TACOMA SCHOOL DISTRICT Teacher: Mrs. Crews/Ms. Behope Phone Number: 253-571-3021/3162 Email: ccrews@tacoma.k12.wa.us BUSINESS AND MARKETING EDUCATION Room Number: B26 Arrival Time: 7:05 a.m. Departure Time: 2:35 p.m. Planning Period: 5th Period FINANCIAL ALGEBRA SYLLABUS COURSE DESCRIPTION In this class students will practice algebra and geometric mathematics using financial business applications. Specific areas that will be covered includes the decision making process, financial aspects of career planning, financial management, income analysis, budgeting techniques, savings and investment strategies in order to meet short and long term goals, evaluation of services offered by financial institutions, managing credit cards and debt, risk analysis, fraud and financial loss. Students will learn work readiness skills to prepare them for career and college. This class meets the third year math requirement for students choosing to complete a career and technical education math. Your counselor will need you and your parents to complete paperwork in order for this class to count as third year math. STUDENT OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course and as time permits, students will be able to: Unit: Employment Basics (Chapter 6) Banking Services (Chapter 3) Student Competencies: Calculate pay periods and hourly rates Calculate commissions, royalties, and piecework pay Calculate employee benefits Calculate and graph Social Security and Medicare Analyze checking accounts Reconcile a bank statement Analyze savings accounts Calculate compound interest Utilize compound interest formula. Analyze future value of investments. Analyze present value of investments Consumer Credit (Chapter 4) Research consumer credit Calculate loans Calculate credit cards Analyze credit card statements Calculate average daily balance Independent Living (Chapter 8) Determine the cost for finding a place to live Determine area of floor plans Compute cost of owning a home Compute the cost of renting/leasing a home 1 Math Topics Used Graphs Linear functions Literal expressions Spreadsheets and formulas Exponential functions Exponential growth and decay Formulas Linear equations and inequalities Order of operations Recursive and iterative thinking: patterns, growth, decline, compound interest Exponential growth and decay Linear equations and inequalities Linear regression Percent Spreadsheets and formulas Area and scale factor Exponential regressions Greatest integer functions Literal expressions Rational and exponential equations Scale drawing Volume Scatterplots & linear regressions Spreadsheets and formulas Systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables Automobile Ownership (Chapter 5) Income Taxes (Chapter 7) Utilize tax tables, worksheets, and schedules* Interpret income statements & forms Complete forms 1040EZ and 1040A The Stock Market (Chapter 1) Compute the financial responsibility of business organizations Analyze and interpret stock market data & charts Calculate simple moving averages Calculate gains & losses from stock trades Calculate stock transaction fees Understand stock splits Compute bond & dividend income Compute the cost of classified ads Use statistics to buy or sell a car Graph frequency distributions Determine automobile insurance costs Calculate linear automobile depreciation Graph depreciation Calculate mileage costs Examine driving safety data Determine accident investigation data Prepare a Budget (Chapter 10) Planning for Retirement (Chapter 9)* Calculate retirement income from savings Understand & compute social security benefits Calculate pension benefits Compute & compare life insurance costs Compute utility expenses Compute electronic utilities Create a budget Develop & interpret cash flow and budgeting 2 Distance formula Exponential growth and decay Linear equations and inequalities Measures of central tendency Metric systems Percent and proportions Piecewise functions Range Read & interpret data Quartiles Straight line equations Slope Square root equations Spreadsheets and formulas Systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables Domains Linear equations and inequalities Literal expressions Percent Candlestick chart Fractions, decimals and percent Linear equations Literal equations Mean Percent increase & decrease Ratio & proportion Read, interpret and create bar and line graphs Simple moving averages Spreadsheet and formulas Fractions, decimals & ratios Linear equations and inequalities Literal expressions Matrices Proportions Rational and exponential equations Read and interpret data Slope and graphing linear functions Spreadsheets and formulas Systems of equations Collect and interpret data Domain Expected value Exponential equations Greatest integer functions Inequalities Literal expressions Measures of central tendency Percent increase Rational equations Spreadsheets and formulas Slope-intercept forms Modeling a Business (2)* Interpret trends based on scatterplots Find & interpret linear regression Understand supply and demand curves Understand the difference between fixed and variable expenses Graph expenses and revenue functions Determine & analyze breakeven points Determine a profit equation Mathematically model a business Causal relationship Functions- domain & range Linear equations Linear regressions Parabola Quadratic formula Scatterplots and correlation Spreadsheets and formulas Transitive property of dependence INSTRUCTIONAL TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS: Text – Financial Algebra 2011, South-Western Cengage Publishing Student Workbook – Financial Algebra 2011, South-Western Cengage Publishing MS Excel 2013 Text – Solving Business Problems Using a Calculator, Glencoe Ixl.com Brightstorm.com www.khan academy.org Flippedmath.com MATERIAL PROVIDED BY THE STUDENT: Pencil/Pen 3-Subject Notebook Flash drive to continue any computer work after class Calculator/Graphic Calculator INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Methods and activities for instruction include lecture, discussion, demonstration, whole/small group/cooperative learning, peer teaching, standards based learning and assessments, pre/post testing with numerous section tests. Homework/studying is EXPECTED in this class if the work is not finished while in class. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES: Students will be assessed in the following areas Classwork/Assignments Pretest Project Summative/Post Test 25% 25% 50% ASSESSMENT PHILOSOPHY My philosophy is grounded in mastery learning which means that students will be expected to master the material at an acceptable performance level (B grade or higher/80 percent). If a student receives a C or lower on an exam, exception-final exam, he/she will have the opportunity to re-take test for a grade above a “C”. The test must be taken right after the initial test within a reasonable time period (2 days). Retaking tests, however, will take place outside of regular class time (lunch, after school) as do make-up tests. There is an activity bus available if this is necessary. GRADING SCALE A AB+ B 93-100% 90-92% 87-89% 83-86% BC+ C C- 80-82% 77-79% 73-76% 70-72% D E 3 63-69% 62% & below CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS When students enter through the door of Room B26, they have entered the “World of Business”. I will teach and reinforce the behaviors and expectations that employers are demanding. Therefore, students will: BE PRESENT! Attend my class with no more than 12 absences to earn your pay (credit and a grade). BE PROMPT! Be on time and in your assigned seat when the bell rings. If you arrive late without a pass, sign in on the Tardy Note book. Excessive Tardies will result in an office referral. . BE POLITE, RESPECTFUL AND ETHICAL! Students are expected to work diligently and quietly. Students will speak to each other utilizing business-like tone, volume, and language. Name calling, put downs, racial slurs, insulting remarks, profanity and “bar talk/gossip” will not be tolerated. Students will behave in a business-like manner. Students will stay at his/her work station and not disturb others. Students will be respectful of others at all times. When the teacher or another member of the class is speaking, students will be quiet and listen attentively. Students will take appropriate care of the equipment and materials used at their work station. Students will leave their work station clean for the next student. Students will notify Mrs. Crews immediately if you notice something missing, broken, or marked on. This includes items such as the computer, mouse, desk, chair, book holder, and books etc. FOLLOW DEPARTMENT, DISTRICT AND SCHOOL RULES! Students will follow district policy and not send/read email, visit chat rooms, bulletins boards, post/publish web pages, shop, or send personal information through the computer. Students will save all data only to their own directory on the H drive. Students will follow detailed directions and expectations during specific learning activities. STAY ON TASK! Actively participate in all classroom learning activities-all students will do problems on the board. Students will use class time wisely—no Internet access without teacher permission. Students will stay in their seats until I dismiss the class. The bell is for me to know when I CAN dismiss you. The class will not be dismissed until everyone is seated. BE PREPARED! Students will bring to class supplies that they need to actively participate in classroom learning activities (flash drive, spiral notebook, pen/pencil, textbook, calculator, workbook, homework, etc.). Students will come to class (work) having taken care of all personal business before arriving. Permission to leave will be given only on an emergency basis. You will receive three hall passes for the semester; no unused pass means you don’t leave. Respect yourself and maintain your integrity by doing your own work. Cheating will not be tolerated and both parties will receive a zero for the first offense and a failing grade for the semester on a second offense. Do not log on to another student’s file. No Exceptions Be attentive and participate in class (no sleeping, no games) Respect the equipment, furniture, room and school. 