Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here This Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template designed by the AVA, using a combination of publically available sources, assists with bushfire preparedness in Veterinary Clinics in bushfire prone regions of the State. This Plan has been assessed by a quantity of practices and will continue to encourage feedback and be continually reviewed and improved by recommendations received. Please follow the instructions in red text and work through the Template with your staff as a team activity. All staff should be involved as part of emergency preparedness. Disclaimer: This publication may be of assistance to you but the Australian Veterinary Association and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. AVA (Victorian Division) Suite 1219, 401 Docklands Drive DOCKLANDS VIC 3008 Ph: 03 9600 2930 Mob: 0409 072 540 Fax: 03 9600 2940 e: avavic@ava.com.au web: www.ava.com.au Page 1 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here TABLE OF CONTENTS STAFF TELEPHONE CONTACT NUMBERS pg 3 EMERGENCY SERVICES TELEPHONE NUMBERS & WEBSITES pg 4 BUSHFIRE RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Code Red Catastrophic pg 5 BUSHFIRE RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Code Extreme pg 6 BUSHFIRE RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Code Severe pg 7 BUSHFIRE RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Codes Very High & High pg 8 WORK TRAVEL pg 9 EVACUATION pg 10 CFA SITE INSPECTION pg 12 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST Information Management pg 13 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST Facilities pg 14 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST Staff pg 16 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST Clients pg 17 CLINIC FLOOR PLAN pg 18 BUSINESS CONTINUITY AFTER AN EMERGENCY pg 19 PLAN DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE pg 20 Page 2 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here STAFF TELEPHONE CONTACT NUMBERS Distribute to staff to complete then collect Please check this information is current & make any necessary changes A completed list will be distributed to each staff member Staff Name Home tel Mobile/Pager Emergency Contact name & contact telephone number/s Completed Telephone Contact List Distributed to each staff member by Name Insert name of practice owner/manager Signature Insert signature Date Insert date AVA text messages in large scale emergencies Members need to make sure that the AVA has their correct mobile number so they can receive a text message if there is a large scale emergency. You can update your mobile number by going to www.ava.com.au logging in and clicking on “Manage Profile” Page 3 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here Complete this list, then bookmark each website & become familiar with content prior to an emergency. Remember that the internet & power supply may fail in an emergency. Display this sign in a prominent area of the surgery. EMERGENCY SERVICES CONTACTS Victorian Bushfire Information Line CFA Website Emergency Broadcasters: 1800 240 667 http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/ SkyNews TV ABC 774 AM Insert regional radio/TV Police, Ambulance & Metro Fire Brigade 000 Insert name local police station Insert local police tel no Victoria Police website http://www.police.vic.gov.au/ State Emergency Service 9696 6111 http://www.ses.vic.gov.au/ Road closures www.vicroads.vic.gov.au Park closures 131 963 State Forest closures 136 186 Insert Shire Council Insert Shire emergency tel no Insert Shire website Insert gas supplier Insert supplier emergency tel no Insert electricity supplier Insert supplier emergency tel no Emergency Alert www.emergencyalert.gov.au Workcover [24 hours] 018 312 534 Gas Leaks [24 hours] 13 2771 Poisons Information Centre 13 1126 Interpreter Service [24 hours] 13 1450 Wildlife Victoria 13000 94535 Help for Wildlife 0417 380 687 RACV to connect to a wildlife carer 13 11 11 Wildlife Rescue & Info Network 0419 356 433 Healesville Sanctuary 5957 2800 RSPCA 9224 2222 Lort Smith Animal Hospital 9328 3021 Page 4 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here BUSHFIRE DANGER RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Decide opening hours & levels of service during Codes Catastrophic, Extreme and Severe and then advise clients in advance of bushfire season. For information on what the ratings mean and what you should do, go to http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/restrictions/aboutfiredangerratings.htm#action Code Red Catastrophic The safest option is to leave high-risk bushfire areas the night before or early on Code Red days. Do not wait and see. Code Red days are rare. When they are forecast they are very serious. Know the Fire Danger Rating in your area. The Fire Danger Rating is your ‘trigger’ to act. The higher the rating, the more dangerous the situation if a fire starts. STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Insert actions here, for example, the clinic will be closed on Code Red Catastrophic Days & inpatients will be relocated to [insert relocation destination here] by [insert name of staff member/s relocating animals] _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Page 5 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here BUSHFIRE DANGER RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS [cont] Code Extreme STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Insert actions here, for example, Emergency Consultations/Cases Only No routine surgery Staff member/s on duty listens to ABC local radio 774, or regional emergency broadcaster [remember to have a battery operated radio] Staff member/s on duty monitors CFA website www.cfa.vic.gov.au/ Insert name [practice owner/manager] will make decisions regarding use of a skeleton staff, with regard to whether staff have to travel through bush fire prone regions to reach workplace Insert name [practice owner/manager] will make decisions regarding the relocation of inpatients ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Page 6 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here BUSHFIRE DANGER RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS [cont] See CFA Township Protection Plan on CFA website for information on the meaning of ratings Code Severe STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Insert actions here, for example, Control workload where possible Avoid or reduce routine surgery Retain staffing at