Преподавани дисциплини: Биохимия
Научни интереси:
Абиотичен стрес при растенията
Сигнална трансдукция
Програмирана клетъчна смърт
A. Personal:
Surname: Petrov
Name(s): Veselin Dimitrov
Nationality: Bulgarian
Gender: Male
B. Place of work: Department of PlantPhysiologyandBiochemistry, AgriculturalUniversity
of Plovdiv; 12, MendelelevSt., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tel.: + 00359 32 654 400
C. Education:
Ph.D. inPlantPhysioMolecular biology, Plovdiv University, 2013
M. Sc. in Molecular biology and biotechnology, Plovdiv University,2008
B.Sc. in Molecular biology, Plovdiv University,2006
D. Professional Experience:
Senior assistant professor, Agricultural University of Plovdiv (August 2014 – present)
Part-time assistant professor, Plovdiv University, Bulgaria (October 2013 –July 2014)
Molecular biologist, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (January 2013
– August 2014)
Research fellow, University of Turin, Italy (February 2008 – May 2009)
Biologist, Plovdiv University, Bulgaria (September 2006 – February 2008)
E. Teaching Experience:
Practical exercises in Biochemistry (from winter semester 2014)
Lectures on Plant Biochemistry (summer semester 2014)
Practical exercises in Molecular biology (winter semester 2013)
F. Research Interests:
Abiotic stress in plants
Signal transduction
Programmed cell death in plants
G: Funded Research Projects:
2013-2014. Identification of genes that regulate plant tolerance to adverse biotic stress factors and
determine plant ageing. The project was funded by the Swiss national science foundation and the
Bulgarian national science fund.
2009-2012. Strengthening the University of Plovdiv research potential in plant systems biology and
food biotechnology. The project was funded by the EU, FP7.
2008-2011. Functional genomics approach to decipher the interaction between reactive oxygen
species and plant hormones that regulates plant stress responses and cell death. The project was
funded by the Bulgarian national science fund.
H. Grants Received:
For teaching activities:
For research activities:
August 2013 at the University of Zurich; Project: “Genetic and molecular mechanisms of aging in
Arabidopsis thaliana”
October 2011 - April 2012 at Ghent University, Belgium; Project: "Identification and characterization
of genes related to the resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to oxidative stress"
July 2009 – September 2009 and October 2010 – December 2010 at the University of Potsdam,
Germany; Project: “Identification and characterization of genes related to the resistance of
Arabidopsis thaliana to oxidative stress"
May 2009 - July 2009 at Ghent University, Belgium; Project: "Identification of cis-regulatory promoter
elements specific for different types of reactive oxygen species in Arabidopsis thaliana"
February 2008 – May 2009 at the University of Turin, Italy: Project: “World Wide Students: Analyses
of genes involved in the cellular migration stimulated by the system NRG1/ErbB4.”
I. Membership in professional organisations
Bulgarian Union of Scientists
J. Publications:
Petrov V, I. Denev, M. Draganov, O. Timina, I. Panchev, N. Tomlekova (2013) Molecular
characterization of advanced mutants for early detection of high beta-carotene content in pepper
breeding programs. Comptesrendus de l'Académiebulgare des sciences: sciences
mathématiquesetnaturelles 66(2):303-310.
Benina M, Obata T, Mehterov N, Ivanov I, Petrov V, Toneva V, Fernie A, Gechev T (2013) Comparative
metabolic profiling of Haberlearhodopensis, Thelunghiellahalophyla, and Arabidopsis thaliana
exposed to low temperature. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00499
Petrov V, Schippers J, Benina M, Minkov I, Mueller-Roeber B, Gechev T (2013) In search for new
players of the oxidative stress network by phenotyping an Arabidopsis T-DNA mutant collection on
reactive oxygen species-eliciting chemicals. Plant Omics 6(1):45-54.
Benina M, Petrov V, Toneva V, Gechev T (2013) Haberlearhodopensis: a resurrection species and
glacial relic with extraordinary tolerance to desiccation and low temperature stress In: Biotechnology
of neglected crop species, Dutta Gupta (Ed.) Pages 61-70.
Petrov V, van Breusegem F (2012) Hydrogen peroxide-a central hub for information flow in plant
cells. AoB Plants.doi: 10.1093/aobpla/pls014
Petrov V, Vermeirssen V, De Clercq I, van Breusegem, Minkov I, Vandepoele K, Gechev T (2012)
Identification of cis-regulatory elements specific for different types of reactive oxygenspecies in
Arabidopsis thaliana. Gene 499: 52–60
Fregnan F, Petrov V, Garzotto D, De Marchis S, Offenhäuser N, Grosso E, Chiorino G, Perroteau I,
Gambarotta G (2011) Eps8 involvement in neuregulin1-ErbB4 mediated migration in the neuronal
progenitor cell line ST14A. Exp. Cell Res. 317(6):757-69
Radeva V, Petrov V, Minkov I, Toneva V, Gechev T (2010) Effect of cadmium on Arabodopsis thaliana
mutants tolerant to oxidative stress. Biotechnol.&Biotecnol.Eq. 24/2010/SE
Gechev T, Petrov V, Minkov I (2010) Reactive oxygen species and programmed cell death. In:
Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidants in Higher Plants, Science Publishers 2010,Pages 65–78