MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 1 Divide the given medical term into parts and define the word based on your knowledge of the parts. Term 1. Narcolepsy 2. insomnia 3. meningomalacia 4. echoencephalography 5. neuroma 6. psychology 7. kleptomania 8. biology 9. keratosis 10. electroencephalogram 11. cephalalgia 12. myelosis 13. myelitis 14. pediculosis 15. cellulitis 16. urticaria 17. hematoma 18. dermatologist Divide the word into parts Definition Page 1 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 1 Term Divide the word into parts 19. alopecia 20. neurologist 21. encephalitis 22. hyperhidrosis 23. meningitis 24. dermatitis 25. lipocytes 26. rhytidectomy 27. onychophagia 28. onychomycosis 29. melanosis 30. anhidrosis 31. ecchymosis 32. Root narco 33. Root somn 34. Root klepto 35. Root/Suffix mania 36. Suffix -ology 37. Root/Prefix electr(o) Definition Page 2 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 1 Term Divide the word into parts 38. Root cephal(o) 39. Root pedicul(i/o) 40. Root cellul 41. Root urtic(i/a) 42. Suffix -aria Root hidr Root rhytid Root ecchym Root alopec Abbreviation CVA, C.V.A. Abbreviation PMC, P.M.C. Abbreviation IV, I.V. Abbreviation MD, M.D. Abbreviation lab Abbreviation dc, d/c Abbreviation EEG Abbreviation prep Abbreviation CPR Definition 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Page 3 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 2 Divide the given medical term into parts and define the word based on your knowledge of the parts. Term 1. bradycardia 2. tachycardia 3. anemia 4. leukemia 5. septicemia 6. ischemia 7. angiostenosis 8. angiography 9. phlebography 10. polyarteritis 11. endocarditis 12. thrombosis 13. hemostasis 14. phlebitis 15. aortitis 16. arrhythmia 17. erythrocytes Divide the word into parts Definition Page 1 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 2 Term Divide the word into parts 18. leukocytes 19. cardiomegaly 20. biopsy 21. angiogram 22. angioplasty 23. hematologist 24. atherosclerosis 25. hyperlipidemia 26. palpitation 27. Root sept 28. Root/Suffix -ic 29. Root isch 30. Suffix stenosis 31. Suffix -opsy 32. Root palpita 33. Suffix -tion 34. Abbreviation OJ, O.J., oj 35. Abbreviation Mn, MM, M/n Definition Page 2 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 2 Term Divide the word into parts 36. Abbreviation ABP 37. Abbreviation elix 38. Abbreviation emul 39. Abbreviation fl, fld 40. Abbreviation oint, ung 41. Abbreviation sol 42. Abbreviation supp 43. Abbreviation syr 44. Abbreviation tab 45. Abbreviation tinc 46. Abbreviation IM 47. Abbreviation R 48. Abbreviation inj 49. Abbreviation dil 50. Abbreviation F1, F2 51. Abbreviation E0 52. Abbreviation mEq Definition Page 3 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 3 Divide the given medical term into parts and define the word based on your knowledge of the parts. Term 1. bronchitis 2. pleuritis 3. intercostal muscles 4. bronchopneumonia 5. eupnea 6. tachypnea 7. apnea 8. dyspnea 9. cyanosis 10. pulse oximeter 11. spirometry 12. antitussive 13. bronchodilator 14. tracheotomy 15. tracheostomy 16. cystic fibrosis 17. anoxemia 18. anoxia Divide the word into parts Definition Page 1 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 3 Term Divide the word into parts 19. hypoxemia 20. laryngectomy 21. laryngoplegia 22. dysphonia 23. hemothorax 24. hemoptysis 25. pharyngitis 26. pleurodynia 27. pulmonologist 28. hyperventilation 29. bradypnea 30. endotracheal 31. polysomnography 32. atelectasis 33. Root cost 34. Prefix eu 35. Root/Prefix cyan 36. Root tuss Definition Page 2 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 3 Divide the word into parts Term 37. Suffix -ive 38. Suffix dilator 39. Suffix -otomy 40. Suffix -plegia 41. Suffix ptysis 42. Suffix -dynia 43. Root pulmon 44. Prefix endo 45. Root tele 46. Abbreviation d 47. Abbreviation AA 48. Abbreviation ADC 49. Abbreviation CCI 