Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English

Year 8
Lesson 53
Learning goals:
Using simple reported speech
Reporting what someone says
Using and comparing: ask, say and tell
What’s the matter?
Grammar and
ambulance, bandage, break (v), broke,
checkup(n), fall (v), heart, hurt, in pain,
medicine, myself, nurse, rest (v)
Language Analysis
Simple reported speech
We use reported speech to report what people say.
My leg hurts. He said his leg hurt.
If the utterance is in the present simple tense we change the present simple form of the verb to the past
simple form when we repeat.
Direct speech
present simple
Reported speech
past simple
We can use the following reporting verbs to introduce the quote: ask, say, tell
While changing the sentences from direct into reported speech it is important to remember and change
the pronouns e.g. I changes into he.
I like chocolate. She said she liked chocolate.
Other words need to change too, and below you will find a short list of such words:
today – changes into that day
now – then
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tomorrow – the next day
There are a few verbs that do not change e.g. should:
I should go. She said she should go.
Note that a comma is used after the reporting verb in direct speech: She said,…
say / tell / ask
When we say who somebody is talking to we use tell.
After tell in reported speech we use the infinitive with to.
She told me to wait for the doctor.
We use ask to report a question.
doctor / nurse
Point out that doctor and nurse can refer to either a man or woman. The words do not change form if it is
a man or woman.
ambulance /ˈæmbjʊləns/
bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/, wear a bandage
break (v) /breɪk/
checkup(n) /tʃek ʌp/
fall (v) /fɔːl/
heart /hɑː(r)t/
hurt /hɜː(r)t/
medicine /ˈmed(ə)s(ə)n/, take some medicine
nurse /nɜː(r)s/, call a nurse
rest (v) /rest/
temperature /ˈtemprɪtʃə(r)/, take one’s temperature
X-ray /eks reɪ/, have an X-ray
Everyday English:
What did he say?
He said that his head hurt.
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1 My leg hurts!
2 My arm hurts!
3 My head hurts!
4 I have a high temperature!
The aim of the screen is to introduce the idea of
reported speech. Students need to match speech
bubble to reported speech.
Then listen and check their answers.
Ask: What did the patients say to the doctor?
Point out that ‘that’ is optional.
Ask students to look at the sentences again and
turn them back into direct speech. (= Ss should
repeat the audio sentences).
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Main input
Dr: Good morning, what’s the matter?
Harry: My arm hurts.
Dr: Sorry, what did you say was the matter?
Harry: I said that my arm hurts. I hurt it playing
Dr: Can you move your arm?
Harry: No, I can’t.
Dr: Don’t worry. You need to rest it.
Dr: Good morning, what’s the matter?
Ask students to listen and match.
William: My leg hurts.
Extension: Ask students to say again what the
problems were for each of the pictures.
Dr: Sorry, what did you say?
Ask: What was the doctor’s advice?
William: I said that my leg hurts.
For key see the audio to the screen.
Dr: Can you move your toes?
William: No, I can’t move my toes, my leg hurts a
Dr: I think you’ve broken your leg. You need to go
to hospital for an X-ray.
Dr: Good morning, what’s the matter?
Kate: I feel terrible.
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Dr: Oh dear. I can see you are very hot.
Kate: Yes, I am. My mum said that I have a very
high temperature!
Dr: I think you’ve got a very bad cold. You need
to take some medicine and go home and lie
Dr: Good morning, what’s the matter?
Emma: My head hurts. I have a headache and a
Dr: Are you in pain?
Emma: Sorry, can you repeat that? I can’t hear
you this with the large bandage on my head.
Dr: I said, ‘Are you in pain?’
Emma: Oh yes, I am in pain! My mum says I
need to go to the dentist.
Dr: I think she’s right!
See pictures above.
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Practice 1
The boy say / [said] that his leg [hurt] /hurts.
He say / [said] that he can / [couldn’t] move his
The boy say / [said] that he [hurt]/ hurts his arm
playing rugby.
The doctor [asked] / said him what he
The boy say / [said] that he is/ [was] in pain.
The doctor said / [told] him to [go] / went to the
The boy say / [said] that he have / [had] a
The doctor tell / [told] him to [go] /went and lie
Ask students to read and choose the correct
Extension Ask students to turn the sentences
back into the direct speech.
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Practice 2
Direct speech
Present simple
Past simple
Ask students to read and complete. The aim of
the screen is to change the verbs into the past
simple reported speech.
Extension: Cover the right side of the screen and
ask students to give the reported speech verbs
without looking at the bottom of the screen.
Give out the Handouts.
Ask students to turn the sentences into the
reported speech.
Tell students they can use she or he for the
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
1 He said that his arm hurt.
2 She said that she had a high temperature.
3 She said she needed to take some medicine.
4 She said she had to wear a bandage.
5 They said they had a lot of time.
6 She said she had to rest her arm for a week.
7 She said she needed to cal a nurse.
8 She said she liked chocolate.
9 She said she wanted to take his temperature.
10 She said she needed to have and X-ray.
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Practice 3
1 The doctor said, ‘You need to take some
The doctor told me that I [needed] to take some
2 The doctor said, ‘you have to wear a bandage.’
The doctor told me that I [had] to wear a
3 The doctor said, ‘you have to rest your arm for a
The doctor told me that I [had] to rest my arm for
a week.
4 The doctor said, ‘I need to call a nurse.’
The doctor told me that she [needed] to call a
5 The doctor said, ‘I want to take your
Ask students to complete the sentences with the
missing words. Ask: What did the doctor tell the
Point out that doctor and nurse can refer to either
a man or woman. The words do not change form
if it is a man or woman.
The doctor told me that she [wanted] to take my
6 The doctor said, ‘you need to have an X-ray.’
The doctor told me that I [needed] to have an Xray.
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Practice 4
I went skiing and I hurt myself badly. I had to go
to hospital in an ambulance. The nurse ask
/[asked] / said / told me what the matter was. I
ask /asked / said / [told] her that I couldn’t move
my arm or my leg. I ask / asked / told/ [said] my
head hurt badly because I hit it. The nurse put a
bandage on my head and ask / asked / said /
[told] me to wait for the doctor.
The doctor ask /[asked] / said / told me about
my arm. I ask /asked / said / [told] him it hurt me
when I moved it. He ask /asked / [said]/ told that
I needed to wear a bandage. He ask / asked /
said / [told] me to rest my arm. Finally, he looked
at my leg. He ask / asked / [said] / told that he
thought it was broken.
Read and choose the correct words.
Extension: Ask students to think what the original
sentences were in the direct speech.
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English to take away
Students’ own answers.
Ask students to work in pairs and take turns to
roleplay a doctor and a patient.
Encourage students to use the prompts from the
I've hurt my ...
I've got a pain in my …
arm / foot / hand / leg / shoulder / stomach
I've got …
a headache / a temperature / toothache
I can't move my …
Extension: When the activity is done ask
students to change the sentences into reported
speech, e.g. She said her head hurt. She said she
had a temperature.
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
My arm hurts.
I have a high temperature.
You need to take some medicine.
You have to wear a bandage.
We have a lot of time.
You have to rest your arm for a week.
I need to call a nurse.
I like chocolate.
I want to take your temperature,
10 You need to have an X-ray.
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide