University of Manitoba CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Req. # Page 1 PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION .1 All drawings and all sections of the specifications shall apply to and form an integral part of this section. .2 Work performed by this Section: Provision of all required equipment, piping, and chemicals, for scale, corrosion, algae, and bacteriological control of chilled, heating, condenser and sprayed coil piping circuits. 1.2 WORK PERFORMED BY THIS SECTION .1 Provide all required equipment, piping, wiring, and chemicals for scale, corrosion, algae, and bacteriological control of cooling, heating, heat pump, glycol, condenser, and sprayed coil piping circuits. .2 Provision of degreasing chemicals for degreasing of all heating, chilled, condenser, heat pump and glycol system piping and equipment. .3 Conduct water treatment analysis; supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis, other treatment is required, provide same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .4 Supplier to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. .5 Supplier to make regular callbacks to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to the Consultant and University of Manitoba during first two year’s operation. Call-backs to be in accordance with the following: .1 Heating systems - at the beginning, mid-point and end of the heating season. .2 Chilled water systems - at the beginning, mid-point and end of the cooling season. .3 Glycol systems - at the beginning, mid-point and end of the heating season. .6 Supplier to guarantee all chemical treatment equipment provided to be free of defects for two years from date of start-up. .7 Water Treatment Supplier (WTS) to make regular callbacks every 3 months to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first two year's of operation. .8 Provide manual indicating all phases of conditioning programs. Include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. Six hard cover binders to be submitted to Consultant for approval. .9 Supplier to witness cleaning of all strainers. .10 If system is used for temporary heat, clean it as outlined below prior to use for temporary heat and then clean it again before takeover by University of Manitoba. During temporary heat period chemically treat system under Supplier supervision and logs maintained on chemical balances. Chemicals required during temporary heat period are to be in addition to quantities listed below. .11 Supervision of all degreasing procedures, initial fill/start-up, commissioning and monitoring of treated systems and training of University of Manitoba staff in operating and maintenance procedures. .12 Submission of a report, on completion of the Work specified in this Section of the Specifications, for the following: .1 Results of degreasing and initial fill of treated systems. .2 Results of treatment procedures for each system treated. .3 Details of instructions given to the University of Manitoba staff and names of persons receiving instructions. 1.3 COMMISSIONING .1 Refer to Section 01810 Quality Commissioning for the details of the commissioning process. 1.4 SUBMITTALS .1 Submit shop drawings on all equipment and piping arrangements and provide Material Safety Data Sheets on chemicals and degreasing compounds. .2 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 2 .1 Qualifications: Execute work of this section only by skilled tradesmen, technicians, and manufacturers regularly employed in the administration of water piping systems chemical treatment. .2 Acceptable manufacturers or suppliers: Dearborn, Perolin-Bird Archer, Mogul and Drew Chemical. .3 NOTE: Where existing chemical treatment services are in place for existing systems, all chemicals supplied under this contract shall be consistent with present chemicals and supplied by present chemical supplier. Spec Note: The Consultant shall contact the University of Manitoba for current requirements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 AIR WASH SYSTEMS .1 For scale corrosion and biological control provide: .1 22 L pail DEARBORN 885 .2 22 L pail SPECTRUS OX1203 .3 Glass mesh bags .4 1 - M Alkalinity Test Kit .2 DEARBORN 885 and SPECTRUS OX1203 are to be hung in the sump and spray section in glass mesh bags as per instruction form WTS. .3 Bleed-off will be controlled by a ¼" bleed line installed by the Mechanical Contractor on the spray pump discharge and pipe to the closest drain. .4 Start-up and Training .1 Water Treatment Contractor to supervise the start-up of the chemical feed system and provide operating personnel with both written and verbal instruction on equipment operation and treatment and testing procedures and report the call in writing to Consultant and Contractor. 2.2 BYPASS CHEMICAL FEEDER (POT FEEDER) .1 Provide a Neptune Model DBF-2 bypass feeder. Capacity to be 7.6 litres (2 gal.) and be rated for 1380 kPa (200 psig) 2.3 CHILLED WATER SYSTEMS .1 Chemical Treatment .1 Mechanical Contractor to engage services of a Water Treatment Specialist (referred to below as WTS) to conduct water treatment analysis and supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis other treatment is required, provide same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .2 WTS to submit required number of shop drawings. .3 WTS to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. .4 WTS to make regular callbacks every 3 months to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first two year's of operation. .5 WTS to guarantee all chemical treatment equipment supplied will be free of defects for one year from date of start-up and acceptance by the University of Manitoba. .6 A complete manual to be provided indicating all phases of water conditioning program. Manual to include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. .7 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements... .8 WTS to witness cleaning of all strainers. .9 If any system is to be used for temporary heat, it is to be cleaned as outlined below prior to use for temporary heat and then cleaned again before take-over by the University of Manitoba. During temporary heat period