Ascension Catholic School has as its mission the teaching of the Christian faith in the Roman
Catholic tradition, fostering academic excellence in all areas of study, encouraging discipline
based on respect and responsibility, and developing a sense of service and social justice within
our multicultural community.
Ascension Catholic School is dedicated to the development of academic excellence within the
structured, disciplined and Christian-oriented environment. It aims to prepare its students for
becoming intelligent and responsible adults. As a member of the Ascension Catholic School
community, we believe the students learn to respect each other and to accept responsibility for
their actions. They come to recognize that each one's actions effect the total community. They
are taught compassion and tolerance, social, political, religious, and cultural differences within
the community. The Ascension Catholic School administration and faculty are dedicated to
meeting the needs of the individual students.
Fr. Dale Korogi is the Church of the Ascension Parish Pastor. The Parish Administrator is
Patricia Stromen. Their offices are located in the Rectory next to the Church of the Ascension on
Bryant Avenue N. and can be contacted at 612-529-9684.
The Ascension Catholic School board is called the Friends of Ascension Board. It is advisory to
the Pastor. It is comprised of local business partners.
Vice Principal
Dean of Students
Choir Director/Music Teacher
Youth Center Director
Dorwatha Woods
LuEllen Richmond
Benito Matias
Stephanie Isola
Richard Eddy
Ascension Catholic School is a key partner in the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ), which
has been awarded with one of five Promise Neighborhood implementation grants in the nation.
The NAZ Promise Neighborhood is a collaboration of over 50 organizations and schools who
work with children and families in a geographic area, or “Zone” of North Minneapolis to build a
culture of achievement so that all youth graduate college ready.
Families and children move through a “cradle to career” pipeline that provides comprehensive
support from pre-natal through age 18. Working together, the NAZ collaborative provides
services that are critical to supporting the success of North Minneapolis families and children.
If you have been identified as a NAZ family, you will receive support from NAZ partners with
families who live in a geographic “Zone” of North Minneapolis to prepare kids for college,
beginning at birth. By enrolling in NAZ, parents/caregivers will receive one-on-one support,
guidance and inspiration from a NAZ Connector “family coach” who’ll help you create a goal
plan, find resources to make it happen, and then stick with it. Ascension and NAZ firmly believe
every scholar can graduate from high school, ready for college, and are willing to do “whatever it
takes” to achieve academic success.
A NAZ Family Connector and Academic Navigator will be located at Ascension Catholic School
during school hours, including after school programming time.
These values are the foundation of our work with families across the collaborative:
Our Children Will Succeed. We believe that all children, including children in the Zone can
and will succeed in school, in college, and in life—regardless of family background or past
performance in school. Our actions with children match this belief.
Families are Leaders. Every Northside family has assets and strengths. We believe a culture of
achievement can only be built from within the community—one family at a time. We partner
with families to set and achieve their goals, and bolster their belief in themselves, and the
expectation that their children will go to college.
High Expectations with High Supports. Extremely ambitious expectations are set for all
including NAZ students, families, partner organizations, and staff. The accountability for these
outcomes is rigorous—but so are our supports. Every NAZ parent and student receives one-onone support through our “high-touch” process, connecting them with programs and services
across our partner organizations. All NAZ partners will support each other in an ongoing
continuous improvement process.
Driven by Data. Our resources are dedicated toward measurable outcomes for children and
families. Success is gauged by results for children and families, not programs and organizations.
NAZ partners work together to build evidence-based solutions that drive measurable
improvements with NAZ families. We track the progress of each child toward kindergartenreadiness, grade-level achievement, and college readiness. If the data shows that we are not
effective, we will revise our plans until we get it right.
Relationships are the “Work”. We are creating transformative change built on strong
relationships. We first work to change ourselves. Then, through our relationships, we invite
change among organizations, families, scholars, and systems. Together we increase expectations,
break down silos, and build accountability and alignment. We operate under the assumption of
good intent in our interactions with each other, especially as we work through difficult issues
Collaboration Creates Prosperity. NAZ partners built one system of support for families. This
system is made up of many equal partners who are committed to working together for the
success of NAZ children, including: parents, organizations, schools, funders, government, and
faith institutions. We believe that our collaboration will have more than enough momentum to
reach a tipping point of sustainable community transformation and prosperity.
Diversity and Cultural Responsiveness. As we scale up to partner with more than 1,000
families with 3,000 children, we will be reflective of the diversity in our community—while
targeting resources where the achievement gap is greatest. The rich diversity of our families is an
asset to be woven into our processes and systems of support/service. NAZ staff and partners will
embed cultural responsiveness within our work.
Starting Early and Staying Long-Term. We work side by side with NAZ families from before
birth through college, providing comprehensive support designed to impact a child’s education
and life trajectory. We support the success of the whole family.
Parent Work Hours are required for every Ascension Catholic School Family. Parents or family
members aged 18 years or older may work off these 20 hours of service per year of school. Tasks
to do are listed in the weekly Ascension Catholic School Newsletter. Each family keeps track of
hours worked throughout the school year on the Verification Form provided by the school. The
Verification Form must be turned in to Mrs. Richmond by the first day in May. Parents
who choose not to work the required 20 Parent Work Hours of service will be billed $5.00 for
every hour not completed. (NAZ families, as family leaders are also asked to contribute 20
Parent Work Hours annually to the school.)
