Carlton Complex Fire, State and Private Lands, Burned Area Emergency Response Aquatic Resources Report Prepared by: Jarred Johnson Fisheries Habitat Biologist — Yakama Nation 509-881-1462 and Jennifer Molesworth Methow Sub-basin Liaison — Bureau of Reclamation 509-881-8699 1 Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Executive Summary Objectives Assessment Methodology Critical Fisheries Values at Risk Fish Species & General Life Histories a. UCR Spring Chinook b. UCR Summer Steelhead c. CR Bull Trout d. Pacific Lamprey e. Other Affected Fish Species Fire Affected Watersheds and Sub-watersheds a. Lower Methow River b. Bear Creek c. Beaver Creek d. Frazer Creek e. Benson Creek f. Black Canyon Creek g. Squaw Creek h. Gold Creek i. Libby Creek j. Okanogan River k. Loup Loup Creek Post Fire Affects a. Riparian Shade and Stream Temperature b. Stream Nutrients c. Surface Runoff and Erosion i. Road and Fireline Contribution d. Mass Wasting and Debris Flows e. Large Woody Debris Hydrologic Changes a. Model Exports Treatment Recommendations Recommendations for Near and Long-term Recovery Monitoring Recommendations References 2 pg. 4 pg. 4 pg. 5 pg. 5 pg. 7 pg. 7 pg. 8 pg. 9 pg. 10 pg. 11 pg. 11 pg. 12 pg. 13 pg. 13 pg. 13 pg. 13 pg. 14 pg. 14 pg. 14 pg. 14 pg. 16 pg. 17 pg. 17 pg. 18 pg. 19 pg. 19 pg. 20 pg. 23 pg. 24 pg. 24 pg. 25 List of Figures and Tables (In order of appearance in the document) Figure 1. ESA Listed Fish Distribution and Burn Severity pg. 6 Figure 2. Steelhead Redd Distribution pg. 8 Figure 3. Life History Diagram pg. 9 Table 1. Watershed & Sub-watershed Fire Impacts pg. 15 Table 2. Riparian Vegetation Impacts pg. 16 Figure 4. Photo of Beaver Creek Riparian pg. 16 Figure 5. Road Bed Surface Erosion at Failed Culvert pg. 17 Figure 6. Ash Flows in Beaver Creek pg. 17 Table 3. pg. 18 Dozer Line and Road Densities Figure 7. Convective Storm Induced Debris Flow pg. 19 Table 4. Wildcat and AGWA Hydrolic Modeling Outputs pg. 20 Figure 8. AGWA Map Output pg. 22 Figure 9. Photo of Cottonwood Regeneration pg. 23 3 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Carlton Complex Fire affected three ESA-listed fish stocks in the Methow and Okanogan subbasins as well as several non-listed game fish, non-game fish and forage fish species. This report focuses on the acute fire effects and post-fire long-term effects predicted for the ESAlisted stocks and important recreational game fishes. The Methow River supports runs of Upper Columbia River (UCR) spring Chinook salmon (endangered), Upper Columbia River summer Steelhead (threatened) and Columbia River Bull Trout (threatened) and their designated “Critical Habitat.” Other species of interest include Coho salmon, summer Chinook, cutthroat, red band/rainbow, and Pacific lamprey. The Okanogan River supports populations of UCR steelhead (threatened) and their critical habitat as well as sockeye salmon, and summer Chinook salmon. The extent to which wildfires impact streams is a function of burn severity, fire intensity, burn area, topography, soil properties, climate, and channel proximity. Wildfire can reduce soil infiltration capacity and increase runoff and erosion. Based on field observations completed during this BAER assessment, many of the high and moderate severity burns have a high potential for surface erosion from overland flow that may enter headwater channels causing sediment bulking that can be transported during subsequent high flow events. Potential postfire effects include: increased water temperature, peak flows and channel scour, surface erosion and fine sediment delivery, and landslides and debris flows. Fire effects to fish and habitat are expected to be the greatest in the next few years and to diminish to pre-fire levels within 7 to 10 years. Some of the effects such as increased large wood inputs, fresh bedload and gravel could positively affect aquatic habitat. With the exception of Beaver Creek, fish bearing tributaries in the Carlton Complex did not suffer a large percentage of moderate to high burn severity. Sediment from post fire effects will likely affect ESA listed fish migrating through the lower Methow River as a result of sediment delivery from steep non-fishing bearing streams. Delivery of fine sediment from debris flows to the Methow and Okanogan Rivers from the Carlton Complex has already occurred. The greatest impact of this will be to spawning areas in Beaver Creek and the mainstem lower Methow. Additional sediment delivery events within 1-3 years are likely. Roughly 15.5% of riparian area along Beaver Creek burned, which will likely increase summer low-flow stream temperatures and diurnal temperature fluctuation. Burned Area Emergency Response treatments that reduce fine sediment delivery, restore natural drainage patterns and allow for large wood movement and or accumulation in fish bearing streams and the mainstem Methow are expected to benefit ESA listed spring Chinook, steelhead and bull trout. I. OBJECTIVES Identify fisheries values at risk Assess how overall changes to soil and watershed function caused by the fire that may affect critical fisheries values Recommend non-emergency treatments to reduce the risk to fisheries values Identify possible long term treatments to aid habitat recovery and reduce impacts of future events. 4 II. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Information for this assessment is based on a review of relevant literature, habitat and other field inventory information, and post-fire reconnaissance completed on September 5-9, 2014. Species occurrence is based on surveys conducted prior to the Carlton Complex Fire. III. CRITICAL FISHERIES VALUES AT RISK Carlton Complex burned 256,108 acres within the Methow River subbasin (HUC 5) and the Okanogan River subbasin (HUC 5). Anadromous fish bearing waters within the fire perimeter include the Lower Methow River, Bear Creek, Beaver Creek, Libby Creek, Gold Creek, Black Canyon Creek, the Okanogan River, and Loup Loup Creek. The lower Methow River, from rivermile (RM) 34 to the confluence with the Columbia River is within the area of affect by the fire. It is also going to be susceptible to longterm post fire affects from debris flows and sediment input from seasonal and perennial tributaries adjacent burned slopes. This reach of the Methow River is used by ESA threatened Upper Columbia River steelhead and summer Chinook (not ESA listed) for pre-spawn holding, spawning, juvenile rearing and migration. This area is also a critical migration corridor for spring Chinook as adults migrate to the upper watershed for spawning and juveniles outmigrate to the Columbia River and Ocean. ESA listed threatened Bull Trout use the lower mainstem Methow for rearing, foraging and migration. Their entire spawning habitat is located outside of areas affected by the fire. Pacific Lamprey rely on the lower Methow River for rearing and migration. Specific impacts to Pacific Lamprey are difficult to predict because population dynamics and distribution with the subbasins is relatively unknown. The Okanogan River is designated critical habitat for UCR steelhead, which primarily use it as a migration corridor with Summer Chinook and Sockeye. The mainstem Okanogan River exceeds suitable temperatures for most salmonids during low flow summer months. This favors ocean-type life history strategies and has contributed greatly to the extirpation of viable spring Chinook populations within this basin. 5 Figure 1. Illustrates the ESA-listed Fish Distribution within the area of fire effect. Upper Columbia spring Chinook, Upper Columbia Summer Steelhead and Columbia River Bull Trout are present in the Methow Subbasin. Only Columbia River Steelhead are present in the Okanogan Subbasin. 6 IV. FISH SPECIES & GENERAL LIFE HISTORIES a. Upper Columbia spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Species Legal Status: ESA-Listed Endangered General Life History: Spring Chinook adults begin returning from the ocean to the Methow subbasin from April through July. These fish commonly hold in freshwater tributaries until spawning occurs in the late summer, peaking in mid to late August. Juvenile spring Chinook emerge from redds in gravel substrate in February and March. After one year of rearing in freshwater (stream-type) the fry begin to change into smolts as they prepare to migrate to the ocean during spring of their second year of life. Most Upper Columbia spring Chinook return as adults after two or three years in the ocean (Figure 3). The majority of spring Chinook spawning in the Methow subbasin occurs upstream of the area affected by the Carlton Complex fire. Most adult spawners should have been upstream of the area affected by the fire directly and the ash and debris flows which occurred in August. Spawning is concentrated in the mainstem upper Methow River and its largest tributaries: the Chewuch River and Twisp River. Occasional spawning may occur in Gold Creek and at the smaller tributary confluences with the Methow River. Spawning in these areas should considered rare occurrences, constituting approximately .1% of the basin wide spawning annually. Spring Chinook do not currently spawn or rear in the Okanogan River. The spring Chinook life stages and habitats most likely to be impacted by the immediate fire effects and subsequent increased fine and coarse sediment loading will be juvenile and adult migration habitat and juvenile rearing habitat in the lower mainstem of the Methow River and fire affected tributaries. These acute effects could last for 1 to 3 years. Spring Chinook spawning habitat is generally not found in the fire affected area. Positive effects from the fire include habitat benefits from increased in stream wood, bedload, and gravel recruitment. b. Columbia River Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Species Legal Status: ESA-listed Threatened General Life History: Adult steelhead return to the Columbia River in the late summer and early fall then often hold for long periods of time in mainstem Columbia reservoirs or low in tributaries like the Methow until they move to spawning areas in April and May the following year. Spawning typically occurs in the late spring. Depending on water temperature, eggs will incubate in the gravel for around 30 days. Fry emerge in June through July depending on water temperatures and spawning dates. Juvenile steelhead generally spend one to three years rearing in freshwater before migrating to the ocean, but have been documented spending as many as seven years in freshwater before out-migrating (Figure 3). Steelhead are generally classified as stream-type species which rear in the freshwater for a year or longer, making fish in the lower mainstem susceptible to stress from increased turbidity and fine sediment in the river. It is assumed that dramatic increases in fine sediment, without associated coarse organic and inorganic material, will negatively impact juvenile and 7 adult migration and juvenile rearing habitat. However impacts from fine sediment delivery will largely be dependent on the magnitude, timing and duration of runoff events. Dramatic increases in turbidity will likely be short duration with diminishing return through successive years of spring runoff and recovery. Increases in large wood, and gravel and rock could provide favorable habitat for adult and juvenile steelhead. Figure 2. Spawning ground survey data from 2005 through 2012 illustrates the average annual percentage of steelhead redds for the Methow subbasin that are in the fire affected area. Sediment impacts to spawning habitat are predicted to be the greatest in Beaver Creek and the mainstem Lower Methow River. On average 5% of the basinwide spawning occurs in Beaver Creek and 12% in the lower mainstem Methow River. Within the fire affected area in the Okanogan subbasin only Loup Loup Creek contains spawning UCR Steelhead. c. Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Species Legal Status: ESA-listed threatened General Life History: Bull trout in the Upper Columbia basin exhibit both resident and migratory life-history strategies; resident bull trout complete their entire life cycle in their natal stream, on the other hand migratory bull trout migrate to larger systems to rear. Bull trout typically spawn in the fall in cold, clean, low gradient headwater streams with loose clean gravel. Throughout all life stages, bull trout are found in streams where water temperatures remain below 15°C and have complex forms of cover including large woody debris, undercut banks, boulders and pools. Migratory bull trout spawn in tributary streams where juvenile fish rear one to four years before migrating to either a lake (adfluvial form) or larger river (fluvial form). 8 Migrating bull trout have been observed within spawning tributaries as early as the end of June, spawning occurs in mid-September to late October (Figure 3). There are no documented bull trout spawning areas in the Carlton Complex affected area. Bull trout have not been found in the Okanogan watershed, although historically they may have occurred there. The mainstem Methow is a migratory corridor for bull trout and is used by large migratory bull trout as foraging habitat for much of the year. Adult bull trout are piscivorous and are found in the fire affected reaches of the mainstem Methow for much of the year. Beaver Creek is the only tributary in the Carlton Complex that has documented resident bull trout, although they have not been observed there for several years. Bull trout are susceptible to competition and interbreeding with other non-native char species such as brook trout. Figure 3. Illustrates the life stage and timing within the fire effected tributaries and Lower Methow River. Timing of runoff events and increased sediment loading have the potential to affect different life stages ESA populations. Note that spring Chinook and Bull Trout spawn upstream of the area affected by the Carlton Complex Fire. d. Pacific Lamprey (Lampetra tridentate) Species Legal Status: Species of Concern General Life History: After spending one to three years in the marine environment Pacific lampreys cease feeding and migrate to freshwater between February and June. They are thought to overwinter and remain in freshwater habitats for up to one year prior to spawning. Their preferred spawning habitat is similar to salmon; in freestone gravel bottomed streams, at the upstream end of riffle habitat typically above suitable larvae rearing habitat. Spawning occurs March through July depending upon location within the range. Ammocoetes drift downstream to areas of low velocity and fine substrates where they burrow, grow and live as filter feeders for 2 to 7 years and feed primarily on algae. Several generations and age classes of ammocoetes congregate in high densities that form colonies. Ammocoetes are relatively immobile. Metamorphosis to macropthlamia (juvenile phase) occurs gradually as they develop eyes, teeth and become free swimming. Outmigration of juveniles to the Pacific Ocean occurs between late fall and early spring. 9 Lamprey ammocoetes are found in fine sediments along the mainstem Methow River within the area affected by the Carlton Complex fire. Distribution in the Okanogan River is unknown. e. Other Affected Fish Species The post fire effects from the Carlton Complex fire have the potential to affect other important recreational fisheries, forage fish and non-game fish species. Beginning in 1997 the Yakama Nation began a Coho reintroduction program in the Methow subbasin. Coho were extirpated from the Methow River and its tributaries in the mid-20th century after an impassible dam was constructed near the confluence with the Columbia River. Coho tend to be tributary spawners that are commonly found in Gold Creek, Libby Creek, Beaver Creek and side channels of the mainstem Methow. Coho have been extirpated from the Okanogan subbasin. Summer Chinook spawn throughout the mainstem Methow and Okanogan subbasins. Unlike their close relative, the spring Chinook, summers exhibit an ocean-type life history pattern, out migrating to the ocean during the first year of life. They are not considered at risk of extinction in the near future. Summer Chinook adult holding areas and spawning areas are found in reaches of the mainstem Methow affected by the fire and adult summer Chinook were likely impacted by the mid-August 2014 ash and debris flows. The Okanogan River provides a critical migration corridor for Sockeye returning to the Canadian Okanagan lakes. Due to cooperative intergovernmental and public utility water management agreements the Sockeye runs have supported sufficient natural origin progeny to warrant robust commercial and recreation fisheries. These fish exhibit an ocean-type life history and spawning habitat is located upstream of the burn area therefore overall impacts to the population are expected to be minimal. Native Westslope Cutthroat and rainbow trout are found throughout the mainstem Methow River and the almost all tributaries. Fire effects to these species/races will be similar to those that will be experienced by steelhead. Eastern book trout are a non-native species which was planted extensively in small streams and lakes for recreational fisheries on National Forest, state and private lands. They have been shown to compete vigorously with native resident salmonid populations for space and forage year-round. Additionally, they pose a significant threat to Bull Trout through interbreeding Figure 1. this illustration depicts ESA-listed fish use within the Carlton Complex Fire affected watersheds. V. FIRE AFFECTED WATERSHEDS AND SUB-WASTERSHED DESCRIPTIONS a. Lower Methow River 10 The Methow River drains nearly 1,890 square miles (1,152,000 acres) and flows southward for more than 80 miles through western Okanogan County before emptying into the Columbia River near the town of Pateros. About 89% of the subbasin in public ownership: U.S. Forest Service, WDFW, DNR and BLM. The remaining 11% is privately owned and is predominately situated in the valley bottoms. About 12.8% of the Methow Subbasin burned in the Carlton Complex Fire. Even more was consumed in the Falls Creek Fire and the Little Bridge Creek Fires of 2014. The ladder two fires burned entirely on USFS property, therefore are outside the scope of analysis for this report. In the Carlton Complex Fire about 4% of the Methow subbasin was burned at moderate to high fire severity (Table 2). The Methow River has been impacted by post fire ash and debris flows that occurred following high intensity rain fall over the burned area. Beaver Creek, Frazier Creek, Benson Creek, Canyon Creek, Leecher Creek, French Creek and Cow creek all delivered massive quantities of fine sediment to the main stem Methow and will continue to do so for several years. Following the debris flows the water was extremely turbid from about RM 34 to the mouth and into the Columbia River. The debris flows also delivered flotsam from damaged houses, vehicles, and shops in the form of fuel tanks, pressure tanks etc. Following the debris flows over 7,000 lbs. of this flotsam has been removed from the Methow by volunteers. There will be a continued need for this type of debris removal from the river. At the time of the flooding adult summer Chinook were holding in the mainstem river and were likely impacted by the increased fine sediment load. Pacific lamprey ammocoetes rear in fine sediments along the channel margins of mainstem Methow and were likely impacted by deposition of fine sediments. The Bureau of Reclamation received anecdotal reports of dead suckers and salmon near the Leecher Creek debris fan following the flooding. High fine sediment loads could affect steelhead spawning success in the spring of 2015. b. Bear Creek The Bear Creek sub-watershed is 11,547 acres; 50% of the sub-watershed burned with about 13% of the burn being moderate to high severity (Table 2). Bear Creek enters the east bank of the Methow River around RM 47. The lower 2.9 miles of the creek flow through private residential and agricultural lands. The upper reaches are on WDFW and USFS lands. Juvenile spring Chinook salmon and juvenile steelhead/rainbow trout have access to the lower 0.18 mile of the creek where they encounter the first of a number of culvert barriers. Upstream passage is blocked by low flows from irrigation diversions and by barriers created by 2 irrigation canal crossings and multiple road crossings. Non-native brook trout are found above barrier road crossings in the upper reaches. The fire burned in the headwaters of Bear Creek with low to moderate intensity about 4 miles upstream of the confluence with the Methow. Noticeable effects to fish habitat from the fire are not expected. c. Beaver Creek Beaver Creek sub-watershed is 70,932 acres in size and enters the mainstem Methow at RM 34. The watershed was 42% burned by the fire and 12% of the fire is moderate to high fire severity (Table 2). Most of the moderate and high severity burned area is in Frazer Creek, a 11 tributary to lower Beaver Creek. The lower 6 miles of Beaver Creek flow through private lands that are used mainly for growing irrigated alfalfa, mixed hay and for livestock production. Debris flows from Frazer Creek have dramatically impacted the lower 2 miles of Beaver Creek. Dead rainbow/steelhead trout and sculpin were observed immediately following the fire and again following ash and debris flows created by convective storms in mid-August. Juvenile Spring Chinook salmon can be found in low numbers in the lower 2 miles of Beaver Creek. Steelhead spawn and rear on the lower 8 miles of Beaver Creek. Bull trout are found in extremely low numbers in the upper watershed and are at high risk of extirpation from the watershed. Brook trout populations in the upper watershed are robust and present a major threat to bull trout populations in Beaver Creek. Re-introduced coho salmon also are beginning to recolonize lower Beaver Creek. Forty percent of riparian areas in Beaver Creek burned in the fire; 16% of the riparian burn was moderate to high severity. Prior to the fire, warm summer water temperatures were an issue in lower Beaver Creek. This loss of riparian shade will likely increase water temperatures until vegetation regrows to provide shade. Riparian areas are already resprouting vigorously and are expected to recover quickly. The extent of riparian area burned in Beaver Creek is one of the larger Carlton Complex fire effects to fish (Table 1 and Table 2). In the last 10 years salmon and steelhead recovery efforts have been applied extensively to Beaver Creek to improve instream flows, re-establish fish passage at roads and irrigation diversions, improve habitat complexity, protect riparian areas, aquire conservation easements and restore beaver populations. These projects appear to be functioning well, providing favorable channel bedform and complexity habitats. The Old Schoolhouse Fish Habitat Enhancement Project was complete by the Yakama Nation’s Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project in 2013. This project consisted of 12 engineered log structures, channel realignment and development of a spring fed side channel. All work elements associated with this project survived the Carlton Complex Fire on July 17 and the Debris flows which occurred on August 13, 2014. The large wood structures racked transient debris, increased floodplain inundation and efficiently attenuated the streams energy. The Upper Beaver Creek Fish Habitat Project was also completed in 2013 by the Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation. It consists of a channel realignment, large wood habitat features and irrigation headgate improvement at the Batie Diversion. The project area was burned over, but burn intensities were low in proximity to this project and survived well. Sediment sluicing structures installed in the diversion are working well. The piped canal is currently turned off due to fire damage directly to the pipe. Damage to the diversion structure appears to be minimal, though we expect continued maintenance to be required while increased sand and fine particulate sediment delivery persists. d. Frazer Creek Frazer Creek enters Beaver Creek 2.7 miles above the confluence with the Methow River. Juvenile steelhead likely use the lowest stream segment of Frazer Creek for rearing. Upstream fish passage is blocked at the first irrigation diversion 0.3 miles upstream of the 12 Beaver Creek confluence. Above this, many private driveways seasonally interrupt fish passage. Brook trout were found in the middle reaches of Frazier Creek prior to the debris flows in mid-August. It is unknown if there is a seed source for Brook Trout in the unaffected upper subwatershed. Several anthropogenic features significantly impair ecological function in Frazer Creek. Washington State Highway 20 and utilities constrict much of its historic floodplain. Due to channel aggradation the road surface elevation is currently at or below the low flow water elevation. This is causing the highway cut bank to capture all of Frazer Creek’s water and channel it down the roadway. Residential homes, barns and outbuildings also occupy portions of the lower three miles of floodplain. Additionally there are several culverts and bridges which lock the channel in place and require debris removal from the stream to function properly. e. Benson Creek Benson Creek is a 24,266 acre watershed that enters the Methow River at RM 32.5. About 36% of the watershed was burned and 44% of the burn area was moderate to high severity (Table 2). Due to topographic and hydrologic conditions there is no anadromous fish use in Benson Creek. Benson Creek flows through upper Finley Canyon and into a series of reservoirs which were stocked with Brown trout (Salmo trutta), a non-native piscivorous salmonid species. Two of these reservoirs breached and two more were damaged during the mid-August storms, causing massive amounts of water and debris to reach the Methow River. If the adfluvial non-native fish made it to the Methow they should be eradicated as expeditiously as possible. Further research and monitoring should be conducted to assess the likelihood of Brown Trout survival. f. Black Canyon Creek: Black Canyon Creek joins the Methow River at RM 8.1 and has a drainage area of 15,856 acres; 35.2% of the watershed burned and 9% of the burn was at moderate to severe intensity (Table 2). UCR steelhead spawn in the lower 0.4 miles of Black Canyon Creek. Black Canyon Creek has an impassable falls at RM 3.5. Due to the small amount of the watershed that burned at increased intensities we do not expect much impact to resident or anadromous fish species. g. Squaw Creek Squaw Creek is 10,169 acres in size. Approximately 44% burned and 14.2% was moderate to high severity burn (Table 2). A steep gradient confluence with the Methow blocks fish access. There is a private fish hatchery at creek mile 3. This hatchery will be very susceptible to debris flows and flooding until ground cover recovers. Efforts should be made to decrease the chance of accidental release to the Methow River. The creek is known to have some native and nonnative Brook Trout upstream of the hatchery. h. Gold Creek The Gold Creek drainage is 56,881 acres and 12% was burned – 2.3% burned at medium to high severity (Table 2). Gold Creek enters the Methow River from the east at RM 21.8. Much of 13 the drainage has been managed for timber harvest, livestock grazing and recreation (USFS 1996b). The lower reaches of the mainstem and South Fork Gold Creek are privately owned. Roads parallel the major streams in the drainage and affect aquatic habitat (USFS 2000f). Steelhead, spring Chinook and bull trout spawn in the watershed. We do not anticipate significant post-fire impacts to these fish due to the small percentage of the sub-watershed that burned at increased intensities. i. Libby Creek: The Libby Creek drainage contains 25,866 acres – 2.4% of the watershed burned and 2.3% of the burn is at moderate to high severity (Table 2). Libby Creek enters the Methow River at RM__. UCR steelhead and resident populations of cutthroat and rainbow trout inhabit the Lower 6 miles of Libby Creek. We do not anticipate significant post-fire impacts to these fish due to the small percentage of the sub-watershed that burned with high severity/intensity. j. Okanogan River The Okanogan River is approximately 115 mi long and originates in southern British Columbia. Listed fish and fish species of concern in the U.S. portion of Okanogan River include UCR steelhead, summer Chinook salmon and sockeye salmon. The lower reach that was affected by the fire is used as a migration corridor for the salmonid species. Loup Loup Creek provides the only suitable spawning habitat in the fire affected reach of the Okanogan watershed. Pre-fire ecological concerns for fire affected area include elevated stream temperatures, increased fine sediment loads, and reduced habitat complexity (UCSRB RTT Revised Biological Strategy, 2014) The greatest impact to the Okanogan River will be predicted increased sediment input from Chilliwist Creek. Chilliwist Creek is 26,594 acres; 64% of the watershed burned and 25% burned at moderate to high intensity (Table 2). Following the fire high intensity rain storms caused debris flows and mud to flow down the creek and towards the Okanogan River. Most of woody debris, cobbles and gravels settled out on the large alluvial fan, however increased surface flows contributed significant fine sediment to the Okanogan River. Overall fire and postfire impacts to UCR steelhead habitat in the Okanogan river are expected to be minimal. k. Loup Loup Creek: Loup Loup Creek is 14,597 acres; 31.7% of the watershed burned and 4.1 % of the burn was moderate to high severity (Table 2). UCR steelhead are the only listed species that are found in Loup Loup Creek. They are recolonizing the creek in response to two culvert barriers near the mouth that were replaced with a bridge in 2012. The main ecological concerns for Loup Loup creek are reduced stream flow, high sediment loads, reduced habitat complexity and reduced riparian condition. Some habitat impairments will be alleviated by increased wood and bedload recruitment predicted as post fire affects. 14 While 31.7% of the Loup Loup watershed burned only 4.1% of Loup Loup Creek burned at moderate to high severity. Adverse effects to habitat in Loup Loup Creek are expected to be minimal. Name Methow River Subbasin Bear Creek Beaver Creek Benson Creek Texas Creek Libby Creek Gold Creek McFarland Creek French Creek Squaw Creek Black Canyon Creek Okanogan River Subbasin Loup Loup Creek Chiliwist Creek HUC Size (Acres) % Burned % Med-High Burn 1,152,000 12.8% 3.9% 11,547 70,932 24,266 20,446 25,866 56,881 25,769 19,392 10,169 15,856 50.4% 42.5% 36.0% 73.4% 2.4% 12.0% 75.8% 84.0% 44.3% 35.2% 13.1% 12.0% 44.1% 23.4% 40.0% 2.3% 18.7% 28.5% 14.2% 9.0% 5,248,000 1.5% 0.3% 14,597 26,594 31.7% 63.7% 4.1% 25.3% % Federal Land 61.1% 77.5% 87.8% 17.5% 92.0% 97.3% 42.0% 18.1% 96.7% 99.3% 3.2% 8.2% ESA listed Species (Y/N) Perrenial Stream (Y/N) Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Table 1. This table illustrates the relative size of each watershed or subwatershed and the relative amount of burned area and increased burn soil severity related to moderate and high burn intensities. This can be used to generally predict the basins response to storm events and it capacity to buffer cumulative effects