system to be chemically treated under WTS supervision and logs maintained on the chemical balances. Chemicals required during temporary heat period are to be in addition to the quantities listed below. .2 Chilled Water System Clean Out February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 3 .1 .3 .4 .5 2.4 Each system to be flushed until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. .2 All strainers to be cleaned by the Mechanical Contractor. .3 System to be returned to normal operation and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. .4 System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by WTS. .5 Systems to be cleaned out. A permanent system pump may be used to circulate cleaning solution. .6 Balancing valves on pump discharges to be regulated to ensure against operating pumps out of their normal operating range. .7 Cleaner to be introduced and circulated from 48 to 72 hours and removed from system by Contractor by dumping and flushing system. Chemical to be collected and disposed of in accordance with Provincial regulations. .8 Each system to be flushed until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. .9 System to be returned to normal operation and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. .10 System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by WTS. .11 Provide 45.5 litres (10 gallons) of FERROQUEST FQ7103 Pre-operational Cleaner per 4,546 litres (1,000 gallons) of water in system. .12 WTS is to monitor system Ph and add FERROQUEST FQ7102 neutralizer, as required, to bring Ph into the 6.5 - 7.0 range. Chemical Treatment for Chilled Water System .1 CORRSHIELD MD4102 corrosion inhibitor is to be introduced into the system through the pot feeder and left to circulate. Sufficient corrosion inhibitor is to be added to the system to bring treatment residual into recommended range. Also leave on site 20 litres of CORRSHIELD MD4102 corrosion inhibitor. Chemical Feed Equipment for Chilled Water System .1 Provide a DBF-2 Neptune pot feeder, 1 - LM010 Filterite in-line filter, 1- ¾" sight flow indicator and 1 carton of 12, 30 - 30 micron cotton filter cartridges; to be installed on each system by the Mechanical Contractor under the supervision of and according to the drawings submitted by WTS. Test Equipment for Hot Water Heating Systems .1 Provide a Molybdate test kit and log book for measuring and recording treatment residuals. CONDENSER WATER SYSTEMS .1 Cleanout: Condenser water system to be thoroughly flushed out by Mechanical Contractor. No cleaning compound to be pumped over cooling tower. .2 Chemical Feed Equipment: .1 For each system provide the following: .2 A Carlon water meter with register and impulse contactor set to give a contact every XXX litres (U.S. gallons) of water is to be installed by the Mechanical Contractor on the make-up line to the condenser water system. .3 A packaged control panel. Panel to be totally enclosed 16 ga (1.6 mm) steel wall mounted panel, factory wired and painted. Panel to contain circuit breaker, chemical pump starter, Manual-Off-Auto selector switches for chemical pump and solenoid valve and timers for chemical pumps and solenoid valve. .4 Provide terminal strip for connection of wiring to power supply, water meter contactor, chemical pump and solenoid valve. All devices to be mounted on hinged door and identified with engraved Lamacoid nameplates. .5 Provide a Pulsatron chemical feed pump complete with foot valve and suction and discharge piping. Mechanical Contractor to mount pump on chemical tank. .6 Provide a 25-gallon poly tank, complete with lid. .7 Provide a solenoid valve and strainer to be installed with a three-valve by-pass on the bleedoff line. Valves to be supplied by Mechanical Contractor. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 4 .8 .3 .4 .5 .6 Wiring from control panel to water meter, chemical pump and solenoid valve to be by Division 16 Electrical Contractor. .9 Provide a Neptune DBF-2 type pot feeder installed across condenser pump for biocide shock feed. .10 Automatic biocide feed with two Pulsatron pumps and a Metex MX-7DT-2 Dual Biocide timer. Chemical Treatment .1 For corrosion and scale control, provide 205 litres (45 gallons) INHIBITOR PM8342 liquid phosphonate to be pumped into the system, from solution tank, with timer controlled pump. Timer to be activated by water meter so that phosphonate will be added to system in proportion to make-up water. .2 For control of algae, slime and biological activity, SPECTRUS NX1106 and SPECTRUS NX1424 is to be shock fed directly into the condenser water system. The WTS Representative will ensure good biological control of the condenser water system(s). Test Equipment .1 Provide one BetzDearborn 6392 phosphonate, a BetzDearborn 6398 ‘M’ alkalinity test kit and one box of 10 dip slides, for biological monitoring. Start Up And Training .1 WTS to supervise the start up of the chemical feed system and provide operating personnel with both written and verbal instruction on equipment operation and treatment and testing procedures and report the call in writing to Consultant and Contractor. .2 Provide sample points on the following system: .1 Condenser Water Chemical Treatment Requirements .1 Chemical Sub-Contractor will provide the following chemical treatment necessary for a oneyear supply: .1 INHIBITOR PM8342 Cooling Water Treatment .2 SPECTRUS NX1106 and NX1424 Cooling Water Microbistat .3 SPECTRUS BD1504 Bio-dispersant 2.5 DEIONIZATION SYSTEM .1 Provide, as supplied by Biolab Equipment Canada Ltd. (905-844-2062), one only ion exchange train to remove dissolved salts from the influent feed (domestic cold water). The train to include two DI FRP cylinders each complete with 1.2 cubic feet of high quality ion exchange resin (Purolite or equivalent) with a rated capacity of 30,000 grains per cubic foot of cautions in the first cylinder and 24,000 grains of anions in the second cylinder. .2 Provide all required piping and quick disconnect hoses for interconnection between the cylinders. .3 Tanks to be Biolab 300C/WB service exchange cylinders. Additional accessories included: 1. 50,000 ohm conductivity light. 