I. PUBLICATIONS A. Refereed Journal Articles 1. Adams, D.M., R.J. Alig, G.S. Latta, and E.M. White (2011). Regional impacts of a program for forest carbon offset sales. Journal of Forestry. 109(8): 444 – 453. 2. Akay, A.E., M.G. Wing, F. Sivrikaya, and D. Sakar. 2011. A GIS-based decision support system to determine the shortest and safest route to forest fires: A case study in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184:1391-1407. 3. Andersen, H. E., J. Strunk, and H. Temesgen. 2011. Using airborne lidar as a sampling tool for estimating forest biomass resources in the upper Tanana Valley of interior Alaska. Western Journal of Applied Forestry.26: 157-164. 4. Burt, T., N, Howden, F. Worrall and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. On the value of long-term, lowfrequency water quality sampling: avoiding throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Hydrological Processes, 25: 828-830, DOI: 10.1002.hyp.7961 5. Burt, T., G. Hancock and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. Where does the water go when it rains? Geography Review, 25(1): 38-41. 6. Clark, J. and Murphy, G.E. 2011. Estimating forest biomass components with hemispherical photography for Douglas-fir stands in northwest Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41(5): 1060-1074. 7. Chumura, D.J., P.D. Anderson, G.T. Howe, C.A. Harrington, J.E. Halofsky, D.L. Peterson, D.C. Shaw, and B. St. Clair. 2011. Forest Responses to climate change in the northwestern United States: ecophysiological foundations for adaptive management. Forest Ecology and Management. 261: 1121-1142. 8. Dowding, B., and Murphy, G.E. 2011. Estimating spatial changes in acoustic velocity in felled Douglas-fir stems. International Journal of Forest Engineering 22(1): 24-34. 9. Eskelson, B.N.I., P. D. Anderson, J. Hagar, and H. Temesgen. 2011. Geostatistical approaches and optimization of sample patterns for microclimate variables in riparian buffers of headwater streams Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41: 974-985. 10. Eskelson, B.N.I., L. Madison, J. Hagar, and H. Temesgen. 2011. Estimating riparian understory vegetation cover with beta regression and copula models. Forest Science. 57: 212-221 11. Garber, S., T.Y. Lam, and D.A. Maguire. 2011. Growth and mortality of residual Douglas-fir after regeneration harvests under group selection and two-story silvicultural systems. West. J. Appl. For. 26:64-70. 12. Gabrielli, C. and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. An inexpensive, portable high speed drill rig and platform for bedrock groundwater studies in the headwaters. Hydrological Processes, DOI:10.1002/hyp.8212. 13. Ghaffariyan, M. R., M. Acuna, J. Wiedemann, and L. Kellogg. 2011. Productivity of roadside processing system in Western Australia. Silvia Balcanica Scientific Series – Sofia, N13 (2) 2012 14. Ghaffariyan, M. R., M. Brown, M. Acuna, J. Sessions, and M. Kuehmaier. 2011. Biomass harvesting in Eucalyptus plantations in Western Australia. Southern Forests: a journal of Forest Science 73:3-4, 149-154. 15. Ghaffariyan, M. R. and J. Sessions 2011. Error impact of regression models on forest road spacing. Silva Balcanica 12(1)97-111. 16. Goerndt, M. E., V. J. Monleon, and H. Temesgen. 2011. A comparison of small-area estimation techniques to estimate selected stand attributes using LiDAR-derived auxiliary variables. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41: 1189-1201 17. Goldsmith, G., L. Muñoz-Villers, F. Holwerda, J.J. McDonnell, H. Asbjornsen, and T. E. Dawson, 2011. Stable isotopes reveal linkages among ecohydrological processes in a seasonally dry tropical montane cloud forest. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.268. 18. Hampton, H.M, S.E. Sesnie, J.D. Bailey, and G.B. Snider. 2011. Estimating regional wood supply based on stakeholder consensus for forest restoration in northern Arizona. J. Forestry: 109:1:15-26. 