a) Supplementary methods: All T1 axial sequences were analyzed systematically. First, we rated small voids (i.e. parenchymal hypodensities) of < 5 mm in axial diameter without associated FLAIR hyperintensities as small PVS. Due to the high number of small PVS observed and the inability to accurately count each of them, a semi-quantitative score was created. The extent of small PVS by anatomical brain region was rated as 0=No small PVS voids, 1=1-3 voids, 2=4 or more voids in each of 12 anatomical brain regions. The total small PVS score was created by adding the subscores for each of the 12 anatomical regions. This method has good-to-excellent reliability. 1 Parenchymal voids observed in 3D T1 and FLAIR sequences with a diameter of > 5 mm were individually characterized for the purpose of classifying them as large PVS or lacunar LPI in the following brain regions: inferior third of putamen and anterior perforating substance, upper two thirds of putamen, anterior limb of internal capsule, thalamus, head of the caudate, globus pallidus, subinsular cortex, the frontal, parietal, temporal (including the hippocampus) and occipital white matter. Brainstem areas included the midbrain, pons, medulla, middle cerebellar peduncle and the cerebellum. Each hypodensity was measured in its longest axial diameter and perpendicularly to it. The number of axial images in which the same void was observed was used to calculate the vertical diameter (# slices x slice thickness). The void volume was calculated with the abc/2 formula used to obtain the volume of ellipsoid bodies.2 Using a cutoff of 5 mm in axial images yielded a minimum effective diameter of 3 mm typically used to differentiate small from large perivascular spaces or infarcts.3-5 We also noted the appearance of large hypodensities on the FLAIR sequence, such as cavitation (defined by a corresponding FLAIR hypointensity as compared to the brain parenchyma intensity), lack of cavitation (defined by isointensity), and white matter hyperintensity (WMH, defined by a hyperintense lesion) as well as the presence and extent of a hyperintense rim around each cavitated void (thick, equivocal or absent). Finally, we rated the intensity of each void on proton density images as hypointense, isointense, or hyperintense in respect to the lateral ventricle CSF. The collection of these data was performed blindly to demographic or clinical information, and the rater did not attribute a label to each void. The characteristics of large PVS and lacunar LPI vary by anatomical areas (Table e1). To enhance the ability of brain imaging to differentiate large PVS from what we define as lacunar lesions presumably ischemic (LPI), we created post-hoc criteria to classify each lesion seen on MRI using characteristics determined by imaging-pathological correlational studies in other cohorts. We rated each lesion as presumed large PVS, uncertain, or lacunar LPI to reflect the uncertainty of accurate discrimination when pathological data is not available. Voids located where perivascular spaces are known to occur, such as voids in the subcortical white matter (representing the course of radially-oriented periventricular medullary arteries), in the inferior third of the putamen (representing the lenticulostriate arteries piercing the anterior perforating substance), or voids in the subinsular region, were presumed to be large PVS if they were slitlike, ovoid or even round but lacked a thick hyperintense rim on FLAIR.6-8 Conversely, any void in the brainstem or cerebellum larger than 5 mm was rated as an infarct because large PVS are rarely found in this region.9 Thus, a slit-like void in white matter tracts outside the periventricular region would be more compatible with a perivascular space, while an ovoid or round lesion in this same area would be more likely to represent a LI, particularly in the subcortical areas.10 A thick FLAIR hyperintensity surrounding a lesion would be overall more consistent with lacunar LPI than large PVS.11, 12 MRI voids that were classified as uncertain (4 %) based on table 1 were excluded from this analysis. Some authors have used proton density sequences to distinguish between lacunar LPI and large PVS, but less pathological data exist to validate this approach.3, 7, 13 As internal validation and to facilitate comparisons, we analyzed the intensity of the large PVS on proton density in respect to the ventricular CSF. The large PVS were more likely to be hypointense (OR 23.0, 95% CI 5.1103.6) or isointense (OR 7.2, 95% CI 1.6-31.8) in comparison to the ventricular CSF intensity, while lacunar LPI were more likely to be hyperintense in respect to ventricular CSF (OR 27.9, 95% 6.2-126.5). Only 0.8% of the lesions thought to be large PVS according to table 1 were hyperintense compared to the ventricular CSF. table e1: Pathology-driven MRI classification of brain parenchymal hypodensities > 5 mm in axial diameter. Uncertain characteristics Probable large perivascular space Probable lacunar lesions presumably ischemic Shape slit or ovoid slit or ovoid round or FLAIR rim absent equivocal thick (any shape) Shape any shape * any shape and cortex FLAIR rim absent or equivocal * thick Anterior perforating substance, putamen (lower third) Shape any shape Slit and Not a slit AND absent or equivocal thick FLAIR rim Upper putamen, Shape slit or ovoid and round or thalamus, globus pallidus, absent or absent or thick (any shape) Anatomical region Hypodensities Subcortical Subinsular FLAIR rim thick (any shape) caudate head, equivocal equivocal internal capsule Midbrain, pons Shape * Slit AND ovoid or round middle cerebellar peduncle FLAIR rim * absent Any *The evaluated void must have all characteristics in each box in order to be ascertained. b)Supplemental statistical analysis: To verify non-liner associations exist between mean arterial pressure and pulse pressure, we plotted the residual against the predicted scores. We interpreted a homogenous distribution of the residual in the X axis as evidence of linear associations. We did not find evidence of a non-linear association between blood pressure parameters and the studied outcomes (Figure e1). c) Supplementary results: Table e3: Statistical interactions by ethnicity Small Number of large Number of perivascular perivascular lacunar LPI spaces score spaces B (P value) B (P value) B (P value) Log of WMHV B (P value) Ethnicity * MAP -0.027 (0.17) 0.035 (0.52) -0.033 (0.70) -0.030 (0.41) Ethnicity * PP 0.028 (0.16) -0.053 (0.33) -0.029 (0.72) 0.071 (0.05) Abbreviations: MAP. Mean arterial pressure; PP, pulse pressure; B, beta coefficient for the interaction, LPI, lesions presumably ischemic; WMHV, white matter hyperintensity volumes. e-References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Gutierrez J, Rundek T, Ekind MS, Sacco RL, Wright CB. Perivascular spaces are associated with atherosclerosis: An insight from the northern manhattan study. 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