All visitors including parents and other family members must have background checks
conducted through the Church of the Ascension Parish HR office before becoming involved in
the activity of the school. We take seriously the safety of our students and follow the safety
procedures of the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis. The background check results will be
kept confidential between the HR representative, the school administrators and the person who
submitted to the background check procedure. In addition a program called Virtus is required. It
is a two to three hour class that emphasizes how we keep our children safe. The information for
the Virtus training can be obtained in the Parish HR office as well. It is our hope that every
family will understand our dedication to keeping all of our students safe.
Parents are welcome to visit Ascension Catholic School during the day. Please ring the buzzer to
the left of the back middle door. When the buzzer is answered, state your name and your
student’s name and grade. When verified, you will be buzzed into the school building. All
parents and visitors must stop into the school office for a pass before heading to any area in the
school building. If a parent wants to speak with a teacher or help in the classroom, a meeting
must be set with the teacher in advance. No teacher can step away from classroom duties to
confer with a parent during school hours. If a substitute teacher is in the classroom, we will
inform parents and ask that they visit when the regular classroom teacher is present. Parents
without completed background checks will not be allowed to visit classrooms when students are
The first day of every week, students will be given their own Monday Folder to bring home.
Parents should sign the folder, take out the contents and send it back the next day of school.
Parents will always find an Ascension Catholic School Newsletter to read for discovery of the
events happening in the school. Parents may find notes from the teacher, the student’s graded
work from the previous week, homework assignments, and much more. Please pay close
attention to the Monday Folder. It is the Ascension Catholic School way of keeping
parents/guardians well informed.
Tuition, Latchkey, Youth Center, and Athletic fees are paid through TADS online.
All other fees must be paid using an envelope designating what is being paid for
(Breakfast, Lunch, Athletics, etc.) and how much is being paid for each category.
Checks that bounce will cause the family to pay an extra $20.00 fee plus, no more
checks will be accepted from that family for the remainder of the school year.
Athletic fees must be paid before the beginning of the athletic season. Latchkey
fees should be paid quarterly. Tuition should be paid monthly.(NAZ families are
supported through Ascension and NAZ funding. NAZ families do have a
responsibility for breakfast/lunch fees and athletic fees if the student joins a sport.)
Unless the weather is extremely severe, all children are expected to go outside at
scheduled times. Request for exceptions are difficult to honor because teachers by
law, are entitled to duty-free periods. Please check to see that your child’s clothing
is sufficient for weather conditions. Boots or overshoes, or changes of shoes are to
be available everyday during the winter months and rainy days.
The Specific Policy Regarding When to Send Children Outside on Cold Days:
1. If it is below 0 degrees, students will remain inside.
2. If its above 0 degrees, students will go outside.
3. If the wind-chill factor is 0 or lower the students will remain inside.
Listen to WCCO Radio and TV for school closings. Because of shared busing, if
Minneapolis Public Schools close, due to poor weather, Ascension Catholic School
automatically closes. On a rare occasion, we close otherwise when dangerous
weather exists. Listen to WCCO Radio by 5:45AM.
In the event of a tornado warning, students and teachers will move, in silence, and in an orderly
manner to the hallways. If the warning would come at dismissal time, the students will be held
until the all clear announcement is given.
Minnesota Statutes 13.32, subd. 2 identifies health data regarding students as private data.
Private student health data is not to be disseminated to the public or to staff without the strict
observance of data privacy rights and pursuant to applicable statutory procedures.
The school recognizes that the improper and unauthorized release of health information
regarding a student with an infectious disease has the potential to cause irremediable harm and
will be considered a violation to this policy.
Under emergency condition, the school may release private student data to appropriate parties if
such data is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or others.
To determine whether release of private data, without written authorization, is justified, the
following factors will be considered:
The seriousness of the threat to the health or safety of the students or others.
The need for the data to meet the emergency.
If the parties to whom disclosure is made are in a position to meet the emergency.
The extent to which time is of the essence in dealing with the emergency.
Call 612-521-3600 and go to into the teacher voicemail system. Follow the directions given and
leave your message. This way, teachers can easily return your call after class hours. Typically,
teachers are finished teaching and dismissal duty by 2:15PM. That is when most will choose to
return calls unless they have a Faculty Meeting following dismissal. Please be aware that on
occasion and for specific reasons, the Principal may return your call instead of the designated
Call Mrs. Richmond for concerns about:
Tuition Billing/ Financial Aid
Parent Work Hours
Parent Participation
Title Programs
Call Mr. DePass for concerns about:
Transportation/ Bussing Information
Breakfast/ Lunch Fees
Free Priced School Meals
Call Mr. Matias for concerns about:
NAZ Academy
Student Behavioral Concerns
Call Ms. Woods for concerns about:
Financial Aid
School Policy and Procedure
Child Development and Behavior
Personnel- Teachers, Administrators, Staff
School Schedule
Any other concerns you may have
Ascension Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of sex, religion, race, national and
ethnic origin, in its admission or educational policies, Athletics, Choir, afterschool programs, or
other school administered programs.
Children applying for entrance to Kindergarten must be five years of age on or before September
1st of that school year.
Pre-registration is held in January. The date is announced in the Church bulletin and in the
School Newsletter.
All new students are on probationary status for six weeks in which all previous school and health
records must arrive at school. Also, students are evaluated as to whether they follow school
values socially, emotionally, and in their schoolwork. If this does not go smoothly, the student is
asked to leave.