normal levels but with regard to whether staff have to travel through bush fire prone regions to reach workplace Staff member/s on duty listens to ABC local radio 774, or regional emergency broadcaster [remember to have a battery operated radio] Staff member/s on duty monitors CFA website www.cfa.vic.gov.au/ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Page 7 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here BUSHFIRE DANGER RATINGS & STAFF INSTRUCTIONS [cont] See CFA Township Protection Plan on CFA website for information on the meaning of ratings VERY HIGH & HIGH Codes Very High & High STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Insert actions here, for example, Indicate a Clinic gathering point in case of evacuation Continue with normal consultations but remain vigilant, veterinarian on duty will consult with senior nurse regarding workload & staffing levels ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Page 8 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here WORK TRAVEL Staff working in high risk areas Staff who travel through high risk areas driving to and from work, and Staff visiting client properties in high risk areas need to be bushfire aware. To increase bushfire awareness of all staff: Print your Township Protection Plan off the CFA website if your township is listed there. http://cfaonline.cfa.vic.gov.au/mycfa/Show?pageId=publicTownshipProtec tionPlans Discuss Plan together at a staff meeting. Remember that staff may not reside in the area, or be new to the area, and may be unfamiliar with bushfire preparedness. Locums also need to share in this information as part of their induction. Insert Plan at the back of this folder & ensure all Clinic staff are familiar with the Township Protection Plan before an emergency. Insert Plan of Clinic on instructions and conditions of making property visits to tend to animals (consider entry and exit roads and when it is not feasible to make property visits Travelling by car Leave by car ONLY if it is safe to do so. Leaving early [eg the day before] is the safest option. Cars are a very dangerous place to be during a bushfire. They offer very little protection from radiant heat. If you get caught on the road, this is a very dangerous situation. To increase your protection from radiant heat: park behind a solid structure to block as much heat as you can. If this is not possible, then pull over to the side of the road into a clear area, well away from debris that may ignite wind up your car windows, close the vents, put on your hazard lights and headlights, leave the engine running and air-conditioning on recirculate get down as low as possible below window level Page 9 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here cover up with a wool blanket until the fire front passes. If you have water, drink it get out of the car once the fire has gone. EVACUATION Go to http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-and-incidents/evacuation.htm for information about evacuating in the event of an emergency. The safest option is to leave high-risk bushfire areas the night before or early on Code Red days. Do not wait and see. Code Red days are rare. When they are forecast they are very serious. Know the Fire Danger Rating in your area. The Fire Danger Rating is your ‘trigger’ to act. The higher the rating, the more dangerous the situation if a fire starts. When evacuating, follow all directions and instructions from emergency services. Under no circumstances should anyone stay for the purpose of defending the Clinic building If time permits, secure drugs & shut down electrical/mechanical equipment Take handbags, mobile phones & valuables with you Evacuate hospitalized animals only if this does not put human safety at risk. Each patient should have secure & weather-resistant patient identification & be securely restrained during transit Animals will be evacuated to –Insert evacuation destinations here, check with your Shire Council for animal evacuation sites, before an emergency At all times put personal & human safety first After fire has passed do NOT re-enter the premises until an OH&S assessment has been conducted, this should include but not be limited to: structural safety of the building, safety of electricity, gas supplies & equipment, slips, trips & falls, sharp debris & manual handling & lifting Page 10 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here In the event of being unable to leave the clinic with bushfire around the building: You need a battery operated radio in case power fails. Stay tuned to emergency radio ABC local radio 774, and/or Insert your regional emergency radio broadcaster here find list on pg 1 of your Township Protection Plan http://cfaonline.cfa.vic.gov.au/mycfa/Show?pageId=publicTownshipP rotectionPlans Have torches within reach Have a supply of drinking water within reach & drink lots of water Wear personal protective clothing, note that clinic staff visiting client properties in bushfire prone regions, should also keep protective clothing in their car, for example A long-sleeved shirt & pants made from cotton or some other natural fibre Several litres of water Sturdy boots & woollen socks Tough leather garden gloves – not rubber or synthetic A wide-brimmed hat to protect your head A face mask or towel to cover your mouth & nose Eye protection such as smoke goggles to shield your eyes A woollen blanket Being outdoors during a bushfire means you risk exposure to radiant heat. The radiant heat from a bushfire can kill a human without flames ever touching them Close all windows & doors Put the air conditioner onto recirculate or turn off Place wet woollen blankets around door edges If fire is nearby remain alert to its location If one part of the building is burning, close the door & retreat to the next room with an available exit. Continue to move like this, at all times try to remain aware of the fire’s location Make sure that you have a point of exit in every room you move to Do not get caught in a room without an exit Do not get trapped in a burning building Move outside onto burnt ground as soon as you can. Page 11 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here CFA SITE INSPECTION Book site inspection online at http://cfaonline.cfa.vic.gov.au/mycfa/Show?pageId=siteAssessment You will receive one-on-one individual advice about: Property maintenance to help lower your bushfire risk Property access Improving defendable space Vegetation management Water supply requirements Your personal capacity to cope with fire You will also receive a confidential written report. This inspection is a valuable preliminary action before completion of the following checklist. Page 12 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here EMERGENCY PREPARADNESS CHECKLIST Complete Checklist in May & October of each year Insert date last checked…… Insert today’s date………… Checklist inspection completed by [insert name]……………. Checklist Instructions If you tick “yes” then move to the next item If you tick “no” then write down: -the action arising, -who is responsible for the action & -the date by which the action must be completed. This section is divided into 4 sections 1. 