19. Hamsley, A., Greene, D., Baker, S. and Murphy, G.E. 2010. Individual stem value recovery of modified and conventional tree-length systems in the southeastern United States. International Journal of Forest Engineering 21(1):7-11. (this was omitted from last year’s report). 20. Hancock, G., K G Evans, J.J. McDonnell and L Hopp, 2011, Ecohydrological controls on soil erosion a landscape evolution. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.241 21. Hopp, L. and J.J. McDonnell, 2011, Examining the role of throughfall patterns on subsurface stormflow generation. Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.08.044. 22. Hopp, L., J.J. McDonnell and P. Condon, 2011. Measuring and modeling lateral subsurface flow in a soil cover over waste rock in a humid temperate environment. Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0094 23. Irwin, M.R., A.J. Finkral, and J.D. Bailey. 2011. Effects of thinning, burning, seeding and slash arrangements on understory communities in pinyon-juniper woodlands of northern Arizona. All Res. J. Biol.: 2011:2:8-15. 24. Kline, J.D., R.S. Rosenberger, and E.M. White (2011). A national assessment of physical activity on US national forests. Journal of Forestry 109(6): 343 – 353. 25. Lam, T.Y. and D.A. Maguire. 2011. 13 year height and diameter growth of Douglas-fir seedlings under alternative regeneration cuts in the Pacific Northwest. West. J. Appl. For. 26:57-63. 26. Lam, T.-Y and D.A. Maguire. 2012. Structural equation modeling: Theory and applications in forest management. International Journal of Forest Research, Article ID 263953, doi:10.1155/2012/263953Pilkerton, S. J. and L.D. Kellogg, 2011 An Evaluation of Log Length on Timber Values in Thinning, Forest Products Journal 61 (3):202-209 27. Lanni C., R. Rigon and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. On the relative role of upslope and downslope topography for describing water flowpath and storage dynamics: a theoretical analysis. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8263. 28. Latta, G.S., D.M. Adams, R.J. Alig, and E.M. White (2011). Simulated effects of mandatory versus voluntary forest carbon offset markets in the United States. Journal of Forest Economics. 17(2): 127 –141 29. Maguire, D.A., D.B. Mainwaring, and A. Kanaskie. 2011. Ten-year growth and mortality in young Douglas-fir stands experiencing a range in Swiss needle cast severity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41:2064-2076. 30. McDonnell, J.J., 2011, Foreword, to D. Levia, D. Carlyle-Moses and T. Tanaka (eds.) Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Synthesis of Past Research and Future Directions, Springer, 740pp. 31. McDonnell, J.J. and C. Kendall, 2011. Foreword, to Isotope Hydrology, Weizu Gu et al. (eds)., Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese), 1113pp. 32. Murphy, G.E., and Acuna, M.A. 2011. Ranking of four contributions to error in stand level Douglas fir log supply and value recovery estimation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41(10): 2040-2050. 33. Murphy, G.E., and Pilkerton, S.J. 2011. Seasonal impacts on bark loss by mechanized processors in Oregon. International Journal of Forest Engineering 22(1): 35-41. 34. Murphy, G.E., and Pilkerton, S.J. 2011. Seasonal impacts of bark loss on simulated payloads, bark delivery and transport costs. Forest Products Journal 61(1):71-76. 35. Simwanda, M., M. G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2011. Evaluating global positioning system accuracy for forest biomass transportation tracking within varying forest canopy. Western J. of Applied Forestry 26(4):165-173 36. Sayama, T., J.J. McDonnell, A. Dhakal and K. Sullivan, 2011. How much water can a watershed store? Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8288 37. Shaw, D.C., G.M. Filip, A. Kanaskie, D.A. Maguire, and W.A. Littke. 2011. Managing an epidemic of Swiss needle cast in the Douglas-fir region of Oregon: The role of the Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative. J. For. 109:109-119. 