Approval of Prior Board Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2015
7:00 PM
Present: Denis Boucher (MVU), FNWSU Board chairperson), FNWSU Board vice
chairperson; Tobias Maguire (Swanton), Tim Magnant (Franklin), Richard Flint
(Highgate), Bob Berger (Franklin), David Roddy, (Highgate), Thomas Gates
(Franklin); and Gregg Gervais, (MVU). Absent from the meeting: Bob Irish (MVU),
Jason McConnell (Sheldon), Travis Perry (Sheldon); Celeste Kane-Stebbins
(Sheldon), Connie Beyor, (Highgate); Patti Jo Walker (Swanton), John Creelman,
Board Clerk (Swanton). Others present: Winton Goodrich, superintendent; George
Raynak, technology director; Libby Bonesteel, Director of Curriculum; Melanie
Boyle, Assistant Director of Early Childhood Programs and Pierrette Bouchard,
School Board secretary.
Call Meeting to Order- Denis Boucher called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Agenda Amendments: Win Goodrich requested adding Bank Resolution and remove
the master agreement ratification from the agenda.
Public Comments and Correspondence
Approval of Prior Board Meeting Minutes
Tim Magnant moved, seconded by David Roddy, to approve the July 7th, 2015 Board
minutes as presented. The Board approved the motion 8-0.
Early Education: Win Goodrich introduced Franklin Northwest SU new Early
Childhood Assistant Coordinator. As a result of the early education expansion
grant and promise grant, there are 455 preschoolers coming into the schools.
Melanie will be assisting Michelle Spence with the expansion of the pre-school
programs. Melanie provided an overview of her background and experiences.
Act 46 Update: Win provided an update of Act 46. He explained the governance
study committee will consist of a representative from each town, should consist of
a mix of board members and community members. A Consultant will work with the
study committee. At the September 2nd board meeting, the board should decide
what the scope of the study committee will be. Win went over the possible
compositions of the new school board structure combining several school districts
and leaving other school districts within the same supervisory union in their current
format. The State will also look at the Quality piece of the new governance
structures as well as the tax savings. THE AOE is piloting an education quality
standard review. The AOE Education Quality Standards have five domains
Academic Achievement • Personalized Learning • Safe, School Climate • High
Quality Staffing and • Financial Efficiencies. The State will look at the assessment
scores and professional learning to see the status. What are the benefits and
what are the challenges? Win will know more by the September 2nd SU board
meeting. Tom Gates would like bullet points sent to the board members prior to the
September 2nd board meeting. The Franklin Board will meet at 6pm just before
the 7pm FNWSU board meeting. Will decide on the composition of the $5,000
study in September.
Transportation Bid and Contract: The Supervisory Union board will need to
authorize bus bids for Alburg and Sheldon as well as approve the contract. Grand
Avenue Enterprises is the low bidder for Alburg at $53,000 and for Sheldon at
$40,000 for the 2015-2016 school year. The Alburgh bid came in higher than what
was expected and budgeted. The Sheldon bid came in close to the budgeted
amount. Gregg Gervais moved, seconded by Bob Berger to award the bus bid to
Grand Avenue at $53,000 for Alburg transportation and $40,000 for Sheldon
transportation and authorize the board chairperson to sign the transportation
contract addendum for the remaining 2015-2017 school years. The board approved
the motion on an 8-0 vote.
Bank Resolution: Win introduced a People’s United Bank Business Deposit account
resolution that will need adoption and authorizing the board chair signature on the
document. This resolution is authorizing a change in signers to the Supervisory
Union accounts. The signers to the accounts will consist of Becky Hart, Lora
McAllister and Win Goodrich. David Roddy moved, seconded by Richard Flint to
adopt the People’s United Bank business deposit account resolution and authorize
the board chairperson to sign the resolution. The board approved the motion 8-0
Thank You Note: Win read a thank you note to Supervisory Union Board from
Diane Bellrose upon her retirement.
Contracts: Win presented 2015-2016 professional teaching contracts for the
following: Carmen Dennis-Early Childhood Teacher, Heather Digby-Math
Interventionist, Faith Johnson-Math Content Leader, Frank Zaske English as a
Second Language Teacher, Brye Trainer-Literacy Interventionist, Deb GrennonBookmobile Director .4 FTE and Early Childhood Parent Coordination-.6 FTE Tim
Magnant moved, seconded by Gregg Gervais to authorize Denis Boucher, School
Board Chairperson to sign the teacher contracts. The board approved the motion
on an 8-0 vote.
AOE Education Quality Standards Review: The AOE is piloting an education
quality standard review. There is an incentive for supervisory unions participating
in the pilot. The SU can help shape what the quality review process will look like.
There is a financial incentive as well. The SU participating in the fall will receive
$1,000 per school and $750 per visiting staff honorarium; the second cycle in
January will receive a little less per visiting staff and the spring cycle will receive a
little less. The pilot will need participation of six teachers, 2 Central Office
personnel, 6 high school students, and 2 principals. There is a $3,000 grant to each
district to help cover the cost of substitutes. Win would like the board to make a
decision on the participation of the supervisory union in the pilot project so that he
can respond to the AOE. The sooner the SU participates, the higher the financial
rewards and the better likelihood that the SU will be one the groups participating.
The board expressed concerns on the amount of time teachers will be away from
their classrooms. The board wanted the principals input on participating in the pilot
program. Tim Magnant moved, seconded by Gregg Gervais to move forward on the
quality standard review pilot on the authority of the majority of the administrators
in the Supervisory Union. The board approved 8-0 vote.
Superintendent’s Report:
Goals: Win highlighted his goals for the 15-16 school year: Act 46, Teacher
Evaluation, Right Sizing, Further development of leadership teams. Tobias Maguire
suggested adding retention of principals as we have three new principals this year.
Win will add that as part of the leadership teams.
Win proposed having a carousal meeting in October.
New Administrators: Win reported that Highgate has a new principal, Patrick
Hartnett, replacing Marcel Choquette who left to go to Milton. Justina Jennett is
the new Assistant Principal in Swanton. Christie Martin is the new Sheldon
Principal. And the board has met Melanie Boyle the new Assistant Director of Early
Childhood Programs this evening. They will be hiring a new data person to replace
Judy Walls who has submitted her resignation.
The Supervisory Union had a great In-Service Day kickoff on August 18th with
young Abenaki drumming, drumming consisting of SU staff under the direction of
Melissa Ewell and an outstanding keynote speakers on standards based approach.
Future Meeting Dates
● FNWSU Board Meeting – September 2 at 7:00 p.m. at Franklin School.
The Franklin School Board will me at 6:00pm prior to the SU meeting.
Denis Boucher declared the meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
John Creelman, Board Clerk
Submitted by Pierrette Bouchard, School Board Secretary