2. Two ¾” true union PVC ball valves for isolation. 3. 10" pre-filter polypropylene housing 4. 10" post filter polypropylene housing 5. Two nominal 5-micron filters. 2.6 FLOW INDICATOR .1 Provide a 20mm (3/4”) Filter-Mate flow indicator on each sidearm filter. Unit to have 304 stainless steel body and be equipped with metric and imperial flow scales. .2 Unit to be rated for 1100 kPa (150 psig) and 100°C (212°F). 2.7 GLYCOL SYSTEMS .1 General .1 Mechanical Contractor to engage services of a Water Treatment Specialist (referred to below as WTS) to conduct water treatment analysis and supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis other treatment is required, provide same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .2 WTS to submit required number of shop drawings. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 5 .3 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 2.8 WTS to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. .4 WTS to make regular callbacks every 3 months to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first year's operation. .5 WTS to guarantee all mechanical equipment supplied will be free of defects for two years from date of start-up. .6 A complete manual to be provided indicating all phases of water conditioning program. Manual to include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. .7 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements... .8 WTS to witness cleaning of all strainers. .9 If any system is to be used for temporary heat, it is to be cleaned as outlined below prior to use for temporary heat and then cleaned again before take-over by the University of Manitoba. During temporary heat period system to be chemically treated under WTS supervision and logs maintained on the chemical balances. Chemicals required during temporary heat period are to be in addition to the quantities listed below. Glycol System Clean Out .1 Each system to be flushed until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. .2 All strainers to be cleaned by the Mechanical Contractor. .3 System to be returned to normal operation and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. .4 System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by WTS. .5 Provide 45.5 litres (10 gallons) of FERROQUEST FQ7103 Pre-operational Cleaner per 4,546 litres (1,000 gallons) of water in system. .6 WTS is to monitor system Ph and add FERROQUEST FQ7102 NEUTRALIZER as required, to bring Ph into the 6.5 - 7.0 range. .7 No chemical treatment is required after the completion of the system cleaning. .8 System to be filled with Brenncor propylene glycol with Corrshield NT 4207 inhibitor. Product to be blended with DI/RO water at Brenntag Canada’s Winnipeg facility. Quality Assurance C of A to be provided with each shipment. Quality and Environmental Management Systems are certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 QMI Certificate #00130. Product contact is Gary Batchelor at Brenntag, Phone 204-233-3416, Email Chemical Feed Equipment for Glycol Systems .1 Provide pot feeder, sidearm filter, ¾" flow indicator and 1 carton of 12, 30 - 30 micron cotton filter cartridges to be installed on each system by the Mechanical Contractor under the supervision of and according to the drawings submitted by WTS. Test Equipment for Glycol Systems .1 Glycol test kit to be provided by glycol supplier, and University of Manitoba is to be instructed on use. Provide a chemical analysis performed by glycol Manufacturer on final installed operating solution. Test to be conducted after 72 hours of operation and results must be forwarded to the Project Coordinator for approval. Refer to 15700 for additional glycol system requirements and information. HOT AND CHILLED WATER SYSTEMS .1 General .1 Mechanical Contractor to engage services of a Water Treatment Specialist (referred to below as Chemical Sub-Contractor or WTS) to conduct water treatment analysis and supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis other treatment is required, provide same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .2 WTS to provide required number of shop drawings. .3 WTS to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 6 .4 .2 .3 .4 .5 WTS to make regular callbacks every 3 months to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first two year's operation. .5 WTS to guarantee all mechanical equipment supplied will be free of defects for one year from date of start-up. .6 A complete manual to be provided indicating all phases of water conditioning program. Manual to include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. .7 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements... .8 WTS to witness cleaning of all strainers. .9 If any system is to be used for temporary heat, it is to be cleaned as outlined below prior to use for temporary heat and then cleaned again before take-over by the University of Manitoba. During temporary heat period system to be chemically treated under WTS supervision and logs maintained on the chemical balances. Chemicals required during temporary heat period are to be in addition to the quantities listed below. Hot And Chilled Water System Clean Out .1 Each system to be flushed until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. .2 All strainers to be cleaned by the Mechanical Contractor. .3 System to be returned to normal operation and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. .4 System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by WTS. .5 Systems to be cleaned out. A permanent system pump may be used to circulate cleaning solution. .6 Balancing valves on pump discharges to be regulated to ensure against operating pumps out of their normal operating range. .7 Cleaner to be introduced and circulated from 48 to 72 hours and removed from system by Contractor by dumping and flushing system. Chemical to be recovered and disposed of in accordance with Provincial regulations. .8 Each system to be flushed until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. .9 System to be returned to normal operation and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. .10 System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by