38. Shaw, D.C., GM. Filip, A. Kanaskie, D.A. Maguire, and W. Littke. 2011. Managing an epidemic of Swiss needle cast in the Douglas-fir region of Oregon: The Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative. Journal of Forestry 109: 109-119. 39. Simwanda, M., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2011. Evaluating Global Positioning System accuracy for forest biomass transportation tracking within varying forest canopy. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 26(4):165-173. 40. Skaugset AE, CG Surfleet, MM Meadows and J Amann. 2011. Evaluation of models that predict erosion from forest roads. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2203, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, C.C., pp. 3-12. 41. Som, NA, NP Zegre, LM Ganio, and AE Skaugset. 2012. Corrected prediction intervals for change detection in paired watershed studies. Hydrological Sciences Journal 57(1):134-143. 42. Surfleet CG, AE Skaugset III, and MW Meadows. 2011. Road runoff and sediment sampling for determining road sediment yield at the watershed scale. Can J For Res 41:1970-1980. 43. Temesgen, H., B. N.I. Eskelson, T. Maness, D. Adams, and H. Burkhart. 2011. Teaching in Contemporary Forestry Resources Curricula: Applications to the Teaching of Forest Measurements.. Journal of Forestry. 109 (7):371-377. 44. Temesgen, H., V.J. Monleon, A. R. Weiskittel, and D.S. Wilson. 2011. Sampling strategies for efficient estimation of tree foliage biomass. Forest Science. 57: 153-163. 45. Temesgen, H., B. N.I. Eskelson, T. Maness, D. Adams, and H. Burkhart. 2011. Teaching in Contemporary Forestry Resources Curricula: Applications to the Teaching of Forest Measurements.. Journal of Forestry. 109 (7):371-377. 46. Toman EM and AE Skaugset. 2011. Reducing sediment production from forest roads during wet-weather hauling. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2203, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, C.C., pp. 13-19. 47. Wing, M.G. and J. Frank. 2011. Vertical measurement accuracy and reliability of mappinggrade GPS receivers. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 78(2):188-194. 48. Wing, M.G. 2011. Measurement differences resulting from analyzing natural resource spatial databases referenced to multiple map coordinate systems. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Resource Sciences 3(2):53-63. 49. Wing, M.G, and J. Frank. 2011. An examination of five identical mapping-grade GPS receivers in two forest settings. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 26(3):119-125. 50. Wing, M.G. 2011. Consumer-grade GPS receiver measurement accuracy in varying forest conditions. Research Journal of Forestry 5(2):78-88. 51. Woolley, T., D.C. Shaw, L.M. Ganio, and S. Fitzgerald. 2011. A review of logistic regression models used to predict post-fire tree mortality of western North American conifers. International Journal of Wildland Fire. Published online Nov 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WF09039. 52. Zhao, J., D.A. Maguire, D.B. Mainwaring, and A. Kanaskie. 2012. Climatic influences on needle cohort survival mediated by Swiss needle cast in coastal Douglas-fir. Trees doi:10.1007/s00468-012-0711-x 53. Zhao, J., D.B. Mainwaring, D.A. Maguire, and A. Kanaskie. 2011. Regional and annual trends in Douglas-fir foliage retention: correlations with climatic variables. Forest Ecology & Management 262:1872-1886. B. Non-Refereed Research Reports 1. Alig, R.J., E.A. Stone, and E.M. White. (2011). Land value changes and carbon sequestration as an ecosystem service in a climate-changed environment. In effects of climate change on natural resources and communities: a compendium of briefing papers. Portland, OR: USDA FS Pacific Northwest Research Station. PNW-GTR-837. pp. 43 – 72. 