
Academy Building: Barnett, M. & Wm., Brazee, E.Fenn,Johnson,L.Hammond,Markey, Morey
#81,88,Zacchea,Rudd,Scribner,Erickson,Vaill,Whitbeck, Chilcoat, K.
American School for the Deaf (Isola Bella)Abvord/Elverd: Hawkins, O’Hara, tape #73,Johnson,L.,Wagner,
Amesville School: Bredbrenner, Dakin, A.Milmine,Nash
Board of Education (SCS):Bartram, Eddy, Bayersdorfer. D., Fitting, J.
Chapinville School see Taconic School
Civic Life Project: Bayersdorfer, d.
Dr. Knight’s School for Imbeciles: Paul Cleaveland, P. Sylvernale, E. Haas, Aller,Fenn,Savage,Wagner,
Elementary Schools, Salisbury one room: M. Barnett, F. Zacchea, M. Milmine, P. Cleaveland, R. Hawkins,
H. smith, L. Nash#57a-b, Bellini, Brazee, E.Dann,Milmine
Ellen Nelson’s Nursery School (later Little scholar School): Alexander, D.
Grove Street School (White School, Salisbury Center, district #7):
Dakin,A.Hoystradt,Johnson,E.Sherwood,Milmine, Morey
#81,88,Zacchea,Scribner(description),Paine,Dakin C.,Roraback, Parsons
EXTRAS: Hammond,D. Rice, J., Bucceri,L. Rev. Taber, Baldwin.M-E
Girls School at Searles Castle in Gt. Barrington: tape 68
Hillcrest School for Wayward Girls: O’Hara, Cook
Holley-William Summer Camp: Fitting, J.
Hotchkiss School: M. Briscoe, G. Card, R. Hawkins(history), K. Athoe, Wm. Binzen, A. Sly, J. R. Chandler,
A. Eddy, G. Anastasio , R. Osborne, M. Barnett, P. Cleaveland, I. Decker. Aller, Barnett, M., Drury, Beebe,
Maus, Dann,Doolittle, Fenn,Fisher, Flynn, Belcher, Clark, J., Cleaveland,P & R, .Cowles S, Fowlkes,
Garrity,Grant, Hallihan,Harris,Hoskins,tape #73,Johnson,L. Kiefer,Romeo,Keur,Johnson,
G.Kellogg,Keil,Langdon,Lorenzo,Markey,Mulligan, McCabe, Milmine, Morey #81,88, Longley,Nash#57ab,Zacchea,O’Loughlin,Osborn(history), ,Perotti,Quimby,Rebillard AB,Reid,Rogers,J.Romeo,Rudd,Silvernail,Flo,Fowle (history)Erickson,Scribner c-d,Clark,G. Sly(campus
description of 1950)Thrall,tape 68,Vaill,Chandler,R. (History) & T.,Vaill,Wagner,Warner,D &
J.Wells,Whitbeck,Wick,Eddy (history),Scott, Speer,McArthur,Dakin, C.Williams,
P.Wolf,Harvey,Loi.Cleaveland, J.Brown, Anastasio (History), McAuliffe,Becket,Rand, Blagden, Chilcoat,
K., Shaw, Alexander, D., Mongeau, J., Wolf, P., Griggs, Alexander, R., Reid, K. Fitting, J.( history units
taught)Bucceri, S.. Mayland(history)
Housatonic Day Care: Joan Palmer (history), Johnson, G. ,Wardell,Warner, J.,Vreeland,Loi, Stevens,
P.,Bayersdorfer, D., Rev. Taber
Housatonic Valley Regional High School: A. Fitts, M.Kelly, M. Briscoe, S. Vreeland, Briscoe. Corbin, Maus,
Decker,Flynn,Fowlkes,Garrity,Goodwin, Johnson, E&L.,Kiefer,Romeo.Johnson,G.
e,Scribner c-d,Bartram,Chandler, T.,Walsh,Warner,D.Vreeland,Williams,R.Zacchea,Eddy,McArthur,Dakin,
C.,Smith, C.Williams, P.Bell,Harvey,Lamb,Loi,Collins,L. Cleaveland, J.Rice, J.Gomez,McAuliffe,Dodge,
Roraback, Alexander, D., Mongeau, J., Wolf, P., Duntz, H., Griggs, Williams, N., Stevens, P.,Bayersdorfer,
D., Rev. Taber, Reid, K., Fitting, J.Brien, H.