WTS. .11 Provide 45.5 litres (10 gallons) of FERROQUEST FQ7103 Pre-operational Cleaner per 4,546 litres (1,000 gallons) of water in system. .12 WTS is to monitor system Ph and add FERROQUEST FQ7102 NEUTRALIZER as required, to bring Ph into the 6.5 - 7.0 range. Chemical Treatment for Hot and Chilled Water Systems .1 CORRSHIELD MD4102 corrosion inhibitor is to be introduced into the system through the pot feeder and left to circulate. Sufficient corrosion inhibitor is to be added to the system to bring treatment residual into recommended range. Also leave on site 22 litres (5 gallons) of CORRSHIELD MD4102 corrosion inhibitor. Chemical Feed Equipment for Hot and Chilled Water Systems .1 Provide a pot feeder, sidearm filter, ¾" flow indicator and 1 carton of 12, 30 - 30 micron cotton filter cartridges to be installed on each system by the Mechanical Contractor under the supervision of and according to the drawings submitted by WTS. Test Equipment for Hot and Chilled Water Systems .1 Provide a Molybdate test kit and log book for measuring and recording treatment residuals. 2.9 HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS .1 Chemical Treatment .1 Mechanical Contractor to engage services of Water Treatment Supplier (referred to below as WTS) to conduct water treatment analysis and supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis, other treatment is required, provide February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 7 .2 .3 .4 .5 same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .2 WTS to submit required number of shop drawings. .3 WTS to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. .4 WTS to make regular call-backs (every 3 months) to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first two year's operation. .5 WTS to guarantee all mechanical equipment supplied by him to be free of defects for one year from date of start-up. .6 A complete manual to be provided indicating all phases of water conditioning program. Manual to include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. .7 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements. .8 WTS to witness cleaning of all strainers. .9 If any system is to be used for temporary heat, it is to be cleaned as outlined below prior to use for temporary heat and then cleaned again before take-over by the University of Manitoba. During temporary heat period system to be chemically treated under WTS supervision and logs maintained on the chemical balances. Chemicals required during temporary heat period are to be in addition to the quantities listed below. Hot Water Heating System Clean Out .1 Each system to be flushed until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. .2 All strainers to be cleaned by the Mechanical Contractor. .3 System to be returned to normal operation and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. .4 System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by WTS. .5 Systems to be cleaned and flushed. A permanent system pump may be used to circulate cleaning solution. .6 Balancing valves on pump discharges to be regulated to ensure against operating pumps out of their normal operating range. .7 Cleaner to be introduced and circulated from 48 to 72 hours and removed from system by Contractor by dumping and flushing system. Chemicals to be recovered and disposed of in accordance with provincial regulations. .8 Each system to be flushed until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. .9 System to be returned to normal operation and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. .10 System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by WTS. .11 Provide 45.5 litres (10 gallons) of FERROQUEST FQ7103 Pre-operational Cleaner per 4,546 litres (1,000 gallons) of water in system. .12 WTS is to monitor system Ph and add FERROQUEST FQ7102 neutralizer as required, to bring Ph into the 6.5 - 7.0 range. Chemical Treatment for Hot Water Heating Systems .1 CORRSHIELD MD4102 corrosion inhibitor is to be introduced into the system through the pot feeder and left to circulate. Sufficient corrosion inhibitor is to be added to the system to bring treatment residual into recommended range. Also leave on site 20 litres (5 gallons) of CORRSHIELD MD4102 corrosion inhibitor. Chemical Feed Equipment for Hot Water Heating Systems .1 Provide a pot feeder, sidearm filter, sight flow indicator and 1 carton of 12, 30 - 30 micron cotton filter cartridges to be installed on each system by the Mechanical Contractor under the supervision of and according to the drawings submitted by WTS. Test Equipment for Hot Water Heating Systems .1 Provide a Molybdate test kit and log book for measuring and recording treatment residuals. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 8 2.10 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEM .1 Provide all components, installation and manufacturer inspected and commissioned process water treatment system complete in every detail including, but not limited to, the following: .2 Provide a Reverse Osmosis Unit comprising the following: .1 Provide one only single pass reverse osmosis (RO) unit designed to produce 1200 us gpd @ 40ºC (104ºF). .2 The unit to be complete with 5 micron carbon prefilter and inlet/outlet pressure gauges, three (3) 25" chlorine proof spiral wound RO thin film composite membranes mounted in PVC housings. System pressure to be provided by a rotary vane pump. High pressure piping to be PVC. The system to operate at up to 75% recovery with > than 99% organic rejection, and > 95% salt rejection. Membranes to have particle rejection > than 99% and a 200 molecular weight cut-off. Operating pressure to be 150 psi. .3 System to have an automatic controller with the following features: .1 off, run, and wash mode .2 automatic flush mode .3 low feed water pressure safety switch and alarm .4 tank level control .5 motor starter, control breaker (not fuses), motor overload .4 Additional controls and instrumentation to include 3 brass pressure gauges and two flow meters, 316 SS reject flow regulating valve and Delrin inlet solenoid valve. Unit to be equal to Culligan model CP-3000. .5 Services: Plumbing connections to include 3/4" FPT inlet, 3/4" FPT product and 3/4" waste. Electrical 230 VAC, 60 Hz, 3ph. .6 Storage/Distribution: One only 1,000 gallon fibreglass non-food grade storage tank complete with top, seal, level controls and vent filter. Tank to be mounted on a steel frame c/w all necessary bulkhead fittings. 2.11 SAMPLING CONNECTIONS .1 Provide 19mm (3/4") valved sampling connections where instructed by the University of Manitoba in all systems including the following: .1 Chilled water .2 Heating water .3 Boilers .4 Softener Discharge .5 Condensate .6 Feedwater .7 Glycol heating .8 Glycol heat recovery 2.12 SIDE ARM FILTER .1 Provide Filterrite Model LMO B sidearm filter water on each circulation loop. .2 Unit to be provided with cast iron head and carbon steel shell. Unit to be rated for 1200 kPa (175 psig) and 95°C (200°F). .3 Provide new filter at system turnover as well as 12 spare 30 - 30 micron cotton filters. .4 Unit to be provided with 316 stainless steel T-handle cover nut and 14mm (1/16”) brass petcock drain. 2.13 100% MAKE-UP USING PULSATRON PACKAGED CHEMICAL FEED SYSTEM (SMALL SYSTEMS) .1 Steam Boiler Boil Out .1 Chemical Sub-Contractor to supervise the boil out of each steam boiler. .2 All labour to be provided by the Mechanical Contractor who will also arrange for qualified personnel to operate equipment during boil out. .3 Boiler is to be filled to operating level. .4 Boil out compound, OPTISPERSE ADJ0346, shall be introduced into the boiler according to instructions provided on site by the water treatment Consultant, and be heated by firing the boiler to bring pressure up to desired operating pressure. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 9 .7 .5 Throughout boil out period, steam is to be vented in order to re-fire boiler and maintain circulation in the boiler. Labour for a piped vent line to atmosphere to be provided by Mechanical Contractor. Blowdown from all blowdown valves is to be used to remove all grease and oil from boiler. .6 On completion of boil out, boilers to be cooled then flushed, drained and opened (if possible) for inspection. Provide 2 litres of OPTISPERSE ADJ0346 for each 100 litres in the boiler. .8 Mechanical Contractor shall give water treatment Consultant at least one week’s notice prior to start-up so they can be on site. 2.14 100% MAKE-UP USING MILTON ROY PACKAGED CHEMICAL FEED SYSTEM .1 Steam Boiler Boil Out .1 Water Treatment Contractor to supervise the boil out of each steam boiler. .2 All labour to be provided by the Mechanical Contractor who will also arrange for qualified personnel to operate equipment during boil out. .3 Boiler is to be filled to operating level. .4 Boil out compound OPTISPERSE ADJ0346 shall be introduced into the boiler according to instructions provided on site by the water treatment Consultant, and be heated by firing the boiler to bring pressure up to desired operating pressure. .5 Throughout boil out period, steam is to be vented in order to re-fire boiler and maintain circulation in the boiler. Labour for a piped vent line to atmosphere to be provided by Mechanical Contractor. Blowdown from all blowdown valves is to be used to remove all grease and oil from boiler. .6 On completion of boil out, boilers to be cooled then drained and opened for inspection. .7 Provide 2 litres of OPTISPERSE ADJ0346 per 100 litres, in the boiler. .8 Mechanical Contractor shall give water treatment Consultant at least one week’s notice prior to start-up so they can be on site. 2.15 STEAM AND CONDENSATE SYSTEMS .1 General .1 Mechanical Contractor to install a Carlon water meter Model JSJ 075 with impulse contactor on the make-up line between the softener and the boiler feedwater tank and or boiler. .2 The impulse contactor shall send a signal to a Metex MX-222 Dry Contact Input timer, which shall control the chemical feed pump. The chemical feed pump shall also be equipped with a hand-off automatic selector switch. An on-off starter shall be supplied for the agitator motor. .3 Coordinate with Electrical Contractor to wire all motors and switches. .2 Chemical Feed Equipment .1 Provide a package chemical feed system consisting of: .2 205-L polyethylene chemical solution tank complete with steel stand, pump mounting shelf, agitator bracket and lid. .3 A Milton Roy R110 chemical pump complete with foot valve and suction line to be mounted on chemical tank by Mechanical Contractor. Pump motor to be .19 kW single-phase 110V 6Hz. .4 A Neptune agitator, complete with 102 mm four blade stainless steel propeller, 914 mm long x 13 mm diameter stainless steel shaft, motor coupling and .19 kW totally enclosed single phase 110 V 6 Hz motor. .5 Mechanical Contractor to run make-up water line to the chemical tank. Make-up to be from discharge of pre-treatment equipment. .6 The packaged chemical feed system shall be used to pump chemical treatment to the feedwater tank or boiler. .7 A sample cooler is to be installed on the continuous blowdown line on the boiler. .8 Metex MX-222 Dry Contact Timer .9 Carlon Model JSJ075 contact head make-up meter ( ____ USG per contact). .10 On-off -auto Selector Switch .3 Chemical Treatment February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 10 .1 .4 .5 2.16 Provide the following: .1 1 - 205 L drum CORTROL IS1050 Oxygen Scavenger. .2 1 - 205 L drum OPTISPERSE PQ4263 Sludge Conditioner Test Kits .1 1 - Code 6214 Low Total Hardness Test Kit .2 1 - Code 6398 Alkalinity Test Kit .3 1 - Code 6402 Sulphite Test Kit Start-up and Training .1 Chemical Sub-Contractor to supervise the start-up of the chemical feed system and provide operating personnel with both written and verbal instruction on equipment operation and treatment and testing procedures and report the call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba. STEAM BOILER HEATING PLANTS .1 General: .1 Mechanical Contractor to engage services of a Water Treatment specialist (referred to below as Chemical Sub-Contractor or WTS) to conduct water treatment analysis and supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis other treatment is required, provide same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .2 WTS to submit required number of shop