It is required that children have a physical exam before entering Kindergarten and 7th grade. The
Ascension Catholic School needs verification of that medical exam. Health records must be kept
up-to-date. All immunizations required by state law must be completed before a child enters
Kindergarten at Ascension Catholic School.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcomed
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct and/or other
verbal or physical conduct or communication. Sexual violence is a physical act of aggression that
includes a sexual act or sexual purpose.
Ascension Catholic School shall maintain a learning and working environment that is free from
sexual harassment and sexual violence. It shall be a violation of this policy for any student or
employee to harass a student or an employee through conduct or communication of a sexual
nature. It shall be a violation of this policy for any student or employee to be sexually violent to a
student or employee.
Ascension Catholic School will act to investigate all complaints, formal and informal, verbal or
written, of sexual harassment or sexual violence and to discipline any student or employee who
sexually harasses or is sexually violent to a student or employee of the school. This investigation
will take place with the Principal in conjunction with the Pastor and Parish Administrator. On
occasion when deemed necessary by the Pastor, Parish Administrator and/ or the Principal, the
Minneapolis Police Department will become involved.
Bullying Prevention
Bullying prevention is everyone’s responsibility.
Bullying is a behavior that:
 Hurts or harms another person physically or emotionally.
 The target has difficulty stopping and struggles to defend themselves.
Exhibits an imbalance of power, when the student doing the bullying has more physical,
emotional, or social power than the target.
At Ascension Catholic School we work to educate staff, families, and students on ways to
identify and stop bullying.
Students in grade 6th through 8th grade may participate in this after-school programming. The
Youth Center is open Monday-Friday from 2:00PM – 5:30PM with designated hours for
tutoring, Homework Help, games, creative arts, Junior Achievement, and much more.
Registration for the program is $50.00. Families will get billed for another $150.00 during the
school year in $50.00 increments for a total of $200.00.
Ascension Catholic School is an Anchor Partner in the NAZ Out-of-School Time network
solution, and we are expanding our successful Latchkey program to serve K through 8th grade
NAZ scholars enrolled at Ascension Catholic School. NAZ Latchkey Academy offers an
extended learning program designed to support grade-level attainment in reading and math for
every scholar. The program runs weekly from 2:00pm- 4:00pm, on scheduled days and includes
a snack and transportation home. This opportunity is free of cost to all NAZ enrolled families.
Teachers are in the building. The Main Office opens for business.
Buses arrive. Breakfast is served in the Cafeteria.
Students line up outside when the bell rings (if the temperature is
above 0 degrees Fahrenheit).
At all times upon arrival, students are not to leave the school grounds.
Supervision of the arrival area begins at 7:15AM. Before that time, there is
no supervision so we strongly recommend that parents not leave their
children unattended.
Morning Recess for K-3rd
11:00- 11:20AM
Morning Recess for 4th-7th
11AM-12: 30PM
Three half hour lunch periods per day
Buses leave Ascension and head to Hall School. Ascension students must
board buses only at Ascension Catholic School!
Remember that teachers are in the building until 3:00PM. If you want to meet with one of them,
please make an appointment. The Main Offices is open until 3:00PM daily.
NAZ Latchkey Academy buses leave the school.
Latchkey and Youth Center Closes
Any student picked up from Latchkey after 5:30PM incurs a $3.00 per minute late fee and may
not attend Latchkey the following day if this has occurred more than once.
Students picked up late from the Youth Center may not attend the next day.
Daily attendance is critical to academic achievement. It is our goal to work with students,
families and communities to support regular school attendance and improve academic
Students are expected to be in school every day school is open, and arrival and pick-up should be
We do ask that parents call the school by 7:30AM whenever the child is absent, to give a reason
for the absence.
If we don’t hear from the home, our office will call to get the reason for the absence. If there is
no phone in the home, send a note with the child the next day or with a sibling the same day.
Students missing more than 10 consecutive days without reason will be withdrawn.
If you call to give us a reason, a note is not necessary.
If the student has to come to school late, send a note with the student the day before.
No student should arrive after 8:30AM, unless the delay was a doctor’s appointment.
No child will be accepted late without a note or phone call from a parent.
A student with excessive tardy arrivals will be withdrawn.
If a student is absent due to an illness for more than 3 days, a written note from your child’s
health care provider must be provided.
If a student will be absent for a family activity up to 5 days from school, pre-approval must
be obtained. To get pre-approval from the school, you must do the following:
At least 10 days before leaving, request permission from the school for your child to be
gone for a family activity. Before leaving:
 Get your child's homework and agree that your child will finish the homework.
 Make sure that your child will not be gone for important tests like the MCA, OLPA,
NWEA or Math.
 Agree in writing that your child will miss no more than 5 days of school.
 Before leaving, get approval from the Principal
Absence and tardy– Teachers will signal the office if a student has 3 unexcused absences in a
school year.
Excessive unexcused tardiness
 Missing 5 hours of class within 10 school days = 1 absence
Attendance Policy
It's the Law! Minnesota law states that all students are required to attend school from age 7, or
when they enter kindergarten (whichever comes first) until they are 18 years old. A student's
failure to attend school may lead to legal action for the parents/guardians and the student.
