Prof.Dr Abdulrazak Cheikh Issa

Prof. Dr. Abdulrazak Cheikh Issa
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. (honor) in Absorption , 1988 from Faculty of Human Biology, Claude Bernard Univ., Lyon
- Diploma (D.E.A.) very good, in Metabolism, Nutrition & Growth, 1986 (same university).
- Maîtrise, in Human Biology 1985 (same university)
- C.E.S, in Reproduction Biology, 1985 (same university)
- C.E.S (v. good) in Digestion Physiology & Functional Investigations of the Digestive System,
1985 (same university)
- C.E.S. in General Physiology, 1984 (same university)
- Bsc. in Chemical Biology (good), 1976 Faculty of Science, Damascus University
Academic & Scientific Awards
 Officier dans I'Ordre des Palmes academiques according to French Decree Act issued on
Bestowed on Thursday 7/5/2009 in the French embassy in Damascus.
Teaching Subjects
- Teaching Physiology courses and Medical Physiology for students at the Faculty of Medicine,
Faculty of Pharmacology ,and at the department of Medical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
- Teaching Physiology courses for graduate students at the Faculty of Medicine, Damascus
Academic and Administrative positions
 21/ 11 / 2013 -up to date : President of Syrian Private University (SPU), Damas, Syria
 5 / 10 / 2013 -up to date : Prof. of physiology, Faculty of Medicine, SPU. Damas. Syria
 13 / 8 / 2003 - up to date: Prof. of physiology, Depart. Of Physiology,
Faculty of Medicine, Damas.
 4 / 9 / 1994 - 12/ 8 /2003: Associate Prof., Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Damas
 4 / 9 / 1989 - 3 / 9 / 1994 : Lecturer, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Damas
 13/ 9 / 1978 - 3 / 9 / 1989: Assistant lecturer, Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Damas3 / 12
 14/4/ 2011 - 23 / 6 / 2012 : Minister of Higher Education in Syria
 8 / 8 / 2009 - 7 / 8 /2010 : Counselor of the president of the Arab International Univ., Damas
for Quality & Accreditation affairs
 2 / 8 / 2008 - 1 / 7 / 2009 : President of Aljazeera Private University, Dair-Azzour, Syria
 9 / 5 / 2006 - 31 / 7 / 2008: President of Al-kalamoon Private University
 3 / 12 / 2003 - 8 / 5 / 2006 : Deputy Minister of Higher Education in Syria
 13 / 10 / 2001 - 30 /11/ 2003: A visitor Prof. in King Sauod University, Saudi Arabia
 18 /4 / 2000 -12/ 10 / 2001 : Secretary General of Damascus University
 7 / 11 / 1996 - 6 / 5 / 2000 : Vice of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Admin Affairs .
Books & Published Researches
1. "Dual Effect of Bombesin and Gastric Releasing Peptide on Gastric Emptying in Conscious
Peptides 1989 : 10, 281 – 287
2. Effect of D-ala2 Metenkephalinamide on Feline Jejunal and Ileal Water and Elecrolyte
Transport"; Reprod. Nut. Dev. : 1990, 30, 663 – 672
3. "Comparison of VIP-Induced Electrolyte Secretion at three levels in Rat Small Intestine";
Gastroenterology : 1990, 32, 37 - 45
4. "Effect of Sorbin on Duodenal Absorption of Water and Electrolyte in the
1992, 103, 1568 - 1573,
5. "Comparative Duodenal Jejunal and Ileal Responses to Luminal Saline Load"; Reprod. Nut.
1993, 33, 151 - 164
6. " The contribution of breakfast in the nutritional daily intake among a sample of primary
Children in Damascus (1)", Journal of medical sciences association of Arab universities:
Vol. 4 No. 1/2003, 38 – 47
7. "Effect of breakfast consumption on the educational and cognitive performance of primary
School Children in Damascus (2)" , Journal of medical sciences association of Arab universities
: 2003 vol. 4 No. 1/2003, 93 – 100
8. "Prevalance D'anemie Chez les Eleves Dans Region Quassem En Arabie Saudite "
Journal of medical sciences association of Arab universities
9. "The body mass index among sample of primary school children in El Quassem region in
Saudi Arabia", Damascus University Journal for Health Sciences : 2003 vol. 19, No. 2, 61 – 72.
Books that have been Published:
1. Practical experiments in Physiology " 1991, Damascus University.
2. "Medical Physiology- part. 1", 1993, Damascus University.
3. "Medical Physiology- part 2", 1998, Damascus University.
4. "Medical Physiology – part 1 new edition, 2003, Damascus University.
5. "Medical Pathophysiology" , 2004, Damascus University.
6. "Medical Physiology"- part 1, 2010, Damascus University.
7. Participation in writing in the Arab encyclopedia.
Conferences Participation
A paper on ' Diarrhea" and the role Peptides in causing it. The 32rd. Scientific Week,
2. The National Conference for the safety of children's food, Damascus, Oct.1996.
3. The International Meeting for the Technology of materials and medical services, March,
1997, Paris.
4. A paper on safe principles of children feeding, May, 1998.
5. International workshop about teaching human physiology, May, 1999, Karachi, Pakistan
6. A paper on the experience of the Faculty of Medicine in Damascus about using 'Multiple
Choice Questions' in a workshop at King Khalid University in Abha, Saudi Arabia, May 2001
7. A paper o nutrition in primary school children, part of activities of the conference No. 1422
of the Saudi Association of Biology, 2002, Abha, Saudi Arabia
8. Participation in the Saudi Arabian Association of Biology No. 1423, 2003, Al-Qassem, Saudi
9. Occupational Education Conference, Briton, Britain, 19- 23 / 1 /2004
10. A paper on the importance of breakfast meal for primary school children at the Childhood
National Conference, Aleppo, Syria , 8 – 10 / 2 / 2005
11. Participation in the conference of the UNISCO and the Economical and Cooperation
Organization to set international plans to ensure quality of Higher Education across
countries, 17 – 18 / 1 / 2005
12. Higher Education Techniques Conference, Sever, France, 6-8 / 6 / 2005
13. Visiting some American universities within the international Visitor Programme about
Higher Education from 24 / 9 / 2009 to 15 / 10 / 2005
14. Participation in the 40th. Meeting of the Arab Universities Union in Sana'a, Yemen 2122/4/2007
15. Participation in the Arab Educational Symposium, Amman, Jordan, 25/4/2007
16. Evaluation of a research paper to get Ph.D. in Physiology of Mr. Barakat from Claude
Bernard University, Lyon, France, 17 / 3 / 2008
17. Participation in the 41st. meeting of the Arab Universities Union, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1316/4/2008
18. "The role of Al-forat University in the development of the Eastern Region of Syria,
13-15 / 10 / 2008
19. A research paper on Multiple Choice Questions, Al-forat University Symposium "Reality
and Ambitions"
20. Participation in the 5th. Conference of the Faculty of Medicine in Damascus, 1-3 / 4 / 2010
" Principles of nutrition for the aged"
21. Taking part in the 43rd conference of the Arab Universities Union, Sert University, Libya,
20- 21 / 4 / 2010 in which I was chosen the General Secretary of the Meeting.
 English
 French