American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society St. Louis Region PO Box 78833 St. Louis, MO 63178 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING FOR 12 January 2013: 1. Call to Order: Meeting was held on Wednesday, 12 January 2013 by GoToWebinar teleconferencing services. The meeting was called to order by President Brad Rundquist at 5:15 PM. 2. Roll Call: Board members present were: President: Brad Rundquist President-Elect: Gregory Brunner National Director: David Kreighbaum Director: Jerry Lenczowski Director: Tim Donze Director: Casey Burkemper Director: Joshua McNary Secretary-Treasurer: Kathleen Strebeck There was a quorum present. 3. Review of Minutes: The draft Minutes from 12 December 2012 were approved as written. 4. Treasurer’s Report: Checks were written this reporting period for Geography Awareness Week awards and the Geospatial Scholarship. Balances in the Accounts at ACU as follow: Checking: $1243.64 Savings: $1681.02 CD5: $9,276.72 CD7: $8,761.46 TOTAL: $20,962.84 Kay Strebeck moved $1000.00 from Savings to Checking and there was $1.52 and $5.52 added to CDs 5 and 7 respectively. At our previous meeting, 2013 Draft Budget was reviewed as submitted by Treasurer, Kay Strebeck. There was discussion about adding two lines to the Budget: 1) $500 Budget Line for GIS Conference Sponsorships to include the investment that was recently made as a supporting member for the MO GIS Conference to be held 3 rd week of February in Chesterfield, MO. 2) $100 Budget Line for South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa Science Fair Awards, to accommodate parity among all states in the Region for Science Fairs. The Professional Committee will now have to actively seek out Science Fairs in those States, find judges, and make offer of awards in the GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric Sciences. 3) Kay notes that these lines were added to the 2013 Budget, and the 2013 Budget has been added as a tab to the Treasurer’s Report. She will track and report out where we are on the budget each month on this tab. 1 5. National Director’s Report: The Region Directors held a teleconference and talked about merging of Regions. There was favorable reaction from small and medium sized Regions where the large Regions were less supportive of considering a merge among Regions. The merging of the St. Louis Region with the Central Region may serve as a test case for future consideration of merging of Regions. A map was sent out the showed centroids of populations. Dave mentioned that his EXCOM Meeting was an all-day event via telephone; it may have been a little dull to be on the phone that long, but under present budgetary constraints and with winter weather conditions makes sense to host meetings in this manner. The EXCOM presently has the action to go over the Strategic Plan and to perform a review of the Financials. There is a prediction that finances will take an upturn in 2013 with a reduction in spending on advertising. Dave added that Stuart Walker needs to receive the invitation to attend our Annual Banquet; he is interested in coming and would like to get tours of NGA and USGS in Rolla while he is here. 6. Upper Midwest Chapter Report: NTR as Paul Harwig was not present. There were questions about whether the Upper Midwest Chapter remains viable. Paul’s term of office has expired and Brad has sent 2 emails inquiring about somebody stepping forward to take over as Chapter President to no avail at this time. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Program Committee: Todd Johannesson has been approached to speak about an algorithm he is presently using for photo-stereo adjustments; there is a desire to host a webinar so that he can educate folks in the Region about this rapid capability to perform a stereo adjustment. 2. Membership Committee: Ming has sent out a Membership Report. He is trying to stay abreast of reminding folks to renew their memberships prior to expiration of those memberships. 3. Bylaws Committee: Jerry Lenczowski has received an OK from National that we can start up a virtual Student Chapter. 4. Publications Committee: a. Ming Hung sent a report that newsletters 6 and 7 were distributed; the first focused on the Geospatial Scholarship winner, and the second was about the Geography Awareness Week Poster Competition. b. Jerry Lenczowski is getting the ballots ready for elections. 5. Nominating Committee: Steve is preparing for recruitment of a number of able personnel to become Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and to fill 2 Director’s positions on the Board. He asks that we spread the word among our colleagues that we need their help as officers on the Board. 6. Professional Committee: a. MO GIS Conference is 18-21 February 2013 in Chesterfield, MO; ASPRS St. Louis Region will support. Tim Donze is engaged and will work on setting up our booth, displaying our new banner, hosting a fish bowl drawing for a LIDAR Manual as a giveaway, etc. Handouts were requested from National, and Kim Tilley will send them to Kay’s house. Arrangements are being made that the ASPRS St. Louis Region booth will be adjacent to the NWMSU booth so that we can watch each other’s stuff during breaks. b. There is the National Meeting in Baltimore in March; we have one more meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. This conference is expected to focus on certification in GIS; the ASPRS is presently the accreditation authority for certifications for the next 3 years. There is an initiative for DoD Agencies to take over as certifier for GIS certifications. Many folks in this discipline are asking questions about “What is in it for them?” 2 c. Brad noted that there is an ND GIS Program Meeting next week where 170 attendees are expected. OLD BUSINESS Fall 2016 Meeting Site: Spring of 2016 is to be hosted in Reno, NV. There is a form on-line that we would need to fill out to express our interest in hosting the Fall 2016 Conference. NEW BUSINESS a. Budget: Draft 2013 Budget was approved by the Board. b. Region Map: Greg is working on a map of drive-time analysis for every member in the Region; he will continue to keep working on this and send it out when he has it ready. c. KC Science Fair: The awards for the Kansas City Science Fair are in the Budget. Ming will contact the folks at UMKC to help with judging. d. STL Science Fair: Judging for St. Louis Science Fair will be 1 May. Notes were sent to the Academy of Science to include Geography and Spatial Sciences as a subset of the STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines. Jerry will need judges for Science Fair. e. Annual Banquet: Need to set date, location, and to get Stuart Walker as guest speaker. All voting activities will need to proceed the Annual Banquet. We may have to de-conflict June Board Meeting from the Annual Banquet. NEXT MEETING DATE AND TIME President Brad Rundquist advised that the next meeting will be held on 13 February 2013, 5 PM Central Time via GoToWebinar. Send Agenda topics to Kay Strebeck or President Brad Rundquist for next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was officially adjourned by President Brad Rundquist at 6:15 PM Central Daylight Time. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Fay Strebeck ASPRS St. Louis Region Secretary-Treasurer 3