downstream. It should be noted that the US portion of the Okanogan River Sub-basin is about 1,600,000 acres in size. VI. POST FIRE AFFECTS a. Riparian Shade and stream temperature: Increased stream temperatures can occur following wildfires when riparian vegetation is reduced in moderate and high intensity burns. This can result in increased solar radiation and changes in streamside microclimates until enough riparian vegetation can again shade stream channels (Brown and Krieger 1970; Dwire and Kauffman 2003). Changes in water temperatures can be especially problematic during the summer, when solar radiation levels are highest and streamflows are low (Beschta et al. 1987). To evaluate potential changes in to water temperature we looked at the percent of riparian corridor which burned with moderate to high severity. Using ArcGIS with the NHD streams layer and the corrected soil burn severity map we calculated the percent of riparian vegetation burned at varying intensities and percent of total perennial stream length by subwateshed. . The Beaver Creek sub-watershed (inclusive of Frazer Creek drainage) experienced the greatest loss of riparian vegetation cover. Approximately 41% of the 36 mile long riparian drainage network burned with about 16% of that burning at moderate to high severity (Table 3). Other fish bearing waters within the Methow and Okanogan subbasins did not experience significant riparian vegetation loss. 15 Water temperature studies after wildfires in the Bitterroot River drainage in Montana found that one month after fire and in the subsequent year, increases in maximum water temperatures within burns were 1.4–2.2 oC greater than those in unburned reference sites (Mahlum et al. 2011). The greatest differences between reference and burned sites occurred during low flow in July and August. Even after seven years, maximum stream temperatures had not returned to pre-fire conditions. This suggests that until enough riparian vegetation recovers in the Beaver Creek drainage the stream will be susceptible to increased solar radiation and warmer low flow summer water temperatures. Methow River Subbasin % Riparian % Riparian Beaver Creek Libby Creek Gold Creek Black Canyon Creek Stream Length (Miles) 36 19 22 8 Area Burned 41% 32% 4% 3% Burn ModHigh 16% 2% 0% 0% Okanogan River Subbasin Loup Loup Creek 20 14% 1% Table 2. Describes the post-fire riparian conditions of anadromous fish-bearing streams in the Methow and Okanogan Subbasins. Figure 4. Example of moderate burn severity in riparian area in Beaver Creek. b. Stream Nutrients Increased nutrients (nitrogen, ammonium, and potassium) have likely eroded into streams as lighter ash washed from banks and adjacent burned slopes after initial rains in August 2014. Nutrient loading typically increases following a wildfire due to the rapid mineralization and dispersion of plant nutrients. Increased nutrients may have a short-term positive benefit to 16 downstream aquatic organisms such as plankton and algae, resulting in more robust food base for benthic macro-invertebrates and intern, juvenile rearing salmonids, lamprey ammocoetes and adult resident trout species. c. Surface Runoff and Erosion The extent to which wildfires impact streams is a function of burn severity, fire intensity, burn area, topography, soil properties, climate, and channel proximity (Baker, 1988; Beschta, 1990; DeBano et al., 1998; Robichaud, 2000). Wildfires can reduce soil infiltration capacity and increase runoff and erosion. Based on field transects completed during this BAER assessment, many burn areas of the high and moderate severity experienced increases in soil hydrophobicity and potential for surface erosion, mass wasting and debris flows. Absent of significant water accumulation adjacent hill slopes will be susceptible to dry ravel due to extreme topography and loose aggregations of material. Because of this we anticipate accelerated soil erosion and sediment delivery in Figure 5. Culvert Failure localized areas until enough vegetation recovers to stabilize source slopes; likely with 2 to 5 years. These effects are especially likely in Beaver Creek, Frazer Creek, Upper Finley Canyon, Benson Creek, Texas, Cow, and Chiliwist Creek, which sustained large areas of moderate to high fire severity. Downed wood and course material in upslope areas and small depressions will reduce the erosive energy though significant events are will easily overwhelm roughness and storage capacities. Many severely burned areas Figure 6. Ash and Sediment Flows in Beaver exhibit steep, headwall and Creek upper watershed gorge topography which will efficiently transport material directly to valley bottoms, tributaries and mainstem systems. Some streams with adequate roughness features may be able to temporarily store some fine sediment. However many streams experience chronically confined channels which efficiently 17 transport material to lower gradient response reaches where it will likely settle out of suspension. Spawning gravel quality may decrease in localized areas depending the magnitude and duration of the sediment pulse that enters the channel and the streams storage ability. Pool volume may also decrease until sustained high flows re-scour pools and transport the fine sediment downstream. Localized inchannel sediment may increase for several years as streamside trees fall and streambanks erode as flows move around fallen debris. Zelt and Wohl (2004) found stream channel width increased in burned streams due to increased bank erosion and sediment movement, which often causes stream bed agradation in response reaches. The principal post fire impact to fisheries resources is projected to be fine sediment transport and deposition in the anadromous fish bearing tributaries and Lower Methow River. The contribution of surface runoff to fine sediment transport and deposition is highly dependent on storm variables such as location, timing, magnitude, and duration; as well as the watersheds capacity to store water and sediment. The Methow River’s large volume and capacity for sediment will attenuate the sediment impacts from ephemeral and perennial streams. Beaver Creek and Frazier Creek however are likely to experience significant short term changes in sediment and hydrologic condition. i. Road and Fireline Contribution