50. Abbreviation COLD 51. Abbreviation p- 52. Abbreviation PO2 53. Abbreviation PCO2 54. Abbreviation BW Definition Page 3 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 3 Term Divide the word into parts 55. Abbreviation bpm 56. Abbreviation BSE 57. Abbreviation BSA 58. Abbreviation AR 59. Abbreviation Ama 60. Abbreviation Le 61. Abbreviation I&O Definition Page 4 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 4 Divide the given medical term into parts and define the word based on your knowledge of the parts. Term 1. lymphocytes 2. keratitis 3. bacteriostatic 4. bactericide 5. antigen 6. presbyopia 7. presbycusis 8. otoprorrhea 9. otorrhagia 10. myringitis 11. myosarcoma 12. pathogen 13. splenomegaly 14. tympanometry 15. cytomegalovirus 16. otomycosis 17. otosclerosis 18. ophthalmologist Divide the word into parts Definition Page 1 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 4 Term Divide the word into parts 19. hyperopia 20. myopia 21. lensectomy 22. immunologist 23. oncologist 24. antibiotics 25. antiviral drug 26. carcinoma 27. sarcoma 28. lymphoma 29. scleritis 30. Suffix -cide 31. Root presby 32. Root oto 33. Root pyo 34. Root vir 35. Root lens 36. Root onc Definition Page 2 MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 4 Term Divide the word into parts 37. Root carcin 38. Root sarc 39. Abbreviation EMT 40. Abbreviation HDC 41. Abbreviation IFN 42. Abbreviation INS 43. Abbreviation K 44. Abbreviation LIG 45. Abbreviation LPM 46. Abbreviation NIH 47. Abbreviation PMH 48. Abbreviation PLBO 49. Abbreviation LPN 50. Abbreviation VPN 51. Abbreviation M 52. Abbreviation Q O2 53. Abbreviation m- Definition Page 3 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 1 Term Divide the word into parts Definition 1. Narcolepsy narco/lepsy uncontrollable seizures of drowsiness and sleep 2. insomnia in/som/ia condition characterized by inability to sleep 3. meningomalacia meningo/malaci abnormal softening of the meninges a 4. echoencephalography echo/encephalo /graphy visual record of brain eactivity 5. neuroma neur/oma describes benign neoplasm made up of neurons and nerve fibers 6. psychology psych/ology study of the mind 7. kleptomania klepto/mania disorder characterized by an abnormal desire to steal 8. biology bi/ology study of life 9. keratosis kerat/osis disease of the skin marked by overgrowth of horny tissue 10. electroencephalogram electro/encepha lo/gram recorded information of brain activity collected through use of electric waves 11. cephalalgia cephal/algia headache 12. myelosis myel/osis tumor of the spinal cord 13. myelitis myel/itis inflammation of the spinal cord 14. pediculosis pedicul/osis infestation of lice 15. cellulitis cellul/itis inflammation of the connective tissues 16. urticaria urtic/aria hives 17. hematoma hemat/oma mass of clotted blood trapped in a tissue, organ or body spaces as a result of a broken blood vessel 18. dermatologist dermat/ologist physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders and disease of the skin 19. alopecia alopec/ia condition of being bald 20. neurologist neur/ologist a specialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system 21. encephalitis encephal/itis inflammation of the brain 22. hyperhidrosis hyper/hidr/osis condition of excessive sweating in one area or over the Page 1 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 1 whole body 23. meningitis mening/it is inflammation of the meninges of the brain or spinal cord 24. dermatitis dermat/itis inflammation of the skin 25. lipocytes lipo/cytes fat cells 26. rhytidectomy rhytid/ectomy surgical removal of a wrinkle(s) 27. onychophagia onycho/phagia fingernail biting 28. onychomycosis onycho/myc/osi s condition of having a nail fungus 29. melanosis melan/osis condition characterized by dark or black skin 30. anhidrosis anhidr/osis condition characterized by the inability to sweat 31. ecchymosis ecchym/osis the escape of blood into the tissues from ruptured blood vessels marked by a livid black & blue or purple spot 32. Root narco sleep, drowsiness 33. Root somn sleep 34. Root klepto to steal 35. Root/Suffix mania insanity, abnormal desire 36. Suffix -ology study of 37. Root/Prefix electr(o) electricity, electric 38. Root cephal(o) head 39. Root pedicul(i/o) louse (singular), lice 40. Root cellul cellule (small cell) 41. Root urtic(i/a) hives, rash 42. Suffix -aria connected with 43. Root hidr sweat 44. Root rhytid wrinkle 45. Root ecchym pouring out of fluid 46. Root alopec baldness 47. Abbreviation CVA, C.V.A. cerebrovascular accident or stroke 48. Abbreviation PMC, P.M.C. postmortem care 49. Abbreviation IV, I.V. intravenous Page 2 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 1 50. Abbreviation MD, M.D. medical doctor 51. Abbreviation lab laboratory 52. Abbreviation dc, d/c Discontinue *students should not use this abbreviations, but they should recognize it if used by others 53. Abbreviation EEG electroencephalogram 54. Abbreviation prep preparing the patient for surgery 55. Abbreviation CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation Page 3 Key MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 2 Term Divide the word into parts Definition 1. bradycardia brady/card/ia abnormally slow heartbeat 2. tachycardia tachy/card/ia abnormally rapid heartbeat 3. anemia an/emia disorder characterized by negative (without) red blood cell levels 4. leukemia leuk/emia cancer characterized by an increase of abnormal white blood cells 5. septicemia sept/ic/emia blood poisoning or a systemic disease caused by the spread of microorganisms in the blood 6. ischemia isch/emia temporary deficiency in blood supply due to either the narrowing or blockage of a blood vessel 7. angiostenosis angio/stenosis narrowing of a blood vessel 8. angiography angio/graphy x-ray of the blood vessels after injecting a contrast medium 9. phlebography phlebo/graphy x-ray of the veins after injecting a contrast medium 10. polyarteritis poly/arter/itis inflammation of many arteries 11. endocarditis endo/card/itis inflammation of the inner lining of the heart 12. thrombosis thromb/osis having an abnormal blood clot 13. hemostasis hemo/stasis stoppage or sluggishness of blood flow 14. phlebitis phleb/itis inflammation of a vein 15. aortitis aort/itis inflammation of the aorta 16. arrhythmia a/rrhythm/ia abnormal (without) heart rhythm 17. erythrocytes erythro/cytes red blood cells 18. leukocytes leuko/cytes white blood cells 19. cardiomegaly cardio/megaly enlargement of the heart 20. biopsy bi/opsy to view life by removing & examining tissue, cells or fluids from a living body 21. angiogram angio/gram picture of a blood vessel 22. angioplasty angio/plasty surgical repair of a blood vessel 23. hematologist hemat/ologist specialist in diagnosing and healing blood disorders 24. atherosclerosis ather/scler/osis hardening of the arteries Page 1 Key MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 2 25. hyperlipidemia hyper/lipid/emia The condition of elevated plasma concentrations of various fat cells (cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins) in the blood stream 26. palpitation palpita/tion Pounding or racing heart 27. Root sept infection 28. Root/Suffix -ic pertaining to 29. Root isch to hold back 30. Suffix stenosis abnormal narrowing 31. Suffix -opsy to view 32. Root palpita touch, feel, stroke 33. Suffix -tion process, state 34. Abbreviation OJ, O.J., oj orange juice 35. Abbreviation Mn, MM, M/n midnight 36. Abbreviation ABP arterial blood pressure 37. Abbreviation elix elixir 38. Abbreviation emul emulsion 39. Abbreviation fl, fld fluid 40. Abbreviation oint, ung ointment 41. Abbreviation sol solution 42. Abbreviation supp suppository 43. Abbreviation syr syrup 44. Abbreviation tab tablet 45. Abbreviation tinc tincture 46. Abbreviation IM intramuscular 47. Abbreviation R rectally, recipe