UNIVERSITY LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE Periodic Review of [ subject ] [date of review] Self-Evaluation Document Version No [ ] This report is available in alternative formats on request from the Department/School of [ name ] Periodic Review of [subject] – [date] Self-Evaluation Document Version x xx SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Explain how the Self-Evaluation Document was produced, including the extent and manner of student input and partner input (where appropriate)? 1.2 What has been the impact on the maintenance of academic standards and/or the quality of the student learning experience, of actions taken in response to the previous periodic review? SECTION 2 – PORTFOLIO OF PROGRAMMES: TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 2.1 Explain the department’s/school’s exit strategy with regard to programmes being withdrawn as a result of Curriculum 2016. 2.2 Where the review includes collaborative provision, explain how collaborative provision fits in with the faculty’s/department’s/school’s portfolio of on campus provision. 2.3 Where the review includes collaborative provision, explain how the portfolio of collaborative programmes is managed, including plans, and those factors taken into account, to support the establishment of new partnerships and collaborative programmes. Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. SECTION 3 – LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.1 Explain the processes for setting and reviewing Learning Outcomes, including the way in which these processes ensure that account is taken of internal and external reference points and that module learning outcomes support the achievement of the programme learning outcomes. 3.2 How do you inform students of learning outcomes? 3.3 Do you have any good practice for involving students in programme development? How do you plan to involve students in the development of programmes in the future? Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. SECTION 4 - CURRICULA AND ASSESSMENT Curricula 4.1 Where the review includes collaborative provision, in what ways does the faculty/department/school support partners in the design and development of programmes? 4.2 Explain the processes for ensuring that programmes, including collaborative programmes (if appropriate), remain valid and relevant, including the way in which Periodic Review SED Template Version 2 04 – May 15 1 Periodic Review of [subject] – [date] Self-Evaluation Document Version x xx these processes ensure that curricula reflects up-to-date subject knowledge, developments in learning and teaching, that learning outcomes remain aligned (programme-module-assessment) and that published information reflect those current arrangements. 4.3 In what ways are external examiners, students, and professional and statutory bodies, employers and other stakeholders involved in the development of the curricula? 4.4 What will a student at the end of each Level have achieved? Assessment 4.5 How do you ensure that methods of assessment support the achievement of the intended learning outcomes (at module and then programme level)? 4.6 Currently, what opportunities are there for formative assessment? How might these opportunities change for programmes designed as part of Curriculum 2016? 4.7 How are appropriate assessment strategies devised in relation to different Levels, the standard of the award and the University’s Assessment Tariff? 4.8 In designing assessment how do you address the needs of students who possess different protected characteristics (identified by the Equality Act, 2010) to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their achievement? 4.9 Explain the process for the development of appropriate assessment criteria. 4.10 How are students informed about assessment requirements, assessment criteria and procedures for receiving feedback? 4.11 Where the review includes collaborative provision, evaluate the faculty’s/department’s/school’s processes for the implementation of the University Code of Practice: Moderation of Collaborative provision (QH: F19) Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. SECTION 5 - QUALITY OF LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES a) Learning and teaching 5a.1 Explain the processes by which departmental/school learning and teaching strategies are developed and reviewed. How are appropriate teaching strategies devised in relation to different Levels? 5a.2 Explain the procedures for the management of learning opportunities for students on programmes involving more than one subject; work-based learning/placements; online learning; distance taught; and free electives. 5a.3 Do you have any good practice with respect to the ways staff utilise their expertise based on their research, scholarship or professional activity? 5a.4 How does the department/school ensure that module-specific learning and teaching Periodic Review SED Template Version 2 04 – May 15 2 Periodic Review of [subject] – [date] Self-Evaluation Document Version x xx strategies support the achievement of learning outcomes? 5a.5 Please explain any good practice that exists with respect to the enhancement of learning and teaching. Does the department/school have a systematic approach to the enhancement of learning and teaching? Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. b) Student admission, progression and achievement 5b.1 Explain the admissions processes for ensuring that students are dealt with fairly, and properly, and are accurately informed of the demands and opportunities offered by the programme. 5b.2 Where the review includes collaborative provision, explain the faculty’s/department’s/school’s processes for the implementation of the University Code of Practice: Devolution of Admission (QH: J1), for example a request to lower the entry requirements (para. 26), applications deemed to be ‘special cases’ (paras 36-39) and applications after the commencement of the programme (para. 43). 5b.3 In what ways does the range of students admitted inform departmental strategies? 5b.4 Explain the department’s/school’s strategies for inducting and supporting all students academically and personally, including progress monitoring and PDP. 5b.5 How are students informed about the opportunities for support? 5b.6 In what ways does the department/school use data on student achievement and progression? Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. c) Learning resources 5c.1 What are the mechanisms through which staff are deployed to deliver and support programmes? You should refer specifically to plans to manage the transition from current provision to Curriculum 2016. 5a.6 Where the review includes collaborative provision, what are the mechanisms through which staff are deployed to oversee and support collaborative programmes? 5c.2 What are the mechanisms through which the quality of teaching and specific responsibilities (e.g. supervision, disabilities, examinations) is assured? Particular attention should be paid to the range of staff (e.g. experience, level of responsibility, teaching and non teaching commitments). 5a.7 Where the review includes collaborative provision, what are the mechanisms through which the quality of support for collaborative provision (for example roles such as University contact, academic contact) is assured? 5c.3 What are the mechanisms through which the quality of teaching and support, including that for collaborative provision (where relevant), is enhanced (e.g. staff Periodic Review SED Template Version 2 04 – May 15 3 Periodic Review of [subject] – [date] Self-Evaluation Document Version x xx development activity, dissemination of good practice)? 5c.4 What are the mechanisms through which material learning resources are matched to programmes and students (taking into account University facilities and responsibilities)? 5a.8 Where the review includes collaborative provision, evaluate the faculty’s/department’s/school’s processes for the implementation of the University Code of Practice: Recognised Teacher Status (QH: C1). Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. SECTION 6 - MAINTENANCE OF ACADEMIC STANDARDS Where the review includes collaborative provision, this should be reflected in responses to 6.1-6.3. 6.1 Explain the procedures employed to protect the integrity of the examining/assessment process, from the setting of assessments to the meetings of boards of examiners and the detection and prevention of unfair means. 6.2 In what ways does the department/school use external examiners? 6.3 Are procedures employed to consider non-standard cases such extensions and mitigating circumstances effective? Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. SECTION 7 – ASSURANCE AND ENHANCEMENT OF QUALITY Where the review includes collaborative provision, this should be reflected in responses to 7.1-7.3. 7.1 Explain the processes employed to assure the quality of provision, including communication with students and opportunities for student input directly or via representatives. 7.2 In what ways is provision critically evaluated? You should provide evidence of commitment to continuous improvement, for example through action planning. 7.3 How is good practice identified and disseminated? 7.4 In what ways has the department/school responded to the University’s Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy? 7.5 Explain the procedures for handling student complaints. 7.6 How many student complaints have there been in the last five years? How have you learnt from the complaints? 7.7 Explain the processes for providing information to students about their rights and Periodic Review SED Template Version 2 04 – May 15 4 Periodic Review of [subject] – [date] Self-Evaluation Document Version x xx obligations. 7.8 How are external examiners’ reports shared with students? Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. SECTION 8 – ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF PUBLISHED INFORMATION 8.1 How does the department/school ensure the accuracy of information, including that related to collaborative provision (where relevant), provided both internally and externally? 8.2 Explain those methods used to enhance the quality of that information. 8.3 How does the department/school obtain feedback from current and prospective students (for example in relation to handbooks, web pages, information provided on the VLE) and in what ways is published information enhanced in light of that feedback? Evaluation: Please highlight particular strengths and areas needing development. SECTION 9 – RESEARCH DEGREE PROVISION 9.1 Confirm completion of the Research Degree Provision pro forma. 9.2 Explain how the RDP pro forma was produced, including the extent and manner of student input. APPENDICES Tick to confirm that the following appendices have been provided along with the SED: 1. Agreed sample of programme specifications 2. External examiners’ reports & responses to those reports for the previous 3 years 3. Chart(s) indicating the Departmental organisational structure Refer to Annexe 2 of the code for further information regarding the three appendices which must be provided with the SED. SUBMISSION AND SIGN OFF Name of person submitting the SED Date submitted to Secretary of the Panel1 Faculty sign off (where applicable2) Periodic Review SED Template Version 2 04 – May 15 5 Periodic Review of [subject] – [date] Self-Evaluation Document Version x xx 1 The SED (and appendices) must be submitted to the Secretary of the Review Panel no later than four weeks before the review day. 2 Under paragraph 31 of the code the Dean should determine the extent to which s/he wishes the Faculty to be involved in supporting the writing of the SED and in signing it off before submission to the Secretary. Periodic Review SED Template Version 2 04 – May 15 6