ST. ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL A Specialist Arts (Media) College Application Pack – Deputy Headteacher ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack Background Information St Anne’s RC High School is an 11-16 Roman Catholic comprehensive school in Heaton Chapel, Stockport. The school is well placed for transport links being five minutes from the M60 ring road and 20 minutes from Manchester. St Anne’s is the Catholic school serving the Heatons area of Stockport. Our feeder primary schools include, St Joseph’s Reddish, St Winifred’s Heaton Moor, St Mary’s Stockport and Our Lady’s Stockport. We also take students from a wide-range of other schools including a number from the Manchester area. We are a very outward looking community school and work well with a variety of partners, either through our strong chaplaincy team or links through our specialism. Our Arts Media specialism provides enrichment for our school and supports connections with a school in South Africa along with other schools and organisations locally and nationally. We achieved Arts Mark Gold in 2012 as recognition of our work in this area. We currently have 670 students on roll. We are an increasingly popular choice of school for year 7 students. Local authority projections show the school growing year on year. We currently have 43 teaching staff and approximately 44 support staff. At present there is a fifty period two week timetable to ensure the breadth of curriculum available to all of our students. All staff and students are expected to learn and develop together. Rich opportunities are provided for students and staff to enhance their learning together and we have a member of the senior leadership team who is responsible for the quality of teaching and learning for both students and staff. In summer 2012 76% of students attained five or more A*-C grades and 55% attained five or more A*-C grades including English and mathematics. This represented a drop of 13% on the previous year, much of this can be attributed to the changes made in English for 2012. Our A*-C for English was 61% and in maths 80%. We recognise that we can do better and as a reflective and ambitious school feel that the Ofsted judgement of November 2012 of ‘Requires Improvement’, gives us the platform to continue our transformational journey to good or outstanding very quickly. We were pleased that Ofsted recognised our potential and capacity to move forward. “The Headteacher, ably supported by the deputy Headteacher and other leaders, has taken decisive action to improve the quality of teaching which is becoming engaging, involving students more actively and encouraging them to work things out for themselves.” , and “There is now a new sense of purpose and ambition in the school over the last 18 months which is shared by most staff and students. Morale is high because members of the school community have confidence in the Headteacher and know the school is improving.” ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack Ref/jm/ss/deputyhead/rec April 2013 Dear Colleague Re: Post of Deputy Headteacher Thank you for considering the post of Deputy Headteacher at St. Anne’s RC High school. We require an exceptional individual to join our leadership team, taking on responsibility for achievement and standards across the school to ensure that our priorities of rapid and sustained progress for all, quality first teaching, an innovative curriculum and the strong Catholic ethos are outstanding. The leadership team is made up of the Headteacher, one Deputy Headteacher, four Assistant Headteacher’s and the Business Manager. Each of us has a mixture of wide-ranging strategic responsibilities with additional operational day-to-day involvement. The post is perfect preparation for Headship; the vacancy arises due to current post holder obtaining her own Headship and opportunities will exist for the successful candidate to prepare for future headship themselves. The new Deputy Headteacher will be joining the school at a crucial time – we are on a journey to good, and from good to outstanding. We require someone with drive, enthusiasm and commitment equal to that of the rest of the team in order to ensure that our journey is rapid and successful. Having been Headteacher for just short of two years I can say with total confidence that St Anne’s is genuinely a great place to work and has a superb community feel where we all work together as a team; staff, students and parents. We would expect you to make a significant contribution to the leadership and development of the school. This post is an opportunity for a talented and committed person to play to their strengths while developing other areas of skill and knowledge. The successful candidate will share our faith, values and vision. Although by its nature this is a challenging and demanding post, we do not expect to find someone who is “fully formed”, but someone who will enjoy and grow into the role. A move to Deputy Headship is a significant step and we are keen for all applicants to make an informed choice about whether St Anne’s is the right school for them. Please feel free to contact school to make an appointment for an informal visit prior to your application. If you believe that the post of Deputy Headteacher at St Anne’s could be your next post we would be delighted to hear from you and look forward to receiving your application. We pray for God’s blessing upon all those involved in this important appointment, and hope you will enjoy your contact with us whatever the outcome. Yours faithfully Mrs J Meredith Mrs J Meredith Headteacher ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack JOB DESCRIPTION – DEPUTY HEADTEACHER