take 48. Abbreviation inj injection 49. Abbreviation dil dilute 50. Abbreviation F1, F2 first/second filial generation 51. Abbreviation E0 electroaffinity 52. Abbreviation mEq millequivalent Page 2 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 3 Term Divide the word into parts Definition 1. bronchitis bronchi/itis inflammation of the bronchial walls 2. pleuritis pleur/itis inflammation of the pleura that produces sharp chest pain with each breath 3. intercostal muscles inter/cost/al muscles which move the rib cage during breathing 4. bronchopneumonia broncho/pneumon/ia form of pneumonia that affects patches of the bronchioles throughout both lungs 5. eupnea eu/pnea easy normal breathing 6. tachypnea tachy/pnea abnormally rapid rate of respiration 7. apnea a/pnea absence of spontaneous respiration 8. dyspnea dys/pnea difficult or labored breathing, commonly referred to as shortness of breath 9. cyanosis cyan/osis bluish discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxygen 10. pulse oximeter oxi/meter external monitor that measures the oxygen saturation level in the blood 11. spirometry spiro/metry noninvasive test in which a patient breathes into a device to measure breath 12. antitussive anti/tuss/ive agent administered to prevent or relieve coughing 13. bronchodilator broncho/dilator agent that expands the opening of the passages to the lungs 14. tracheotomy trache/otomy procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea to gain access to the airway 15. tracheostomy trache/ostomy surgical formation of an opening into the trachea through the neck 16. cystic fibrosis cyst/ic fibr/osis disorder of the exocrine glands marked by difficulty in breathing due to mucus accumulation in airways 17. anoxemia an/ox/emia a condition of subnormal oxygenation of the arterial blood 18. anoxia an/ox/ia hypoxia especially of such severity as to result in permanent damage 19. hypoxemia hyp/ox/emia deficient oxygenation of the blood Page 1 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 3 20. laryngectomy laryng/ectomy surgical removal of all or part of the larynx 21. laryngoplegia laryngo/plegia paralysis of the larynx 22. dysphonia dys/phon/ia defective use of the voice 23. hemothorax hemo/thorax blood in the pleural cavity 24. hemoptysis hemo/ptysis Expectoration of blood from some part of the respiratory tract 25. pharyngitis pharyng/itis inflammation of the throat or pharynx 26. pleurodynia pleuro/dynia sharp pain in the side usually located in the intercostal muscles 27. pulmonologist pulmon/ologist a physician who specializes in the disease and disorders of the lungs and respiratory system 28. hyperventilation hyper/ventilation abnormally rapid rate of deep respiration results in a change in blood gas levels due to decrease in carbon dioxide at the cellular level 29. bradypnea brady/pnea abnormally slow rate of respiration 30. endotracheal endo/trache/al placed within the trachea 31. polysomnography poly/somno/graphy technique or process of using a polygraph to make a continuous record during sleep of multiple physiological variables, such as respiration, heart rate and muscle activity 32. atelectasis a/tel/ectasis Collapse of an expanded lung, usually due to air passages being blocked or by shallow breathing 33. Root cost ribs 34. Prefix eu good, normal 35. Root/Prefix cyan blue 36. Root tuss coughing 37. Suffix -ive performs 38. Suffix dilator agent that widens or expands 39. Suffix -otomy incision, surgical cutting 40. Suffix -plegia paralysis 41. Suffix ptysis spitting 42. Suffix -dynia pain 43. Root pulmon lung Page 2 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 3 44. Prefix endo within 45. Root tele distant, far 46. Abbreviation d day 47. Abbreviation AA alcoholics anonymous 48. Abbreviation ADC aid to dependent children 49. Abbreviation CCI chronic coronary insufficiency 50. Abbreviation COLD chronic obstructive lung disease 51. Abbreviation