cell organelles, tissues and organs.
 Can discuss morphological adaptation of tissues to their function.
 Knows the development of teeth.
 Knows the histological build of tissues of the tooth and understands the physiology of these
 Knows the development and structure of temporomandibular joint.
 Knows the development of the embryo in the first 21 days of gestation.
 Knows the development and function of fetal membranes.
 Knows the most common genetic disorders and understands types of heredity.
 Recognizes histological specimens under the microscope and can identify characteristic elements
of the tissues.
3. Initial requirements
Knowledge of cell biology on the high school level.
4. Learning outcomes corresponding to the subject
A list of course learning outcomes
Symbol of course
learning outcomes
Description of course learning outcomes
Student knows the structures of the human organism: cells,
tissues, organs and systems, with special consideration of the
stomatognathic system;
Student can characterize the development of organs and the
whole organism, with special consideration of the mastication
Student knows the structure of the body from topographical and
functional point of view;
Student understands the role of the nervous system in the
functioning of individual organs;
Student synthetically describes the functional significance of
individual organs and systems created by them;
Student operates the microscope, knows how to use the
immersion technique and recognizes histological structure of
organs and tissues under the microscope. Student interprets
microscopic structure of cells, tissues and organs and their
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The reference to programme
learning outcomes (number)
Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
5. Forms of classes
Number of hours
Number of groups
Practical classes
6. Subject topics and educational contents
(W) Lectures –W1 - W3 x 1 hours; W4 – W7 x 1 hour 34 minutes.
W1 – Embryology – preembryonic and embryonic periods. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
W2 - Embryology – fetal period. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
W3 – Embryology – placenta and fetal membranes. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
W4 – Oral mucosa. Salivary glands. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
W5 – Structure and development of enamal. Structure and development of cementum and periodontal ligament.
Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
W6 – Structure and development of dentin and pulp. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
W7 – Bone of alveolar process. Tempororomandibular joint, dental implants. Artur Kamiński, M.D., D.D.S.,
Ph.D., Associate professor
(S) Seminars - 1 hours; (C) Practical classes – 2 hours;
S1 – Microscope, histological technique. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C1 – Various cell types. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S2 – Compartments of cells and their function. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C2 – Electron microscope and cell structure. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S3 – Cell cycle and its regulation. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C3 – Cell division. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S4 – Structure and function of epithelial tissue. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
C4 – Epithelial tissue, glands. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
S5 – Structure and function of connective tissue proper and adipose tissue. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
C5 – Connective tissue proper and adipose tissue. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
S6 – Structure of cartilage and bone. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
C6 – Cartilage and bone. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
S7 – Development of various types of bone tissue; rebuilding of bones. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D.,
Associate professor
C7 – Bone formation. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
S8 – Structure, organization and function of peripheral and central nervous system. Paweł Włodarski, M.D.,
D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
C8 – Nervous tissue. Nervous system. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
S9 - Structure, organization and function of muscular tissue. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C9 – Muscle. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S10 – Formation of particular types of blood cells. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
C10 – Blood and bone marrow. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
S11 – Structure of vessels with particular emphasis on function of endothelial cells. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
C11 – Circulatory system. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
S12 – Discussion and demonstration of histological slides – general histology. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S.,
Ph.D., Associate professor
C12 – Demonstration of histological slides before the intermediate examination – general histology. Paweł
Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
S13 – Hormones produces by the hypophysis, regulation by the hypothalamus. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C13 – Endocrine glands. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S14 – Structure of female reproductive system and its hormonal regulation. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C14 – Female reproductive system. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S15 – Structure of male reproductive system and hormone regulation. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C15 – Male reproductive system. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S16 – Structure of the immune system, types of lymphocytes, lymphokines. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
C16 – Immune system. Ryszard Galus, M.D., Ph.D.
S17 – Oral cavity mucosa and periodontal ligament. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
C17 – Gastro – intestinal system, part 1. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
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Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
S18 – Development and structures of the tooth. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
C18 – Gastro – intestinal system, part 2. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
S19 – Glands in stomach and intestines structure and function. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate
C19 – Gastro – intestinal system, part 3. Paweł Włodarski, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
S20 – Relationship between structure and function of the liver. Artur Kamiński, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate
C20 – Gastro – intestinal system, part 4. Artur Kamiński, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate professor
S21 – Upper and distal respiratory tract. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C21 – Respiratory system. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S22 – Structure and function of skin, development of the mammary gland. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C22 – Skin and its appendages, mammary gland. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S23 – Relationship between nephrons and blood vessels. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
C23 – Urinary system. Marek Kujawa, M.D., Ph.D.