drawings. .3 WTS to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. .4 WTS to make regular callbacks every 3 months to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first year's operation. .5 WTS to guarantee all mechanical equipment provided by him to be free of defects for one year from date of start-up. .6 A complete manual to be provided indicating all phases of water conditioning program. Manual to include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. .7 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements. .2 Steam Boiler Boil Out .1 WTS to supervise the boil out of each steam boiler. .2 All labour to be provided by the Mechanical Contractor who will also arrange for qualified personnel to operate equipment during boil out. .3 Boiler is to be filled to operating level with zero soft water from pre-treatment equipment supplied by others. .4 Boil out compound, OPTISPERSE ADJ0346, shall be introduced into the boiler according to instructions provided on site by the water treatment Consultant, and be heated by firing the boiler to bring pressure up to desired operating pressure. .5 Throughout boil out period, steam is to be vented in order to re-fire boiler and maintain circulation in the boiler. Blowdown from all blowdown valves is to be used to remove all grease and oil from boiler. Steam vent piping to be supplied and installed by Mechanical Contractor. .6 On completion of boil out, boilers to be cooled, drained, opened, washed down and inspected. .7 Provide 2 litres of OPTISPERSE ADJ0346 per 100 litres, in the boiler. .8 Mechanical Contractor shall give water treatment Consultant at least one week’s notice prior to start-up so they can be on site. .3 Boiler Feedwater Pre-treatment Equipment .1 The softeners and dealkalizers are to be supplied by the Mechanical Contractor. .4 Boiler Feedwater Treatment .1 Provide a package chemical feed system consisting of a 45 gal poly (205 L) tank c/w steel stand hinged lid, pump shelf and agitator bracket. .2 A Milton Roy R110A chemical pump c/w foot valve and suction pipe. Pump motor shall be 0.25 kW totally enclosed single phase 110V 60 Hz. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 11 .3 .5 .6 .7 .8 A Neptune agitator, tank mounted c/w 102 mm four blade stainless steel propeller 914 mm x 13 mm diameter stainless steel shaft motor coupling and motor 0.19 kW totally enclosed single phase 110V 60 Hz. .4 Chemical feed system to be used to pump oxygen scavenger and sludge conditioner to the storage section of the deaerator or boiler feedwater tank. Boiler Water Treatment .1 Provide a package chemical feed system for each boiler consisting of a 45 gal poly (205 L) tank c/w steel stand hinged lid, pump shelf and agitator bracket. .2 A Milton Roy R110A chemical pump c/w foot valve and suction pipe. Pump motor shall be 0.25 kW totally enclosed single phase 110V 60 Hz. .3 A Neptune agitator, tank mounted c/w 102 mm four blade stainless steel propeller 914 mm x 13 mm diameter stainless steel shaft motor coupling and motor 0.19 kW totally enclosed single phase 110V 60 Hz. .4 A chemical feed system is to be used to pump caustic and amine directly to each boiler. .5 Mechanical Contractor to run a make-up water line to each chemical tank. Make-up to be from discharge of pre-treatment equipment. .6 A sample cooler is to be installed on the continuous blowdown line of each boiler, the boiler feedwater, and condensate line. Chemical Treatment .1 Provide the following for a period of one year CORTROL IS1050 OPTISPERSE PQ4263 OPTISPERSE ADJ5017 STEAMATE NA5640 Test Equipment .1 Provide: .1 Code 6486 conductivity meter .2 Code 6549, P, M, SO3 and TH test kit .3 Code 6392 PO4 test kit Start Up and Training .1 .2 2.17 WTS to supervise the start up of the chemical feed systems and provide operating personnel with both written and verbal instruction on equipment operation and treatment and testing procedures. Report the call in writing to the Mechanical Contractor, Consultant, and University of Manitoba. SPACE HEATING SPACE HEATING STEAM BOILERS .1 General: .1 Mechanical Contractor to engage services of a Water Treatment Contractor (referred to below as WTS) to conduct water treatment analysis and supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis other treatment is required, provide same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .2 WTS to submit required number of shop drawings. .3 WTS to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. .4 WTS to make regular callbacks every 3 months to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first year's operation. .5 WTS to guarantee all mechanical equipment provided by him to be free of defects for one year from date of start-up. .6 A complete manual to be provided indicating all phases of water conditioning program. Manual to include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. .7 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements. .2 Steam Boiler boil Out .1 WTS to supervise the boil out of each steam boiler. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 12 .2 .3 .4 .5 2.18 All labour to be provided by the Mechanical Contractor who will also arrange for qualified personnel to operate equipment during boil out. .3 Boiler is to be filled to operating level with zero soft water from pre-treatment equipment supplied by others. .4 Boil out compound, OPTISPERSE ADJ0346, shall be introduced into the boiler according to instructions provided on site by the water treatment Consultant, and be heated by firing the boiler to bring pressure up to desired operating pressure. .5 Throughout boil out period, steam is to be vented in order to re-fire boiler and maintain circulation in the boiler. Blowdown from all blowdown valves is to be used to remove all grease and oil from boiler. Steam vent piping to be supplied and installed by Mechanical Contractor. .6 On completion of boil out, boilers to be cooled, drained, opened, washed down and inspected. .7 Provide 2 litres of OPTISPERSE ADJ0346, per 100 litres in the boiler. .8 Mechanical Contractor shall give water treatment Consultant at least one week’s notice prior to start-up so they can be on site. Chemical Feed