2. Eskelson, B.N.I., H. Temesgen, and P.D. Anderson. (in press) Sampling and modeling riparian forest structure and riparian microclimate. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-XXX. Portand, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. XXX p. 3. Zarnoch, S.J., E.M. White, D.B.K. English, S.M. Kocis, and R. Arnold. (2011). The National Visitor Use Monitoring methodology and final results for Round 1. Asheville, NC: USDA FS Southern Research Station. SRS-GTR-144. 74 p. C. Books and Chapters Adams, P.W., editor/author. 2011. Oregon’s Forest Protection Laws – An Illustrated Manual. Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Portland, OR. 185 p. Lai, K.J., Gomes, C.P., Schwartz, M.K., McKelvey, K.S., Calkin, D.E., and Montgomery, C.A. 2011. The Steiner multigraph problem: wildlife corridor design for multiple species. In: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, CA, (August 7– 11, 2011). Nelson, E., Montgomery, Conte, M., and Polasky, S. 2011. The provisioning value of timber and non-timber forest products. Ch. 8 In: Kareiva, P., Tallis, H., Ricketts, T.H., Daily, G., and Polasky, S. (eds.) Natural capital: Theory and practice of mapping ecosystem services, UK: Oxford University Press. D. Non-Refereed Abstracts and Proceedings Craigg, T.L. and P.W. Adams. 2011. Soil quality assessments and management of Pacific Northwest National Forests. SAF National Convention, Nov. 2011, Honolulu, HI Comfort, E.J., C. Dunn, and J.D. Bailey. 2011. Fire Regimes, Forest Change and Restoration of Forested Landscapes in the Middle Applegate Watershed, Oregon. Presentation at: Association for Fire Ecology Interior West Conference. November 14 in Snowmass, UT Comfort, E.J. and J.D. Bailey 2011. The implications of fuel heterogeneity at management boundaries for fire behavior and wildlife habitat in the Elk Creek Watershed, Oregon. Poster at: Association for Fire Ecology Interior West Conference. November 14 in Snowmass, UT Dunn, C.J. and J.D. Bailey. 2011. Improved Estimates of Carbon Emissions from CWD Following Fire Disturbance. Presentation at: Association for Fire Ecology Interior West Conference. November 14 in Snowmass, UT. Khanna S., S. Rivera-Mills, L. Becker, V. Tolar Burton, J. Bailey, A. Davis-White Eyes, R. Sanderson and J. Walkin. 2011. Global Learning Action Plan. Presentation at: Association of American Colleges and Universities Shared Futures: General Education for a Global Century. July 31-August 5 in Ellicott City, MD. Latta,G., D. Adams, and D.C. Shaw. 2011. Using a needle retention model and a log market model to estimate the economic impacts of Swiss needle cast in western Oregon. Pages 2122. In: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Western International Forest Disease Work Conference. M.L. Fairweather and P. Palacios compilers Liquordi, Cafferetta and Boston. The VTAC Committee: Developing Guidance for an Alternative Regulatory Pathway to the Anadromous Salmonid Protection Rules. Murphy, G.E., Barnett, J., and Summers, B. 2011. Designing value chain improvements for an eastern Oregon poplar plantation using terrestrial laser scanning technology. Council on Forest Engineering Conference, Quebec City, Canada. June 13, 2011. Murphy, G.E. and Ackerman, P. 2011. New sensor technologies and analytical tools for precision forest management. SA Forestry Magazine. June 2011. pages 34, 35. Zamora, R., P.W. Adams and J. Sessions. 2011. Ground-based thinning on steep slopes in Oregon: Soil compaction effects. SAF National Convention, Nov. 2011, Honolulu, HI. E. Scholarly Journal Articles, Books and Book Chapters in Press or Review Accepted 1. Adams, D.M. and C.A. Montgomery. Economic analysis of forest product markets. Ch. 136. In: Shogren, J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of energy, natural resource and environmental economics. Elsevier Publishing (In Press) 2. Akay, A.E., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. Estimating structural properties of riparian forests with GIS and airborne LiDAR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing (In Press) 3. Albers, H.J, A. W. Ando, M. Bu, and M.G. Wing. Road-network agglomeration, road density, and protected-area fragmentation. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences (In Press) 4. Ali G, D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, J.J. McDonnell and R. Capell, 2012. Comparison of similarity indices for catchment classification using a cross-regional dataset. Advances in Water Resources Research. (In Press) 5. Andersen, H. E., J. Strunk, and H. Temesgen. Using multi-level remote sensing and ground data to estimate forest biomass resources in remote regions: a case study in boreal forests of interior Alaska. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (In Press) 6. 7. Barrett, T.M., G. Latta, P. E. Hennon, B. N.I. Eskelson, and H. Temesgen. Modeling host-parasite distributions under changing climate Tsuga heterophylla and Arceuthobium tsugense in Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest research (In Press) 8. 9. Benda, L., D. Martin, K. Cummins, J.D. Bailey and C. James. Toward spatially explicit riparian management. Watershed Management 10. Boston, K. Impact of the Ninth Circuit Court Ruling (NEDC v. Brown) Regarding Forest Roads and the Clean Water Act. Journal of Forestry (In Press) 11. Busby, G.M., Albers, H.J., and Montgomery, C.A. Wildfire risk management in a landscape with fragmented ownership and spatial interactions. Land Economics (In Press) 12. Clark, J., O. Krankina, J. Sessions, and T. Maness. 2011. The effect of thinning on carbon stores in Oregon: A plot level analysis. Canadian Journal of Forest Resources 13. Dunn, C.J. and J.D. Bailey. Temporal dynamics and decay of coarse wood in early seral habitats of dry-mixed conifer forests in Oregon’s eastern Cascades. Forest Ecology and Management (In Press) 14. 15. Edson, C. and M.G. Wing. Airborne LiDAR for individual tree stem location, height, and biomass measurements. Remote Sensing (In Press) 16. Edson, C. and M.G. Wing. Tree location measurement accuracy with a mapping-grade GPS receiver under forest canopy. Forest Science (In Press) 17. Eskelson, B.N.I., Hagar, J.C., and H. Temesgen. Estimation of snag density and snag quality attributes in western Washington and Oregon. Forest Ecology and Management (In Press) 18. Gabrielli, C, J.J. McDonnell and T. Jarvis, 2012. The role of bedrock groundwater in rainfallrunoff response at hillslope and catchment scales. Journal of Hydrology. (In Press) 19. Han, S.K. and Murphy, G.E. (2012) Predicting the loaded travel times of highway woody raw materials hauling trucks for improved forest biomass utilization. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 20. Han, S.K. and Murphy, G.E. (2012) Trucking productivity and costing model for transportation of woody biomass. Forest Products Journal 21. Haxton, Z., H. Temesgen, and Marquardt. Evaluation of n-tree distance sampling for inventory of headwater riparian forests of western Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry (In Press) 22. Jenerette, G.D, G. Barron-Gafford, A. Guswa, J.J. McDonnell and J Villegas, 2012. Organization of complexity in water limited ecohydrology. Ecohydrology, 5: 184-199. DOI: 10.1002/eco.217 (In Press) 23. Klaus, J. E. Zehe, M. Elsner, C. Külls, and J. J. McDonnell, 2012. Macropore flow of old water revisited: where does the mixing occur at the hillslope scale? Hydrology and Earth System Science, (In Press). 24. Kruitbos, L., D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, J. Buttle, S. Carey, H. Laudon, J.J. McDonnell, K. McGuire, J. Seibert, R. Cunjak and J. Shanley, 2012. Hydroclimatic and hydrochemical controls on Plecoptera (stonefly) diversity and distribution in northern freshwater ecosystems, Hydrobiologia, (In Press) 25. Lanni C., J.J. McDonnell, L. Hopp, R. Rigon, 2012. Simulated effect of soil depth and bedrock topography on near-surface hydrologic response and slope stability. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, (In Press) 26. Lyons, K., J. Sessions, and J. Wimer. 2011. Effect of undercut style and post hinge behavior in tree felling. Forest Science (In Press) 27. Marquardt, T., H. Temesgen, B.N.I. Eskelson, and P. Anderson. Evaluation of sampling methods to quantify abundance of hardwoods and snags within conifer dominated riparian zones. Annals of Forest Science (In Press) 28. Montgomery, C.A. Fire: and agent and a consequence of land use change. Ch. 13 In: Wu, J. and J.M. Duke (eds.) The Oxford handbook of land economics. UK: Oxford University Press (In Press) 29. Muñoz-Villers, L. and J.J. McDonnell, 2012. Deep subsurface flow dominates runoff generation in a tropical montane cloud forest catchment. Water Resources Research, (In Press) 30. Murphy, G.E., Clark, J., and Pilkerton, S. (2012) Current and potential tagging and tracking systems for logs harvested from Pacific Northwest forests. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 31. Pilkerton, S. J., L.D. Kellogg and J. Sessions. Optimal Bucking and Value Recovery from Commercial Thinning Stands. International Journal of Forest Engineering 32. Roloff, G.J., S.P. Mealey, and J.D. Bailey. Comparative risk assessment for protected species in a fire-prone landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 33. Shaw, D.C. 2012. Forest Health for Ecologists. Book Review of, “Forest Health, An Integrated Perspective.” Edited by J.D. Castello and S.A. Teale. Ecology (In Press) 34. Shaw, D.C. and R.L. Mathiasen. Management of Higer Parasitic Plants – Mistletoes. Chapter 5. In: Infectious Forest Diseases. Edited by G. Nicolotti, and P. Gonthier. CABI Press (In Press) 35. Skaugset AE, CG Surfleet, and B Dietterick. The impact of timber harvest using an individual tree selection silvicultural system on the hydrology and sediment yield in a coast California watershed. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, General Technical Report. (In Press) 36. Stewart, M., U. Morgenstern, J.J. McDonnell and L. Pfister, 2012. The ‘hidden streamflow’ challenge in catchment hydrology: A call to action for streamwater transit time analysis. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9262. (In Press) 37. Surfleet CG and AE Skaugset. The effect of timber harvest on summer low flows; Hinkle Creek, Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. (currently undergoing revision) 38. Surfleet CG, AE Skaugset, and B Dietterick. (in press). An approach to study the effect of harvest and wildfire on watershed hydrology and sediment yield in a Coast Redwood forest. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, General Technical Report. (In Press) 39. Wilcox, B., M. Seyfried, D. Breshears and J. J. McDonnell, 2012. Ecohydrologic connections and complexities in drylands—New perspectives for understanding transformative landscape change. Ecohydrology. (In Press) 40. Wohl, E., A. Barros, N. Brunsell, N. Chappell, M. Coe, T. Giambelluca, S. Goldsmith, R. Harmon, J. Hendrickx, J. Juvik, J.J. McDonnell, F. Ogden, 2012. A research vision for hydrology of the humid tropics: Balancing water, energy, and land use. Nature (Climate Change) (In Press) In-Review 1. Akay, A., M. G.Wing, and J. Sessions. 2011. Estimating structural properties of riparian forests with GIS and airborne LiDAR data. International J. of Remote Sensing. 2. Akay, A.E., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. Estimating sediment reduction cost for forest road construction using a LiDAR derived high-resolution DEM. 3. Ali, G., D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, J.J. McDonnell, S. Carey, H. Laudon, K. McGuire, J. Buttle, J. Seibert and J. Shanley. 2012. Threshold Hydrologic Response across contrasting Northern catchments. Water Resources Research, in review. 4. Ali, G., D. Tetzlaff, L. Kruitbos, C. Soulsby, S. Carey, J.J. McDonnell, J. Buttle, H. Laudon, K. McGuire, J. Seibert and J. Shanley. 