Road concentrations within the Carlton Complex fire will alter the watersheds natural ability to deal with precipitation events. Roads and culverts channelize runoff, unnaturally increasing runoff energy and downstream affects. Further exacerbating the pre-existing road network condition is approximately 152.6 miles of bull dozer line that was installed during fire suppression activities (Table 3). Rehab of dozer line will be extremely important to minimize its contribution to sediment runoff until vegetation recovers. Dozer line treatments include seeding, water barring, replacing the berm, and increasing roughness with native woody materials. Road densities are also going to increase quickly on private and DNR lands due to salvage timber sales that will further destabilize slopes adjacent to many storm conveyance channels (Reeves, et al 2006). These anthropogenic alterations to the hydrologic condition with the subwatersheds are expected to have an adverse additive effect on sediment delivery and recovery time throughout isolated portions of the burned area. Private 46.9 Jurisdiction State 58.7 Federal 47 Table 3. Miles of bull dozer line constructed during fire suppression activities by jurisdiction. d. Mass wasting and Debris Flows Mass wasting events are difficult to predict because they depend heavily on slope, soils, vegetation, and individual or additive storm events. In general these are not an entirely unnatural occurrence in post fire environments and fish populations are well adapted to dealing with them. These events have the potential to transport large quantities of woody material and 18 fill to the valley bottom streams. Unfortunately, due to the fragmented nature of upper hillslopes and valley bottoms, from infrastructure and road crossings over channels many of the positive contributions to fish bearing streams will probably not be realized. Previous and predicted future debris flows have the potential to affect fish health and habitat on several temporal scales. Fine particulate delivery to the Lower Methow is expected to significantly increase until the slopes with moderate to high burn intensities stabilize. This stabilization is expected to occur relatively quickly through loss of hydrophobic soil properties and vegetation establishment. Improvements to road drainage systems, mulching and bank stabilization will all decrease the intensity and duration of increased turbidity events. Gravel, cobble, boulders and large wood that reaches fish bearing streams is predicted to improve fish spawning, rearing, and migration habitat. The duration of these improvements is highly dependent on the size, mobility, location and orientation of the material as well as magnitude and duration proceeding climatological events. Figure 7. Convective storm induced debris flow adjacent Beaver Creek Large Woody Debris Most moderate and high intensity burn areas occurred in mid and upper slopes adjacent to seasonal and high order perennial stream channels. This will likely limit increased wood recruitment to the mainstem Methow and designated critical habitat waters within the larger tributary systems. The one notable exception to this is seen on Beaver Creek, where there was significant mortality to mature cottonwoods within the riparian corridor. We have observed a dramatic increase in mainstem and tributary/floodplain wood loading caused by tree mortality, increased runoff and flash flooding events. In general much of this wood was deposited in loose aggregations close to the mean low flow stream margin along the Methow River and its tributaries. Wood found in this configuration will likely be mobilized during spring runoff events and transported downstream. Increased wood recruitment and retention in the Methow would benefit channel bedform, channel complexity, adding allocthonous nutrients, and directly provides rearing, cover and spawning habitat. 19 Modeled Peak Flows To refine and validate field estimates of watershed response, 8 drainages within the fire perimeter were selected for hydraulic analysis (Figure 3). Drainages were selected for modeling based on the percentage of moderate and high soil burn severity, values at risk downstream, and the observed response from recent thunderstorms on August 13th and 20th. Data from the soil burn severity map were used to estimate peak flow using two different hydrologic models. The Wildcat5 and Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) models were used for 8 selected drainages with significant amounts of private and state lands. Wildcat 5 estimates peak flow and runoff volume from modeled storms at the outlet of the modeled drainage. AGWA estimates peak flow, percent increase in flow, and sediment delivery for the outlet, as well as for all channel segments upstream of the outlet. Model results are not accurate for use as an estimate of absolute values for flow. Rather, should be used to estimate the relative percent change in expected flows. Input to the models included drainage characteristics, inherent soil conditions, changed soil conditions due to the fire, and precipitation. The models were run using a 1 hr duration 25 year recurrence interval storm, which for the fire area was determined to be 0.77” per NOAA Atlas 2 methodology. Both models estimate storm runoff only, not base flow. AGWA results are shown in Figure 3 and Wildcat5 in Table 4. Table 4. Wildcat5 and AGWA Model Results for 25 year storm Drainage Beaver Creek above Frazer Benson Creek @ mouth Canyon Creek @ mouth Chiliwist Creek @ mouth Cow Creek @ mouth Frazer Creek @ Beaver Ck Leecher Creek @ mouth Texas Creek @ mouth Pre Fire Q (cfs) Wildcat5 Post Fire Q (cfs) Pre Fire Q (cfs) AGWA Post Fire Q (cfs) % increase % increase 33 424 1185 126 187 48 22 1,228 5529 3 65 2067 1 109 9264 4 78 1850 36 739 1941 36 436 1111 7 318 4317 15 220 1367 20 516 2510 57 677 1088 8 192 2297 18 144 700 10 302 2848 14 164 1071 Results for both the AGWA and Wildcat5 models for a 25 year 1 hour storm confirmed field findings that several drainages are now particularly prone to increased flow events. Based on the model results, subwatershed mod/high soil burn severity summary, subwatershed topography, and evidence from storms during the middle of August, the areas of highest likelihood of watershed response appear to be: Frazer Creek 20 Benson Creek Canyon Creek Leecher Creek Cow Creek Chiliwist Creek Three steep unnamed tributaries of the Methow River downstream of Black Canyon Creek All of these drainages have increased risk from runoff generated on burned hillslopes. Risks to downstream values vary and depend on the location of the values specific to each drainage. This determination highlights areas of concern, but does not exclude other areas from consideration for emergency treatments. Other drainages also have the potential to respond to precipitation events. 