School Crisis Plan

Initial Response Procedure
Crisis Communication Code System
Emergency Situations
Fire Drill.....................................................................5
Hazardous Material ....................................................5
Earthquake .................................................................6
Bomb Threat ..............................................................7
Accident .....................................................................7
Child Abuse ...............................................................8
Intruder on Campus/Dangerous Person .....................9
Lost Child/Kidnapping...............................................9
Alternative School Shelter Plan ................................10
Student Emergency Transfer Plan ............................11
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School Crisis Plan
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Initial Response Procedure
1. There are four basic procedures that staff can utilize in the initial response to
various incidents.
Drop, Cover and Hold (earthquake, explosion, roof collapse, structural
Evacuation (bomb threat, fire, hazardous material; incident, gas leak)
Shelter In Place (air pollution alert, toxic exposure, severe weather)
Hit The Deck Drop flat to the ground (gunfire)
2. The Center Director or Program Supervisor should be notified immediately of
any crisis situation.
3. The Center Director or Program Supervisor identifies the nature of the crisis,
who/what is involved, and what immediate or emergency response is required.
4. The Center Director or Program Supervisor activates the School Crisis Plan,
5. If determined as necessary by Center Director or Program Supervisor,
Emergency Services may be contacted.
Crisis Communication Code System
CODE RED: Evacuation of Building
Signal: Fire Drill Bell
Center Director or Program Supervisor Responsibilities:
1. Takes School Role Call.
2. Notifies emergency officials. Report any unaccounted students in the building to
emergency personnel.
3. Determines when crisis is resolved and initiate CODE GREEN or implements
a School Cancellation Plan.
4. If cold weather conditions exist, Center Director or Program Supervisor directs
evacuation to alternative school shelter.
Teacher Responsibilities:
1. The teacher should follow students out of the building closing classroom door
upon exiting.
2. The teacher takes role and reports any students missing to Crisis Team Leader.
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3. The teacher stays with students in the designated waiting area until CODE
GREEN or until given further instructions.
School Secretary Responsibilities:
1. Calls 911 if directed,
2. Remains in the building as a contact person unless total evacuation is necessary.
CODE Yellow: Stay in Secured Classrooms
Signal: Short Continuous Fire Bell
Center Director or Program Supervisor Responsibilities:
1. Secures all doors, if possible.
2. Takes School Role Call.
3. Notifies emergency officials.
4. Communicates internally as needed when possible during crisis.
5. Determines when crisis is resolved and initiates CODE GREEN or evacuates
building when possible if determined necessary.
Teacher Responsibilities:
1. Secures all doors if possible.
2. Instruct students as to appropriate action depending upon crisis.
3. Center Director or Program Supervisor may direct the following:
Intruder in Building: Secures door, if safe. HIT THE DECK procedure –
everyone lie flat away from windows and doors.
Hazardous Waste: Rolls up materials to block door bottoms and
4. Takes role and reports any students missing to Crisis Team Leader.
5. Stays with students in the designated waiting area until CODE GREEN or until
given further instructions.
6. Teacher buddy system plan may be implemented if needed.
School Secretary Responsibilities:
1. Calls 911 if directed.
2. Remains in the communication center.
3. Communicates internally and externally as directed.
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CODE Green: Go Back To Normal School Procedures
Signal: Short Continuous School Bell
Center Director or Program Supervisor Responsibilities:
1. Determines follow up action needed as a result of crisis.
2. Communicates internally and externally as needed.
3. Notifies emergency officials of the status of situation.
4. Meets with Crisis Team Members and determines Crisis Follow Up Plan.
Teacher Responsibilities:
1. Follows Center Director or Program Supervisor directives for follow up
2. Reports any pertinent information to Crisis Team Leader.
3. Refers media to Crisis Team Leader
School Secretary Responsibilities:
1. Communicates internally and externally as directed by Crisis Team Leader.
2. Notifies emergency officials as directed.
Emergency Locations
Smoke Detectors:
Lunchroom and preschool
Fire Extinguishers:
Electricity Shut-Off:
Gas Shut-Off
Medical Supplies:
School, lunchroom, preschool, storage
Lunchroom, furnace room
Lunchroom, furnace room
School office; First Aid kits in
lunchroom, preschool, maintenance,
Emergency Supplies:
Water, food, basic first aid
Planned Medical Area Outside of School: Church
Alternative School Shelter:
Hazardous Materials Location (cleaning Furnace room
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1. Upon detection of smoke or fire or a report of a fire, sound fire alarms
immediately: CODE RED.
2. Evacuate building.
3. Call 911
4. Center Director or Program Supervisor may investigate source of fire or alarm
5. Fire extinguishers to control the fire may be activated only if it can be done
without injury to staff or others.