2012. Analysis of hydrological seasonality and functionality across northern 1 catchments using monthly precipitationrunoff polygon metrics. Hydrology Research., in review 5. Clark, J. and Murphy, G.E. (in review). Biomass estimations for regularly spaced ponderosa/lodegepole pine plots using hemispherical photography. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 6. Clark, J., J. Sessions, and R. Zamora. 2011. Optimizing Knife Change Times for Forest Biomass Chipping Operations. Biomass and Bioenergy. 7. Clark, J., J. Sessions, K. Boston, and C. Schmidt. 2011. Sizing CHP Plants in a Biomass Supply Chain for Timber Harvest Residues. Biomass and Bioenergy. 8. Clark, J., Temesgen, H. and Murphy, G.E. (in review). Allometric estimates of above ground biomass components for four species in two forest types in the western USA. Annals of Forest Science. 9. Craven, M., M.G. Wing, J. Sessions, and J. Wimer. Applying airborne LiDAR for forested road geomatics. 10. Edson, C. and M.G. Wing. LiDAR elevation and DEM errors in forested settings. 11. Frank, J. and M.G. Wing. GPS effectiveness in measuring area and perimeter in forested settings. 12. Frank, J. and M.G. Wing. Balancing horizontal accuracy and data collection efficiency with mapping-grade GPS receivers 13. Ghaffariyan, M. R., J. Sessions, and M. Brown. 2011. Application of a Bruks mobile chipper to collect pine plantation residues in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Forest Energy. 14. Groom, J.D., Hann, D.W., and Temesgen, H. Bias reduction in Douglas-fir mortality estimates. Forest Ecology and Management. 15. Hale, C. and JJ. McDonnell, 2012a. Similar catchment forms hide radically different plumbing: (1) A topdown basin intercomparison. Water Resources Research. 16. Hale, C., JJ. McDonnell, M. Stewart, K. Solomon, J. Light, G Ice, 2012b. Similar catchment forms hide radically different plumbing: (2) A bottom-up storage investigation. Water Resources Research. 17. Han, S.K. and Murphy, G.E. Solving a woody biomass truck scheduling problem. Biomass and Bioenergy 18. Hayati, E., B. Majnounian, E. Abdi, J. Sessions, and M. Makhdom. 2011. An ExpertBased Approach in Forest Road Network Planning by Combining Delphi and SMCE. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 19. Houtman, R.M., C.A. Montgomery, D.E. Calkin, and T.D. Dietterich. An estimate of the effect on future suppression costs of allowing a wildfire to burn. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 20. Jaeger, W., A. Plantinga, H. Chang, G. Grant, D. Hulse, J.J. McDonnell, H. Moradkhani A.T. Morzillo, P. Mote, A. Nolin, M. Santelmann and J. Wu, 2012. Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural-human systems. Water Resources Research. 21. Kibler KM, AE Skaugset, M Huso, and LM Ganio. The impact of contemporary forest practices on summer stream temperatures in headwater streams in southwest Oregon: A case study from Hinkle Creek. Forest Ecology and Management 22. Laudon, H, D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, S. Carey, J. Seibert, J. Buttle, J. Shanley, J.J. McDonnell and K. McGuire, 2012. Seasonality and synchroneity of water and dissolved organic carbon fluxes in mid- to high latitude catchments. Hydrological Processes. 23. MATAMYO>>Modeling biomass transport on single lane forest roads, Matamyo, Wing, Sessions, Boston 24. Murphy, G.E. Evaluation of a procedure for predicting hidden stems when using terrestrial laser scans. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 25. Murphy, G.E., Kent, T., and Kofman, P.K. Modeling air-drying of Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis B.Bong, Carr) biomass in off-forest storage yards in Ireland. Biomass and Bioenergy 26. Packalen, P., Temesgen, H., and Maltamo, M. Variable Selection Strategies for Nearest Neighbor Imputation in Remote Sensing Based Forest Inventory. 