21 Figure 8. Thickness of blue stream segments represent percent difference in flow between pre and post-fire conditions (thicker lines equate to greater increase in post-fire flows). Based on field observations completed during this BAER assessment, many of the high and moderate severity burns have a high potential for surface erosion from overland flow that may enter headwater channels causing sediment bulking that can be transported during subsequent high flows. Sediment delivery in a 25 year storm event will deliver anywhere between 3-21 tons/acre in high to moderate burn severity areas with a potential delivery of 1229 yd3/mile2 . The majority of this material will likely affect ESA listed fish migrating through the lower Methow River given most sediment delivery is expected from steep non-fishing bearing streams. With the exception of a small percentage of bull trout that use the mainstem Methow for rearing/overwintering, most ESA listed fish in the Methow are migratory and moving upstream to more ideal spawning areas; pulses of sediment will be of short duration with minimized adverse effects. 22 VII. Treatment Recommendations No emergency treatments have been identified specifically to protect fisheries resources. However, fisheries resources could benefit from the effects of recommended treatments designed to improve public safety and decrease risk to infrastructure from post fire effects. Treatments, such as mulching and seeding, that are designed to decrease fine sediment transport will benefit fish habitat throughout the watershed. Improvements to road drainage networks through increased culvert capacity, hardened dips, out sloping roads, decommissioning roads and construction of settling basins are expected to have a positive effect on downstream sediment loading and decrease the risk of road prism failure. Road failure has the potential to add significant fine sediment to streams, similarly to mass wasting events and flash floods though without the benefits of bedload and wood debris. Culvert replacements in fish bearing streams should be designed for upstream fish passage and be designed to allow bedload and wood material to move downstream. Increasing the capacity for material transport within the drainage network should be pursued. Bottle necks like private driveway crossings, county road crossings and culverts which trap material and require mechanical removal should be updated to allow natural transport. In many cases this means installing bridges, oversized culvert or large box culverts to allow unfettered large material transport. Treatments which decrease floodplain capacity, channel capacity, channel roughness, floodplain roughness, large wood recruitment potential and riparian vegetation should be avoided. This is especially important in fish bearing streams and non-fish bearing perennial streams. Some examples of these treatments which conflict with fish habitat improvements include: installation of undersized culverts, point protection with dykes, rip-rapping, wood removal and riparian clearing. Figure 9. Photo depicts cottonwood regrowth since from July 20, 2014 to September 8, 2014. 23 VIII. IX. Recommendations for Near and Long Term Recovery Increase/encourage large wood recruitment and retention to mainstem Methow River and fish bearing tributaries. Restore natural floodplain function and channel dynamics within perennial fish bearing streams. The need for this action is particularly evident in Fraser Creek where continued floodplain constriction will likely produce large quantities of fine sediment. Consider Brook Trout eradication in Frazer Creek in 2015. The recent flood events in Frazer Creek have likely decimated brook trout populations and now may be the ideal time to ensure complete removal. Further upstream investigation is necessary to determine if there is a seed source for Brook Trout in this system. Limit excessive fine sediment delivery to fish bearing streams but allow for bedload materials to be transported. Bedload provides cobbles and gravels for spawning and larger material for rearing habitat. Work with engineers to design anthropogenic features which accomplish ecological and infrastructure objectives. Riparian replanting and maintenance where weed invasions could impair native vegetation recovery. This should be efforted in in fish bearing and perennial streams. Improve irrigation diversion structures to accommodate increased sediment loads predicted to affect stream conditions for the next 5-7 years. Additionally, fish screens should be updated to improve function and decrease maintenance requirements. Improve or reestablish fish passage at irrigation diversions and road crossings. Remove and upgrade undersized culverts and bridges that routinely cause property damage and require debris removal to function. Monitoring Recommendations Temperature monitoring in Beaver Creek Sediment monitoring in spawning areas in Beaver Creek and lower Methow Fish population recovery in Beaver Creek. Fish populations in the lower 6 miles of Beaver Creek were likely severely reduced by recent flooding and debris flows. Recolonization will likely occur quickly. A robust fish distribution data set was collected in the years prior to the fire and provides a good opportunity to measure population recovery following a major disturbance. Fish Habitat Enhancement project performance should be monitored in Beaver Creek and lower Methow River. Several major fish habitat projects were completed in 2012 and 2013 and were burned over by the fire. Comparing the recover y of these treated areas to non-treated area could provide important information that could be used in future project designs. 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