We do follow the Minnesota truancy guidelines for school absences and school tardiness. Under
Minnesota law, children must go to school every day from the time they are enrolled until they
are eighteen (18) years old, unless they are legally withdrawn at age 16 or 17. Absences may be
excused because of illness, religious observance, family emergency, or funeral. Absences are
presumed to be unexcused. A student, who has a least three unexcused absences from school for
a full day, is considered a “continuing truant” under the law. (Minn. Stat. 260A.0, Subd.3) A
parent or guardian must compel the attendance of a child at school pursuant to Minn. Stat.
120A.22. Failure to meet this obligation may result in legal action.
We do not wish to have any parent brought into court for “educational neglect”.
Please make sure your child arrives at school every day the school is open by 7:30AM.
We are not a day care center! Students must be picked up from school on time after the school
day ends no later than 2:00PM.
Any child left at school beyond this time will cause the parents to be charged a baby-sitting fee of
$1.00 per minute.
For safety and liability reasons, no child will be allowed to wait outside the school building.
At 2PM, all left waiting students will be brought to wait by the School Main Office and parents
will need to come into the school to pick them up.
Uniforms must be purchased at:
Donald’s Uniform Store
972 Payne Ave., St. Paul, MN 55130
We do have used uniforms for a much-reduced price in the school’s Main Office. Sizes vary.
The girls must wear a gray skirt with a white knit polo shirt (short or long sleeve) and a red
(lipstick color) sweater vest, pullover, or cardigan. Socks must be white or red with no designs
and must cover at least 2” above the anklebone. If pants are worn in cold weather they must be
removed in the school unless they are the designated black stretch knit leggings that can be
purchased at Donald’s. If you have a question, please ask it before you purchase. We want to
make sure your child is properly attired in the regulation uniform.
AROUND. Therefore, it is important to hem the skirt longer at the beginning of the school year
to account for growth that the student makes in the school year. Skirts must also fit loosely
around the hips so that it flows correctly.
Junior High girls (grades 7 and 8 only) have a gray twill pants option and they may wear flesh
colored stockings instead of socks if they desire. The gray twill uniform pants can be purchased
at Donald’s as well
The boys must wear gray pants with a white knit polo shirt (short or long sleeve) and a red
(lipstick color) sweater vest, pullover, or cardigan. These must be purchased at Donald’s
Uniform Store.
Athletic shoes are the best option for school for all students.
 Boots- fashion boots, outdoor boots, moccasin boots, will not be allowed to be worn in
the school building.
 Athletic shoes that come up past two inches above the ankle are NOT acceptable.
 Absolutely no make-up is allowed on students at Ascension Catholic School.
In the event a disagreement occurs between a parent and a member of the school staff regarding
the educational programs of a child, the following procedure will be used to reach an acceptable
working relationship:
1. Meeting:
2. Meeting:
Teacher –Student- Parent- Principal
If the above procedure does not bring an amicable solution, the parents will be asked to remove
the child.
Ascension Catholic School strives to be a peaceful academic community and we believe scholar
success relies heavily on a strong, positive relationship between parents and teachers, and will
thrive on open communication that supports the scholar’s academic achievement. It is important
that parents develop a strong rapport with teachers to support their scholar. Parents may request
conferences with teachers anytime, and we encourage all parents to maintain regular contact with
Parents and teachers are expected to communicate any concerns by first meeting together with
the scholar. If there is any additional support needed for a NAZ family, the family’s NAZ
Connector and/or Academic Navigator, and Principal will work to support the family to address
concerns and support a positive outcome.
It is expected that all family/staff interactions are respectful and calm. Ascension Catholic
School has a zero tolerance policy for disrespectful or abusive language and/or behavior for
anyone in the Ascension community.
All tuition fee payments are nonrefundable, with one exception; if the student dies. Please pay
fees in a timely manner. Parents will be invoiced once per month by TADS, our tuition collection
company. If a challenge arises; please call the Principal or Vice Principal immediately so that
adjustments can possibly be made.
If fees are not paid by the end of the school year, the final Report Card will be withheld. Families
of 8th graders that have outstanding balances will forfeit their child’s participation in the
Graduation ceremony.
If a check bounces, the family may not use checks for payments for the rest of the school year.
Parents accepting Financial Aid for their children’s school fees must commit fully to
participating in the Marathon and Kiddie Karnival fundraisers as a sign of support of the
Ascension Catholic School. This includes NAZ families.
What is school-wide positive behavioral supports? The application of evidence-based strategies
and systems to assist schools:
 to increase academic performance
 to increase safety
 to decrease problem behavior
 and to establish a positive school culture
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports is a process for teaching scholars appropriate
behavior and providing the supports necessary to sustain that behavior. PBIS is not a curriculum
- it is a framework for systems to identify needs, develop strategies, and evaluate practice
toward success. PBIS is a framework for enhancing adoption and implementation of a continuum
of evidenced-based interventions to achieve academically and behaviorally important outcomes
for all scholars. PBIS is defined by four inter-related elements:
 Data: refers to information about where we are now and have been (i.e., baseline data), and
what we know about something (evidence). This information is used to define where we
want to go (outcomes), what we might use to get there (practices), and what we need to be
effective and efficient at what we do.
 Outcomes: refers to what we want scholars to learn and do well, both academically and
behaviorally. The desired outcomes are derived from data, and guide decisions about what
practices to select for achieving those outcomes.
 Practices: refers to what instructional and behavioral interventions, strategies, programs,
curricula, etc. are used to achieve a stated outcome. In addition, the selection of practice is
guided by the evidence (data) that are available to demonstrate the effectiveness of a practice
and the resources and supports needed for accurate and effective implementation (systems).
 Systems: refers to the supports, resources, training, etc. that implementers would need to
maximize their implementation of a given practice to achieve a specific outcome.
A defining feature of PBIS is a prevention logic that is organized as a continuum of support,
most often in three tiers:
Primary Tier (I): School-wide practices and systems for preventing the development and
occurrences of problem behavior for all scholars across all settings.
o Universal interventions, all settings, all scholars, preventive, proactive and should
produce desired outcomes for 80-90% of scholars.
Secondary Tier (II): More specialized and intensive practices and systems for supporting
scholars whose behaviors have been documented as unresponsive to Tier I practices and systems.
o Targeted group interventions, some scholars (at-risk), high efficiency, rapid
response and should only be needed for approximately 5-10% of scholars.
Tertiary Tier (III): Highly specialized and individualized practices and systems for supporting
scholars whose behaviors have been documented as unresponsive to Tiers I & II practices and
o Intensive individual interventions for individual scholars, assessment-based, and
durable procedures.
Ascension Catholic School does believe in using discipline at school to correct undesirable
behavior. We do not believe in the use of corporal punishment. All school personnel work
together to solve discipline problems within the school day. Expulsion is used only in extreme
cases. A child will be suspended for fighting (any negative physical contact with another
person). Disciplinary action will be taken when a student has done the following:
Use of drugs (controlled substances), alcohol, or cigarettes.
Showing a lack of respect for any member of the school staff or students.
Fighting, bullying, stealing, destroying, or damaging school or personal property.
Skips school, leaves school during the day without permission from the School Office,
leaves the classroom without permission from the teacher.
Unacceptable behavior in Church, on the bus, classroom, in the cafeteria, or on the
Being out of uniform.
Not bringing in excuses for absences if the parent or guardian did not call the school.
Use of violent weapon against another, in school or away from school; suspected gang
Other actions which the school personnel or Principal decides is unacceptable behavior.
A child’s visits to the Principal’s Office for discipline will be documented. Upon the 3rd visit, the
child will be suspended. Three suspensions will result in an expulsion from Ascension Catholic
An established team of educators comprised of teachers, the Principal, and NAZ staff if it’s a
NAZ family will team with the parents around specific individual student challenges and direct
the remediation process. The NAZ Connector will partner with the parent/s to support the
scholar’s success. The Academic Navigator will offer direct scholar support and follow up
communication with Ascension staff. If the scholar continues to struggle, Ascension staff is
dedicated to finding a school to meet their needs, and will work with the parent/s to find a
suitable school.
A student not in a designated NAZ family will have his/her behavior case reviewed by
Ascension Catholic School teachers and administrators with a recommendation presented to the
Principal for a final decision about whether the student should be allowed to stay or should leave
Ascension Catholic School.
The Christian value of sexual abstinence until marriage is taught at Ascension Catholic School.
In the event that a student becomes pregnant during the time of being at Ascension Catholic
School, that student will not be allowed to continue to be educated at Ascension Catholic School.
If the father of the baby is a student at Ascension Catholic School, that student will also not be
allowed to complete his education at Ascension Catholic School. Expulsion will take place
immediately for all students involved in the conception. Ascension Catholic School will work
with the parents to find a school for the student/s to attend after expulsion from Ascension
Catholic School, if the parents so request.
There will be 2 Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4 Midterms, and 4 Quarter Report Cards. Teachers
may ask parents to come for a special conference whenever there is a need. Parents may request
conferences at any time. Promotion to the next grade level is not based on marks alone. A child
is not considered to have failed if s/he does not progress to the next grade. Rather, the delay is
considered as time needed to attain a particular goal. Parents will be notified well in advance that
a child may not be ready for promotion. Parents, teacher, and Principal will jointly discuss
retention in a particular grade, with the decision made by the Principal and teacher.
It costs approximately $7,000 per child per year for an Ascension Catholic School education.
The family responsibility portion of the tuition is $1,400 per year. Ascension Catholic School
does have excellent Financial Aid packages. Applications are available through the Main
Office. It is a requirement that parents that obtain Financial Aid for their child be active in all
facets of the school such as participating in fundraisers like the Marathon and the Kiddie
Karnival, Parent Work Hours, Core Knowledge Nights, attendance at the Christmas Program,
and other school activities.
In support of NAZ and Ascension Catholic School’s commitment to provide high-quality and
accessible education to families in the NAZ zone, NAZ scholars can attend Ascension Catholic
School under full scholarship just as any other students outside of the NAZ zone that has
demonstrated financial need.
Extreme caution is required when driving in the school parking lot. Please observe all signs and
cone restrictions when entering and leaving the parking lot. Never drive up close to the school
building! Also, when children are present and cone restrictions are in place, children should be
picked up and dropped off at the curb on the same side of the street as the school to eliminate a
need to cross the street. Cars may only enter the parking lot at the north entrance or the end
where the church is and leave only out of the south entrance or the end where the gym is. Follow
signs present. Failure to follow these safety procedures can present a serious problem and is
contrary to the safety regulations. Again, never drive up close to the school building!
Listen to the playground supervisor.
Always stay on the playground area.