27. Passicot, P. and Murphy, G.E. Effect of work schedule design on productivity of mechanized harvesting operations in Chile. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 28. Pilkerton, S.J. and L.D. Kellogg. Harvesting Economic Impacts from Wildlife Operating Restrictions. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 29. Pilkerton, S., J. Sessions, and L. Kellogg. 2011. Development of Efficient Cutting Patterns to Maximize Value with a Log Allocation Constraint. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 30. Seibert, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2012. Gauging the ungauged basin: the relative value of hard and soft data. Journal of Hydrological Engineering. 31. Sensenig, T., J.D. Bailey and J.T. Tappeiner. Development and growth of old-growth and young forests in southwestern Oregon 32. Simwanda, M., J. Sessions, K. Boston, and M. Wing. 2011. Modeling biomass transport on single lane forest roads. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 33. Strunk, J., H. Temesgen, and H.E. Andersen. Effects of LIDAR Pulse Density and Sample Size on the Precision of Selected Forest Inventory Attributes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 34. Strunk, J., Temesgen, H., and Andersen, H. E. Two-Stage Regression Estimation of Biomass with Multi-Temporal Landsat and a Sample of Lidar Strips - A Case Study on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Submitted to Remote Sensing of the Environment. 35. Van Verseveld, W., J.J. McDonnell, K. Lajtha, H. Barnard and C. Graham 2012. A hillslope sprinkling experiment to resolve the double paradox in hydrology and bio-geochemistry". Hydrological Processes, 36. Wing, M. G., M. Craven, J. Sessions, and J. Wimer. 2011. LiDAR-derived DEM and raw height comparisons along profile corridor gradients within a forest. Submitted to Canadian Journal of Forest Resources. 37. Wing, M.G., K. Brown, D. Godwin, P. Ries, and R. Emanuel. Land cover transitions and fragmentation within four developing Oregon communities. 38. Wing, M.G. and M. Craven. LiDAR-derived DEM and raw height comparisons along profile corridor gradients within a forest 39. Wing, M.G. and D. Godwin. SWAMP GIS: A spatial decision support system for predicting and treating stormwater runoff. 40. Boston, K. An Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System for Rock Share Estimation in forest road construction, Ismael ghajar, Ms. Akbar Najafi, PhD,Seyed Ali Torabi, PhD, Mashalah Khamehchiyan, PhD, Kevin Boston, PhD 41. WING<<Prediction of Understory Vegetation Cover with Airborne Lidar in an Interior Ponderosa Pine Forest. Brian M. Wing, Martin W. Ritchie, Kevin Boston, Warren B. Cohen, Alix Gitelman, Michael J. Olsen F. Other Publications and Reports 1. Adams, P.W. 2011. Forests and Drinking Water: Fact or Fiction? Article for Northwest Woodlands, regional newsletter for woodland owners, Summer 2010. 2. Adams, P.W. 2011. Watersheds and Forestry – An Introduction. Basic Forestry Shortcourse (BFS) Online audiovisual program. 3. Adams, P.W. and S. Fitzgerald. 2011. Peer Review of “Tiller Pre-Contact Reference Condition Study” – Summary and Comments. Project report submitted to Douglas County. 4. Boston, Kevin, and Burgess, Jose in Portugal – Draft of Chapter for new book in Forest Plantation Management: Forestry raw materials supply chain management – Springer Verlag. 5. Harrison, R.B., D.A. Maguire, and D. Page-Dumroese. Chapter 6: Maintaining Adequate Nutrient Supply—Principles, Decision-Support Tools, and Best Management Practices. Pp. 33-42 in S.D. Angima and T.R. Terry (eds). Best Management Practices for Maintaining Soil Productivity in the Douglas-fir Region. EM-9023. Extension Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 6. Skaugest, AE. The effect of contemporary forest practices on stream temperature at a watershed scale: A case study from Hinkle Creek. Presented at the 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA. September 2011