K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Outcome Measure for Any One of the Following: Anticoagulant Opioid Glucose Control An overall measure of ADEs A) Related to all three of: anticoagulant, opioid, and glucose control OR B) Related to two of anticoagulant, opioid, and glucose control AND A measure of overall ADEs or a different highfrequency ADE Outcome Measure Including: At least one outcome measure meeting either A or B: All falls with or without Injury A) All falls AND Injuries from Falls and Trauma (MCR FFS CMS HAC) OR B) All falls with injury (not limited to subset of patients with severe injuries) Adverse Drug Events (ADE) Falls 1 Outcome Measures Meeting Either A or B: Includes either submission or attestation that at least one corresponding process measure is being collected per AEA with the exception of EED which is a required process measure for birthing hospitals K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Outcome Measure Meeting A: Obstetrical – Earl Elective Deliveries (OB-EED) Other Obstetrical (OB-Other) Pressure Ulcers (PrU) 2 A) Joint Commission PC-01 Outcome Measures Meeting A or B: Outcome Measures Meeting A and B: A) At least two of: AHRQ PSIs 17, 18, and 192 OR B) Reporting Obstetrical hemorrhage and preeclampsia treatment and management to prevent morbidity and mortality) A) At least two of: AHRQ PSIs 17, 18, and 19 AND B) Reporting Obstetrical hemorrhage and preeclampsia treatment and management to prevent morbidity and mortality) Outcome Measure Including: Outcome Measure Including: Stage 3 and higher PrUs Stage 2 and higher PrUs AND Stage 3 and greater PrUs subset PSI 17 – Birth Trauma Rate – Injury to Neonate; PSI 18 – Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With Instrument; PSI 19 – Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery without Instrument K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Surgical Site Infections (SSI) Outcomes Measures for 2 or More of the Following (separately or combined): Colon Hysterectomy Knee Replacement Hip Replacement Cardiac Surgeries (may be specific to a common subset of cardiac surgeries such as Coronary Artery Bypass Graft [CABG]) Outcomes Measures for 4 or More of the Following (separately or combined): Colon Hysterectomy Knee Replacement Hip Replacement Cardiac Surgeries (may be specific to a common subset of cardiac surgeries such as CABG) K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Ventilator-Associated Events (VAE) Adults Only Outcome Measure Meeting A or B: Outcome Measures Meeting A and B: A) NHSN-defined Ventilator-acquired conditions (VACs) alone (“respiratory status component”) (ICU Only or All Units) OR B) At least one of: Infection-related Ventilator-Associated Complication (IVACs) (“infection/ inflammation component”) (ICU Only or All Units) Possible or Probable VAP (ICU Only or All Units) A) NHSN-defined Ventilator-acquired conditions (VACs) alone (“respiratory status component”) (ICU Only and All Units) AND B) At least one of: Infection-related Ventilator-Associated Complication (IVACs) (“infection/ inflammation component”) (ICU Only and All Units) Possible or Probable VAP (ICU Only and All Units) K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Outcome Measure Meeting A or B: Outcome Measures Meeting A and one of B: A) NHSN/NDNQI CAUTI Rate (ICU) OR B) NHSN/NDNQI CAUTI Rate (All units) A) NHSN/NDNQI CAUTI Rate including both: ICU/NICU General units (including specialty units) measured separately and/or combined B) A catheter utilization measure A utilization ratio (catheter days per 10,000 patient days, or similar with other denominator) OR ED Catheterization rate K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Outcome Measure: Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) NHSN/NDNQI CLABSI Rate ICU/NICU only OR Days since last CLABSI Outcome Measures Meeting A and B: A) NHSN/NDNQI CLABSI Rate including all: ICU/NICU General units (including specialty units) measured separately and/or combined For larger hospitals, a utilization ratio (central line days per 10,000 patient days) AND B) Other HEN-defined measure that applies to small hospitals (<100 beds) (e.g., days since last CLABSI) Note: For larger hospitals, measurement of house-wide CLABSI rate may use an alternative specification, such as a measure with denominator of patient days. K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Outcome Measure meeting either A or B: Outcome Measures Meeting A and B: A) AHRQ PSI-12 OR B) Potentially preventable VTE Rate (meaningful use or CMS definition, VTE-6) B) AHRQ PSI-12 AND C) Potentially preventable VTE Rate (meaningful use or CMS definition, VTE-6) K-HEN Acute Care/Critical Access Hospitals Measures Alignment with PfP 40/20 Goals AEA Minimum Participation Full Participation1 Note: HENs receives points for one level or another. That is, if a HEN meets the 2-point criteria and the 1-point criteria, the HEN receives 2 points (not 3 points). Maximum = 22 points Outcome Measures: Only diagnosis-specific readmission rates Readmissions Outcome Measures Meeting A and B: A) Broad measure, including any of the following: 30-day all payer all cause readmissions 30-day potentially preventable readmissions An observed-to-expected ratio of 30-day readmissions for all payers. AND B) HEN indicates if measure counts only readmissions to the hospital of the index admission or to any hospital; and any exclusions (e.g. planned readmissions) used