6. CODE GREEN may be given once Center Director or Program Supervisor
determines the situation is under control or School Cancellation Pan should be
7. Regardless of the cause or size of the fire, every fire should be reported to the
911 emergency number. If the fire has been extinguished, indicate that when
reporting it.
Hazardous Materials
Note: Center Director or Program Supervisor makes a determination based upon location of
Hazardous Materials and types of Hazardous Materials involved. This determination may be
aided by calling the Fire Department. The Center Director or Program Supervisor may decide
to evacuate the building or to implement the In-School Shelter Plan.
Hazardous Material - On-Site Incident
1. Center Director or Program Supervisor may chose to evacuate the building
immediately-CODE RED
If detection or notification of a spill of any hazardous substance (including any
petroleum product)
If any danger signs are present such as fumes, vapors, odors, or smoke
If any person is physically affected; e.g. headache, dizziness, fainting, skin rash,
respiratory distress, blurred vision, weakness, etc.
2. Evacuates building using established Evacuation Procedures.
3. Call 911
4. Teachers: instruct students to cover mouth and nose with cloth as evacuating.
5. CODE GREEN may be given once Center Director or Program Supervisor determines
the situation is under control or School Cancellation Pan should be implemented.
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Hazardous Materials - Off-Site Incident
1. Center Director or Program Supervisor communicates School Shelter ProcedureCODE YELLOW.
2. Center Director or Program Supervisor directs:
 Building Maintenance: closes off all outside air intakes, air conditioning, and
heating systems.
 Teachers: close windows, doors and turn any ventilation systems off.
Additional precautions such as rolling up materials around base of door and
windows to prevent toxic fumes may be directed by Crisis Leader.
 School Secretary: communicates to staff to curtail all outdoor activities.
3. CODE GREEN may be given once Center Director or Program Supervisor determines
the situation is under control or School Cancellation Pan should be implemented.
1. Students and staff should be informed of Earthquake Procedure in advance and practice
as a drill: Drop, Cover and Hold.
DROP: Drop and take cover under a nearby desk or table, positioning as much
of the body as possible under cover. Drop position that is preferred is on the
floor, on the knees, leaning over to rest on the elbows, hands clasped behind
the neck, face down for protection.
COVER: Cover eyes by leaning the face against the arm.
HOLD: Hold on to the table legs or side of the desk. Remain in position until
the ground stops shaking, objects stop falling, or the teacher indicates.
Be prepared for aftershocks.
2. If not enough protective areas, or a person is in a hallway, or on stairs. Drop to the
floor, against an interior wall away from objects that may fall, cover and hold onto
something to stabilize yourself.
3. People with disabilities such as mobility disabilities or in a wheelchair should remain
in position, cover head as best as possible, hold on to brace against falling.
4. Center Director or Program Supervisor will determine to evacuate or not to evacuate
building. If evacuation, check for blockage of evacuation routes first.
5. Call 911
6. Center Director or Program Supervisor may call Buddy Teacher Plan into effect. One
teacher evacuates two classes. The other teacher stays with injured students in both
class and provides assistance to them.
7. If there is a gas smell or a hissing sound, evacuate immediately if possible. Otherwise,
try to open a window if possible.
8. CODE GREEN may be given once Center Director or Program Supervisor determines
the situation is under control or School Cancellation Pan should be implemented.
Outside School
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1. Move away from buildings, power lines, block walls, and other items that might fall.
Drop and cover. Remain in position until the ground stops shaking or the teacher
2. Follow Crisis Communication Code System.
Bomb Threat
1. Person receiving threatening call should make every effort possible to obtain the
following information while tatting accurate notes,
When is bomb going to explode?
Where is it located right now?
What does it look like?
What kind of bomb is it?
What will cause it to explode?
Did you place bomb?
Who are you?
What is your address?
2. Person taking the call should also take note of person's voice, manner,
distinguishing features in speech and background sounds.
3. School Secretary - Notifies police prepared to give detailed information from
the caller. Notifies: Crisis Team Members, and Diocesan Office
4. Center Director or Program Supervisor determines CODE RED if bomb is
believed to be inside building or CODE YELLOW if bomb is believed to be
outside of school.
5. CODE GREEN may be given once Center Director or Program Supervisor
determines the situation is under control or School Cancellation Pan should be
1. The first adult on the scene assumes responsibility for appropriate procedures to
be taken until medical help arrives.
2. Keeps injured person still and quiet. Avoids leaving any injured person
unattended. If serious illness or serious injury, do not move injured person
unless it is an emergency situation.
3. Checks breathing and bleeding, administers immediate first aid as necessary.
4. Notifies Office.
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5. Center Director or Program Supervisor directs communication 911 if necessary.
6. Center Director or Program Supervisor directs contact with parent/ guardian or
relative/spouse for employee, if needed. If non-life-threatening situation, parents
should be contacted before transporting.