Indian Mountain School: Wm. Doolittle, Dann, Corbin, Daboll, Fish, Hallihan,Hoskins,tape
#73,Johnson,L.Langdon,McMillen,Leech, Warner, Rogers, P.Scribner, Warner,D & J.Smith, C. ,Brown
(history)Shannon, Becket, Blagden, Mongeau, H.,Wolf, P., Williams, N., Bucceri. Bayersdorfer, N.,Firuski,
O., Bucceri, S., McKee
Interact Club (Rotary): Flores, L.
Interlaken School for Girls (Taconic School for Girls)/Wake Robin:Keil
Institute of World Affairs: Charles Cook (History), N. Sills, O’Hara, Campbell
Lakeville High School (where PO is, closed 1929)): Barnett, M & Wm., M.Kelly, L. Nash. Beebe, Belter, C.,
Berti, Bradley, Card, Chavous, Cleaveland, P. & R., Maus, Dann, Decker,Fenn,Flynn,Garrity,Gustafson
#103,& #119,Hallihan,Kimble,Romeo,Kelly,Markey,McLane,Milmine,Morey
#81,88,Murray,Zacchea,Nash#57a-b,O’Loughlin,Rebillard A-B,Rudd,Savage,Scribner ac,Paine,Clark,G.Vaill,Wagner,Zacchea,Smith, C.
Lime Rock School(closed 1943): Gustafson#103 &119,, Perotti, Kelly , Berti,Goodwin,Johnson,
E.Kelly(taught there1939-1943),Lorenzo,Markey,Milmine,Williams,R.
Little Scholar School: Jeanne Wardell(history), Denise Rice,D. Romeo, Loi, Alexander, D., Bucceri, S.
Mrs. Mills School (Gt. Barrington): tape 68
Miss Anne Stuart’s School: Haas & Barnett Tape 49A,
Miss Weed’s School (Lakeville): Murray
Mount Riga School: Nash #57c-d, Warner,D.
Northwestern Community College: Haeberle
Oliver Wolcott Technical School (Torrington):Eddy,Fitting
Ore Hill School: Milmine,Nash#57a-b,Silvernail, Flo
RESCUE: Mongeau, J., Bayersdorfer, D.
St. Mary’s Catholic School: Belter, C. Beebe, Cleaveland, P.Fenn,Garrity,Hallihan
Salisbury Central Upper Building(SCS):Hoskins,Romeo,Johnson, G.( renovation
1990/94),Mulligan,Leech,Osborn,Rice, Rogers,P.Erickson,Bartram,Wagner,Warner D &
J,Vreeland,Eddy,Scott,McArthur,Gevert,Dakin, C.Haeberle, Smith, C.Williams,
P.Bell,Harvey,Lamb,Collins, L.,Fitting,Cleaveland, J.McAuliffe, Dodge, Chilcoat, R. Mongeau, H..Chilcoat,
K.,Roraback. Alexander, D., Mongeau, J., Wolf, P., Bartram, Jim, Williams, N., Alexander, R., Stevens, P.,
Bucceri, Bayersdorfer, D., Reid,K., Bucceri, S., McKee
Salisbury Central School/ Lower building, Salisbury High School 1929-1939: P. Rogers, M. Kelly, Barnett,
Wm. Beebe, Bellini, Brazee, E., Bredbrenner, Smith 105, Card, Maus, Dakin,A.Decker,
Dubois,Fenn,Garrity,Goodwin,Gustafson # 103,Johnson,E &
L.Kiefer,Kelly,Johnson,G.,Mulligan,Perotti,Romeo,Paine,Clark,G.Thrall, Duntz, H., Williams, N., Bucceri
Salisbury Elementary Schools: G. Card, F. Zacchea, M. Briscoe, L. Murray, P. Cleaveland, I. Decker, M.
