English 1a
Dr. Parks
English spring 2015 theme: food
assignments source assignment - argumentative 50 points schedule assignments - 30 and 20 points each reading guides and reading responses - 5 points each presentation - 50 points paper 1 - analytical expository - 150 points paper 2 -argumentative - 300 points in class essay- argumentative on articles and book - 100 points
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week one, Jan. 19, 2015
Monday - Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, no school
Tuesday class: intro to class, theme reading tips home: get supplies, especially class pack read "The Chain Never Stops" (handout) and fill in reading guide
Thursday class: reading guide due, discuss "The Chain Never Stops" start schedule assignment, discuss paper topics home: read "The Human Consequences of Animal Exploitation" (handout), fill in guide fill in rest of schedule (p. 79 class pack), think about topic for presentation (p.
10-11 class pack)
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week two, Jan. 26, 2015
Tuesday class: reading guide due, discuss "The Human Consequences of Animal
Exploitation" and scholarly sources and credible sources; discuss scholarly v. credible assignment discuss intro to research (chapter 1), scholarly sources (chapter 8), and keeping track of sources (chapter 9) in Writing Research Papers home: choose a topic for paper 1; brainstorm/create a rough outline for scholarly v. credible assignment
Thursday class: reading a journal article discuss writing process, thesis, essay structure, and annotation (chapter 8) discuss assignment and activity home: type outline and first draft of scholarly v. credible assignment
** Jan. 30 last day for refunds and Feb. 1 last day to drop without a "w" ***
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week three, Feb. 2, 2015
Tuesday class: first draft due for peer edit (handout) discuss finding (chapter 4 & 5) and documenting article sources (chapter 14) in
WRP; find an article source home: revise/type second and third drafts; read slowfoodusa.org, fill in reading guide; find two article sources for paper 1
Thursday class: reading guide due; scholarly v. credible assignment due discuss slowfoodusa.org discuss finding (chapter 4,5,&6) and documenting internet sources (.edu, .org,
.gov) (chapter 14) in WRP; search engines discuss annotated bib (chapter 8); sentence outlines p. 154 home: find rest of sources; type an annotated bib with 4 sources and thesis statement; type a sentence outline for paper 1; finish schedule assignment (p. 79)
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week four, Feb. 9, 2015
Tuesday class: peer edit annotated bib/thesis with 4 sources (p. 15-16 class pack) and peer edit sentence outline (p. 19-20); schedule assignment due discuss in text citations (chapter 7) WRP; using sources home: read "Can GMOs Help Feed a Hot and Hungry World?" (handout), fill in reading guide; revise annotated bib with thesis start writing paper 1
Thursday class: annotated bib w/ thesis due; reading guide due; library workshop 1 due discuss plagiarism (chapter 7) and summary and paraphrase; in text citations review essay format and title page, outline, draft, works cited, etc. draft home: finish writing/typing paper 1. Bring copies of all sources to class with
Week five, Feb. 16, 2015
Monday - Presidents' Day
Tuesday class: first draft and all sources due for peer edit (p. 21-24 class pack) discuss MLA in text citations (chapter 11) and revision (chapter 13) WRP home: revise/type second draft of paper 1
English 1a
Dr. Parks
6 prepare conference sheet (page 25 in the class pack) and letter to the professor
(topic: introducing yourself to me)
Thursday class: conferences on second draft of paper 1 in Writing Center. Take draft, all sources, conference sheet, and letter to the professor. Library workshop 2 due home:
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week six, Feb. 23, 2015
Tuesday class: conferences on second draft of paper 1 in Writing Center. Take draft, all sources, conference sheet, and letter to the professor.
home: revise/type final draft with sources. (See page 27 in the class pack for turn in information.) Read chapter 2 from Food Waste (handout), fill in reading guide.
