Reviw of Nurse Anesthesia : Dr Masoud Sirati Nir. October 2014 1) ALL BUT ONE of the following factors represent an indication for intubation in a patient who is about to undergo surgery. Indicate the exception: a) Surgery is a lumbar laminectomy b) Surgery is removal of a lymph node of the neck c) Surgery is appendectomy d) Surgery is tonsillectomy 2) After induction of anesthesia, the anesthesiologist is unable to intubate the patient. Which ONE of the following is the most important management priority? a) Ensuring that intubation is achieved as soon as possible b) Inserting a laryngeal mask c) Ensuring that bag-mask ventilation is achievable. d) Ensuring that the patient does not awaken until intubation is successfully achieved 3) Advantages of a Laryngeal mask airway include ALL BUT ONE of the following. Indicate the exception: a) It frees up the anesthesiologist’s hands. b) It protects against aspiration. c) It can allow mechanical ventilation. d) It can be readily inserted without the use of muscle relaxants. 4) ALL BUT ONE of the following are early indicators of hypovolemia. Indicate the exception: a) Tachycardia b) Decreased pulse pressure c) Decreased urine output d) Lactic acidosis 7) Routine preoperative hemoglobin is NOT required for: a) A healthy female over 50 years of age b) A patient who has been crossmatched for surgery c) A patient on anticoagulant medication d) A young female patient with menorrhagia Page 6) A patient receives 10 units of packed red blood cells. Which ONE of the following chemistry profiles is most likely? a) Hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia b) Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia c) Hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia d) Hypokalemia, hypercalcemia I 5) Milllilitre for millilitre, which of the following provides the most intravascular volume expansion? a) Packed red blood cells b) Albumin (5%) c) Pentaspan d) Ringers Lactate Reviw of Nurse Anesthesia : Dr Masoud Sirati Nir. October 2014 8) Which ONE of the following is the most important determinant of peri-operative risk? a) Patient’s underlying health b) Length of surgery c) Duration of surgery d) Emergency surgery 9) Which of these patients is NOT at increased risk of aspiration? a) A pregnant patient (32 weeks gestation) who has been NPO (nil per os) for 10 hours b) A patient with fractured femur who has been NPO since the accident 12 hours ago c) A healthy patient with appendicitis d) A healthy patient who had 8 ounces of clear tea 4 hours pre-operatively 10) The following medication should be discontinued prior to surgery and anesthesia: a) Anticonvulsants b) Thyroid replacement c) Monoamine-oxidase inhibitors d) Antihypertensives 11) A patient with which ONE of the following conditions requires antibiotic prophylaxis prior to tonsillectomy? a) Uncorrected Tetralogy of Fallot b) Aortic stenosis c) Uncomplicated heart transplant d) Prophylaxis is not required for tonsillectomy a) Post operative hypoxemia b) Decreased platelet function c) Myocardial ischemia d) Increased analgesic requirements 13) Early signs and symptoms of local anesthetic toxicity include ALL BUT ONE of the following. Indicate the exception: a) Tinnitus b) Perioral numbness c) Dizziness d) Hypertension Page II 12) Hypothermia is associated with ALL BUT ONE of the following. Indicate the exception: Reviw of Nurse Anesthesia : Dr Masoud Sirati Nir. October 2014 14) Which of the following is the first sign of a malignant hyperthermic reaction? a) Hyperthermia b) Hypercarbia c) Tachycardia d) Ventricular arrhythmias 15) Maternal hypotension in the supine position during pregnancy is most often due to: a) Decreased blood volume b) Decreased peripheral vascular resistance c) Decreased hematocrit d) Compression of the vena cava 16) Nitrous oxide is contraindicated in ALL BUT ONE of the following settings. Indicate the exception: a) Total hip arthroplasty in the lateral position b) Laparotomy for bowel obstruction c) Multiple trauma with pneumothorax d) Patient with history of severe post operative nausea and vomiting 17) Other than analgesia, what is the most important clinical effect of the opioid analgesics? a) Cardiac depression b) Sedation c) Nausea and vomiting d) Respiratory depression 18) Which ONE of the following best describes the reason for the rapid OFFSET of effect of the induction agents? III a) Ester hydrolysis b) Liver metabolism c) Redistribution d) Renal excretion Page Answers 1. b 2. c 3. b 4.d 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. d 10. c 11.a 12. d 13. d 14. c 15. d 16. a 17. d 18. c