Kelly, L. Nash,Milmine,Erickson, Parsons
Salisbury High School (Lower Building SCS 1929-1939): Chavous, Cleaveland,
R.Fenn,Fitts,Flynn,Garrity,Goodwin,Gustafson #119,Kelly,O’Loughlin,Savage
Salisbury School: Wm. Doolittle, H. Corbin, A. Langdon, H.C. Morey (21C), J. Bates (history),
Corbin,Garrity,Grant,Hoskins. Tape
#73,Kiefer,Keur(history)Langdon(history)Markey,Mulligan,Leech,Morey #81(history),#88,Nash#57ab,Osborn,Reid,Scribner d,Clark,G.Bartram,Wagner,Warner,D.Wick,Williams,C.Collins,L.McAuliffe,
Becket, Chilcoat, R. Mongeau, J., Wolf, P., Bucceri, L. & S. Fitting, J., Dwyer, McKee (history)
School district list: Cleaveland, P. Parsons, G. re district #7 Grove St.
School house on Rt. 112: Murray
School house on Long Pond Road: Stratton
School in Masonic Lodge: Bredbrenner, Chavous, Cleaveland,P. & R.Decker,Fenn,Garrity,Murray,tape 68
Scholarship Funds (Bauer/Wild):Fowle
Scholarship Fund (IMS/Town Scholar): Wolf, P.
Scholarship Fund (Rotary): Flores, L.
Scoville Memorial Library Board: Loi, Chilcoat, K.
Scoville Memorial Library Story Hour: Jo Loi
Shadow Rock Nursery School: Bayersdorfer, N.
Simon’s Rock (Bard College, Gt. Barrington): Gevert
Miss Stuart’s School (house opposite Iron Masters/ Salmon Kill Rd.):Fenn, Fisher, Keil, ,Scribner c-d,tape
68,Wagner,Warner,D. & J. Smith, C.
Taconic Learning Center: Haeberle, Bayersdorfer, D., Baldwin
Taconic School: Laura Johnson, Smith 105,Milmine, Nash#57a-b,Rebillard A-B(description)C-D,
Schmaling, Warner J., Wick, Roraback
Taconic School for Girls (Wake Robin Inn): Aller, Belcher. Cleaveland, P.Keil
Time Out Foundation: McArthur
Mrs. Tracy’s School: tape 68A (Bissell Hall history), Warner,D. Reid
Mrs. Tracy’s School: tape 68 (Montgomery St.)
Tremaine Art Gallery (Hotchkiss): Chilcoat, K.
Teachers’ Hot lunch Program (Helen Thrall):Thrall, Roraback
Teachers/Principals: Card, Zacchea, Decker, P, Rogers, Beebe, Belcher, Bellini, Berti, Bradley,
Maus,Bredbenner, Smith 105, Chavous, Cleaveland, P. & R.Decker,Fenn, Gustafson #103 &
#119,Hallihan,Kelly,Markey,Morey #81,Murray,Zacchea,Nash#57a-b,O’Loughlin,Rebillard A-B,Rogers,
P.Scribner, Paine, Clark, G. Dakin, C., Becket, Blagden, Roraback
Town Hill (Connie Garrity head 43 years): Wm. Doolittle, Miss Tracy’s School, Corbin.Dann,Garrity,tape
#73,Kelly,Kellogg,Langdon,Leech,Nash#57a-b,Quimby,Reid,tape 68,Brown (history), Becket, Blagden,
Alexander, D., Wolf, P. (merger),Bayersdorfer, N.,Firuski, O.
Wassaic State School, Wassaic, N.Y.: Parsons
Youth Exchange program (Rotary): Flores, L.