MISSION STATEMENT At St Anne’s we aim to meet people where they are on their faith journey and accompany and guide them on their way to achieving their full potential. We strive to create a Catholic community which shares common beliefs and where, following Christ’s example, we recognise the unique and equal value of each member. Our commitment to each person’s growth is reflected in the quality of our school’s provision which seeks to maintain the highest possible standards of achievement and behaviour. “TO KNOW, LOVE AND SERVE GOD” AIMS To share the teachings of the Catholic faith, promoting the growth and development of spiritual, moral, social and cultural values. To present opportunities to share the experiences of faith, prayer and service. To prepare people to take their places in and contribute to today’s Church and society. To create a caring community in which the unique contributions of students, parents, parishes, staff and governors are encouraged and valued. To provide a quality teaching and learning environment which enables each person to develop to his or her full potential? To promote relationships in which people will be self-confident and treat each other with mutual respect and consideration, irrespective of gender, race, religion or physical and intellectual ability. To encourage self-discipline and motivation within a framework of clearly expressed Christian values. To support continuous development through the recording and recognition of each person’s achievements and aspirations. The school has been designated by the Secretary of State as a school with a religious character. Its Instrument of Government states that it is part of the Catholic Church and is to be conducted as a Catholic school in accordance with Canon Law, the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Salford. At all times the school is to serve as a witness to the Catholic Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. The post therefore requires a practising Catholic who can show by example and from experience that he or she will ensure that the school is distinctively Catholic in all its aspects. This appointment is with the Governors of the school under the terms of the Catholic Education Service contract signed with the Governors as employers. It is subject to the current conditions of service for Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers contained in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document and other current education and employment legislation including that of the Department for Education. ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack The governing body and the Diocese are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young persons and the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher must ensure that the highest priority is given to following the guidance and regulations to safeguard children and young people. The successful candidate will be required to undergo an Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and obtain any other statutorily required clearance. MAIN PURPOSE The Deputy Headteacher will: Undertake the normal responsibilities of the class teacher Be a member of the senior management team Assist the Headteacher in managing the school Support and represent the Headteacher at meetings as and when required Undertake the professional duties of the Headteacher during his/her absence Undertake such duties as are delegated by the Headteacher Play a major role under the overall direction of the Headteacher in formulating and reviewing the Mission Statement, Development Plan, aims and objectives of the school by: - Establishing the policies through which they shall be achieved - Managing staff and resources to that end - Monitoring progress towards their achievement. MAIN TASKS: The specific nature and balance of these responsibilities will vary according to the needs of the school and may, in larger schools with more than one deputy, be shared. It will be necessary to specify the management, curriculum and co-ordination responsibilities/teaching commitment to be undertaken by the postholder. 1. Class teacher responsibilities 1.1 To carry out the duties of a school teacher as set out in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. 2. The internal organisation, management and control of the school 2.1 To have specific responsibilities (eg for aspects of school management or the curriculum) to be agreed upon appointment. 2.2 To contribute to: Fulfilling the school’s Mission Statement Maintaining and developing the Catholic ethos, values and overall purposes of the school ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack Formulating the aims and objectives of the school and policies for their implementation A development plan which will translate school aims and policies into actions Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the school and its achievements as a Catholic school Implementing the governing body’s policies on equal opportunity issues for all staff and pupils in relation to sex, gender, race, disability and special needs The efficient organisation, management and supervision of school routines 3. Curriculum Development 3.1 To contribute to: The development, organisation and implementation of the school’s curriculum School policies on curriculum, assessment, recording and reporting Ensuring that the learning and teaching provided by different departments and teaching teams form a co-ordinated, coherent curriculum entitlement for individuals, including these with special educational needs Ensuring that the Diocesan policy on Religious Education is fulfilled Ensuring arrangements for the daily act of collective worship and the