Stay on the blacktop, not on the sidewalk or steps.
The school provides balls. No balls should be brought from home.
Balls are to be bounced only on the blacktop, not against the building.
Respect the playground equipment being used by others.
Rough games involving pushing, pulling, or tackling are not allowed.
When the bell rings, stop all games and line up quietly to enter the building.
No food or drinks are allowed on the playground.
Special Education Services are offered by the Minneapolis Non-Public School Special Education
Department. Children having challenges such as speech disability, hearing impairment,
orthopedic disability, or learning disability are referred to the Principal, who in turn requests
services of the Minneapolis Non-Public Schools Special Education Department. Parents are
involved throughout the process of referral, assessment, and staffing conferences.
The Ascension Catholic School Choir is a highly trained children’s choir that meets once a week
for practice during recess. The Ascension Catholic School Choir is comprised of returning Choir
students, then incoming 3rd grade students, and lastly new students to the school in grades 3-8. If
slots are still available afterwards, returning students that have not previously participated in
Choir are slotted into the program.
All students in our specialized music programs are expected to attend and participate in all
rehearsals and performances, exhibit exemplary behavior as Ascension Catholic School students,
and maintain good academic standing.
Musical Trolley
This program is offered to our Kindergarten classrooms once per week spanning throughout the
school year. The class is taught by a teacher from the MacPhail Center for the Arts. It
incorporates an introduction to musical instruments, vocal music, children’s literature,
dramatization and art.
Musical World
This program is offered to our 1st graders. It is taught by a MacPhail teacher on the same
schedule as Musical Trolley. It is a continuation of the skills taught in Musical Trolley on a
higher, more sophisticated level.
Musical Adventures
This program is offered to our 2nd graders. It is taught by a MacPhail teacher on the same
schedule as Musical Trolley. It is highly sophisticated class that seeks to enhance the students
understanding of rhythm, storytelling, musical improvisation, and much more.
Violin for Children
This program is offered to our 3rd graders. The students receive one full class instruction plus one
small group violin lesson weekly from a MacPhail teacher. This program begins the formal and
on-going instrumental lessons.
Private Lessons
The students in the 4th grade that excelled to the expectation of the MacPhail teacher in the 3rd
grade advance to the private string instrument and orchestral lessons at MacPhail Center for the
Arts once per week during the school year. There is a parent component involved in the program,
and solid commitment to daily music practices for the student is required. If the expectations are
not met, the student jeopardizes his/her continuance of lessons. This program is funded by grants
obtained through the work of MacPhail and the Ascension Catholic School Principal. Once a
student enters the program at this level, the student must remain in the program for the ENTIRE
SCHOOL YEAR. Otherwise, valuable funds are wasted and this will not be tolerated.
Children will be allowed to use the school telephone for emergencies only. The school phone is
a business phone. Teachers calling parents, and parents getting in touch with the school, use it. It
is used by administrators to conduct school business. Calls by children will be limited to:
sickness, accidents, delays after school due to missing the bus, etc. Cell phones are not permitted
with students. If a child brings a cell phone to school s/he must turn it in to the teacher first upon
arrival to be locked up for safekeeping. Other technological/electronic devices must be left at
home unless approved by the school personnel as an educational support device. The school will
not be responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to any technological/electronic/phone devices
brought to school from home.
Some living arrangements for students require them to move between two households on a
regular basis. Ascension Catholic School will send home extra copies of any materials
distributed, upon request. Parents can supply stamped, self-addressed envelopes for copies of the
Newsletter and Report Cards to go to a second household. It will be the responsibility of the
parties involved to handle the distribution. Copies of weekly Newsletters are also available in the
School Office. Parents/Guardians of Ascension Catholic School students are responsible for all
arrangements that concern the child, and fulfillment of requirements for enrollment at Ascension
Catholic School (i.e. who will work the Parent Work Hours and how many, transportation, meal,
and tuition payments, etc.). On the official Parent/Teacher Conference Day, there will be only
one time slot per child designated.
No student will be released from school to any person other that the parent or legal guardian
unless the school has received permission for such release. In the event that the parents are
separated, the school will release the child only on the directions of the parent who has custody
at that time. A current copy of custody papers should be kept on file in the School Office. It
should be supplied by the parent/guardian that has custody. It can be in a sealed envelope and
will only be opened if needed. All students leaving the school must be signed out by the
parent/adult in the School Office.
Learning is continuous and homework is a part of continuous learning. Additionally, homework
is a bridge that joins schools and parents. Parents are informed of what their scholar is learning
and they are able to express positive attitudes towards their scholar’s achievement. Each teacher
independently determines homework assignments, and homework is to be completed on time.
Regular Library periods are scheduled so that each student has an opportunity to check out and
exchange books. Many classes have personal classroom libraries too. All students are responsible
for returning books on time. The student and / or parents will pay for lost or abused books.
All school books must be taken home in a plastic bag or book bag. When damage, loss, or abuse
occurs, children and parents are responsible for replacement, or payment of the books, or other
school property, which may be involved. All textbooks must be covered by the end of the first
The school does not accept responsibility for articles lost by students. Items found on school
grounds will be put into our Lost and Found- located near the Main School Office, and can be
claimed by the student the next day. Articles not claimed within 30 days will be donated to
charity. Please do not send your child with valuables.