Thursday class: Paper 1 including copies of ALL sources due in an envelope,
Library workshop 3 due; reading guide due discuss chapter 2 from Food Waste and finding (chapter 4 &5) and documenting book sources (chapter 14) discuss argumentative thesis (chapter 10) WRP home: type argumentative thesis; find more sources for paper 2
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week seven, March 2, 2015
Tuesday class: argumentative thesis due for peer edit (p. 35-36); discuss using sources
(chapter 11) and developing an argument with reasons; topic outline p. 153 WRP mini-conferences to return papers (hopefully most are graded); look for more sources, work on outline or annotated bib. home: read WAIE, chapter 14, type RR (see p. 100 for format) type thesis and topic outline and annotated bib of 6 sources; fill in Get it? p. 29
Thursday class: RR due; discuss WAIE, chapter 14 thesis and topic outline (p. 37-38) and annotated bib (p. 39-40) due for peer edit discuss responding to the other side; practice summary, paraphrase, and documentation home: create a sentence outline for paper 2 read WAIE chapter 15, type RR
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week eight, March 9, 2015
Tuesday class: discuss WAIE 15; RR due formal sentence outline due for peer edit (p. 41-42) discuss argumentative techniques/development (chapter 10) home: type intro and at least first body paragraph. Also have title page, outline, and works cited (p. 43 grade sheet)
Thursday class: title page, formal outline, 2 paragraphs, and works cited due discuss plagiarism and using sources home: keep working on paper 2 read WAIE chapter 16, type RR
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week nine, March 16, 2015
Tuesday class: RR due; discuss WAIE 16 return and discuss paper 2 draft of pages 1-2 home: finish paper 2 to at least three pages; read WAIE chapter 8, type RR
Thursday class: RR due; discuss WAIE 8 title page, outline, 3 pages due for peer edit (p. 45-49) documentation practice; discuss development (chapter 12) home: read WAIE chapter 9; type RR pack) revise and work on paper 2; type schedule assignment part 2 (p. 85 in class
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week ten, March 23, 2015
Tuesday class: schedule assignment part 2 due; RR due, discuss WAIE 9 practice works cited and documentation home: finish first draft of paper 2 read WAIE chapter 10, type RR
Thursday class: first draft -title page, outline, full draft, works cited and ALL sources due for peer edit (p. 51-52 in class pack)
RR due; discuss WAIE 10
home: type/revise second draft paper 2 read WAIE chapter 17, type RR
* March 27 last day to withdraw* Easter Break
Week eleven, April 6, 2015
Tuesday class: complete second draft due in envelope with all sources (p. 53-54)
English 1a
Dr. Parks
RR due; discuss WAIE 17 home: read chapter 18-19 WAIE, one RR
Thursday class: RR due; discuss WAIE 18-19 sign up for conferences home: prepare letter to the professor (topic: how is your semester going?)
Week twelve, April 13, 2015
Tuesday class: Conferences --bring letter to the professor home:
Thursday class: conferences --- bring letter to the professor home: read WAIE chapter 20, type RR
English 1a
Dr. Parks
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week thirteen, April 20, 2015
Tuesday class: Paper 2 due - NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED! (p. 55-56 for check list and grade sheet)
RR due; discuss WAIE 20 discuss in class essay (p. 91-92) home: create outline for in class essay
Thursday class: no class; equity conference on campus home:
Week fourteen, April 27, 2015
Tuesday class: mini conferences to return paper 2 (hopefully most are graded)
English 1a
Dr. Parks
15 peer edit outline for in class essay (p. 93-94) home:
Thursday class: no class; conference out of town home: revise outline
English 1a
Dr. Parks
Week fifteen, May 4, 2015
Tuesday class: in class essay on article and Where Am I Eating? (p. 95 grade sheet) home: prepare presentations and final letter
Thursday class: start presentations (p. 57-58) home:
Week sixteen, May 11, 2015 Finals week
Tuesday - no class
Thursday- 12 noon finish final presentations (p. 57-58)
English 1a
Dr. Parks
17 class picture food