spiritual life of the school Providing a curriculum for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils in line with the distinctive Catholic nature, purpose and aims of the school Providing high quality personal, social, health education and citizenship in accordance with the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church Ensuring that information on pupil progress is used to improve teaching and learning to inform and motivate pupils, to inform parents, to provide necessary references for other educational institutions and employers, and to aid governors in their future management of the school Ensuring that the individual pupil’s continuity of learning and effective progression of achievement are provided The promotion of extra-curricular activities in accordance with the educational aims and Catholic ethos of the school 4. Pupil care 4.1 To contribute to: The development, organisation and implementation of the school’s policy for the personal and social development of pupils including pastoral care and guidance in accordance with the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church The effective induction of pupils The determination of appropriate pupil groupings The promotion among pupils of standards of conduct/discipline and a proper regard for authority, the encouragement of good behaviour and commitment to the common good The development among pupils of self-discipline The handling of individual disciplinary cases ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack 5. The management of staff 5.1 To participate in the selection and deployment of teaching and non-teaching staff of the school 5.2 To contribute to good management practice by ensuring positive staff participation, effective communication and procedures 5.3 To participate in arrangements made in accordance with the regulations for the appraisal of the performance of teachers in school 5.4 To contribute to staff development policies appropriate to the Catholic nature of the school in relation to: 5.5 The induction of new and newly qualified teachers and other staff The provision of professional advice and support and the identification of training needs Students under training/work experience Support the school drive on outstanding teaching and learning To demonstrate effective leadership, representation and liaison both within the school and other interested or involved persons or bodies. 5.6 6 6.1 To maintain good relationships with individuals, groups and staff unions and associations. The management of resources To contribute to the formulation of the school’s policies and procedures concerning resource management in accordance with the school’s Mission Statement. 6.2 To allocate, control and account for those financial and material resources of the school which are delegated by the Headteacher. 6.3 To promote an attractive environment which stimulates learning and enhances the appearance of the school and expresses its Catholic identity. 6.4 To contribute to arrangements for the security and effective supervision of the school buildings, their contents and grounds, including aspects of health and safety. 6.5 To maintain effective working relationships with external agencies and services contracted to the school and the Authority. ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack 7 7.1 Relationships To advise and assist the governing body as required in the exercising of its functions including attending meetings and making reports. 7.2 To assist liaison and co-operation with Diocesan and Authority officers and support services. 7.3 To help in maintaining and developing effective communications and links with parents, as the prime educators, and to provide positive responses to concerns and problems regarding their children’s education. 7.4 To assist liaison with other educational establishments, especially other Catholic institutions, in order to promote the continuity of learning, progression of achievement and curriculum development. 7.5 To assist liaison with other professional bodies, agencies and services. 7.6 To develop and maintain positive links and relationships with the parish community, local organisations and employers: To promote a positive image of the school To ensure that the school plays a constructive role in the life of the parish and community and that its curriculum draws on the nature and resources of that community. The applicant will be required to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. This job description forms part of the contract of employment of the person appointed to the post. It reflects the position at the present time only and may be reviewed in negotiation with the employee in the future. The appointment is subject to the current conditions of employment in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document as they relate to Deputy Headteachers ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack PERSON SPECIFICATION FOR THE POST OF DEPUTY HEADTEACHER The school’s Instrument of Government states that it is part of the Catholic Church and is to be conducted as a Catholic school in accordance with Canon Law, the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Salford. At all times the school is to serve as a witness to the Catholic Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. The post therefore requires a practising Catholic who can show by example and from experience that he or she will ensure that the school is distinctively Catholic in all its aspects. The applicant will be required to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. Note: Candidates failing to meet any of the essential criteria will automatically be excluded [A] Faith Commitment Essential