The Minneapolis Public School District provides bus transportation to the students of Ascension
Catholic School who live within our attendance area of North Minneapolis. Remember, this is a
service to our students. The parents and the students have the responsibility to be at the pick-up
point on time. The student is responsible for his/her conduct on the bus. A student can be
deprived of bus service if the student’s conduct and/or attitude give problems to the driver or the
other students riding the bus. Parents will be notified if the bus service is denied to their child.
Parents will be given the reason and will be responsible for their child’s transportation.
The expressed purpose of Minnesota State Aid is to promote equal educational opportunity for
every school child in Minnesota and to assure all Minnesota pupils and parents the freedom of
choice in education. The Legislation provides funding for three programs:
1. Textbooks, individualized learning materials, and standardized tests are available to be
purchased for the use of non-public school students.
2. Health services and services of a school nurse are made possible through the funding.
3. Guidance and counseling services for 7th and 8th grade students are available. This is
made possible through the services of a non-public school counselor who is available to
the staff and administration.
Health services are provided by school personnel working under the direction of the Minneapolis
Public School District, and in conjunction with health services provided through the Minnesota
Law of 1975. Each year students attending Ascension Catholic School receive vision and hearing
screenings. Scoliosis screening is done on an annual basis for students in grades 6 through 8
Minor injuries, which occur on the playground, are first reported to the school offices personnel.
In a severe emergency situation, an attempt will be made to notify the parents and when
necessary, 911 will also be called. We aim to keep our students safe in the event of critical
situations. Accident reports are written for all injuries and kept in files.
If the child has contracted a contagious disease, such as strep throat, or a body rash, infestation,
or ringworm, please notify the school office. If detected at school, the child will be sent home
and asked to return with a written doctor’s statement. The parents of other children may then be
cautioned so that early detection of the disease may be prevented from spreading.
It is policy of Ascension Catholic School that students with communicable disease not be
excluded from attending school in their regular classrooms so long as their attendance does not
create an unreasonable risk of the transmission of illness to children or employees of the school.
Educational placement of students who lack control of their body secretions or who display
behavior such as biting or who have medical conditions such as uncoverable, oozing lesions, will
not be accepted at Ascension Catholic School due to lack of personnel to handle these
The policy for administering medication by school personnel is as follows:
1. The administration of medication to students shall be done only in the exceptional
circumstances wherein the child’s health may be jeopardized without it.
2. Students requiring medication at school shall be identified by the parent or guardian to
the Principal.
3. A written statement is required from the child’s physician who requests and authorizes
the giving of medication in the dosage prescribed by that physician; thereby releasing the
school personnel from liability should reaction result from the medication dosage. The
time is to be given, for how long it is to be given, and possible side effects are also part of
the Medication Form. The Medication Form can be obtained at the School Office prior to
the need for one so that parents can be ready when a child becomes ill.
4. Under no circumstance may school personnel provide aspirin or any other medication to
the students including cough drops or throat sprays.
5. Do not send your child to school with medication. We safeguard all students from
accidental exposure to medication. Do not put medication in the student backpacks.
Parents must transport medicines to school with the exceptions of inhalers which students
may transport to the school and directly to the School Office.
An employee of Ascension Catholic School who has knowledge or reasonable cause to believe
that a student is the victim of physical/ emotional abuse, or neglect shall immediately convey the
information to the Principal. Remember that this includes a child who is tardy or absent
The school shall keep the name of the reporter confidential. Only a court order following an
investigation may release the name of the reporter to the alleged perpetrator. As provided in the
Minnesota Statutes section 626.556, subd.11 and section 626.557, subd.12.
In accordance with the rules and regulations of the Minneapolis Fire Department, fire drills will
be carried out on a routine basis throughout the school year. Complete silence is to be observed.
The proper exit is posted in each classroom.
Crisis Lockdown
In the event of a school danger crisis, the entire school will follow lockdown procedures. Parents
will receive a letter on the day of a school lockdown. Teachers are well trained in all crisis
Permission slips signed by a parent or guardian is required, and must be in the teacher’s hand on
the date specified. Parental permission by phone will not be accepted. Participation on field trips
and outings may be forfeited by the students because of misbehavior in class, lack of classroom
work, excessive tardiness to school, or problems on a previous outing.
Registration Forms are filled out by a parent or guardian when the child is enrolled in school. If
changes occur, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the school in writing
immediately. This safeguards the child if an emergency arises. ALWAYS UPDATE THE
Ascension Catholic School has a breakfast and lunch program available to students.
Breakfasts cost $2.00 per day. Lunches cost $3.30 per day.
All Kindergarteners eat breakfast free.
Adult lunches cost $3.50.
Families can find out if they qualify for free or reduced meals by filing out the proper
government form at Registration or in the School Office. It is best when all families take the time
to fill out this form as many that thought they would not qualify find they do. It saves the family
a lot of money and students receive nutritious meals daily. Students bringing a bag lunch may
buy milk for $.25. Students buying hot lunch, get one-half pint of milk with the lunch. If they
want more than one they also have to pay $.25. Parents must pre-pay for all student meal in
the School Office or in a sealed envelope sent to school with the student. The payment will be
applied to the student’s account. KEEP WATCH OVER THE FAMILY ACCOUNT SO THAT
YOUR CHILD CAN EAT THE FULL HOT MEAL. Students without paid meals will be served
a cold cheese sandwich with a carton of milk. Most students are embarrassed when their parents
neglect to take care of this responsibility.