p- para- 52. Abbreviation PO2 partial pressure of oxygen 53. Abbreviation PCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide 54. Abbreviation BW birthweight 55. Abbreviation bpm beats per minute 56. Abbreviation BSE breast self-examination 57. Abbreviation BSA body surface area 58. Abbreviation AR alarm reaction 59. Abbreviation Ama against medial advice 60. Abbreviation Le left extremity 61. Abbreviation I&O intake and output Page 3 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 4 Term Divide the word into parts Definition 1. lymphocytes lympho/cytes white blood cells that are mediators of immunity 2. keratitis kerat/itis inflammation of the cornea of the eye 3. bacteriostatic bacterio/static agent that slows or stops the growth of bacteria 4. bactericide bacteri/cide destroying bacteria 5. antigen anti/gen any substance foreign to the body that evokes an immune response 6. presbyopia presby/opia Visual condition starting at late middle age in which loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye causes inability to focus sharply for near vision 7. presbycusis presby/cusis Lessening of hearing acuteness resulting from degenerative changes that occur with age 8. otoprorrhea oto/pyo/rrhea flow of pus from the ear 9. otorrhagia oto/rrhagia bleeding from the ear 10. myringitis myring/itis inflammation of the tympanic membrane 11. myosarcoma myo/sarc/oma tumor of the connective muscle tissue 12. pathogen path/gen a specific causative agent of disease 13. splenomegaly spleno/megaly abnormal enlargement of the spleen 14. tympanometry tympano/metry Measurement of acoustic energy absorbed or reflected by the middle ear through the use of a probe placed in the ear canal 15. cytomegalovirus cyto/megalo/vir/us group of large herpes-type viruses that cause a variety of diseases 16. otomycosis oto/myc/osis disease of the ear produced by the growth of fungi in the external auditory canal 17. otosclerosis oto/scler/osis growth of spongy bone in the inner ear that progressively increases deafness 18. ophthalmologist ophthalm/ologist physician who specializes in a diseases and disorders of the eyers and vision 19. hyperopia hyper/opia farsightedness 20. myopia my/opia nearsightedness 21. lensectomy lens/ectomy general term to describe surgical removal of a cataract clouded lens Page 1 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 4 22. immunologist immun/ologist physician who specializes in the disease and disorders of the immune system 23. oncologist onc/ologist physician who specializes in diagnosing and healing malignant disorders such as tumors and cancer 24. antibiotics anti/bio/tics chemical substance capble of inhibiting growth or killing pathogenic microorganisms 25. antiviral drug anti/vir/al drug used to treat viral infections or to provide temporary immunity 26. carcinoma carcin/oma malignant tumor that occurs in epithelia tissue 27. sarcoma sarc/oma malignant tumor that arises from connective tissue 28. lymphoma lymph/oma general term applied to malignancies that develop in the lymphatic system 29. scleritis scler/itis inflammation of the sclera 30. Suffix -cide causing death 31. Root presby old age 32. Root oto ear 33. Root pyo pus 34. Root vir virus, poison 35. Root lens lens 36. Root onc tumor 37. Root carcin cancerous 38. Root sarc flesh 39. Abbreviation EMT emergency medical technician 40. Abbreviation HDC hydrochloric acid 41. Abbreviation IFN interferon 42. Abbreviation INS insurance 43. Abbreviation K potassium 44. Abbreviation LIG ligament 45. Abbreviation LPM liters per minute 46. Abbreviation NIH National Institute of Health 47. Abbreviation PMH past medical history Page 2 KEY MOA150 Medical Terminology List Week 4 48. Abbreviation PLBO placebo 49. Abbreviation LPN licensed practical nurse 50. Abbreviation VPN vocational practical nurse 51. Abbreviation M misce, mix 52. Abbreviation Q O2 oxygen consumption 53. Abbreviation m- meta- Page 3