JD mental health locality lead

Job title:
Locality Lead
Mental Health Community Incentive Scheme Clinical
Time commitment:
Six hours (2 sessions) per week
Locality based
Responsible to:
CIS Clinical Lead
April 2014 to March 2016
The Mental Health Community Incentive Scheme (CIS) Clinical Locality Lead will be
a dedicated resource to support Lambeth Localities to implement the CIS in all
practices. The CIS seeks to provide an enhanced level of mental health care in a
primary care setting. GP Surgeries will be incentivised to take on additional tasks
and responsibilities with respect to people being discharged from secondary care
mental health services and those who need to step up from routine primary care.
The CIS Clinical Locality Lead will be responsible for:
Implementation of the Mental Health CIS in a given locality, focusing on
developing a networked approach to supporting people with Severe Mental
Illness (SMI) in the community
Close liaison with colleagues in the South London and Maudsley NHS
Foundation Trust (SLaM) to support effective working between general
practices and secondary care
With the lead for the overall GP Delivery Framework for the locality, making
arrangements for all people who may benefit from the CIS to have access to it
i.e. where practices are not able to deliver the CIS, put alternative
arrangement is in place for patients from that practice
Lead on mental health training and education for practice staff in the locality
NHS Lambeth CCG (name of meeting) agenda and action plan
Chief Officer: Andrew Eyres
Chair: Dr Adrian McLachlan
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Liaison with pharmacy in specialist services and the community to facilitate
the prescribing, dispensing and administration of psychotropic medications in
primary care
Working closely with the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative to implement the
principles of co-production in primary care
From April to September 2014, practices in the South of the borough will access
community based resources differently to those in the North. These resources take
the form of the Living Well Network (LWN) Hub. The LWN Hub is a new front door to
mental health services which is a collaboration between SLaM, Lambeth Council,
Clapham SPMS (which manages dedicated liaison nurses within the Primary Care
Support Service), Thamesreach, which provides social support, and Missing Link, a
peer support group which manages mental health peer supporters. The Hub will
allocate leads to each GP locality and will encompass the clinical, social and peer
support elements of the offer. Hub staff will regularly hold surgeries within GP
practices where they will work with service users and practice staff. People eligible
for the CIS will have access to the Hub. The Hub has been operational in the North
of Lambeth since November 2013 and will launch the South in September 2014.
The role is intended to support individual practices and the locality as a whole, to
ensure the successful implementation of the CIS locally and to continually develop
the support network in primary care available to people with mental health problems.
1. Key working relationships
The Living Well Network Mental Health Hub
 This is a key working relationship and the post holder will have effective
working relationships with Hub staff and will be instrumental in ensuring that
practices receive and make best use of the support on offer
 Line management will be via from the Hub manager
 Clinical supervision will be via the consultant psychiatrists in the Hub
 Locality GP Delivery Scheme Lead
 CIS Project Facilitator
 All general practices preferably the named CIS contact for the practice, in the
 Consultant psychiatrist
 CMHT Care co-ordinators
 Specialist pharmacy
Lambeth CCG
NHS Lambeth CCG (name of meeting) agenda and action plan
Chief Officer: Andrew Eyres
Chair: Dr Adrian McLachlan
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CIS Senior Responsible Officer
CIS CCG lead
Medicines Optimisation Team
Primary Care Development Programme Board
2. Job functions and responsibilities
 Provide an example of good mental healthcare practice for GP practices in
the locality, by:
o Working with the CIS to support individuals with enhanced mental and
physical healthcare and social support needs to maximise the person’s
ability to support their own recovery and achieve the Big 3 outcomes:
 Recover and stay well
 Make one’s own choices and achieve personal goals
 Participate on an equal footing in life
o Using the Recovery and Support Plan as the key care planning tool for
sharing decision making and information
o Working collaboratively with stakeholders to develop effective joined-up
care pathways for people with SMI that make best use of resources
and expertise
o Promoting the physical health and wellbeing of people with mental
health problems
Supporting practices
 Work with practices to identify areas for improvement and develop plans to
 Provide hands-on support to practices to implement mental health
improvement plans
 Review CIS performance data with practices to ensure achievement of
objectives and identify emerging trends
 Work with other GP leads to share learning and ensure consistency of
Developing integrated care pathways
 Identify improvements to practice-based procedures and protocols that enable
implementation of the CIS e.g. recall systems for when someone does not
attend appointments or collects a prescription etc.