Practising Catholic Involvement in parish community [B] Desirable E Source A/I/R D R Desirable Source Qualifications Qualification requirements Essential Qualified teacher status E A Degree E A Further Leadership qualifications in preparation for Deputy D A/I Headship. CCRS/CTC/CLP or commitment to obtaining the qualification A/I [C] Professional Development Evidence of regular, recent and appropriate professional E A/I E A/I development for the role of Deputy Headteacher Evidence of recent leadership and management professional development Has successfully undertaken the Secretary of State's (NCSL, D A/I CWDC or local authority) approved "safer recruitment" training or has a commitment to do so before taking up post/ within 12 months of taking up the post Has successfully undertaken appropriate Child Protection training/ Designated Senior Person training E A/I ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack [D] School leadership and management experience Recent successful leadership as a Deputy Headteacher or E A/I/R Assistant Headteacher Active and effective leadership of a team / key stage/ E curriculum area/ department Be able to demonstrate successful/effective leadership in a D A/I school in a similar community / facing similar challenges To have taken an active involvement in school self evaluation E A/I E A/I/R and development planning To have implemented and developed a whole school initiative An awareness of the/ previous involvement in/ active D A/I D A/I involvement in/ fully conversant with financial management in a school. To have had a key involvement in reviewing and developing the curriculum To have had responsibility for policy development and E A/I implementation D A/I Experience of teaching in more than one school D A/I Experience of teaching in a school in similar circumstances/ D A/I To have had experience of and ability to contribute to staff development and input on teaching and learning [E] Experience and knowledge of teaching serving a similar community. Significant teaching experience within the secondary sector E A/I To have a working and current knowledge and understanding of E A E A/I E A/I/R E A/I/R both Key Stages. To be able to effectively use data, assessment and target setting to raise standards/address weaknesses To be able to exemplify how the needs of all pupils (SEN, AEN, AGT, EAL, G&T Pupil Premium) have been met through high quality teaching. [F] Professional Attributes Demonstrate an understanding, awareness and empathy for the needs of the pupils at St Anne’s RC High School and how these ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack could be met. E A/I/R E A/I/R E A/I A competent user of new technology E A/I Show a good commitment to sustained attendance at work E A/I Able to demonstrate a clear rationale for behaviour management and a proven track record of the effective implementation of a range of behaviour management strategies. Excellent written and verbal communication skills (which will be assessed at all stages of the process). To be a successful leader of learning demonstrating, promoting and encouraging outstanding classroom practice. [G] Professional Skills (Based on the National Standards for Headship 2004). Whilst the Headteacher is expected to meet all the National Standards of Headship in relation to this appointment candidates are particularly required to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the following in the context of Catholic school: Shaping the Future Leading Learning and Teaching E A/I Shaping the Future E A/I Developing Self and working with Others E A/I Managing the Organisation E A/I Securing Accountability E A/I Strengthening the Community E A/I E A/I/R E A/I E A/I/R Be a strong and visible presence in all areas of school E A/I Be approachable, person centred. E I Demonstrate personal enthusiasm and commitment to E I [H] Personal Qualities Demonstrates a commitment to promote St Anne's strong educational philosophy and Catholic values Inspire, challenge, motivate and empower teams and individuals to achieve high goals Be a positive role model at all times, a highly effective and respected representative of St Anne’s leadership aimed at making a positive difference to children and young people ST ANNE’S R.C HIGH SCHOOL – Deputy Headteacher application pack Build and maintain quality relationships through interpersonal E I/R E A/I/R Inspire trust and confidence across the school and community E I/R Be creative, dynamic E I Manage and resolve conflict E I Prioritise, plan and organise themselves and others E I Think analytically and creatively and demonstrate initiative in E I E I/R Able to empathise appropriately and take necessary steps E I/R Demonstrate a capacity for sustained hard work with energy E I/R Demonstrate resilience and optimism E I/R Demonstrate impact and presence E I/R skills and effective communication Demonstrate personal and professional integrity, including modelling values and vision solving problems Be aware of their own strengths and areas for development and listen to, and reflect constructively and act upon as appropriate, feedback from others and vigour [I] Confidential References and Reports A positive and supportive faith reference from a priest where the applicant regularly E worships. Positive recommendation from all referees, including current employer (for deputy E headship this should be Chair of Governors or Headteacher; for headships this should be Chair of Governors) A supportive reference from the Local Authority or Academy Authority [J] E Application Form and Supporting Statement The form must be fully completed and legible. The supporting statement should be clear, concise and related to the specific post.