Content Area(s): English Language Development Grade Level(s): 1 Oregon Content Standards: English Language Proficiency for ELD Describing Location Prepositional Phrases - Students learn to understand and generate oral and written language with prepositional phrases. EP.BG.03 Beginning - Demonstrated comprehension of total physical response commands, including prepositions (e.g., on, off, in, out, inside, outside) EP.EI.03 Early Intermediate - Simple sentences with prepositional phrases (e.g., next to, beside, between, in front of, in back of, behind, on the left/right, in the middle of, above, below, under) EP.IN.03 Intermediate - May include two prepositional phrases with more difficult prepositions (e.g., in front of, behind, next to) EP.EA.03 Early Advanced - Complex sentences with phrases using prepositions (e.g., beneath, within) EP.AD.03 Advanced - Complex sentences with phrases using prepositions (e.g., beneath, within) Technology Standards ET.1 Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking and problem solving skills to develop innovative products and processes using (digital) technology. ET.2 Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, across the global community, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Duration: 40 minutes Objective: Students will create a “Show Me” presentation that shows correct use of prepositional phrases. Resources: Prepositional phrase word cards, iPad for every student, projector and screen. Preparation: Teacher will create prepositional phrase cards. Teacher will create a model “Show Me” presentation highlighting the correct use of prepositions. Students will have had lessons on how to create a “Show Me” presentation. Students will have had practice in orally using prepositions correctly. Instruction: 1. Review preposition word cards with students. 2. Show the model “Show Me” using one of the preposition cards. 3. Pass out preposition cards to pairs of students* and have them discuss how they will show this word on “Show Me”. Students then work together to make a “Show Me” presentation that has objects that show the preposition and includes an oral complete sentence. 4. After completing the presentation, students view it and make sure they have completed all learning targets. 5. Students share presentations with other groups. *Note-These pairs can be given prepositional words that fit their level of English acquisition. Assessment: See Checklist below Name of Student:__________________________ Date:________________ Checklist Does the presentation include: 1. A correct drawing of the prepositional phrase on the “Show Me” drawing pad. 2. A correct sentence recorded orally that matches the drawing. Name of Student:__________________________ Date:________________ Checklist Does the presentation include: 1. A correct drawing of the prepositional phrase on the “Show Me” drawing pad. 2. A correct sentence recorded orally that matches the drawing. Name of Student:__________________________ Date:________________ Checklist Does the presentation include: 1. A correct drawing of the prepositional phrase on the “Show Me” drawing pad. 2. A correct sentence recorded orally that matches the drawing. Name of Student:__________________________ Date:________________ Checklist Does the presentation include: 1. A correct drawing of the prepositional phrase on the “Show Me” drawing pad. 2. A correct sentence recorded orally that matches the drawing.