 Liaise with colleagues in the health and social care system to develop a
federated approach to delivering care and will include:
o The Living Well Network Hub
o Secondary care
o Social support
o Community pharmacy
o A&E departments
NHS Lambeth CCG (name of meeting) agenda and action plan
Chief Officer: Andrew Eyres
Chair: Dr Adrian McLachlan
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Data analysis
 Review the performance data of individual practices and across the locality
and identify patterns and trends
 To have oversight of performance against the CIS of all practices in the
locality and participate in the validation of achievement
 Facilitate the reconciliation of practice SMI registers with SLaM caseloads
 To feedback findings to stakeholders including the Lambeth CCG Governing
Body, Clinical Network
 Identify the training needs of practices in the locality and work with other
Mental Health Locality Leads to facilitate a learning and education programme
for primary care, both clinical and non-clinical
 Work with individual practices to meet their educational and training needs
 Research examples of best practice that may be applied to Lambeth
 Attend training and education events as required
Administration and development
 Provide feedback and comments on reports and documents
 Attend meetings as appropriate
 Present at local and national fora
3. Specific objectives
Contribute to the successful transition of 400 people from SLaM care to the
CIS or routine primary care
Identify the profile of patients who would benefit from the CIS who are not
under the care of SLaM
Contribute to the increased capacity in primary care to support people with
Foster positive relationships between primary and secondary care
4. Support from the CCG
Remuneration/ backfill
 Remuneration will be provided at a rate of £85 per hour. Post holders will
invoice the CCG.
Information about the role
 Clarity on time commitments for effective forward planning
 Clear expectations and ‘rules of engagement’ agreed from the start
 A clear work plan and set dates to review progress and monitor against work
NHS Lambeth CCG (name of meeting) agenda and action plan
Chief Officer: Andrew Eyres
Chair: Dr Adrian McLachlan
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Feedback about individual performance and contribution
Appropriate background support on relationship between project work stream
and programme board and the forms of governance structure appropriate to
the role
Training and Information
 Access to clinical data and information and resource to investigate
 Development and leadership training as identified with clinical network lead
together with appropriate support
 Specific training required to perform in the role
Organisational and structural support
Line management will be via the Manager of the LWN Mental Health Hub
Clinical supervision is available from the consultant psychiatrists who sit within
the LWN Hub
Post holders will have access to resources and support available through the
Clinical Network
The GP Delivery Framework Lead will provide support and guidance on the
direction and development of the overall Framework
NHS Lambeth CCG (name of meeting) agenda and action plan
Chief Officer: Andrew Eyres
Chair: Dr Adrian McLachlan
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Education &
Qualified primary care clinician
Experience of supporting people with
complex health and social care needs in the
Good understanding of the clinical and social
issues affecting local patients with SMI
A good understanding and experience of
clinical commissioning
Experience of implementing clinical
Awareness of current national and local
issues relating to mental health and wellbeing
e.g. NICE, Lambeth Living Well Collaborative,
No Health Without Mental Health, 5 Ways to
Sound working knowledge of antipsychotic
and other psychotropic medication
To demonstrate an awareness and
understanding of the factors that contribute to
good physical and mental health and the
importance of promoting these in line with
best practice
Understanding of national clinical audit
An understanding of mental health legislation
Advanced mental
health practitioner e.g.
GPSI qualification
Currently working in a
Lambeth practice
Lived experience of
mental health issues
Good understanding of
local health economy
NHS Lambeth CCG (name of meeting) agenda and action plan
Chief Officer: Andrew Eyres
Chair: Dr Adrian McLachlan
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Skills &abilities
Physical and
Credibility with colleagues from a broad range
of professional groups
Ability to deliver programmes of change
Ability to communicate effectively and
influence primary, secondary and voluntary
sectors to implement change
Ability to work to strict deadlines
High level of competence in the use of
computers and software packages especially
Excellent clinical data analysis skills
Experience of critical
appraisal of research
Passion for improving outcomes for people
with mental health problems
Ability to tolerate ambiguity and be flexible in
response to change
Self-motivated, proactive and innovative
Able to work with resistance and resolve
Understanding and commitment to the
Lambeth Living Well Collaborative’s priorities
and core values
Travel independently to meetings in various
locations across the locality and Lambeth
May be required to exercise prolonged
periods of analysis to review information
and/or reports
NHS Lambeth CCG (name of meeting) agenda and action plan
Chief Officer: Andrew Eyres
Chair: Dr Adrian McLachlan
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