2. 3. 4. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FACILITIES STAFF CLIENT INFOFMATION MANAGEMENT ITEM Off site access to client contact list available Yes Off-site computer back-up & photos/video of premises current Off-site copies of important paper documents current Off-site itemized inventory current Page 13 No Actions [by whom & by when] Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here FACILITIES ITEM No items blocking passageways, fire doors or exits Yes No Actions [by whom & by when] Smoke detectors in working order Floor Plan displayed in prominent position Emergency Plan accessible to staff eg, kept in kitchen or meals area Emergency Exit signs clearly displayed Fire extinguishers properly located, signed & checked All areas free from non-essential items & rubbish First aid kit complete & contents not out of date Gas cylinders stored correctly, & fittings in safe working order No empty spray cans in rubbish containers Site access for fire trucks free from obstruction Excess leaf litter & vegetation around clinic removed All gutters cleaned Overhanging branches removed Page 14 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here Flammable products moved from around clinic Any external holes in walls closed off Emergency Lighting in working order Battery operated or wind up torches in working order & location known to all staff Battery operated radio in working order & location known to all staff Landline phone [without remote handset] in surgery – if power fails remote then phone will fail Page 15 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here STAFF ITEM Staff informed that bushfire is a real risk Yes No Actions [by whom & by when] Emergency Plan discussed with all staff Bushfire awareness included in staff induction training Bushfire awareness included in staff induction training New staff [& locums] introduced to emergency procedures Annual evacuation drill completed by all staff, Including evacuation to the Neighbourhood Safer Place All staff read & discussed driving routes & CFA Township Protection Plan Staff reliant on public transport discussed options Location of filled water containers known to all staff All staff have a personal copy of emergency contact list Page 16 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here CLIENTS ITEM Clients advised of opening hours & levels of Yes No Actions [by whom & by when] service during Codes Catastrophic, Extreme and Severe Floor Plan prominently displayed Microchipping information displayed in Waiting/Reception Room Any other specific bushfire hazards to report Items still requiring attention from last report Page 17 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here CLINIC FLOOR PLAN INSERT FLOOR PLAN HERE ALSO DISPLAY IN PROMINENT POSITION IN CLINIC Include in Floor Plan EXITS ALTERNATIVE EXIT/S IF MAIN EXIT OBSTRUCTED LOCATION OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER/S LOCATION OF GAS CYLINDERS LOCATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LOCATION OF SMOKE DETECTORS Page 18 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here BUSINESS CONTINUITY AFTER AN EMERGENCY Practice Owner/Managers Checklist Refer to your off-site copies of: Client contact list Supplier contact list Electronic & paper based records In the event your premises are destroyed, & if prior arrangements exist, move to alternate Practice Location If you experience a partial or total interruption to normal trading, use this checklist from Small Business Victoria http://www.business.vic.gov.au/BUSVIC/STANDARD/PC_63238.html examine your legal responsibilities with a solicitor: who can help interpret employment contracts, leases, contracts of supply, insurance policies, & give advice on your legal options identify all current payments which can be delayed: for example, talk to suppliers about deferring payment of invoices temporarily until the business is trading again meet with your bank to discuss restructuring any business or personal loans: check if they are willing to delay loan repayments, mortgage payments & the like until the business is trading again contact your regular suppliers to advise of your situation: if possible give them an approximate date when you will resume business. If necessary, work out alternative arrangements contact your leasing company: discuss alternate payment arrangements communicate with the landlord: make arrangements like temporarily deferring rental payments with an arrangement negotiated for the business to catch up with rent once trading resumes contact your industry association to see what information & assistance is available: the Australian Veterinary Association [Victorian Division] Suite 1219, 401 Docklands Drive, DOCKLANDS VIC 3008 Tel 03 9600 2930 Fax: 03 9600 2940 web: www.ava.com.au: contact your clients/customers to advise of your situation: if possible give them an approximate date when you will resume business. If necessary, work out alternative arrangements – similar businesses in your network may be able to assist with supply of product or services. The Small Business Victoria “Critical Information List’ is also a useful tool http://www.business.vic.gov.au/busvicwr/_assets/main/lib60208/critical_informat ion_list.pdf Although designed for floods, another useful website is http://floodsafe.ses.org.au/floodsafe/businesstoolkit/WorkflowH&ler Page 19 Bushfire Preparedness Plan Template Insert name of Clinic here PLAN DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE Note: Once completed, please read the plan carefully, sign below & return to Insert name of practice owner/ manager by Insert date for return of plan to practice owner/manager Distributed to [Insert Names of all staff members in this column, including locums & temporary staff who may be employed during the bushfire season] Date Read by staff member Page 20 Initials of staff member Initials of Practice owner/ manager