Students bringing lunches may not bring canned beverages, sugary sweets or lunches that need
Respect teachers' and classmates' right to teach or learn without unnecessary disturbances. Violations
include the following:
1. Coming to class late.
2. Leaving class / school without permission from a teacher/administrator.
3. Chewing gum - a fine of $5.00 is charged each time a child is discovered chewing gum.
4. Eating in class - a fine of $5.00 is charged each time a child chooses to snack during class
5. Talking to a classmate, or self, repeatedly during class time.
6. Speaking disrespectfully.
7. Doing homework while direct classroom instruction is going on.
8. Talking, disturbing or damaging the property of anyone else.
9. Disobeying the request of those in authority.
10. Defacing school property.
11. Any personal electronic gear is prohibited in school.
12. Writing on desks, or in any way, damaging the property on school grounds.
13. Disrespecting the privacy of others.
14. Fighting, pushing, shoving, etc. (suspension will be immediate).
15. Writing on mirrors, walls, or stalls of the restrooms.
16. Spitting, sprinkling, throwing, etc. of water.
17. Using paper towels for any purpose other than drying of hands.
18. Screaming, shouting, or making any other disturbing noise.
19. Running or jumping.
20. Making excessive noises.
21. Sharing food ("No sharing food" is a law of the Minnesota Health Dept.).
22. Throwing food. Moving from table to table to provoke, incite, or irritate others.
23. Teasing, taunting, name calling, etc.
24. Taking playground equipment from another student, or class without permission.
25. Leaving the playground without permission.
26. Riding bikes on the playground.
27. Throwing ice, snow, or a dangerous object at any person on the playground.
a. A fine of $5.00 will be charged to those who are caught doing so.
28. Damaging any building, car, bike, or other item on school property.
29. Snow hills are off limits.
30. Other actions that violate the philosophy of Ascension School.
The Ascension Athletic Program is designed to be a part of the total development of the children in the
school and Parish. Our primary emphasis is on education and moral development. We are members of
the Monsignor Coates Youth Organization (M.C.Y.O.). To this end, the purpose of the Athletic Program
is to develop moral attitudes, physical skills, and a sense of responsibility, sportsmanship, and selfdiscipline within a Catholic Christian educational atmosphere.
1. Eligibility for team sports is from 3rd through 8th grade, and open to both boys and girls of the
Ascension School or Parish. Ascension teams are subject to all the rules and regulations of the
M.C.Y.O. in which they participate.
2. There are high educational expectations placed upon athletes in Ascension School, thus it is
expected that an athlete will work to the best of his/her ability on academic subjects. If a student is
not working up to the best of his/her ability, the teacher is responsible for notifying the Principal,
who will in turn notify the Athletic Director. A plan will be worked out to aid the child in
improving his/her work habits.
3. There are equally high expectations placed on athletes in Ascension School to conduct
themselves in accordance with school policies and procedures concerning behavior and attitude.
Should a child have behavioral problems, the staff involved will monitor the child's behavior
and attitude with a view of concern. Then a decision will be made by staff regarding eligibility.
4. Truancy and unexcused absence from school will result in suspension from the team.
5. Misconduct, while participating in, or in attendance at an athletic event, may lead to suspension
from the team.
6. All students who participate in athletics will be governed by the Ascension School Discipline
Policy and Procedure.
7. Unexcused absence from athletic practice will require a note at the next practice.
8. Proper care of uniforms, equipment, and facilities is expected. Participants must pay for lost or
damaged items.
9. Coaches will be responsible for the conduct of their teams.
10. The Athletic Director is responsible to notify the students, coaches, teachers, and Principal
regarding suspensions or problems that occur during practices and games.
11. Players and parents of players shall show good sportsmanship by having respect for officials,
spectators, or other players.
12. Players and parents of players shall refrain from using obscene language or gestures in league
13. All players, parents of players, and coaches must have a signed Code of Conduct on file at the
school for each sport in which there is participation.
14. If a player is absent during a regular school day, excused or unexcused, that player may not
participate in practice or play in a game on the day or weekend.
15. Parental concerns should be discussed with the Athletic Director only. Our coaches are
volunteering their own time. All situations should be dealt with exercising courtesy and respect.
The Procedure Followed for a Child Placed on Probation:
1. Parent and child are contacted.
2. A plan of action is devised which includes the child getting schoolwork completed with good
3. At the end of 2 weeks, the child is evaluated to see if s/he followed the plan.
4. If no improvement was made, the child comes off the team for the rest of the season. The child
becomes ineligible for any athletic trophies for that season.
We have made a priority of supplying our school with the latest and most updated technological
tools from our MAC lab to our IPad2 mobile labs on each floor of the school. Policies and
procedures for use are developed to keep all of this equipment in excellent working condition
and available to all students in our school. Students without signed notices and agreements for
care will not be allowed to use this equipment for anything other than assessment. At the
beginning of the school year, each family will be required to sign awareness/agreement notice
about the care and expectations surrounding this equipment. These contracts will be available on
Classroom Meeting nights within the first weeks of the school year.
All families will be responsible for the care of this technology. Any student intentionally or
accidentally breaking any of this equipment will be held responsible for the replacement of the
equipment. This is a costly endeavor so it is the hope of Ascension Catholic School that every
family will have a serious conversation with their child/ren about the care needed when using
these educational tools.