S24 – Discussion and demonstration of histological slides – microscopic anatomy
C24 – Demonstration of histological slides before the intermediate examination – microscopic anatomy
S25 – Discussion and demonstration of histological slides
C25 – Demonstration of histological slides before the intermediate examination
7. Methods of verification of learning outcomes
Learning outcome
corresponding to the
subject (symbol)
Forms of classes
W4 – W7;
S1 – S11; S13 – S22;
C1 – C11; C13 – C22;
intermediate test,
intermediate examination,
final examination
W1 – W7;
S13 – S14; S16 – S17;
C13 – C14; C16 – C17;
intermediate test,
intermediate examination,
final examination
intermediate test,
intermediate examination,
final examination
W4 – W7;
S1 – S11; S13 – S22;
C1 – C11; C13 – C22;
S8 – 9; S11 - 12; S16,
S18, S21; C8 – 9; C11
– 12, C16; C18; C21.
W4 – W7;
S1 – S11; S13 – S22;
C1 – C11; C13 – C22;
S1 – S2;
C1 – C11; C13 – C22;
Methods of verification of
a learning outcome
intermediate test,
intermediate examination,
final examination
intermediate test,
intermediate examination,
final examination
intermediate test,
intermediate examination,
final examination
Credit receiving criteria
minimum 60 % of good answers in
total, including minimum 65% of good
answers to the questions concerning
oral cavity structures
see above
see above
see above
see above
see above
8. Evaluation criteria
Form of receiving credit in a subject:
2.0 (failed)
less than 60 % of good answers in total or less than 65% of
good answers to the questions concerning oral cavity
3.0 (satisfactory)
3.5 (rather good)
Depending on statistical distribution of test results
4.0 (good)
4.5 (more than good)
5.0 (very good)
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Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
9. Literature
Obligatory literature:
1. Gartner L. P., Hiatt J. L., “Color Textbook of Histology”, Saunders Elsevier, third edition
2. Sadler T. W. “Medical embryology”, 2012, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, twelfth edition
3. Daniel J. Chiego, Jr.: “Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology”: A Clinical Approach,
Elsevier 4th edition, 2013
Supplementary literature:
1. Berkovitz B. K. B., Holland G. R., Moxham B. J. “Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology”,
Mosby Elsevier, 4ed, 2009
2. Nanci A. “Ten Cate’s - Oral Histology”, 2008, Elsevier, seventh edition or newer
10. ECTS credits calculation
Form of activity
Number of hours
Number of ECTS credits
Direct hours with an academic teacher:
Practical classes
Student's independent work (examples of the form of work):
Student's preparation for a seminar
Student's preparation for a class
Preparation for obtaining credits
Other (please specify)
11. Additional Information
The student research club is supervised by Izabela Młynarczuk-Biały, M.D, Ph.D. and Ryszard Galus,
M.D. Ph.D.
http://histologia.wum.edu.pl - Studenckie Koło Naukowe
General regulations – Histology, cytology and embryology for EDD students 2015/2016
Organization of classes and seminars
1. Histology, cytology and embryology is taught during lectures, seminars and practical classes.
2. Presence in lectures, seminars and practical classes is obligatory. Coming late to class by
more than 15 minutes will be treated as an absence.
3. Classes begin with the seminar followed by a practical part.
4. Students have to be prepared for the class. Tutor will verify student’s preparation to the class.
Subject of seminars and classes are specified in the Topics of classes and lectures.
5. Proper preparation to the seminar and class is evaluated by the introductory knowledge test.
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Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
6. During the class, students discuss with their professor topics of the class and inspect
microscopic slides, schemes and electronograms. Images of tissues and organs inspected
under the microscope should be drawn with color crayons in the notebook. All drawings have
to be properly described (legend to the drawing).
7. Microscopes are provided for every student in the class. At the end of the class student
should switch off the microscope and cover it. Microscopic slides, electronograms,
microscopes or their parts must not be removed from the class.
8. During the period preceding intermediate or final examinations, every student group can
borrow a set of demonstration slides for an at-home training. Sets can be exchanged any
number of times. Before exchanging or returning the set, students have to put slides in order,
according to the attached list. Students are financially liable for lost or damaged slides.
Presence in the classes and seminars
1. To get the credit for the semester Student must be present in lectures and seminars and get
credit in all classes.
2. The prerequisite for getting a credit for the class is a positive note received on the knowledge
of the discussed subject and properly done drawings of microscopic slides.
3. Days of classes, including days of intermediate examinations, are days of obligatory presence.
4. It is permitted to be absent up to 2 times during lectures and 2 times during classes in each
semester. Absence must be justified with the tutor. Absence on 3 or more classes, regardless
of the reason, results in not getting a credit for the semester, hence student will not be admitted
to the intermediate examination.