7. Center Director or Program Supervisor directs School Secretary to fill out
necessary forms, accident report, insurance form, etc.
If a student ingests a poisonous substance:
1. Call Poison Control Center 1-800-732-6985
2. Call parents.
3. Following any emergency, fill out Incident Report form.
Child Abuse
Remember: Failure to report a suspected incident of child abuse, within 48 hours, is a
gross misdemeanor. Protect the victim and protect yourself.
Sexual Assault (Child assaulted on or near school property): *
1. Accompany victim to safe place at school and remain with her/him.
2. Protect evidence of sexual assault.
3. Once student has been cared for, notify Center Director or Program Supervisor.
4. Center Director or Program Supervisor will direct communication to
parent/legal guardian, CPS, and police without delay.
5. Complete Incident Report.
Sexual Abuse (Suspicion of past sexual incidents): *
1. Notify Center Director or Program Supervisor immediately.
2. Center Director or Program Supervisor will direct notification to CPS.
3. Complete Incident Report.
Suspected Physical Abuse or Significant Neglect:
1. Notify Center Director or Program Supervisor.
2. Center Director or Program Supervisor will direct communication to CPS and
describe evidence. CPS will advise you of next steps. Follow their directions.
3. Complete Incident Report.
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Do not wash clothes or victim's body or underwear.
Do not allow victim to wash or wipe body.
Do not wipe away dirt, semen or dried blood.
Stay with the victim and reassure her/him of safety.
Intruder on Campus/ Dangerous Person
1. Staff notifies office at once if a suspicious person is in school building,
2. Center Director or Program Supervisor determines crisis response. If situation is life
threatening Center Director or Program Supervisor signals CODE YELLOW: Stay
in Secured Classroom.
3. Center Director or Program Supervisor directs:
School Secretary: to communicate internally intruder alert and to call
Teachers: lock door if safe. HIT THE DECK procedure: lie flat away
from doors and windows. If possible close window coverings and cover
4. If suspicion of intruder carrying a weapon, do not attempt to disarm the person.
5. Center Director or Program Supervisor may approach the person.
6. Possible Procedure:
a. Greet the intruder in a polite and non-threatening manner.
b. Identify yourself as a school official.
c. Ask the intruder for identification.
d. Inquire as to purpose of presence.
e. If it is determined that the intruder has no rightful reason to be on
campus, challenge his/her presence.
f. Advise intruder of the trespass laws.
g. Ask the intruder to quietly leave the campus or invite him/her to
accompany you to the office.
h. If the intruder refuses to respond to your requests, inform him/her of
your intention to summon law enforcement officers.
i. If the intruder gives no indication of voluntarily leaving the premises,
notify the civil authorities.
7. CODE GREEN may be given once Center Director or Program Supervisor
determines the situation is under control or School Cancellation Plan should be
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Lost Child/Kidnapping
Any report of a lost student brought to the attention of school staff should be considered
serious. When the student is reported missing coming to or going from school
functions, school personnel will become involved.
When a student is reported lost:
1. Call parent/guardian and encourage them to call 911.
2. Gather the following information for the patrol officer:
Who made the report?
Time last seen, where and with whom?
Physical description and how dressed?
Playmates, friends’ names, addresses and phone numbers.
Student normal path, mode of transportation to and from school.
Contact teachers to see if student shared any information with them that
might be helpful.
When a student is reported kidnapped:
1. Upon report of kidnapping, call parent/guardian and 91l. Relay whatever
available information to the dispatcher.
2. Keep school procedures as normal as possible.
3. Obtain description of suspect(s) and vehicle if possible.
Suspect: Height; weight, hair color, race, facial hair, clothing
Vehicle: Color, make, year, license plate number, noticeable damage
4. Clarify "type" of kidnapping - custodial or other.
If suspect is (non-) custodial parent, obtain information from legal
guardian/parent and relay to 91l dispatcher
If suspect is other than parent/guardian: Obtain name of kidnapped
victim's best friend who may know information to help police.
5. Obtain photograph of victim - yearbook, personal files
6. Provide counseling for those distraught over the situation.
Alternative School Shelter Plan
Students will evacuate to fire drill assigned areas. If weather is inclement and
evacuation may be for a long period of time, take students to an alternative sight out of
the building.
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Alternative Out of Building Site: Church
Students may need to evacuate within school. A place should be designated for that
Alternative In-School Site: Lunchroom
2nd Alternative In-School Site: Gym
Student Emergency Transportation Plan
If it is necessary to send anyone to a hospital by ambulance for a serious injury, send a
staff member along to serve as a liaison between the hospital and the school with
instructions to relay progress reports as soon as possible.
If injury is non-life threatening, try to contact parents before transporting.
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