Equipment .1 A pot feeder is to be provided and installed on each boiler feedwater line by the Mechanical Contractor. .2 A chemical addition funnel consisting of ¾" nipple, ¾" valve, ¾" nipple and ¾" x 2" reducing coupling are to be provided and installed by the Mechanical Contractor on the feedwater tank. Chemical Treatment .1 Provide the following: .1 120 kg OPTIGUARD MCM4282 Boiler Water Treatment .2 1 - Code 6213 Test Kit Start-up and Training .1 WTS to supervise the start-up of the chemical feed system and provide operating personnel with both written and verbal instruction on equipment operation and treatment and testing procedures and report the call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba. STEAM PLANT UNDER 200 HP AND LESS THAN 15% MAKE-UP CHEMICAL TREATMENT .1 General: .1 Mechanical Contractor to engage services of a Water Treatment Specialist (referred to below as WTS) to conduct water treatment analysis and supervise installation of equipment and initial start-up of treatment procedures. If, from analysis other treatment is required, provide same but submit proposed treatment to Consultant for approval prior to start-up of any system. .2 WTS to submit required number of shop drawings. .3 WTS to provide training in use of test equipment, establish treatment ranges, and provide log sheets with training in their use. .4 WTS to make regular callbacks every 3 months to check on procedures being followed and report each call in writing to Consultant, Contractor and University of Manitoba during first year's operation. .5 WTS to guarantee all mechanical equipment provided will be free of defects for one year from date of start-up. .6 A complete manual to be provided indicating all phases of water conditioning program. Manual to include detailed schematic drawings showing all special fittings, timers, controllers, etc. for each system. .7 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements. .2 Steam Boiler Boil Out .1 WTS to supervise the boil out of each steam boiler. .2 All labour to be provided by the Mechanical Contractor who will also arrange for qualified personnel to operate equipment during boil out. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 13 .3 .3 .4 Boil out compound OPTISPERSE ADJ0346 shall be introduced into the boiler according to instructions provided on site by the water treatment Consultant, and be heated by firing the boiler to bring pressure up to desired operating pressure. .4 Throughout boil out period, steam is to be vented in order to re-fire boiler and maintain circulation in the boiler. Labour for a piped vent line to atmosphere to be provided by Mechanical Contractor. Blowdown from all blowdown valves is to be used to remove all grease and oil from boiler. .5 On completion of boil out, boilers to be cooled, drained, opened, washed down and inspected. .6 Provide 2 litres of OPTISPERSE ADJ0346 per 100 litres in the boiler. .7 Mechanical Contractor shall give water treatment Consultant at least one week’s notice prior to start-up so they can be on site. Boiler Feedwater Pre-treatment Equipment .1 Provide a packaged chemical feed system consisting of: .1 205-L polyethylene chemical solution tank complete with steel stand, pump mounting shelf, agitator bracket and hinged lid. .2 A Milton Roy R110 chemical pump complete with foot valve and suction line to be mounted on chemical tank by Mechanical Contractor. Pump motor to be 190 watt (1/4 hp) single phase 110V 6Hz. .3 A Neptune agitator, complete with 102 mm four blade stainless steel propeller, 914 mm long x 13 mm diameter stainless steel shaft, motor coupling and 190 watt (1/4 hp) totally enclosed single-phase 110 V 6Hz motor. .2 Mechanical Contractor to run make-up water line to the chemical tank. Make-up to be from discharge of pre-treatment equipment. .3 The packaged chemical feed system shall be used to pump chemical treatment to the feedwater tank or boiler. .4 A sample cooler is to be installed on the continuous blowdown line on each boiler. Start-up and Training .1 WTS to supervise the start-up of the chemical feed system and provide operating personnel with both written and verbal instruction on equipment operation and treatment and testing procedures and report the call in writing to Consultant, Contractor, and University of Manitoba. 2.19 WATER SOFTENING SYSTEM .1 Provide, in location and as detailed on the drawings, a water softening system complete with brine and softener tanks, by-pass and drain valves, regenerating controls and resin for a complete and working installation as follows: .1 Duplex system consisting of [two 600mm (24")] diameter x [1680mm (66")] high steel tanks rated at 860 kPa (120 psi) working pressure, 2240 kPa (325 psi) burst pressure with fused-on polyethylene lining and 10 year unconditional warranty. .2 Resin and Support: Each tank; [0.285 m (1 ft)] of FMI resin and gravel support bed. .3 Brining System: [600mm (24")] diameter x [1200mm (48")] high extra heavy polyethylene tank with cover. .4 Capacity: Each softener; [300,000] grains per tank using [68 KG (150 lbs.)] of salt per regeneration. Softened Water Flow Rate: [7.57 l/s (120 USGPM)]. .5 Control: Automatic meter type, 12 volt, set to initiate regeneration after passage of [37,854 l (10,000 USGAL)], sequentially for each tank with overload lock-out. .6 Specified Manufacturer: Water Refining Company Limited Model DIH 30WTSC-2-T. .7 Acceptable Alternative: Culligan. .2 Provide sufficient salt for 6 months operation. 2.20 WATER TREATMENT .1 Provide a water conditioning system to control corrosion, scaling, algae and bacteria in chilled, condenser, heating, glycol, and heat pump piping systems. .2 Provide thermofluid to prevent freeze-up of piping circuits. .3 Provide a water conditioning program complete with all required chemicals for a period of one year commencing with the start-up of the equipment and systems. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req. # CHEMICAL TREATMENT Section 15200 Page 14 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 Provide welding sockets where required or shown on the drawings and all piping to equipment required for water treatment such as pumps, chemical storage tanks, and include all necessary piping, valves and accessories and control wiring. Provide pot feeders on all closed piping systems for administration of chemical treatment. Use only chemicals and methods complying with local health codes that do not have a detrimental effect on non-metallic materials such as rubber, neoprene and plastic used in the piping systems. Provide nitrite/borate type inhibitors. Provide suitable corrosion test coupons installed in appropriate piping arrangements for each treated closed loop system representing the metals in the circuit. Control corrosion rates in steel piping at maximum depth of pitting of 0.127mm (0.005") of penetration per year and a maximum corrosion rate for copper tubing of 0.025mm (0.001") per year. Provide a low-flow micron sidearm pipeline filter assembly and flow indicator on the leaving side of each pot feeder. Provide a system of automatic blow-down and injection of chemicals for treatment of the condenser water circuit through a system of measuring water consumption with a contact meter to initiate an interval timer with adjustable on-off cycle time periods to control purging and chemical injection in sequence with chemical feeding by means of a diaphragm pump connected to a 170 l (45 gal.) polyethylene mixing tank. For algae control, provide a pot feeder located within the equipment room on the condenser water circuit. Do not use chemical treatment containing tin or tin compounds in any cooling tower or any other evaporative process circuits. All cleaning and flushing shall be carried out at a minimum flow rate of 80% of design. Pump on each system may be used to circulate cleaning solution. Balancing valves on pump discharges to be regulated to ensure against operating pumps out of their normal operating range. Flush each system until conductivity of water in system is back to conductivity of make-up water. If gland packed or mechanical seal pumps of permanent system are used during cleaning period, replace packing and mechanical seals with new material. All strainers to be cleaned. System to be refilled and required amount of chemical treatment added to provide immediate protection against corrosion. Supplier to conduct conductivity tests before, during, and after cleaning each system, and report procedures followed and conductivity readings to Consultant and Contractor in writing. System not to be used until cleaning procedure has been carried out and supervised by Supplier. For the sprayed coil system, provide a system of automatic purging and chemical feed through a diaphragm pump and 170 l (45 Imp. gal.) polyethylene mixing tank complete with contact meter, controls etc. to function the same as that specified for the condenser water circuit. Test equipment: Provide one metal test cabinet to hold all test apparatus. Provide all required chemicals, comparator, titration equipment and test tubes to provide a complete testing facility for the systems treated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 WATER TREATMENT .1 Install test equipment cabinet as directed by the Consultant or as shown on the drawings. .2 Install electrostatic conditioning equipment, wiring and accessories in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. .3 Thoroughly flush and clean all water circulating systems and clean strainer baskets as often as necessary to ensure that scale, metal particles, etc. have been completely removed. .4 As directed by the University of Manitoba's chemical treatment supplier, refill all systems and inject degreasants and circulate at temperatures and for periods as required to ensure that the systems are thoroughly cleaned. Flush systems and refill in preparation for administration of chemical treatment. 3.02 THERMOFLUID SYSTEM .1 Locate thermofluid storage feed pump system in the mechanical room with ground loop pumps. .2 Fill the entire heat pump piping system (inside pipe loops, storage tanks, equipment, expansion tanks, and outside ground loops) with thermofluid. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba CHEMICAL TREATMENT Req. # Section 15200 Page 15 3.03 MONITORING AND INSTRUCTIONS .1 Advise Subtrades where drains and fill points are required in the piping systems to facilitate proper drainage and fill/injection of fluids. .2 Carefully monitor the condition of all systems from initial fill to the point at which the systems are considered under stable operating conditions. .3 Provide oral and written instructions to operating personnel for the maintenance and control of the water conditioning program. .4 Submit a written report of system start-up showing water analysis and corrosion check test as part of documentation at the completion of the work. .5 For the first two years of operation provide service calls once every thirty days and provide written reports to operating personnel showing details of each service call. 3.04 WATER SOFTENING .1 Install tanks to provide easy access for servicing and adding salt. .2 Provide piping arrangements, drains, valves, unions and fittings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .3 Have manufacturer's representative start-up and commission the system and certify in writing that the system is installed and operates in accordance with manufacturer's requirements. 3.05 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEM .1 Install equipment to Manufacturer's instructions and under the direction of the Manufacturer's representative. .2 Manufacturer's representative to provide all required training as specified in Section 15010. Training to be of sufficient duration to ensure that University of Manitoba's staff understands all operating procedures and maintenance requirements. This is to be confirmed in the report referred to above. .3 Refer to Section 01810 for additional documentation details and requirements. 3.06 DEIONIZATION .1 Provide a _”” domestic cold water line to the DI equipment. Make all required connections and provide all required quick disconnect hoses as required by the supplier. .2 Make all required connections to the downstream supply side of the system to the humidification equipment. END OF SECTION 15200 February 27, 2015