5. Classes uncredited because of the absence or being unprepared must be passed in the form
established by the Head of the Department. Head of the Department will appoint the date of
this test.
1. Dates of the intermediate examinations are decided by the university Pedagogical Council and
cannot be changed.
2. The Department appoint two dates of each intermediate examination. For students who did not
pass on these dates, regardless of the reason, The Department will appoint the additional date
of the intermediate examination, before summer examination session.
3. Only students who were present in lectures, seminars and got credit for all the classes are
admitted to the intermediate examination.
4. Intermediate examination in general histology and in microscopic anatomy consist of two parts:
practical (slide recognition) and theoretical
5. Intermediate examination in embryology has no practical part.
6. Intermediate examinations on the first and the second date are MCQ tests. Other dates of the
intermediate examination have the form that is determined by the Head of the Department.
7. Intermediate examination tests consist of 50 questions.
8. The criteria to pass the test are determined by the Head of the Department, after the test, and
they are expected to be not less than:
 60% of all questions in the test.
9. Intermediate examination in microscopic anatomy contains questions on histology of tooth and
oral cavity as well as questions on other structures of the body discussed in the course. The
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Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
criteria to pass this intermediate examination are determined by the Head of the Department,
after the test, and they are expected to be not less than:
 65% of questions in dental part of the test.
 60% of questions in the remaining part of the test.
10. Any complains on the questions in the tests must be sent via e-mail to the secretary of the
Department on the day of the test.
11. Each intermediate examination can be taken twice. When the student fails both dates, he/she
has the right to take the intermediate examination on the third date. This date is appointed by
Pedagogical Council. Practical test must be passed before the date of the retake MCQ test.
Final examination
1. The final examination comprises topics discussed during classes, seminars and lectures.
2. Student must pass all intermediate examinations scheduled in the program of the course to be
admitted to the final examination.
3. Dates of the final examinations are decided by the university Pedagogical Council and cannot
be changed.
4. Final examination consist of two parts: practical and theoretical.
5. Failing practical or theoretical part results in failing the examination.
6. Head of the Department can exempt a student from the final examination, when the average of
all student’s marks received on intermediate examinations was at least 4½. For such
exemption student needs to apply to the Head of the Department in writing. (template of the
application is available on the Department web site)
7. In the case of an absence during the final examination caused by medical condition, should
present doctor’s leave during three working days from the date of examination, or will receive a
failing mark.
8. Retake of the examination is held during the retake examination session. If the student fails
this examination, he/she can apply to the Dean for the permission for the second retake of the
Practical examination
1. Practical part of the examination consists of recognizing 10 histological slides. Minimal number
of recognized slides is 6. For each additionally recognized slide, the student receives 1 point,
and for recognizing 10 slides - 5 points.
2. Students who failed practical examination on the first date will take the MCQ test, whose
positive result will be treated as the result of retake examination (student has to take again only
practical examination).
3. Students who passed practical examination on the first date, but failed the MCQ test, do not
have to take the practical examination once again during the retake (student has to take again
only MCQ test).
Theoretical examination
1. Theoretical part of the examination is the MCQ test that consists of 100 questions.
2. Examination test contains questions on histology of tooth and oral cavity as well as questions
on other topics discussed in the course.
3. The criteria to pass the test are determined by the Head of the Department, after the test, and
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Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
they are expected to be not less than:
 65% of questions in dental part of the test.
 60% of questions in the remaining part of the test.
4. Any complains on the questions in the tests must be sent via e-mail to the secretary of the
Department on the day of the test.
Final grade
1. Final mark is set on the basis of both: practical and theoretical examination. Points received on
both parts of the examination are considered.
2. Points from the practical examination are added to the points received on the MCQ test only to
students, who had passed the MCQ test.
3. Points from the practical examination are added only once. These points are not added in
examinations conducted during the retake session.
Position of the Chair regarding cheating during examinations
Cheating on examinations is a breach of ethics and Regulations of Studies at the Warsaw Medical
University. Person actively or passively participating in cheating shall be punished by being expelled
from the examination and receiving a failing mark. On the top of that, the Department shall institute
disciplinary procedure against the cheating students.
Person actively participating in cheating is the one, who copies results from other students or uses
illegal notes or electronic devices to communicate or store data. Bringing such devices to
examinations is forbidden.
Passive participation in cheating means allowing other students copy one’s own responses. Thus, a
student is obliged to behave honestly, not to allow other students copy his/her own responses.
Head of the Department obliges students and examiners to strictly obey these regulations.
Signature of the Head of the Unit
Signature of the person responsible for the syllabus
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