4 Rules No food or beverages are allowed in the business lab. Students will remain in assigned seats unless retrieving documents from the printer. Refrain from using social media (unless used for a lesson). Electronic equipment – “Off and Away” Any personal electronic devices (including, but not limited to cell phones, I-pods, headphones, etc.) that are being used and/or visible in the classroom, may be confiscated (see student handbook rules). First offense: end of the period/day or call security, . Second offense: office referral. Students will observe all policies and procedures as outlined in the “Stadium High School Student Handbook” for 2014-2015. ASSIGNMENTS AND PARTICIPATION It is difficult, if not impossible to make up class discussions and group activities. Parents are notified of any absent day. Excessive absent days or not turning in daily work will result in a parent/guardian teacher conference. If a resolution is not agreed upon, the student may lose credit for this class. If absent on the day of a test, students must plan to make-up the test/s after school within 2 days of returning to school. Students are expected to be in their assigned seats before the tardy bell rings. Students are allowed only three (3) tardies before they are assigned after-school detention. No one will be admitted into class after the bell without a pass. Hall passes will be given to the student. A hall pass may be given at the discretion of the teacher and will not be allowed during the first or last ten (10) minutes of class-10/10 RULE. CLASSROOM WEB SITE You may access information concerning such things as class schedule, announcements, documents, events, and class assignments by going to Mrs. Crews Swift Web Site listed under Stadium High School at: http://classrooms.tacoma.k12.wa.us/stadium/crews/index.php EXTRA HELP I am more than willing to provide help after school. Schedule an appointment, but please be kind enough to keep our appointment or cancel in advance. I may be contacted at (253) 571-3021 or you may e-mail me at ccrews@tacoma.k12.wa.us 5 INTERNET CONTRACT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR Use of the Internet provides great educational benefits to students. Unfortunately, however, some material accessible via the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, or potentially offensive to some people. Access to the Internet is given as a privilege to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. We require that students and parents or guardians read, accept, and sign the following rules for acceptable on-line behavior. 1. Students are responsible for good behavior on the Internet just as they are in school. General school rules for behavior and communications apply. 2. Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect that files will always be private. 3. The following are not permitted: a. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures; social media are off limits; printing inappropriate material not related to a school assignment is not allowed unless approved by the teacher. b. Using obscene language; listening to music and/or watching inappropriate videos. c. Harassing, insulting, or attacking others. d. Damaging computers, computer systems, or computer networks. e. Violating copyright laws; downloading files. f. Using another’s password. g. Trespassing in another’s folders, work, or files; trespassing in system folders and files. h. Intentionally wasting limited resources, including through the use of “chain letters” and messages broadcasted to mailing lists or individuals. i. Employing the network for commercial purposes. j. Revealing the personal address or phone number of yourself or any other person without permission from your instructor. 4. Violations may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action. 6 Assignment: You and your parents need to sign and complete the information below and return it by September 12 for a leadership grade. I have read the SYLLABUS for my Financial Algebra class and am familiar with the requirements/expectations for the course (grading policy, prerequisites, scope and sequence, lab rules, etc.). Student’s Name:______________________________________Period________ Please Print Neatly Student Signature:____________________________________ Parents: Please PRINT all of the information below for me to contact you, if necessary. Many times our district records are out of date. I will be sharing this with the office if I see the district records do not match what you provided below. Parent 1 Name: ____________________________________________________ Parent 1Email: _____________________________Cell:____________________ Parent 2 Name: ____________________________________________________ Parent 2 Email: ____________________________ Cell:____________________ Student Email: _____________________________ Cell:____________________ Home Telephone: ___________________________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________ Thank you for the information. Please feel free to email or call me anytime you have questions. I have read a copy of the syllabus for the Financial Algebra course. The information provided above is accurate for my student’s records. Parent’s Name:______________________________________ Please Print Neatly Parent Signature:____________________________________ PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS DOCUMENT TO MRS. CREWS ON OR BEFORE THE ANNOUNCED DUE DATE FOR CREDIT. THIS IS YOUR FIRST HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT. 7